blob: 3640e4d008fe40679c016537079e020ee31b68a1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
"""Utility functions for rollers."""
import collections
import re
import urllib
import attr
import enum
from recipe_engine import recipe_api
# If we're embedding the original commit message, prepend 'Original-' to lines
# which begin with these tags.
# If we're embedding the original commit message, remove lines which contain
# these tags.
re.compile(r'^\w+-?Auto-Submit:', re.IGNORECASE),
re.compile(r'Git[ -]?watcher:', re.IGNORECASE),
'No-Tree-Checks: true',
'No-Try: true',
def _match_tag(line, tag):
if hasattr(tag, 'match'):
return tag.match(line)
return line.startswith(tag)
def _sanitize_message(message):
"""Sanitize lines of a commit message.
Prepend 'Original-' to lines which begin with ESCAPE_TAGS. Filter
out lines which begin with FILTER_TAGS.
lines = message.splitlines()
# If the first line is really long create a truncated version of it, but
# keep the original version of the commit message around.
if len(lines[0]) > 80:
lines = [lines[0][0:50], ''] + lines
return '\n'.join(
"Original-" + line
if any((line.startswith(tag) for tag in ESCAPE_TAGS))
else line
for line in lines
if not any((_match_tag(line, tag) for tag in FILTER_TAGS))
class _Direction(enum.Enum):
# Using a namedtuple instead of attrs because this should be hashable.
Account = collections.namedtuple('Account', 'name email')
class Commit:
hash = attr.ib(type=str)
message = attr.ib(type=str)
author = attr.ib(type=str)
owner = attr.ib(type=str)
reviewers = attr.ib(type=tuple)
class Roll:
_api = attr.ib()
project_name = attr.ib(type=str)
old_revision = attr.ib(type=str)
new_revision = attr.ib(type=str)
proj_dir = attr.ib(type=str)
direction = attr.ib(type=str)
commits = attr.ib(type=tuple, default=None)
remote = attr.ib(type=str, default=None)
_nest_steps = attr.ib(type=bool, default=True)
def check(self, _, value): # pragma: no cover
if value not in _Direction:
raise ValueError('invalid direction: {}'.format(value))
if value == _Direction.CURRENT:
raise ValueError('attempt to do a no-op roll')
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
with self._api.context(cwd=self.proj_dir):
if self._nest_steps:
with self._api.step.nest(self.project_name):
self._set_commits() # pragma: no cover
def _set_commits(self):
log_cmd = [
# Separate entries with null bytes since most entries
# will contain newlines ("%B" is the full commit
# message, not just the first line.)
if _is_hash(self.old_revision) and self.direction == _Direction.FORWARD:
'{}..{}'.format(self.old_revision, self.new_revision)
log_cmd.extend(('--max-count', '5', self.new_revision))
log_kwargs = {'stdout': self._api.raw_io.output_text()}
commit_log = (
self._api.git('git log', *log_cmd, **log_kwargs)
commits = []
for i, commit in enumerate(commit_log):
commit_hash, name, email, message = commit.split('\n', 3)
author = Account(name, email)
owner = None
reviewers = []
full_host = '{}'.format(self.gerrit_name)
changes = []
# If there are a lot of CLs in this roll only get owner and
# reviewer data from the first 10 so we don't make too many
# requests of Gerrit.
if i < 10:
changes = self._api.gerrit.change_query(
'get change-id',
[{'_number': 12345}]
if changes and len(changes) == 1:
number = changes[0]['_number']
step = self._api.gerrit.change_details(
'get {}'.format(number),
'owner': {
'name': 'author',
'email': '',
'reviewers': {
'name': 'reviewer',
'email': '',
'name': 'nobody',
'email': '',
'name': 'robot',
'email': '',
if step.exc_result.retcode == 0:
details = step.json.output
owner = Account(
details['owner']['name'], details['owner']['email']
for reviewer in details['reviewers']['REVIEWER']:
Account(reviewer['name'], reviewer['email']),
self.commits = tuple(commits)
def _set_remote(self):
api = self._api
with api.step.nest('remote'), api.context(cwd=self.proj_dir):
# There may be multiple remote names. Only get the first one. They
# should refer to the same URL so it doesn't matter which we use.
name = (
step_test_data=lambda: api.raw_io.test_api.stream_output_text(
remote = api.git(
step_test_data=lambda: api.raw_io.test_api.stream_output_text(
self.remote = api.sso.sso_to_https(remote)
def gerrit_name(self):
return urllib.parse.urlparse(self.remote).netloc.split('.')[0]
class Message:
name = attr.ib(type=str)
template = attr.ib(type=str)
kwargs = attr.ib(type=dict)
num_commits = attr.ib(type=int)
footer = attr.ib(type=tuple, default=())
def render(self, with_footer=True):
result = [self.template.format(**self.kwargs)]
if with_footer:
result.extend(x for x in self.footer)
return '\n'.join(result)
def _is_hash(value):
return re.match(r'^[0-9a-fA-F]{40}', value)
def _pprint_dict(d):
result = []
for k, v in sorted(d.items()):
result.append('{!r}: {!r}\n'.format(k, v))
return ''.join(result)
class RollUtilApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
def __init__(self, props, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.labels_to_set = collections.OrderedDict()
for label in sorted(props.labels_to_set, key=lambda x: x.label):
self.labels_to_set[str(label.label)] = label.value
self.labels_to_wait_on = sorted(str(x) for x in props.labels_to_wait_on)
self.footer = []
self._commit_divider = props.commit_divider
def authors(self, *roll):
authors = set()
for r in roll:
for commit in r.commits:
if commit.owner:
return authors
def fake_author(self, author):
# Update the author's email address so it can be used for attribution
# without literally attributing it to the author's account in Gerrit.
# Make sure not to add it twice, and there's no need to do this for
# service accounts.
email =
prefix = 'pigweed.infra.roller.'
if prefix not in email and not email.endswith(''):
user, domain ='@')
email = '{}@{}{}'.format(user, prefix, domain)
return Account(, email,)
def reviewers(self, *roll):
reviewers = set()
for r in roll:
for commit in r.commits:
return reviewers
def can_cc_on_roll(self, email, host):
# Assume all queried accounts exist on Gerrit in testing except for
test_data = self.m.json.test_api.output([{'_account_id': 123}])
if email == '':
test_data = self.m.json.test_api.output([])
return self.m.gerrit.account_query(
email, 'email:{}'.format(email), host=host, test_data=test_data,
def include_cc(self, account, cc_domains, host):
with self.m.step.nest('cc {}'.format( as pres:
domain ='@', 1)[1]
if domain.endswith(''):
pres.step_summary_text = 'not CCing, robot account'
return False
if cc_domains and domain not in cc_domains:
pres.step_summary_text = 'not CCing, domain excluded'
return False
if not self.can_cc_on_roll(, host=host):
pres.step_summary_text = 'not CCing, no account in Gerrit'
return False
pres.step_summary_text = 'CCing'
return True
def _single_commit_roll_message(self, roll):
template = """
[roll {project_name}] {sanitized_message}
{project_name} Rolled-Commits: {old_revision:.15}..{new_revision:.15}
commit = roll.commits[0]
kwargs = {
'project_name': roll.project_name,
'remote': roll.remote,
'original_message': commit.message,
'sanitized_message': _sanitize_message(commit.message),
'old_revision': roll.old_revision,
'new_revision': roll.new_revision,
message = Message(
with self.m.step.nest(
'message for {}'.format(roll.project_name)
) as pres:
pres.logs['template'] = template
pres.logs['kwargs'] = _pprint_dict(kwargs)
pres.logs['message'] = message.render()
return message
def _multiple_commits_roll_message(self, roll):
template = """
[{project_name}] Roll {num_commits} commits
{project_name} Rolled-Commits: {old_revision:.15}..{new_revision:.15}
one_liners = [
'{:.15} {}'.format(commit.hash, commit.message.splitlines()[0][:50])
for commit in roll.commits
num_commits = len(roll.commits)
if not _is_hash(roll.old_revision):
num_commits = 'multiple'
if len(one_liners) > 100:
one_liners = one_liners[0:5] + ['...'] + one_liners[-5:]
# In case both this and the previous condition match.
if one_liners[-1] == '...':
one_liners.pop() # pragma: no cover
kwargs = {
'project_name': roll.project_name,
'remote': roll.remote,
'num_commits': num_commits,
'one_liners': '\n'.join(one_liners),
'old_revision': roll.old_revision,
'new_revision': roll.new_revision,
message = Message(
with self.m.step.nest('message') as pres:
pres.logs['template'] = template
pres.logs['kwargs'] = _pprint_dict(kwargs)
pres.logs['message'] = message.render()
return message
def _single_roll_message(self, roll):
if len(roll.commits) > 1:
return self._multiple_commits_roll_message(roll)
return self._single_commit_roll_message(roll)
def _multiple_rolls_message(self, *rolls):
rolls = sorted(rolls, key=lambda x: x.project_name)
messages = []
for roll in rolls:
texts = [
'[roll {}] Roll {} commits'.format(
', '.join( for x in messages),
sum(x.num_commits for x in messages),
texts.extend(x.render(with_footer=False) for x in messages)
texts.append('\n'.join('{}'.format(x) for x in self.footer))
return '\n\n'.join(texts)
def Account(self, name, email):
return Account(name, email)
def Roll(self, **kwargs):
"""Create a Roll. See Roll class above for details."""
return Roll(api=self.m, **kwargs)
def message(self, *rolls):
with self.m.step.nest('roll message'):
if len(rolls) > 1:
result = self._multiple_rolls_message(*rolls)
result = self._single_roll_message(*rolls).render()
if self._commit_divider:
result += '\n{}'.format(self._commit_divider)
return result
Direction = _Direction
def get_roll_direction(self, git_dir, old, new, name='get roll direction'):
"""Return Direction of roll."""
if old == new:
with self.m.step.nest(name) as pres:
pres.step_summary_text = 'up-to-date'
return self.Direction.CURRENT
with self.m.context(git_dir):
with self.m.step.nest(name) as pres:
forward = self.m.git(
'is forward',
ok_ret=(0, 1),
backward = self.m.git(
'is backward',
ok_ret=(0, 1),
if (
forward.exc_result.retcode == 0
and backward.exc_result.retcode != 0
pres.step_summary_text = 'forward'
return self.Direction.FORWARD
if (
forward.exc_result.retcode != 0
and backward.exc_result.retcode == 0
pres.step_summary_text = 'backward'
return self.Direction.BACKWARD
# If new and old are ancestors of each other then this is the
# same commit. We should only hit this during testing because
# the comparison at the top of the function should have caught
# this situation.
if (
forward.exc_result.retcode == 0
and backward.exc_result.retcode == 0
with self.m.step.nest(name) as pres:
pres.step_summary_text = 'up-to-date'
return self.Direction.CURRENT
# If old is not an ancestor of new and new is not an ancestor
# of old then history was rewritten in some manner but we still
# need to update the pin.
pres.step_summary_text = 'rebase'
return self.Direction.REBASE
def can_roll(self, direction):
return direction in (self.Direction.FORWARD, self.Direction.REBASE)
def skip_roll_step(self, remote, old_revision, new_revision):
with self.m.step.nest('cancelling roll') as pres:
fmt = (
'not updating from {old} to {new} because {old} is newer '
'than {new}'
if old_revision == new_revision:
fmt = (
'not updating from {old} to {new} because they are '
pres.step_summary_text = fmt.format(
old=old_revision[0:7], new=new_revision[0:7]
pres.links[old_revision] = '{}/+/{}'.format(remote, old_revision)
pres.links[new_revision] = '{}/+/{}'.format(remote, new_revision)
def normalize_remote(self, remote, base):
"""Convert relative paths to absolute paths.
Support relative paths. If the top-level project is
"" then a submodule path of
"./abc" maps to "" and
"../abc" maps to "". Minimal
error-checking because git does most of these checks for us.
Also converts sso to https.
remote (str): Submodule remote URL.
base (str): Fully-qualified superproject remote URL.
if remote.startswith('.'):
remote = '/'.join((base.rstrip('/'), remote.lstrip('/')))
changes = 1
while changes:
changes = 0
remote, n = re.subn(r'/\./', '/', remote)
changes += n
remote, n = re.subn(r'/[^/]+/\.\./', '/', remote)
changes += n
return self.m.sso.sso_to_https(remote)