| # Auto-generated by lucicfg. |
| # Do not modify manually. |
| # |
| # For the schema of this file, see Bucket message: |
| # https://luci-config.appspot.com/schemas/projects:buildbucket.cfg |
| |
| name: "roll" |
| acls { |
| group: "all" |
| } |
| acls { |
| role: SCHEDULER |
| identity: "user:luci-scheduler@appspot.gserviceaccount.com" |
| } |
| acls { |
| role: SCHEDULER |
| group: "project-pigweed-committers" |
| } |
| swarming { |
| builders { |
| name: "gn-roller" |
| swarming_host: "chromium-swarm.appspot.com" |
| dimensions: "1800:cores:2" |
| dimensions: "cpu:x64|x86-64" |
| dimensions: "os:Debian" |
| dimensions: "pool:luci.pigweed.ci" |
| exe { |
| cipd_package: "pigweed/infra/recipe_bundles/pigweed.googlesource.com/infra/recipes" |
| cipd_version: "refs/heads/main" |
| cmd: "luciexe" |
| } |
| properties: |
| '{' |
| ' "allow_mismatched_refs": false,' |
| ' "bot_commit": true,' |
| ' "checkout_options": {' |
| ' "branch": "main",' |
| ' "equivalent_remotes": [],' |
| ' "initialize_submodules": true,' |
| ' "match_branch": true,' |
| ' "remote": "https://pigweed.googlesource.com/pigweed/pigweed",' |
| ' "use_repo": false,' |
| ' "use_trigger": true' |
| ' },' |
| ' "cipd_json_path": "pw_env_setup/py/pw_env_setup/cipd_setup/pigweed.json",' |
| ' "dry_run": false,' |
| ' "package_name": "gn",' |
| ' "package_spec": "gn/gn/${platform}",' |
| ' "recipe": "cipd_roller",' |
| ' "ref": "latest",' |
| ' "tag": "git_revision"' |
| '}' |
| priority: 40 |
| execution_timeout_secs: 7800 |
| caches { |
| name: "builder" |
| path: "builder" |
| } |
| service_account: "pigweed-roller@pigweed.google.com.iam.gserviceaccount.com" |
| experimental: NO |
| experiments { |
| key: "luci.recipes.use_python3" |
| value: 100 |
| } |
| } |
| } |