blob: bc4714583db9397626cf5a4372f157fca2b0f194 [file] [log] [blame]
# Auto-generated by lucicfg.
# Do not modify manually.
# For the schema of this file, see BuildbucketCfg message:
buckets {
name: ""
swarming {
builders {
name: "examples-bazel-linux"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
exe {
cipd_package: "pigweed/infra/recipe_bundles/"
cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "bazel_options": {'
' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "default"'
' ]'
' },'
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "eligible_workspace_paths": ['
' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
caches {
name: "bazel"
path: "bazel"
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / examples-bazel-linux</li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-bazel-linux</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-bazel-linux</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-bazel-linux</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "examples-default-build-linux"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
exe {
cipd_package: "pigweed/infra/recipe_bundles/"
cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / examples-default-build-linux</li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-default-build-linux</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-linux</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-linux</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "examples-default-build-linux-clangnext"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
exe {
cipd_package: "pigweed/infra/recipe_bundles/"
cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "additional_cipd_files": ['
' "$PW_ROOT/pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/clang_next.json"'
' ],'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "override_gn_arg": ['
' "pw_toolchain_CLANG_PREFIX=\\"//environment/cipd/packages/clang_next/bin/\\""'
' ],'
' "step": ['
' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / examples-default-build-linux-clangnext</li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-default-build-linux-clangnext</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "examples-default-build-mac-arm"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "cpu:arm64"
dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: ""
exe {
cipd_package: "pigweed/infra/recipe_bundles/"
cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 43200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
wait_for_warm_cache_secs: 120
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
resultdb {
enable: true
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / examples-default-build-mac-arm</li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-default-build-mac-arm</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-mac-arm</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-mac-arm</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "examples-default-build-mac-x86"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: ""
exe {
cipd_package: "pigweed/infra/recipe_bundles/"
cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
wait_for_warm_cache_secs: 120
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / examples-default-build-mac-x86</li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-default-build-mac-x86</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-mac-x86</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-mac-x86</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "examples-default-build-windows"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: ""
exe {
cipd_package: "pigweed/infra/recipe_bundles/"
cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 43200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
resultdb {
enable: true
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / examples-default-build-windows</li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-default-build-windows</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-windows</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-windows</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "examples-envtest-linux"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
exe {
cipd_package: "pigweed/infra/recipe_bundles/"
cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / examples-envtest-linux</li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-envtest-linux</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-envtest-linux</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-envtest-linux</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "examples-envtest-mac"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: ""
exe {
cipd_package: "pigweed/infra/recipe_bundles/"
cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
wait_for_warm_cache_secs: 120
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / examples-envtest-mac</li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-envtest-mac</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-envtest-mac</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-envtest-mac</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "examples-envtest-windows"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: ""
exe {
cipd_package: "pigweed/infra/recipe_bundles/"
cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / examples-envtest-windows</li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-envtest-windows</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-envtest-windows</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-envtest-windows</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "examples-lintformat-full"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 1620
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / examples-lintformat-full</li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-lintformat</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-lintformat-full</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-lintformat-full</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-lintformat</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-lintformat-full</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
buckets {
name: ""
swarming {
builders {
name: "examples-bazel-linux"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
exe {
cipd_package: "pigweed/infra/recipe_bundles/"
cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "bazel_options": {'
' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "default"'
' ]'
' },'
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "eligible_workspace_paths": ['
' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 28800
caches {
name: "bazel"
path: "bazel"
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-bazel-linux</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-bazel-linux</a></li> <li> / examples-bazel-linux</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-bazel-linux</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "examples-default-build-linux"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
exe {
cipd_package: "pigweed/infra/recipe_bundles/"
cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 28800
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-linux</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-default-build-linux</a></li> <li> / examples-default-build-linux</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-linux</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "examples-default-build-mac-arm"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "cpu:arm64"
dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: ""
exe {
cipd_package: "pigweed/infra/recipe_bundles/"
cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 28800
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
wait_for_warm_cache_secs: 120
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-mac-arm</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-default-build-mac-arm</a></li> <li> / examples-default-build-mac-arm</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-mac-arm</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "examples-default-build-mac-x86"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: ""
exe {
cipd_package: "pigweed/infra/recipe_bundles/"
cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 28800
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
wait_for_warm_cache_secs: 120
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-mac-x86</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-default-build-mac-x86</a></li> <li> / examples-default-build-mac-x86</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-mac-x86</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "examples-default-build-windows"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: ""
exe {
cipd_package: "pigweed/infra/recipe_bundles/"
cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 28800
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-windows</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-default-build-windows</a></li> <li> / examples-default-build-windows</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-windows</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "examples-envtest-linux"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
exe {
cipd_package: "pigweed/infra/recipe_bundles/"
cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 28800
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-envtest-linux</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-envtest-linux</a></li> <li> / examples-envtest-linux</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-envtest-linux</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "examples-envtest-mac"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: ""
exe {
cipd_package: "pigweed/infra/recipe_bundles/"
cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 28800
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
wait_for_warm_cache_secs: 120
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-envtest-mac</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-envtest-mac</a></li> <li> / examples-envtest-mac</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-envtest-mac</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "examples-envtest-windows"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: ""
exe {
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cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 28800
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-envtest-windows</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-envtest-windows</a></li> <li> / examples-envtest-windows</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-envtest-windows</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "examples-lintformat-full"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 1620
expiration_secs: 28800
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-lintformat-full</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-lintformat</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-lintformat-full</a></li> <li> / examples-lintformat-full</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-lintformat</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-lintformat-full</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
buckets {
name: ""
swarming {
builders {
name: "examples-bazel-linux"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "bazel_options": {'
' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "default"'
' ]'
' },'
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "eligible_workspace_paths": ['
' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 28800
caches {
name: "bazel"
path: "bazel"
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-bazel-linux</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-bazel-linux</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-bazel-linux</a></li> <li> / examples-bazel-linux</li> </ul>"
shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: ""
dimensions: ""
builders {
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dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 28800
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-linux</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-default-build-linux</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-linux</a></li> <li> / examples-default-build-linux</li> </ul>"
shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: ""
dimensions: ""
builders {
name: "examples-default-build-mac-arm"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "cpu:arm64"
dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: ""
exe {
cipd_package: "pigweed/infra/recipe_bundles/"
cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 28800
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
wait_for_warm_cache_secs: 120
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-mac-arm</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-default-build-mac-arm</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-mac-arm</a></li> <li> / examples-default-build-mac-arm</li> </ul>"
shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: ""
dimensions: ""
builders {
name: "examples-default-build-mac-x86"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: ""
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 28800
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
wait_for_warm_cache_secs: 120
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-mac-x86</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-default-build-mac-x86</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-mac-x86</a></li> <li> / examples-default-build-mac-x86</li> </ul>"
shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: ""
dimensions: ""
builders {
name: "examples-default-build-windows"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: ""
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 28800
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-windows</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-default-build-windows</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-windows</a></li> <li> / examples-default-build-windows</li> </ul>"
shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: ""
dimensions: ""
builders {
name: "examples-envtest-linux"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 28800
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-envtest-linux</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-envtest-linux</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-envtest-linux</a></li> <li> / examples-envtest-linux</li> </ul>"
shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: ""
dimensions: ""
builders {
name: "examples-envtest-mac"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: ""
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 28800
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
wait_for_warm_cache_secs: 120
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-envtest-mac</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-envtest-mac</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-envtest-mac</a></li> <li> / examples-envtest-mac</li> </ul>"
shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: ""
dimensions: ""
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name: "examples-envtest-windows"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: ""
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
priority: 50
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expiration_secs: 28800
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service_account: ""
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shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: ""
dimensions: ""
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name: "examples-lintformat"
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dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": false,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "only_on_changed_files": true,'
' "program": ['
' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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expiration_secs: 28800
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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service_account: ""
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pool: ""
dimensions: ""
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "ci_builder_exists": false,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "doc_patterns": null,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "forbid_requires": false,'
' "ignored_accounts": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ],'
' "readability": [],'
' "recipe": "static_checks",'
' "require_tested": false'
priority: 50
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expiration_secs: 28800
caches {
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service_account: ""
experimental: YES
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / static-checks-examples</a></li> <li> / static-checks-examples</li> </ul>"
shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: ""
dimensions: ""
shadow: ""
buckets {
name: ""
constraints {
pools: ""
service_accounts: ""
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name: "examples.roll"
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dimensions: "os:Debian"
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "always_cc": false,'
' "auto_roller_options": {'
' "add_gitwatcher_ignore": true,'
' "bot_commit": true,'
' "dry_run": false,'
' "force_submit": false,'
' "labels_to_set": null,'
' "labels_to_wait_on": [],'
' "permit_recommended": false,'
' "remote": "",'
' "upstream_ref": "main"'
' },'
' "cc_authors_on_rolls": true,'
' "cc_domains": ['
' ""'
' ],'
' "cc_reviewers_on_rolls": false,'
' "checkout_options": {'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": false,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": false,'
' "forge_author": true,'
' "recipe": "roller",'
' "submodules": ['
' {'
' "branch": null,'
' "name": "third_party/pigweed",'
' "path": "third_party/pigweed",'
' "timeout_sec": null'
' }'
' ]'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 5520
caches {
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path: "builder"
service_account: ""
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li>examples.roll / pigweed-examples-roller</li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.roll / pigweed-examples-roller-dryrun</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "pigweed-examples-roller-dryrun"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "3600:cores:1|2|4"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.roll"
exe {
cipd_package: "pigweed/infra/recipe_bundles/"
cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "always_cc": false,'
' "auto_roller_options": {'
' "add_gitwatcher_ignore": true,'
' "bot_commit": true,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "force_submit": false,'
' "labels_to_set": null,'
' "labels_to_wait_on": [],'
' "permit_recommended": false,'
' "remote": "",'
' "upstream_ref": "main"'
' },'
' "cc_authors_on_rolls": true,'
' "cc_domains": ['
' ""'
' ],'
' "cc_reviewers_on_rolls": false,'
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": false,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": true,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "forge_author": true,'
' "recipe": "roller",'
' "submodules": ['
' {'
' "branch": null,'
' "name": "third_party/pigweed",'
' "path": "third_party/pigweed",'
' "timeout_sec": null'
' }'
' ]'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 5520
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\">examples.roll / pigweed-examples-roller</a></li> <li>examples.roll / pigweed-examples-roller-dryrun</li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
shadow: "examples.roll.shadow"
buckets {
name: "examples.roll.shadow"
constraints {
pools: "luci.pigweed.try"
service_accounts: ""
dynamic_builder_template {}
buckets {
name: "examples.try"
swarming {
builders {
name: "examples-bazel-linux"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
exe {
cipd_package: "pigweed/infra/recipe_bundles/"
cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "bazel_options": {'
' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "default"'
' ]'
' },'
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "eligible_workspace_paths": ['
' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "bazel"
path: "bazel"
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-bazel-linux</a></li> <li>examples.try / examples-bazel-linux</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-bazel-linux</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-bazel-linux</a></li> </ul>"
shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "examples-default-build-linux"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-linux</a></li> <li>examples.try / examples-default-build-linux</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-linux</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-linux</a></li> </ul>"
shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "examples-default-build-linux-clangnext"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
exe {
cipd_package: "pigweed/infra/recipe_bundles/"
cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "additional_cipd_files": ['
' "$PW_ROOT/pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/clang_next.json"'
' ],'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "override_gn_arg": ['
' "pw_toolchain_CLANG_PREFIX=\\"//environment/cipd/packages/clang_next/bin/\\""'
' ],'
' "step": ['
' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
resultdb {
enable: true
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-linux-clangnext</a></li> <li>examples.try / examples-default-build-linux-clangnext</li> </ul>"
shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "examples-default-build-mac-arm"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "cpu:arm64"
dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
exe {
cipd_package: "pigweed/infra/recipe_bundles/"
cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
wait_for_warm_cache_secs: 120
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
resultdb {
enable: true
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-mac-arm</a></li> <li>examples.try / examples-default-build-mac-arm</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-mac-arm</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-mac-arm</a></li> </ul>"
shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "examples-default-build-mac-x86"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
wait_for_warm_cache_secs: 120
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-mac-x86</a></li> <li>examples.try / examples-default-build-mac-x86</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-mac-x86</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-mac-x86</a></li> </ul>"
shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "examples-default-build-windows"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
resultdb {
enable: true
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-windows</a></li> <li>examples.try / examples-default-build-windows</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-windows</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-default-build-windows</a></li> </ul>"
shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "examples-envtest-linux"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-envtest-linux</a></li> <li>examples.try / examples-envtest-linux</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-envtest-linux</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-envtest-linux</a></li> </ul>"
shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "examples-envtest-mac"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
wait_for_warm_cache_secs: 120
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-envtest-mac</a></li> <li>examples.try / examples-envtest-mac</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-envtest-mac</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-envtest-mac</a></li> </ul>"
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "examples-envtest-windows"
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dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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cmd: "luciexe"
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' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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enable: true
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shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "examples-lintformat"
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dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": false,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "only_on_changed_files": true,'
' "program": ['
' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 1620
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-lintformat-full</a></li> <li>examples.try / examples-lintformat</li> <li><a href=\"\">examples.try / examples-lintformat-full</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-lintformat-full</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-lintformat</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / examples-lintformat-full</a></li> </ul>"
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "examples-lintformat-full"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 1620
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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service_account: ""
pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "static-checks-examples"
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dimensions: "60:cores:2"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "ci_builder_exists": false,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "doc_patterns": null,'
' "forbid_requires": false,'
' "ignored_accounts": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ],'
' "readability": [],'
' "recipe": "static_checks",'
' "require_tested": false'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 420
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li>examples.try / static-checks-examples</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / static-checks-examples</a></li> </ul>"
shadow_builder_adjustments {
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pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
shadow: "examples.try.shadow"
buckets {
name: "examples.try.shadow"
constraints {
pools: "luci.pigweed.try"
service_accounts: ""
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buckets {
name: ""
swarming {
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name: "experimental-envtest"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 43200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
resultdb {
enable: true
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / experimental-envtest</li> <li><a href=\"\">experimental.try / experimental-envtest</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / experimental-envtest</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / experimental-envtest</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "ci_cq"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
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builders {
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "additional_cipd_files": ['
' "$PW_ROOT/pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/clang_next.json"'
' ],'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "override_gn_arg": ['
' "pw_toolchain_CLANG_PREFIX=\\"//environment/cipd/packages/clang_next/bin/\\""'
' ],'
' "program": ['
' "ci_cq"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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enable: true
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builders {
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dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
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caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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enable: true
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buckets {
name: ""
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
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caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
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dimensions: ""
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' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "ci_cq"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
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builders {
name: "experimental-lintformat-full"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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buckets {
name: ""
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "ci_cq"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
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dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "checkout_options": {'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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pool: ""
dimensions: ""
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dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "doc_patterns": null,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "forbid_requires": false,'
' "ignored_accounts": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ],'
' "readability": [],'
' "recipe": "static_checks",'
' "require_tested": false'
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experimental: YES
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shadow_builder_adjustments {
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pool: ""
dimensions: ""
shadow: ""
buckets {
name: ""
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "always_cc": false,'
' "auto_roller_options": {'
' "add_gitwatcher_ignore": true,'
' "bot_commit": true,'
' "dry_run": false,'
' "force_submit": false,'
' "labels_to_set": null,'
' "labels_to_wait_on": [],'
' "permit_recommended": false,'
' "remote": "",'
' "upstream_ref": "main"'
' },'
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' ""'
' ],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "destination_path": ".bazelversion",'
' "remote": "",'
' "source_path": ".bazelversion"'
' }'
' ],'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": false,'
' "forge_author": true,'
' "recipe": "roller",'
' "submodules": ['
' {'
' "branch": null,'
' "name": "third_party/pigweed",'
' "path": "third_party/pigweed",'
' "timeout_sec": null'
' }'
' ]'
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shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "auto_roller_options": {'
' "add_gitwatcher_ignore": true,'
' "bot_commit": true,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "force_submit": false,'
' "labels_to_set": null,'
' "labels_to_wait_on": [],'
' "permit_recommended": false,'
' "remote": "",'
' "upstream_ref": "main"'
' },'
' "cc_authors_on_rolls": true,'
' "cc_domains": ['
' ""'
' ],'
' "cc_reviewers_on_rolls": false,'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": false,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "copy_entries": ['
' {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "destination_path": ".bazelversion",'
' "remote": "",'
' "source_path": ".bazelversion"'
' }'
' ],'
' "do_not_rerun": true,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "forge_author": true,'
' "recipe": "roller",'
' "submodules": ['
' {'
' "branch": null,'
' "name": "third_party/pigweed",'
' "path": "third_party/pigweed",'
' "timeout_sec": null'
' }'
' ]'
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shadow: "experimental.roll.shadow"
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' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
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path: "builder"
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' ],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "ci_cq"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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name: "builder"
path: "builder"
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' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "additional_cipd_files": ['
' "$PW_ROOT/pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/clang_next.json"'
' ],'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "override_gn_arg": ['
' "pw_toolchain_CLANG_PREFIX=\\"//environment/cipd/packages/clang_next/bin/\\""'
' ],'
' "program": ['
' "ci_cq"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "only_on_changed_files": true,'
' "program": ['
' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "doc_patterns": null,'
' "forbid_requires": false,'
' "ignored_accounts": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ],'
' "readability": [],'
' "recipe": "static_checks",'
' "require_tested": false'
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shadow: "experimental.try.shadow"
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name: "experimental.try.shadow"
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name: ""
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
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dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "ci_cq"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "additional_cipd_files": ['
' "$PW_ROOT/pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/clang_next.json"'
' ],'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "override_gn_arg": ['
' "pw_toolchain_CLANG_PREFIX=\\"//environment/cipd/packages/clang_next/bin/\\""'
' ],'
' "program": ['
' "ci_cq"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
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' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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buckets {
name: ""
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
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dimensions: ""
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' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "ci_cq"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
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dimensions: ""
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "ci_cq"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "dry_run": true,'
' "forbid_requires": false,'
' "ignored_accounts": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ],'
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' "recipe": "static_checks",'
' "require_tested": false'
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experimental: YES
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' "dry_run": false,'
' "force_submit": false,'
' "labels_to_set": null,'
' "labels_to_wait_on": [],'
' "permit_recommended": false,'
' "remote": "",'
' "upstream_ref": "main"'
' },'
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' "cc_domains": ['
' ""'
' ],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' {'
' "branch": null,'
' "name": "third_party/pigweed",'
' "path": "third_party/pigweed",'
' "timeout_sec": null'
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' ]'
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' "labels_to_wait_on": [],'
' "permit_recommended": false,'
' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "timeout_sec": null'
' }'
' ]'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "ci_cq"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
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' },'
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' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "additional_cipd_files": ['
' "$PW_ROOT/pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/clang_next.json"'
' ],'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "override_gn_arg": ['
' "pw_toolchain_CLANG_PREFIX=\\"//environment/cipd/packages/clang_next/bin/\\""'
' ],'
' "program": ['
' "ci_cq"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "",'
' ""'
' ],'
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' "require_tested": false'
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name: ""
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name: ""
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name: ""
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name: ""
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name: ""
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "gerrit_auto_submit_options": {'
' "host_configs": ['
' {'
' "auto_submit_label": "Pigweed-Auto-Submit",'
' "gerrit_host": "",'
' "tree_status_host": null'
' }'
' ],'
' "repeat_duration_seconds": 3600'
' },'
' "recipe": "gerrit_auto_submit"'
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dimensions: ""
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' "dry_run": true,'
' "excluded_buckets": [],'
' "included_buckets": [],'
' "recipe": "bug_filer"'
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' "dry_run": true,'
' "recipe": "dev_status"'
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' "dry_run": false,'
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' ""'
' ],'
' "ignore_triggered_only_builders": false,'
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' "*.ci",'
' "ci"'
' ],'
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dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "dry_run": false,'
' "excluded_buckets": [],'
' "ignore_triggered_only_builders": true,'
' "included_buckets": ['
' "*.roll",'
' "roll"'
' ],'
' "num_builds": 4,'
' "recipe": "rerunner"'
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
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dimensions: ""
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' "blob:none"'
' ],'
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' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
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' "blob:none"'
' ],'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "ci_cq"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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builders {
name: "kudzu-full-clangnext"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "additional_cipd_files": ['
' "$PW_ROOT/pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/clang_next.json"'
' ],'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "override_gn_arg": ['
' "pw_toolchain_CLANG_PREFIX=\\"//environment/cipd/packages/clang_next/bin/\\""'
' ],'
' "program": ['
' "ci_cq"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
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builders {
name: "kudzu-lintformat-full"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 1620
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
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buckets {
name: ""
swarming {
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
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' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
priority: 50
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expiration_secs: 28800
caches {
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path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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builders {
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
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dimensions: ""
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' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "ci_cq"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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builders {
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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buckets {
name: ""
swarming {
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name: "kudzu-envtest"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
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' "remote": "",'
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' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
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' },'
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' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "ci_cq"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
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' },'
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' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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dimensions: ""
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "filters": ['
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' ],'
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' },'
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' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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pool: ""
dimensions: ""
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
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' "doc_patterns": null,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "forbid_requires": false,'
' "ignored_accounts": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ],'
' "readability": [],'
' "recipe": "static_checks",'
' "require_tested": false'
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name: ""
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dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.roll"
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' "labels_to_set": null,'
' "labels_to_wait_on": [],'
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' },'
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' "cc_domains": ['
' ""'
' ],'
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' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' {'
' "branch": null,'
' "name": "third_party/pigweed",'
' "path": "third_party/pigweed",'
' "timeout_sec": null'
' }'
' ]'
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' "bot_commit": true,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "force_submit": false,'
' "labels_to_set": null,'
' "labels_to_wait_on": [],'
' "permit_recommended": false,'
' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' ""'
' ],'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": false,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": true,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "forge_author": true,'
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' "submodules": ['
' {'
' "branch": null,'
' "name": "third_party/pigweed",'
' "path": "third_party/pigweed",'
' "timeout_sec": null'
' }'
' ]'
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' ],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
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' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
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' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "program": ['
' "ci_cq"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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cmd: "luciexe"
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "additional_cipd_files": ['
' "$PW_ROOT/pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/clang_next.json"'
' ],'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "override_gn_arg": ['
' "pw_toolchain_CLANG_PREFIX=\\"//environment/cipd/packages/clang_next/bin/\\""'
' ],'
' "program": ['
' "ci_cq"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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service_account: ""
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "only_on_changed_files": true,'
' "program": ['
' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "doc_patterns": null,'
' "forbid_requires": false,'
' "ignored_accounts": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ],'
' "readability": [],'
' "recipe": "static_checks",'
' "require_tested": false'
priority: 40
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description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li>kudzu.try / static-checks-kudzu</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / static-checks-kudzu</a></li> </ul>"
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name: "kudzu.try.shadow"
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buckets {
name: ""
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": ['
' {'
' "remotes": ['
' "",'
' ""'
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' }'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "submodule_timeout_sec": 1800,'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "command": "pw help",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest",'
' "setup_path": "scripts/",'
' "shell": "bash"'
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
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' "--target=linux-arm64-light-clang-rpc",'
' "build"'
' ],'
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' "do_not_cache": true,'
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' {'
' "remotes": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ]'
' }'
' ],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "submodule_timeout_sec": 1800,'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "scripts/setup/environment.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": "third_party/pigweed/repo",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "run_script",'
' "script": "scripts/build/"'
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' "--target=linux-x64-chip-tool",'
' "build"'
' ],'
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' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": ['
' {'
' "remotes": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ]'
' }'
' ],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "submodule_timeout_sec": 1800,'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "scripts/setup/environment.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": "third_party/pigweed/repo",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "run_script",'
' "script": "scripts/build/"'
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
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' "--repo=$PW_PROJECT_ROOT",'
' "--target=linux-x64-tests-clang",'
' "build"'
' ],'
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' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": ['
' {'
' "remotes": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ]'
' }'
' ],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "submodule_timeout_sec": 1800,'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "scripts/setup/environment.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": "third_party/pigweed/repo",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "run_script",'
' "script": "scripts/build/"'
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
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dimensions: ""
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' "branch": "master",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": ['
' {'
' "remotes": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ]'
' }'
' ],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "submodule_timeout_sec": 1800,'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest",'
' "setup_path": "scripts/",'
' "shell": "bash"'
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
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' "--target=linux-arm64-light-clang-rpc",'
' "build"'
' ],'
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' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": ['
' {'
' "remotes": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ]'
' }'
' ],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "submodule_timeout_sec": 1800,'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "scripts/setup/environment.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": "third_party/pigweed/repo",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "run_script",'
' "script": "scripts/build/"'
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' "--repo=$PW_PROJECT_ROOT",'
' "--target=linux-x64-chip-tool",'
' "build"'
' ],'
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' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": ['
' {'
' "remotes": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ]'
' }'
' ],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "scripts/setup/environment.json",'
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' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "run_script",'
' "script": "scripts/build/"'
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
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' "--target=linux-x64-tests-clang",'
' "build"'
' ],'
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' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": ['
' {'
' "remotes": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ]'
' }'
' ],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "submodule_timeout_sec": 1800,'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "config_file": "scripts/setup/environment.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": "third_party/pigweed/repo",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "run_script",'
' "script": "scripts/build/"'
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' {'
' "remotes": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ]'
' }'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "submodule_timeout_sec": 1800,'
' "use_repo": false,'
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' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
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' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest",'
' "setup_path": "scripts/",'
' "shell": "bash"'
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' "--target=linux-arm64-light-clang-rpc",'
' "build"'
' ],'
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' "equivalent_remotes": ['
' {'
' "remotes": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ]'
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' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "scripts/setup/environment.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": "third_party/pigweed/repo",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "run_script",'
' "script": "scripts/build/"'
priority: 50
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expiration_secs: 28800
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / matter-linux-arm64-light-clang-rpc</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">matter.try / matter-linux-arm64-light-clang-rpc</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / matter-linux-arm64-light-clang-rpc</a></li> <li> / matter-linux-arm64-light-clang-rpc</li> </ul>"
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service_account: ""
pool: ""
dimensions: ""
builders {
name: "matter-linux-x64-chip-tool"
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dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "--repo=$PW_PROJECT_ROOT",'
' "--target=linux-x64-chip-tool",'
' "build"'
' ],'
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' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": ['
' {'
' "remotes": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ]'
' }'
' ],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "submodule_timeout_sec": 1800,'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "scripts/setup/environment.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": "third_party/pigweed/repo",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "run_script",'
' "script": "scripts/build/"'
priority: 50
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expiration_secs: 28800
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / matter-linux-x64-chip-tool</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">matter.try / matter-linux-x64-chip-tool</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / matter-linux-x64-chip-tool</a></li> <li> / matter-linux-x64-chip-tool</li> </ul>"
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pool: ""
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "--repo=$PW_PROJECT_ROOT",'
' "--target=linux-x64-tests-clang",'
' "build"'
' ],'
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' "equivalent_remotes": ['
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' "remotes": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ]'
' }'
' ],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "submodule_timeout_sec": 1800,'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "scripts/setup/environment.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": "third_party/pigweed/repo",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "run_script",'
' "script": "scripts/build/"'
priority: 50
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name: ""
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name: "matter.try"
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' "branch": "master",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": ['
' {'
' "remotes": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ]'
' }'
' ],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "submodule_timeout_sec": 1800,'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "command": "pw help",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest",'
' "setup_path": "scripts/",'
' "shell": "bash"'
priority: 50
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caches {
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service_account: ""
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dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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cmd: "luciexe"
' "arguments": ['
' "--repo=$PW_PROJECT_ROOT",'
' "--target=linux-arm64-light-clang-rpc",'
' "build"'
' ],'
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "master",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": ['
' {'
' "remotes": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ]'
' }'
' ],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "submodule_timeout_sec": 1800,'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "scripts/setup/environment.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": "third_party/pigweed/repo",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "run_script",'
' "script": "scripts/build/"'
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experimental: YES
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "matter-linux-x64-chip-tool"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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cmd: "luciexe"
' "arguments": ['
' "--repo=$PW_PROJECT_ROOT",'
' "--target=linux-x64-chip-tool",'
' "build"'
' ],'
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' "branch": "master",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": ['
' {'
' "remotes": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ]'
' }'
' ],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "submodule_timeout_sec": 1800,'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "scripts/setup/environment.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": "third_party/pigweed/repo",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "run_script",'
' "script": "scripts/build/"'
priority: 50
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expiration_secs: 7200
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path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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name: "matter-linux-x64-tests-clang"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "arguments": ['
' "--repo=$PW_PROJECT_ROOT",'
' "--target=linux-x64-tests-clang",'
' "build"'
' ],'
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' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": ['
' {'
' "remotes": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ]'
' }'
' ],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "submodule_timeout_sec": 1800,'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
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' "config_file": "scripts/setup/environment.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": "third_party/pigweed/repo",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "run_script",'
' "script": "scripts/build/"'
priority: 50
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expiration_secs: 7200
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name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
resultdb {
enable: true
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name: "matter.try.shadow"
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name: ""
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 1620
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
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' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / opendice-presubmit</li> <li><a href=\"\">open-dice.try / opendice-presubmit</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / opendice-presubmit</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / opendice-presubmit</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "checkout_options": {'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "additional_cipd_files": ['
' "$PW_ROOT/pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/clang_next.json"'
' ],'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "override_gn_arg": ['
' "pw_toolchain_CLANG_PREFIX=\\"//environment/cipd/packages/clang_next/bin/\\""'
' ],'
' "step": ['
' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 43200
caches {
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path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
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enable: true
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / opendice-presubmit-clangnext</li> <li><a href=\"\">open-dice.try / opendice-presubmit-clangnext</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
buckets {
name: ""
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "checkout_options": {'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
priority: 50
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service_account: ""
experimental: YES
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builders {
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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path: "builder"
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name: "opendice-presubmit"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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buckets {
name: ""
swarming {
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name: "opendice-envtest"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "remote": "",'
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' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
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' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
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dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "",'
' ""'
' ],'
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' {'
' "branch": null,'
' "name": "boringssl",'
' "path": "third_party/boringssl/src",'
' "timeout_sec": null'
' }'
' ]'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' {'
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' "name": "boringssl",'
' "path": "third_party/boringssl/src",'
' "timeout_sec": null'
' }'
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' },'
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' {'
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' "name": "pigweed",'
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' "timeout_sec": null'
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' "labels_to_wait_on": [],'
' "permit_recommended": false,'
' "remote": "",'
' "upstream_ref": "main"'
' },'
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' {'
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' "name": "pigweed",'
' "path": "third_party/pigweed/src",'
' "timeout_sec": null'
' }'
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name: "open-dice.try"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' "additional_cipd_files": ['
' "$PW_ROOT/pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/clang_next.json"'
' ],'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "pw_toolchain_CLANG_PREFIX=\\"//environment/cipd/packages/clang_next/bin/\\""'
' ],'
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' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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experimental: YES
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enable: true
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / opendice-presubmit-clangnext</a></li> <li>open-dice.try / opendice-presubmit-clangnext</li> </ul>"
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dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "doc_patterns": null,'
' "forbid_requires": false,'
' "ignored_accounts": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ],'
' "readability": [],'
' "recipe": "static_checks",'
' "require_tested": false'
priority: 40
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expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
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service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li>open-dice.try / static-checks-opendice</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / static-checks-opendice</a></li> </ul>"
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service_account: ""
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "gcs_bucket": "pigweed-ci-builds",'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "export_dir_name": "export",'
' "step": ['
' "coverage"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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enable: true
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project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
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' ]'
' },'
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' "checkout_options": {'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "link_template": "{}/index.html",'
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name: "builder"
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enable: true
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project: ""
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table: "pigweed"
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dimensions: "os:Debian"
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
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' },'
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' ],'
' "step": ['
' "docs_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "docs_builder"'
priority: 40
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path: "builder"
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project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
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builders {
name: "envtest-linux"
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dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "checkout_options": {'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
priority: 40
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name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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enable: true
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project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / envtest-linux</li> <li><a href=\"\">pigweed.try / envtest-linux</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / envtest-linux</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / envtest-linux</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "envtest-mac-arm"
swarming_host: ""
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dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: ""
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
priority: 40
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name: "builder"
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name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
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dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
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builders {
name: "envtest-mac-x86"
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dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: ""
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cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
priority: 40
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name: "builder"
path: "builder"
caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
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name: "envtest-windows"
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dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: ""
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' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
priority: 40
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caches {
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
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dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "artifacts": ['
' "non_default_toolchain/host_tools/*"'
' ],'
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' "gn_args": [],'
' "ninja_targets": ['
' "host_tools"'
' ],'
' "packages": []'
' },'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' {'
' "new": "",'
' "old": "host_clang_debug/"'
' },'
' {'
' "new": "",'
' "old": "host_gcc_debug/"'
' },'
' {'
' "new": "",'
' "old": "host_tools/"'
' },'
' {'
' "new": "",'
' "old": "non_default_toolchain/"'
' }'
' ],'
' "roller_name": null'
priority: 40
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path: "go"
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table: "pigweed"
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description_html: "<p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
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dimensions: ""
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' "add_cipd_platform": true,'
' "artifacts": ['
' "non_default_toolchain/host_tools/*"'
' ],'
' "build_options": {'
' "gn_args": [],'
' "ninja_targets": ['
' "host_tools"'
' ],'
' "packages": []'
' },'
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' "remote": "",'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' {'
' "new": "",'
' "old": "host_clang_debug/"'
' },'
' {'
' "new": "",'
' "old": "host_gcc_debug/"'
' },'
' {'
' "new": "",'
' "old": "host_tools/"'
' },'
' {'
' "new": "",'
' "old": "non_default_toolchain/"'
' }'
' ],'
' "roller_name": null'
priority: 40
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name: "builder"
path: "builder"
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name: "go"
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caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
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' "non_default_toolchain/host_tools/*"'
' ],'
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' "ninja_targets": ['
' "host_tools"'
' ],'
' "packages": []'
' },'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
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' },'
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' {'
' "new": "",'
' "old": "host_clang_debug/"'
' },'
' {'
' "new": "",'
' "old": "host_gcc_debug/"'
' },'
' {'
' "new": "",'
' "old": "host_tools/"'
' },'
' {'
' "new": "",'
' "old": "non_default_toolchain/"'
' }'
' ],'
' "roller_name": null'
priority: 40
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caches {
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path: "macos_sdk"
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dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: ""
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' "artifacts": ['
' "non_default_toolchain/host_tools/*"'
' ],'
' "build_options": {'
' "gn_args": [],'
' "ninja_targets": ['
' "host_tools"'
' ],'
' "packages": []'
' },'
' "checkout_options": {'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' {'
' "new": "",'
' "old": "host_clang_debug/"'
' },'
' {'
' "new": "",'
' "old": "host_gcc_debug/"'
' },'
' {'
' "new": "",'
' "old": "host_tools/"'
' },'
' {'
' "new": "",'
' "old": "non_default_toolchain/"'
' }'
' ],'
' "roller_name": null'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
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caches {
name: "go"
path: "go"
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description_html: "<p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
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dimensions: ""
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' "checkout_options": {'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
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name: "builder"
path: "builder"
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project: ""
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table: "pigweed"
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builders {
name: "pigweed-linux-bazel-bthost"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "bthost_package"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
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description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / pigweed-linux-bazel-bthost</li> <li><a href=\"\">pigweed.try / pigweed-linux-bazel-bthost</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-bazel-bthost</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-bazel-bthost</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "pigweed-linux-bazel-build-host-clang"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "bazel_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
caches {
name: "bazel"
path: "bazel"
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
bq_exports {
project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / pigweed-linux-bazel-build-host-clang</li> <li><a href=\"\">pigweed.try / pigweed-linux-bazel-build-host-clang</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-bazel-build-host-clang</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-bazel-build-host-clang</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "pigweed-linux-bazel-integration"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "bazel_options": {'
' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "integration"'
' ]'
' },'
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "eligible_workspace_paths": ['
' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
caches {
name: "bazel"
path: "bazel"
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
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project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
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builders {
name: "pigweed-linux-bazel-noenv"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "bazel_options": {'
' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "default"'
' ]'
' },'
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "eligible_workspace_paths": ['
' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
priority: 40
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caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
bq_exports {
project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / pigweed-linux-bazel-noenv</li> <li><a href=\"\">pigweed.try / pigweed-linux-bazel-noenv</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-bazel-noenv</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-bazel-noenv</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "pigweed-linux-bazel-san"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "bazel_options": {'
' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "sanitizers"'
' ]'
' },'
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "eligible_workspace_paths": ['
' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
priority: 40
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caches {
name: "bazel"
path: "bazel"
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
bq_exports {
project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / pigweed-linux-bazel-san</li> <li><a href=\"\">pigweed.try / pigweed-linux-bazel-san</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-bazel-san</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-bazel-san</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "pigweed-linux-cmake-host-clang"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "cmake_clang"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
bq_exports {
project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / pigweed-linux-cmake-host-clang</li> <li><a href=\"\">pigweed.try / pigweed-linux-cmake-host-clang</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-cmake-host-clang</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-cmake-host-clang</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "pigweed-linux-gn-arduino-pico"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "arduino_pico"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
bq_exports {
project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / pigweed-linux-gn-arduino-pico</li> <li><a href=\"\">pigweed.try / pigweed-linux-gn-arduino-pico</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-gn-arduino-pico</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-gn-arduino-pico</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "pigweed-linux-gn-clangnext"
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dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "additional_cipd_files": ['
' "$PW_ROOT/pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/clang_next.json"'
' ],'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "override_gn_arg": ['
' "pw_toolchain_CLANG_PREFIX=\\"//environment/cipd/packages/clang_next/bin/\\""'
' ],'
' "program": ['
' "sapphire"'
' ],'
' "step": ['
' "gn_combined_build_check",'
' "gn_crypto_mbedtls_build",'
' "gn_crypto_micro_ecc_build",'
' "gn_software_update_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 7320
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
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project: ""
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table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / pigweed-linux-gn-clangnext</li> <li><a href=\"\">pigweed.try / pigweed-linux-gn-clangnext</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "pigweed-linux-gn-compatibility-main"
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dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "checkout_options": {'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/compatibility.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": ".",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_main_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
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project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
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builders {
name: "pigweed-linux-gn-compatibility-platform"
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dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/compatibility.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": ".",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_platform_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
bq_exports {
project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
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builders {
name: "pigweed-linux-gn-crypto-mbedtls"
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dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_crypto_mbedtls_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
bq_exports {
project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
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builders {
name: "pigweed-linux-gn-crypto-micro-ecc"
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dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_crypto_micro_ecc_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
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project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / pigweed-linux-gn-crypto-micro-ecc</li> <li><a href=\"\">pigweed.try / pigweed-linux-gn-crypto-micro-ecc</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-gn-crypto-micro-ecc</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-gn-crypto-micro-ecc</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "pigweed-linux-gn-fuzz"
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dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "fuzz"'
' ],'
' "use_time_for_rng_seed": true'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
bq_exports {
project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
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builders {
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "checkout_options": {'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_main_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
bq_exports {
project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "checkout_options": {'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_platform_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
bq_exports {
project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
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dimensions: ""
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "sanitizers"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
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path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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table: "pigweed"
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builders {
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "dry_run": true,'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "msan"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
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expiration_secs: 43200
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table: "pigweed"
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builders {
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' "remote": "",'
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' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "sapphire"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
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project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
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builders {
name: "pigweed-linux-gn-software-update"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
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dimensions: ""
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "gn_software_update_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
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builders {
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
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dimensions: ""
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
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' },'
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' "static_analysis"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
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builders {
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
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dimensions: ""
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' },'
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' "zephyr_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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builders {
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dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: ""
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "bazel_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
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builders {
name: "pigweed-mac-arm-bazel-noenv"
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dimensions: ""
exe {
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' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "default"'
' ]'
' },'
' "checkout_options": {'
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' ],'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
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builders {
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dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: ""
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' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "sanitizers"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
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name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "cmake_clang"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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expiration_secs: 43200
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "arduino_pico"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/compatibility.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": ".",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_main_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
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' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/compatibility.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": ".",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_platform_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
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caches {
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' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
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' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "fuzz"'
' ],'
' "use_time_for_rng_seed": true'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_main_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
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caches {
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dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: ""
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' "remote": "",'
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' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "gn_platform_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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dimensions: ""
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "zephyr_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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builders {
name: "pigweed-mac-x86-bazel-build-host-clang"
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dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: ""
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "bazel_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
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name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
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' "config_path": "",'
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' "default"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
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name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
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' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "sanitizers"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
priority: 40
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name: "macos_sdk"
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dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: ""
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "cmake_clang"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: ""
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "arduino_pico"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/compatibility.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": ".",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_main_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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dimensions: ""
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/compatibility.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": ".",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_platform_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "fuzz"'
' ],'
' "use_time_for_rng_seed": true'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_main_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "gn_platform_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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dimensions: ""
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' "checkout_options": {'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "misc"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 43200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
wait_for_warm_cache_secs: 120
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
resultdb {
enable: true
bq_exports {
project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / pigweed-mac-x86-gn-sapphire</li> <li><a href=\"\">pigweed.try / pigweed-mac-x86-gn-sapphire</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-mac-x86-gn-sapphire</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-mac-x86-gn-sapphire</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "pigweed-mac-x86-zephyr"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: ""
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "zephyr_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
caches {
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path: "builder"
caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
wait_for_warm_cache_secs: 120
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
bq_exports {
project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / pigweed-mac-x86-zephyr</li> <li><a href=\"\">pigweed.try / pigweed-mac-x86-zephyr</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-mac-x86-zephyr</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-mac-x86-zephyr</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "pigweed-stm32f429i"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "120:cores:2"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "pigweed"'
priority: 50
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expiration_secs: 43200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
resultdb {
enable: true
bq_exports {
project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / pigweed-stm32f429i</li> <li><a href=\"\">pigweed.try / pigweed-stm32f429i</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-stm32f429i</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-stm32f429i</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "pigweed-stm32f429i-combined"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "checkout_options": {'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "stm32f429i"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 43200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
resultdb {
enable: true
bq_exports {
project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / pigweed-stm32f429i-combined</li> <li><a href=\"\">pigweed.try / pigweed-stm32f429i-combined</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-stm32f429i-combined</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-stm32f429i-combined</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "pigweed-stm32f429i-subbuild"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "build_options": {'
' "gn_args": [],'
' "ninja_targets": ['
' "stm32f429i_debug",'
' "stm32f429i_size_optimized",'
' "stm32f429i_speed_optimized"'
' ],'
' "packages": []'
' },'
' "checkout_options": {'
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' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "build"'
priority: 50
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expiration_secs: 43200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
resultdb {
enable: true
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project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / pigweed-stm32f429i-subbuild</li> <li><a href=\"\">pigweed.try / pigweed-stm32f429i-subbuild</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-stm32f429i-subbuild</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-stm32f429i-subbuild</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "pigweed-windows-bazel-noenv"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: ""
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' "bazel_options": {'
' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "default"'
' ]'
' },'
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "eligible_workspace_paths": ['
' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
priority: 50
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expiration_secs: 43200
caches {
name: "bazel"
path: "bazel"
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
resultdb {
enable: true
bq_exports {
project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / pigweed-windows-bazel-noenv</li> <li><a href=\"\">pigweed.try / pigweed-windows-bazel-noenv</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-windows-bazel-noenv</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-windows-bazel-noenv</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "pigweed-windows-gn-arduino-pico"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: ""
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "arduino_pico"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 43200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
resultdb {
enable: true
bq_exports {
project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
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builders {
name: "pigweed-windows-gn-compatibility-main"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: ""
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' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/compatibility.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": ".",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_main_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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enable: true
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table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li> / pigweed-windows-gn-compatibility-main</li> <li><a href=\"\">pigweed.try / pigweed-windows-gn-compatibility-main</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-windows-gn-compatibility-main</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-windows-gn-compatibility-main</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "pigweed-windows-gn-compatibility-platform"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: ""
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/compatibility.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": ".",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_platform_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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enable: true
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project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
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builders {
name: "pigweed-windows-gn-fuzz"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: ""
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "fuzz"'
' ],'
' "use_time_for_rng_seed": true'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 43200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
resultdb {
enable: true
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project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
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builders {
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: ""
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_main_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
bq_exports {
project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
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builders {
name: "pigweed-windows-gn-platform"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: ""
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' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_platform_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
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caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
bq_exports {
project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
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builders {
name: "pigweed-windows-gn-sapphire"
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dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: ""
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' "checkout_options": {'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "misc"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
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expiration_secs: 43200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
resultdb {
enable: true
bq_exports {
project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
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builders {
name: "pigweed-windows-static-analysis"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: ""
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "static_analysis"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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expiration_secs: 43200
caches {
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path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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enable: true
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table: "pigweed"
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builders {
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dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: ""
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
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' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "zephyr_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
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expiration_secs: 43200
caches {
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path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
resultdb {
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bq_exports {
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dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
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builders {
name: "pigweed-xref-generator"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "dry_run": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "xrefs"'
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service_account: ""
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project: ""
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builders {
name: "python-packages-linux-amd64-310"
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dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "dry_run": false,'
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' "pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/python310.json"'
' ],'
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' "relative_pigweed_root": ".",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "step": ['
' "vendor_python_wheels"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "target_to_cipd",'
' "replacements": [],'
' "roller_name": null'
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caches {
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path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
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dataset: "resultdb"
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builders {
name: "python-packages-linux-amd64-311"
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dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "artifacts": [],'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "dry_run": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
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' "pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/python311.json"'
' ],'
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' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "step": ['
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "target_to_cipd",'
' "replacements": [],'
' "roller_name": null'
priority: 50
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caches {
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path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
resultdb {
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project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
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builders {
name: "python-packages-mac-amd64-310"
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dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: ""
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' "artifacts": [],'
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' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/python310.json"'
' ],'
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' "relative_pigweed_root": ".",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "export_dir_name": "python_wheels",'
' "step": ['
' "vendor_python_wheels"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "target_to_cipd",'
' "replacements": [],'
' "roller_name": null'
priority: 50
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caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
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experimental: YES
resultdb {
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dataset: "resultdb"
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builders {
name: "python-packages-mac-amd64-311"
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dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: ""
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' "artifacts": [],'
' "checkout_options": {'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/python311.json"'
' ],'
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' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "step": ['
' "vendor_python_wheels"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "target_to_cipd",'
' "replacements": [],'
' "roller_name": null'
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caches {
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name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
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service_account: ""
experimental: YES
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builders {
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dimensions: ""
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/python310.json"'
' ],'
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' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "step": ['
' "vendor_python_wheels"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "target_to_cipd",'
' "replacements": [],'
' "roller_name": null'
priority: 50
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expiration_secs: 43200
caches {
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path: "builder"
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builders {
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dimensions: ""
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' "initialize_submodules": true,'
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' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "dry_run": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
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' "pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/python311.json"'
' ],'
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' "relative_pigweed_root": ".",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "step": ['
' "vendor_python_wheels"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "target_to_cipd",'
' "replacements": [],'
' "roller_name": null'
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buckets {
name: ""
swarming {
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dimensions: ""
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "export_dir_name": "export",'
' "step": ['
' "coverage"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
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builders {
name: "envtest-mac-x86"
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dimensions: ""
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
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dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: ""
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' "remote": "",'
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' "use_trigger": true'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "bthost_package"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
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caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-bazel-bthost</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">pigweed.try / pigweed-linux-bazel-bthost</a></li> <li> / pigweed-linux-bazel-bthost</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-bazel-bthost</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "pigweed-linux-bazel-build-host-clang"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "bazel_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
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caches {
name: "bazel"
path: "bazel"
caches {
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path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-bazel-build-host-clang</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">pigweed.try / pigweed-linux-bazel-build-host-clang</a></li> <li> / pigweed-linux-bazel-build-host-clang</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-bazel-build-host-clang</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "pigweed-linux-bazel-integration"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "integration"'
' ]'
' },'
' "checkout_options": {'
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' "eligible_workspace_paths": ['
' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
priority: 50
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caches {
name: "bazel"
path: "bazel"
caches {
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path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
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builders {
name: "pigweed-linux-bazel-noenv"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "config_path": "",'
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' ]'
' },'
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' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
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caches {
name: "bazel"
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caches {
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builders {
name: "pigweed-linux-bazel-san"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "config_path": "",'
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' ]'
' },'
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' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
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' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
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caches {
name: "bazel"
path: "bazel"
caches {
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path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
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builders {
name: "pigweed-linux-cmake-host-clang"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
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dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "cmake_clang"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
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caches {
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experimental: YES
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-cmake-host-clang</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">pigweed.try / pigweed-linux-cmake-host-clang</a></li> <li> / pigweed-linux-cmake-host-clang</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-cmake-host-clang</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "pigweed-linux-gn-arduino-pico"
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dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
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dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "arduino_pico"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
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caches {
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description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-gn-arduino-pico</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">pigweed.try / pigweed-linux-gn-arduino-pico</a></li> <li> / pigweed-linux-gn-arduino-pico</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-gn-arduino-pico</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "pigweed-linux-gn-compatibility-main"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
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dimensions: ""
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "dry_run": true,'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/compatibility.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": ".",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_main_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
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caches {
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service_account: ""
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description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-gn-compatibility-main</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">pigweed.try / pigweed-linux-gn-compatibility-main</a></li> <li> / pigweed-linux-gn-compatibility-main</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-gn-compatibility-main</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "pigweed-linux-gn-compatibility-platform"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
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dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/compatibility.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": ".",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "gn_platform_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
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caches {
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description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-gn-compatibility-platform</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">pigweed.try / pigweed-linux-gn-compatibility-platform</a></li> <li> / pigweed-linux-gn-compatibility-platform</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-gn-compatibility-platform</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "pigweed-linux-gn-crypto-mbedtls"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_crypto_mbedtls_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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caches {
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description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-gn-crypto-mbedtls</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">pigweed.try / pigweed-linux-gn-crypto-mbedtls</a></li> <li> / pigweed-linux-gn-crypto-mbedtls</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-gn-crypto-mbedtls</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "pigweed-linux-gn-crypto-micro-ecc"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "gn_crypto_micro_ecc_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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caches {
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description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-gn-crypto-micro-ecc</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">pigweed.try / pigweed-linux-gn-crypto-micro-ecc</a></li> <li> / pigweed-linux-gn-crypto-micro-ecc</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-linux-gn-crypto-micro-ecc</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "pigweed-linux-gn-fuzz"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
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' },'
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' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' ],'
' "use_time_for_rng_seed": true'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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caches {
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builders {
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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builders {
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "checkout_options": {'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "gn_platform_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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builders {
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "checkout_options": {'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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builders {
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
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dimensions: ""
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
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builders {
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' },'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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builders {
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' },'
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' },'
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builders {
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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builders {
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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experimental: YES
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' },'
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builders {
name: "pigweed-mac-x86-bazel-build-host-clang"
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dimensions: "os:Mac"
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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experimental: YES
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builders {
name: "pigweed-mac-x86-bazel-noenv"
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' "config_path": "",'
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' ]'
' },'
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' ],'
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' },'
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builders {
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' ]'
' },'
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' ],'
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' },'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
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name: "macos_sdk"
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experimental: YES
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' },'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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builders {
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "gn_main_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "gn_platform_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' },'
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' ],'
' "use_time_for_rng_seed": true'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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builders {
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "stm32f429i"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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service_account: ""
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builders {
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' "ninja_targets": ['
' "stm32f429i_debug",'
' "stm32f429i_size_optimized",'
' "stm32f429i_speed_optimized"'
' ],'
' "packages": []'
' },'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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builders {
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' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "default"'
' ]'
' },'
' "checkout_options": {'
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' "eligible_workspace_paths": ['
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' ],'
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' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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builders {
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dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
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dimensions: ""
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' },'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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builders {
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dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
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dimensions: ""
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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builders {
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dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
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dimensions: ""
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' },'
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' "fuzz"'
' ],'
' "use_time_for_rng_seed": true'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
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dimensions: ""
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
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dimensions: ""
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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builders {
name: "pigweed-windows-gn-sapphire"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
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dimensions: ""
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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builders {
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dimensions: ""
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' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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builders {
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' "remote": "",'
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' ],'
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' },'
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' "roller_name": null'
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builders {
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' "roller_name": null'
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' ]'
' },'
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' "replacements": [],'
' "roller_name": null'
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experimental: YES
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / python-packages-mac-amd64-310</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">pigweed.try / python-packages-mac-amd64-310</a></li> <li> / python-packages-mac-amd64-310</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / python-packages-mac-amd64-310</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
builders {
name: "python-packages-mac-amd64-311"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: ""
exe {
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cmd: "luciexe"
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' "artifacts": [],'
' "checkout_options": {'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "cipd_path": "pigweed/third_party/python_packages/311/mac-amd64",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "additional_cipd_files": ['
' "pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/python311.json"'
' ],'
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' "relative_pigweed_root": ".",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "vendor_python_wheels"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "target_to_cipd",'
' "replacements": [],'
' "roller_name": null'
priority: 50
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caches {
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path: "builder"
caches {
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path: "macos_sdk"
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experimental: YES
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builders {
name: "python-packages-windows-amd64-310"
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dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: ""
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' },'
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' "pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/python310.json"'
' ],'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": ".",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "step": ['
' "vendor_python_wheels"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "target_to_cipd",'
' "replacements": [],'
' "roller_name": null'
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' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "additional_cipd_files": ['
' "pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/python311.json"'
' ],'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": ".",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "step": ['
' "vendor_python_wheels"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "target_to_cipd",'
' "replacements": [],'
' "roller_name": null'
priority: 50
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buckets {
name: ""
swarming {
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "only_on_changed_files": true,'
' "step": ['
' "coverage"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
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caches {
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dimensions: ""
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
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' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
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dimensions: ""
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dimensions: ""
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
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' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
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dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "integration"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
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' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "default"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "eligible_workspace_paths": ['
' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
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' },'
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "sanitizers"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' "gn_platform_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' ]'
' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' ]'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' "gn_main_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "gn_platform_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' "fuzz"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' ]'
' },'
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' ]'
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' ]'
' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' ]'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' ]'
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' ]'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' "ninja_targets": ['
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' "stm32f429i_size_optimized",'
' "stm32f429i_speed_optimized"'
' ],'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' ],'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
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' },'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' "gn_main_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' "gn_platform_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' "remote": "",'
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' ]'
' },'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
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' ]'
' },'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' ]'
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' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' ""'
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' "json_path": "pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/python311.json",'
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' "ref": "latest",'
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' "split_names": ['
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' "third_party",'
' "python_packages",'
' "311"'
' ],'
' "tag": "git_revision"'
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' "forge_author": true,'
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' "bot_commit": true,'
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' "force_submit": false,'
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' "labels_to_wait_on": [],'
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' "name": "310",'
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' "python_packages",'
' "310"'
' ],'
' "tag": "git_revision"'
' },'
' {'
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' "json_path": "pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/python311.json",'
' "name": "311",'
' "ref": "latest",'
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' "pigweed",'
' "third_party",'
' "python_packages",'
' "311"'
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' "tag": "git_revision"'
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' "forge_author": true,'
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service_account: ""
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
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dimensions: ""
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' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "step": ['
' "gn_clang_build"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' "remote": "",'
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' "gn_clang_build"'
' ]'
' },'
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dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: ""
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' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": false'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
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' "gn_clang_build"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "remote": "",'
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' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "step": ['
' "gn_clang_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "skip_submodule_check": false'
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' "use_repo": false,'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
exe {
cipd_package: "pigweed/infra/recipe_bundles/"
cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
wait_for_warm_cache_secs: 120
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
bq_exports {
project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
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shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "envtest-mac-x86"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
wait_for_warm_cache_secs: 120
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
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project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "envtest-windows"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
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' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
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path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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enable: true
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project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
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' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": false,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "only_on_changed_files": true,'
' "program": ['
' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2220
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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enable: true
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project: ""
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table: "pigweed"
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dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
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expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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cmd: "luciexe"
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' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "bthost_package"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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enable: true
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project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "bazel_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "bazel"
path: "bazel"
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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enable: true
bq_exports {
project: ""
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table: "pigweed"
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shadow_builder_adjustments {
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "bazel_options": {'
' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "integration"'
' ]'
' },'
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "eligible_workspace_paths": ['
' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
priority: 40
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expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "bazel"
path: "bazel"
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
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shadow_builder_adjustments {
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pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "pigweed-linux-bazel-noenv"
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dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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cmd: "luciexe"
' "bazel_options": {'
' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "default"'
' ]'
' },'
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "eligible_workspace_paths": ['
' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
priority: 40
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expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "bazel"
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caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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enable: true
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table: "pigweed"
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service_account: ""
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "bazel_options": {'
' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "sanitizers"'
' ]'
' },'
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "eligible_workspace_paths": ['
' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
priority: 40
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expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
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path: "bazel"
caches {
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path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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enable: true
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table: "pigweed"
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shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "pigweed-linux-cmake-host-clang"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
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' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "cmake_clang"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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enable: true
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project: ""
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table: "pigweed"
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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name: "pigweed-linux-gn-arduino-pico"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "arduino_pico"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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enable: true
bq_exports {
project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "additional_cipd_files": ['
' "$PW_ROOT/pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/clang_next.json"'
' ],'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "override_gn_arg": ['
' "pw_toolchain_CLANG_PREFIX=\\"//environment/cipd/packages/clang_next/bin/\\""'
' ],'
' "program": ['
' "sapphire"'
' ],'
' "step": ['
' "gn_combined_build_check",'
' "gn_crypto_mbedtls_build",'
' "gn_crypto_micro_ecc_build",'
' "gn_software_update_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 7320
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
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enable: true
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project: ""
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dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
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' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/compatibility.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": ".",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_main_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
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expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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table: "pigweed"
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dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
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' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/compatibility.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": ".",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_platform_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
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expiration_secs: 7200
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_crypto_mbedtls_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
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' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "gn_crypto_micro_ecc_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "fuzz"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "gn_host_tools"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_main_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_platform_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "sanitizers"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "msan"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "sapphire"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "gn_software_update_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "static_analysis"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "zephyr_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
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project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
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pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "pigweed-mac-arm-bazel-build-host-clang"
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "bazel_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "bazel"
path: "bazel"
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
wait_for_warm_cache_secs: 120
service_account: ""
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enable: true
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project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
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shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "pigweed-mac-arm-bazel-noenv"
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dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
exe {
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cmd: "luciexe"
' "bazel_options": {'
' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "default"'
' ]'
' },'
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "eligible_workspace_paths": ['
' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
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expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "bazel"
path: "bazel"
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
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table: "pigweed"
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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cmd: "luciexe"
' "bazel_options": {'
' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "sanitizers"'
' ]'
' },'
' "checkout_options": {'
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' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
priority: 40
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expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "bazel"
path: "bazel"
caches {
name: "builder"
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caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
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service_account: ""
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project: ""
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "cmake_clang"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
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expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
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caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
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experimental: YES
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' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "arduino_pico"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
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expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
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caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
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project: ""
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/compatibility.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": ".",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_main_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
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expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
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caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
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service_account: ""
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/compatibility.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": ".",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_platform_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
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expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
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caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "fuzz"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
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expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
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experimental: YES
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": false,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_host_tools"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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expiration_secs: 7200
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experimental: YES
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_main_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
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' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_platform_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "misc"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "zephyr_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
wait_for_warm_cache_secs: 120
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
bq_exports {
project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
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pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "pigweed-mac-x86-bazel-build-host-clang"
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dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "bazel_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 7200
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caches {
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caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
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service_account: ""
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enable: true
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project: ""
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "pigweed-mac-x86-bazel-noenv"
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "bazel_options": {'
' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "default"'
' ]'
' },'
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "eligible_workspace_paths": ['
' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
priority: 40
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expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
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caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
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service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
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project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "bazel_options": {'
' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "sanitizers"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "branch": "main",'
' "eligible_workspace_paths": ['
' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
priority: 40
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expiration_secs: 7200
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caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
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enable: true
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dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "cmake_clang"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
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expiration_secs: 7200
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caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
wait_for_warm_cache_secs: 120
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experimental: YES
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shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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name: "pigweed-mac-x86-gn-arduino-pico"
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' "checkout_options": {'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "arduino_pico"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
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project: ""
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name: "pigweed-mac-x86-gn-compatibility-main"
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dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/compatibility.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": ".",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_main_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 4620
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
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caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
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service_account: ""
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project: ""
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dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/compatibility.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": ".",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_platform_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 4620
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
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caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "fuzz"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
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expiration_secs: 7200
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caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
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experimental: YES
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_host_tools"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
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expiration_secs: 7200
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caches {
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_main_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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caches {
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path: "macos_sdk"
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_platform_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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path: "macos_sdk"
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "misc"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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project: ""
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table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-mac-x86-gn-sapphire</a></li> <li>pigweed.try / pigweed-mac-x86-gn-sapphire</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-mac-x86-gn-sapphire</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-mac-x86-gn-sapphire</a></li> </ul>"
shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "pigweed-mac-x86-zephyr"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "zephyr_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
wait_for_warm_cache_secs: 120
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
bq_exports {
project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
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shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "pigweed-stm32f429i"
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dimensions: "120:cores:2"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "pigweed"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
resultdb {
enable: true
bq_exports {
project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
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shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
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builders {
name: "pigweed-stm32f429i-combined"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
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' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "stm32f429i"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
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enable: true
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project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
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shadow_builder_adjustments {
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "pigweed-stm32f429i-subbuild"
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dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "build_options": {'
' "gn_args": [],'
' "ninja_targets": ['
' "stm32f429i_debug",'
' "stm32f429i_size_optimized",'
' "stm32f429i_speed_optimized"'
' ],'
' "packages": []'
' },'
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "build"'
priority: 50
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expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
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enable: true
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project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
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pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "pigweed-windows-bazel-noenv"
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dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "bazel_options": {'
' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "default"'
' ]'
' },'
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "eligible_workspace_paths": ['
' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "bazel"
path: "bazel"
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
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test_results {}
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shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "pigweed-windows-gn-arduino-pico"
swarming_host: ""
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dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "arduino_pico"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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table: "pigweed"
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shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "pigweed-windows-gn-compatibility-main"
swarming_host: ""
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dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/compatibility.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": ".",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_main_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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enable: true
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project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
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shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "pigweed-windows-gn-compatibility-platform"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/compatibility.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": ".",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_platform_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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enable: true
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project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
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shadow_builder_adjustments {
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pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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name: "pigweed-windows-gn-fuzz"
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dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
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' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "fuzz"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
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path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
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enable: true
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table: "pigweed"
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shadow_builder_adjustments {
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": false,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_host_tools"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
caches {
name: "go"
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service_account: ""
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enable: true
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project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li>pigweed.try / pigweed-windows-gn-hosttools</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-windows-gn-hosttools</a></li> </ul>"
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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cmd: "luciexe"
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' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_main_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
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enable: true
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table: "pigweed"
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_platform_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 7200
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name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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enable: true
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project: ""
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "misc"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
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path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
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enable: true
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table: "pigweed"
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builders {
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "static_analysis"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
resultdb {
enable: true
bq_exports {
project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
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dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Windows"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "zephyr_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
resultdb {
enable: true
bq_exports {
project: ""
dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
test_results {}
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shadow_builder_adjustments {
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pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "recipe": "xrefs"'
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expiration_secs: 7200
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path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "additional_cipd_files": ['
' "pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/python310.json"'
' ],'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
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' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "step": ['
' "vendor_python_wheels"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "target_to_cipd",'
' "replacements": [],'
' "roller_name": null'
priority: 50
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expiration_secs: 7200
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path: "builder"
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
resultdb {
enable: true
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dataset: "resultdb"
table: "pigweed"
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name: "python-packages-linux-amd64-311"
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "artifacts": [],'
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "cipd_path": "pigweed/third_party/python_packages/311/linux-amd64",'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "additional_cipd_files": ['
' "pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/python311.json"'
' ],'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": ".",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "step": ['
' "vendor_python_wheels"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "replacements": [],'
' "roller_name": null'
priority: 50
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' "artifacts": [],'
' "checkout_options": {'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "additional_cipd_files": ['
' "pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/python310.json"'
' ],'
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' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "step": ['
' "vendor_python_wheels"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "target_to_cipd",'
' "replacements": [],'
' "roller_name": null'
priority: 50
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expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
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path: "builder"
caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
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experimental: YES
resultdb {
enable: true
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table: "pigweed"
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "additional_cipd_files": ['
' "pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/python311.json"'
' ],'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": ".",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "export_dir_name": "python_wheels",'
' "step": ['
' "vendor_python_wheels"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "target_to_cipd",'
' "replacements": [],'
' "roller_name": null'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
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experimental: YES
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' "artifacts": [],'
' "checkout_options": {'
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' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "additional_cipd_files": ['
' "pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/python310.json"'
' ],'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": ".",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "export_dir_name": "python_wheels",'
' "step": ['
' "vendor_python_wheels"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "target_to_cipd",'
' "replacements": [],'
' "roller_name": null'
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' "artifacts": [],'
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' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": false,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "additional_cipd_files": ['
' "pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/python311.json"'
' ],'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": ".",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "export_dir_name": "python_wheels",'
' "step": ['
' "vendor_python_wheels"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "target_to_cipd",'
' "replacements": [],'
' "roller_name": null'
priority: 50
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expiration_secs: 7200
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experimental: YES
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' "ci_builder_exists": false,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "doc_patterns": ['
' "^seed/",'
' "\\\\.md$",'
' "\\\\.rst$"'
' ],'
' "forbid_requires": false,'
' "ignored_accounts": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ],'
' "readability": [],'
' "recipe": "static_checks",'
' "require_tested": false'
priority: 40
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expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
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shadow: "pigweed.try.shadow"
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name: "pigweed.try.shadow"
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buckets {
name: ""
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cmd: "luciexe"
' "arguments": ['
' "--cipd"'
' ],'
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "recipe": "run_script",'
' "script": "tools/"'
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' ],'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "recipe": "run_script",'
' "script": "tools/"'
priority: 50
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' ],'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "recipe": "run_script",'
' "script": "tools/"'
priority: 50
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
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dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "doc_patterns": null,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "forbid_requires": false,'
' "ignored_accounts": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ],'
' "readability": [],'
' "recipe": "static_checks",'
' "require_tested": false'
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service_account: ""
experimental: YES
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\">qg.try / static-checks-qg</a></li> <li> / static-checks-qg</li> </ul>"
shadow_builder_adjustments {
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pool: ""
dimensions: ""
shadow: ""
buckets {
name: ""
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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cmd: "luciexe"
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' ],'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "recipe": "run_script",'
' "script": "tools/"'
priority: 40
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caches {
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path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "doc_patterns": null,'
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' "ignored_accounts": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ],'
' "readability": [],'
' "recipe": "static_checks",'
' "require_tested": false'
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caches {
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enable: true
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shadow: "qg.try.shadow"
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' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "default"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "branch": "main",'
' "eligible_workspace_paths": ['
' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
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' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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builders {
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "ci_cq_lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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enable: true
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' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "default"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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caches {
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name: ""
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' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "default"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "recipe": "bazel"'
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caches {
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builders {
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dimensions: ""
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' "checkout_options": {'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "ci_cq_lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
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dimensions: ""
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
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' "default"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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builders {
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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dimensions: ""
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' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "default"'
' ]'
' },'
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' ],'
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' },'
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' "recipe": "bazel"'
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dimensions: ""
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' },'
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' "ci_cq_lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' },'
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' "ci_cq_lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "remote": "",'
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' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
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' },'
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' "default"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "remote": "",'
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' ]'
' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' "recipe": "static_checks",'
' "require_tested": false'
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experimental: YES
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "recipe": "recipes",'
' "unittest_only": true'
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "package_name_internal_prefix": "pigweed_internal/infra/recipe_bundles",'
' "package_name_prefix": "pigweed/infra/recipe_bundles",'
' "recipe": "recipe_bundler",'
' "recipe_bundler_vers": "git_revision:c500145832eaccda64c089f0dab3a01b094d870e",'
' "repo_specs": ['
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "projects": ['
' ['
' "pigweed",'
' ""'
' ]'
' ],'
' "recipe": "recipe_autoroller"'
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path: "builder"
service_account: ""
description_html: "<p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
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dimensions: "os:Debian"
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' },'
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' "recipe": "recipes",'
' "unittest_only": true'
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dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "recipe_testing_options": {'
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' "include_restricted": false,'
' "include_unrestricted": true,'
' "name": "pigweed"'
' }'
' ],'
' "use_buildbucket": false'
' },'
' "unittest_only": false'
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buckets {
name: ""
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
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dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "branch": "main",'
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' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "gcs_bucket": "pigweed-bazel-tarballs",'
' "recipe": "git_archive"'
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buckets {
name: ""
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' "filters": ['
' "blob:none"'
' ],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "gcs_bucket": "pigweed-bazel-tarballs",'
' "recipe": "git_archive"'
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caches {
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' "ignored_accounts": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ],'
' "readability": [],'
' "recipe": "static_checks",'
' "require_tested": false'
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expiration_secs: 28800
caches {
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pool: ""
dimensions: ""
shadow: ""
buckets {
name: ""
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name: "rules.try"
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' "doc_patterns": null,'
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' "ignored_accounts": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ],'
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' "recipe": "static_checks",'
' "require_tested": false'
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buckets {
name: "rules.try.shadow"
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buckets {
name: ""
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
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dimensions: ""
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' "pigweed-internal"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "default"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "eligible_workspace_paths": ['
' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
priority: 40
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dimensions: ""
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' "$fuchsia/sso": {'
' "hosts_to_configure_insteadof": ['
' "pigweed",'
' "pigweed-internal"'
' ]'
' },'
' "bazel_options": {'
' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "default"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "eligible_workspace_paths": ['
' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
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' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
priority: 40
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dimensions: ""
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' "hosts_to_configure_insteadof": ['
' "pigweed",'
' "pigweed-internal"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "default"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "eligible_workspace_paths": ['
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' ],'
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' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
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' "pigweed-internal"'
' ]'
' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
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' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
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path: "macos_sdk"
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' "pigweed-internal"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "program": ['
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' ]'
' },'
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' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
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' "remote": "",'
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' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
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' "pigweed-internal"'
' ]'
' },'
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' ]'
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' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
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' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
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' "pigweed-internal"'
' ]'
' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "destination_path": ".bazelversion",'
' "remote": "",'
' "source_path": ".bazelversion"'
' }'
' ],'
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' "dry_run": false,'
' "forge_author": true,'
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' "pigweed-internal"'
' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' }'
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' "remote": "",'
' "source_path": ".bazelversion"'
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' ],'
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' "pigweed-internal"'
' ]'
' },'
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' ],'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' ]'
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' ],'
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' },'
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' "pigweed-internal"'
' ]'
' },'
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' ]'
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' },'
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' "",'
' ""'
' ],'
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' ""'
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' "json_path": "pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/arm.json",'
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' "spec": "fuchsia/third_party/armgcc/${platform}",'
' "split_names": ['
' "fuchsia",'
' "third_party",'
' "armgcc"'
' ],'
' "tag": "version"'
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dimensions: "3600:cores:1|2|4"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.roll"
exe {
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
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' "auto_roller_options": {'
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' "bot_commit": true,'
' "dry_run": true,'
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' "labels_to_set": null,'
' "labels_to_wait_on": [],'
' "permit_recommended": false,'
' "remote": "",'
' "upstream_ref": "main"'
' },'
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' "initialize_submodules": false,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "cipd_packages": ['
' {'
' "allow_mismatched_refs": true,'
' "json_path": "pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/rbe.json",'
' "name": "rbe-client",'
' "ref": "latest",'
' "spec": "infra/rbe/client/${platform}",'
' "split_names": ['
' "infra",'
' "rbe",'
' "client"'
' ],'
' "tag": "re_client_version"'
' }'
' ],'
' "do_not_rerun": true,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "forge_author": true,'
' "header_override": "rbe-client",'
' "recipe": "roller"'
priority: 50
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service_account: ""
experimental: YES
description_html: "<p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
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' "bot_commit": true,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "force_submit": false,'
' "labels_to_set": null,'
' "labels_to_wait_on": [],'
' "permit_recommended": false,'
' "remote": "",'
' "upstream_ref": "main"'
' },'
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' "cc_reviewers_on_rolls": false,'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "cipd_packages": ['
' {'
' "allow_mismatched_refs": false,'
' "json_path": "pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/pigweed.json",'
' "name": "host",'
' "ref": "latest",'
' "spec": "fuchsia/third_party/rust/host/${platform}",'
' "split_names": ['
' "fuchsia",'
' "third_party",'
' "rust",'
' "host"'
' ],'
' "tag": "git_revision"'
' },'
' {'
' "allow_mismatched_refs": false,'
' "json_path": "pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/pigweed.json",'
' "name": "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",'
' "ref": "latest",'
' "spec": "fuchsia/third_party/rust/target/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",'
' "split_names": ['
' "fuchsia",'
' "third_party",'
' "rust",'
' "target",'
' "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu"'
' ],'
' "tag": "git_revision"'
' },'
' {'
' "allow_mismatched_refs": false,'
' "json_path": "pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/pigweed.json",'
' "name": "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",'
' "ref": "latest",'
' "spec": "fuchsia/third_party/rust/target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",'
' "split_names": ['
' "fuchsia",'
' "third_party",'
' "rust",'
' "target",'
' "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"'
' ],'
' "tag": "git_revision"'
' },'
' {'
' "allow_mismatched_refs": false,'
' "json_path": "pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/pigweed.json",'
' "name": "aarch64-apple-darwin",'
' "ref": "latest",'
' "spec": "fuchsia/third_party/rust/target/aarch64-apple-darwin",'
' "split_names": ['
' "fuchsia",'
' "third_party",'
' "rust",'
' "target",'
' "aarch64-apple-darwin"'
' ],'
' "tag": "git_revision"'
' },'
' {'
' "allow_mismatched_refs": false,'
' "json_path": "pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/pigweed.json",'
' "name": "x86_64-apple-darwin",'
' "ref": "latest",'
' "spec": "fuchsia/third_party/rust/target/x86_64-apple-darwin",'
' "split_names": ['
' "fuchsia",'
' "third_party",'
' "rust",'
' "target",'
' "x86_64-apple-darwin"'
' ],'
' "tag": "git_revision"'
' },'
' {'
' "allow_mismatched_refs": false,'
' "json_path": "pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/pigweed.json",'
' "name": "thumbv7m-none-eabi",'
' "ref": "latest",'
' "spec": "fuchsia/third_party/rust/target/thumbv7m-none-eabi",'
' "split_names": ['
' "fuchsia",'
' "third_party",'
' "rust",'
' "target",'
' "thumbv7m-none-eabi"'
' ],'
' "tag": "git_revision"'
' }'
' ],'
' "do_not_rerun": true,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "forge_author": true,'
' "header_override": "rust",'
' "recipe": "roller"'
priority: 50
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caches {
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description_html: "<p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
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dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.roll"
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' "always_cc": false,'
' "auto_roller_options": {'
' "add_gitwatcher_ignore": true,'
' "bot_commit": true,'
' "dry_run": false,'
' "force_submit": false,'
' "labels_to_set": null,'
' "labels_to_wait_on": [],'
' "permit_recommended": false,'
' "remote": "",'
' "upstream_ref": "main"'
' },'
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' "cc_domains": [],'
' "cc_reviewers_on_rolls": false,'
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": false,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "cipd_packages": ['
' {'
' "allow_mismatched_refs": false,'
' "json_path": "pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/pigweed.json",'
' "name": "sysroot",'
' "ref": "latest",'
' "spec": "fuchsia/third_party/sysroot/linux",'
' "split_names": ['
' "fuchsia",'
' "third_party",'
' "sysroot"'
' ],'
' "tag": "git_revision"'
' }'
' ],'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": false,'
' "forge_author": true,'
' "recipe": "roller"'
priority: 40
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caches {
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shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
builders {
name: "sysroot-roller-dryrun"
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dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
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cmd: "luciexe"
' "always_cc": false,'
' "auto_roller_options": {'
' "add_gitwatcher_ignore": true,'
' "bot_commit": true,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "force_submit": false,'
' "labels_to_set": null,'
' "labels_to_wait_on": [],'
' "permit_recommended": false,'
' "remote": "",'
' "upstream_ref": "main"'
' },'
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' "cc_domains": [],'
' "cc_reviewers_on_rolls": false,'
' "checkout_options": {'
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' "initialize_submodules": false,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' {'
' "allow_mismatched_refs": false,'
' "json_path": "pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/pigweed.json",'
' "name": "sysroot",'
' "ref": "latest",'
' "spec": "fuchsia/third_party/sysroot/linux",'
' "split_names": ['
' "fuchsia",'
' "third_party",'
' "sysroot"'
' ],'
' "tag": "git_revision"'
' }'
' ],'
' "do_not_rerun": true,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "forge_author": true,'
' "recipe": "roller"'
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caches {
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description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\">tools.roll / sysroot-roller</a></li> <li>tools.roll / sysroot-roller-dryrun</li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"
shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
shadow: "tools.roll.shadow"
buckets {
name: "tools.roll.shadow"
constraints {
pools: "luci.pigweed.try"
service_accounts: ""
dynamic_builder_template {}
buckets {
name: ""
swarming {
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name: "zephyr-examples-hello-dts"
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "bazel_options": {'
' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "default"'
' ]'
' },'
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "eligible_workspace_paths": ['
' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "root_subdirectory": "examples/hello_dts",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
priority: 40
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caches {
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caches {
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path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
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buckets {
name: ""
swarming {
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dimensions: "60:cores:16"
dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
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' "bazel_options": {'
' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "default"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "branch": "main",'
' "eligible_workspace_paths": ['
' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
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' "remote": "",'
' "root_subdirectory": "examples/hello_dts",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 28800
caches {
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caches {
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path: "builder"
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buckets {
name: ""
swarming {
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
dimensions: "os:Debian"
dimensions: ""
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' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "doc_patterns": null,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "forbid_requires": false,'
' "ignored_accounts": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ],'
' "readability": [],'
' "recipe": "static_checks",'
' "require_tested": false'
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pool: ""
dimensions: ""
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dimensions: "cores:16|32"
dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64"
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dimensions: ""
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' "bazel_options": {'
' "config_path": "",'
' "program": ['
' "default"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "eligible_workspace_paths": ['
' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
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' "remote": "",'
' "root_subdirectory": "examples/hello_dts",'
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' },'
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' "recipe": "bazel"'
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shadow_builder_adjustments {
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pool: ""
dimensions: ""
shadow: ""
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name: ""
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dimensions: "os:Debian"
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' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "destination_path": ".bazelversion",'
' "remote": "",'
' "source_path": ".bazelversion"'
' }'
' ],'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": false,'
' "forge_author": true,'
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shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "labels_to_wait_on": [],'
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' },'
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' "remote": "",'
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' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "destination_path": ".bazelversion",'
' "remote": "",'
' "source_path": ".bazelversion"'
' }'
' ],'
' "do_not_rerun": true,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "forge_author": true,'
' "recipe": "roller"'
priority: 40
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caches {
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' "ignored_accounts": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ],'
' "readability": [],'
' "recipe": "static_checks",'
' "require_tested": false'
priority: 40
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expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
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' "bazel_options": {'
' "config_path": "",'
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' "default"'
' ]'
' },'
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "eligible_workspace_paths": ['
' "MODULE.bazel",'
' ],'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "root_subdirectory": "examples/hello_dts",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "ci_builder_exists": true,'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "recipe": "bazel"'
priority: 40
execution_timeout_secs: 3720
expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
name: "bazel"
path: "bazel"
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
service_account: ""
resultdb {
enable: true
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / zephyr-examples-hello-dts</a></li> <li>zephyr.try / zephyr-examples-hello-dts</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / zephyr-examples-hello-dts</a></li> <li><a href=\"\"> / zephyr-examples-hello-dts</a></li> </ul>"
shadow_builder_adjustments {
service_account: ""
pool: "luci.pigweed.try"
dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
shadow: "zephyr.try.shadow"
buckets {
name: "zephyr.try.shadow"
constraints {
pools: "luci.pigweed.try"
service_accounts: ""
dynamic_builder_template {}