blob: 800cd31bae025347bfbef2162aa482b12b1df0fd [file] [log] [blame]
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
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' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
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' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
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' "gn_pw_system_demo_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/compatibility.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "gn_full_qemu_check"'
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' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
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' "gn_full_qemu_check"'
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' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' ]'
' },'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' },'
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' "ubsan"'
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' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "static_analysis"'
' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' },'
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' },'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
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' },'
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' "remote": "",'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' },'
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' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
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' "static_analysis"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "macos_sdk.version": "11c29",'
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' ]'
' },'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
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' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' ]'
' },'
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' "stm32f429i_size_optimized",'
' "stm32f429i_speed_optimized"'
' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "unittest_only": true'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' },'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "env_setup.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": "third_party/pigweed",'
' "root_variable_name": "SAMPLE_PROJECT_ROOT"'
' },'
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' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "env_setup.json",'
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' "root_variable_name": "SAMPLE_PROJECT_ROOT"'
' },'
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' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "match_branch": true,'
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' },'
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' "root_variable_name": "SAMPLE_PROJECT_ROOT"'
' },'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "macos_sdk.version": "11c29",'
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' },'
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' "dry_run": true,'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "relative_pigweed_root": "third_party/pigweed",'
' "root_variable_name": "SAMPLE_PROJECT_ROOT"'
' },'
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' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "relative_pigweed_root": "third_party/pigweed",'
' "root_variable_name": "SAMPLE_PROJECT_ROOT"'
' },'
' "recipe": "xrefs"'
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' "gerrit_host": "",'
' "tree_status_host": null'
' },'
' "dry_run": false,'
' "recipe": "gerrit_auto_submit"'
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' "gerrit_host": "",'
' "tree_status_host": null'
' },'
' "dry_run": false,'
' "recipe": "gerrit_auto_submit"'
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' },'
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' "package_spec": "infra/3pp/tools/buildifier/${platform}",'
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' },'
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' "package_spec": "fuchsia/third_party/clang/${platform}",'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' "submodule_name": "infra/config",'
' "submodule_path": "infra/config"'
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' },'
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' "ref": "latest",'
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' "package_name": "mingw64",'
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' },'
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' ],'
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' ],'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' "remote": "",'
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' "relative_pigweed_root": "third_party/pigweed",'
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' },'
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' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' },'
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' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_variables": ['
' ],'
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' },'
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' "dry_run": true,'
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' ],'
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' "remote": "",'
' "root_subdirectory": "pigweed",'
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' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "macos_sdk.version": "11c29",'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
' "root_subdirectory": "pigweed",'
' "use_repo": false,'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "cmake_clang"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "cmake_gcc"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/compatibility.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "gn_full_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "gn_crypto_boringssl_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "gn_crypto_micro_ecc_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "gn_crypto_mbedtls_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "gn_host_tools"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_nanopb_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
' "root_subdirectory": "pigweed",'
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' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_software_update_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
' "root_subdirectory": "pigweed",'
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' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_pw_system_demo_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' "gn_full_qemu_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "stm32f429i"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/compatibility.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
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' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "gn_nanopb_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/compatibility.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "gn_full_qemu_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "gn_full_qemu_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
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' "only_on_changed_files": true,'
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' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "bazel_test"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
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' },'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "cmake_clang"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "cmake_gcc"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/compatibility.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "gn_full_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
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' },'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "gn_crypto_boringssl_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' "remote": "",'
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' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' },'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
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' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' },'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "gn_full_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/compatibility.json"'
' },'
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' "gn_full_qemu_check"'
' ]'
' },'
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' },'
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' ]'
' },'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "recipe": "run_script",'
' "script": "pw_unit_test/renode/"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "recipe": "pigweed"'
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' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
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' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "stm32f429i"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "gn_args": [],'
' "ninja_targets": ['
' "stm32f429i_debug",'
' "stm32f429i_size_optimized",'
' "stm32f429i_speed_optimized"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
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' },'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "recipe": "build"'
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' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
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' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "bazel_test"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/compatibility.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "gn_full_build_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "gn_host_tools"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "gn_nanopb_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' ]'
' },'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/compatibility.json"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
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' "gn_full_qemu_check"'
' ]'
' },'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' },'
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' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
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' "gn_full_qemu_check"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
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' },'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pw_env_setup/config.json"'
' },'
' "recipe": "xrefs"'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "recipe": "recipes",'
' "unittest_only": true'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
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' "recipe_testing_options": {'
' "projects": ['
' {'
' "cq_config_name": "commit-queue.cfg",'
' "include_restricted": false,'
' "include_unrestricted": true,'
' "name": "pigweed"'
' }'
' ],'
' "use_buildbucket": false'
' },'
' "unittest_only": false'
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "env_setup.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": "third_party/pigweed",'
' "root_variable_name": "SAMPLE_PROJECT_ROOT"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
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expiration_secs: 7200
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key: ""
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "env_setup.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": "third_party/pigweed",'
' "root_variable_name": "SAMPLE_PROJECT_ROOT"'
' },'
' "macos_sdk.version": "11c29",'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
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path: "pip"
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key: ""
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' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "env_setup.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": "third_party/pigweed",'
' "root_variable_name": "SAMPLE_PROJECT_ROOT"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "default_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
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expiration_secs: 7200
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "do_not_cache": true,'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
priority: 40
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name: "pip"
path: "pip"
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key: ""
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "macos_sdk.version": "11c29",'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
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expiration_secs: 7200
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "command": "python -m pw_cli --directory $PW_PROJECT_ROOT --loglevel debug presubmit --step gn_gen_check",'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "recipe": "envtest"'
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expiration_secs: 7200
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experimental: YES
experiments {
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "env_setup.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": "third_party/pigweed",'
' "root_variable_name": "SAMPLE_PROJECT_ROOT"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "only_on_changed_files": true,'
' "program": ['
' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
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service_account: ""
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key: ""
value: 100
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "env_setup.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": "third_party/pigweed",'
' "root_variable_name": "SAMPLE_PROJECT_ROOT"'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "program": ['
' "lintformat"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 40
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key: ""
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dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.try"
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "env_setup.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": "third_party/pigweed",'
' "root_variable_name": "SAMPLE_PROJECT_ROOT"'
' },'
' "recipe": "run_script",'
' "script": "pigweed/pw_unit_test/renode/"'
priority: 50
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expiration_secs: 7200
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experimental: YES
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' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "env_setup.json",'
' "relative_pigweed_root": "third_party/pigweed",'
' "root_variable_name": "SAMPLE_PROJECT_ROOT"'
' },'
' "recipe": "xrefs"'
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key: ""
value: 100
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' "forbid_requires": false,'
' "ignored_accounts": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ],'
' "readability": [],'
' "recipe": "static_checks",'
' "require_tested": false'
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expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
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experiments {
key: ""
value: 100
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' ""'
' ],'
' "readability": [],'
' "recipe": "static_checks",'
' "require_tested": false'
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' "ignored_accounts": ['
' "",'
' ""'
' ],'
' "readability": [],'
' "recipe": "static_checks",'
' "require_tested": false'
priority: 40
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expiration_secs: 7200
caches {
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experiments {
key: ""
value: 100