blob: 7913d30c5b37887e0b87b2f02b5ca945bbbb7425 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
// This is an implementation of P-256 signature operations using boringssl.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "dice/boringssl_ecdsa_utils.h"
#include "dice/config/cose_key_config.h"
#include "dice/dice.h"
#include "dice/ops.h"
#error "Private key seed is expected to be 32 bytes."
#error "This P-256 implementation needs 64 bytes to store the public key."
#error "P-256 needs 32 bytes for the private key."
#error "P-256 needs 64 bytes to store the signature."
#define DICE_PROFILE_NAME "opendice.example.p256"
DiceResult DiceGetKeyParam(void* context_not_used,
DicePrincipal principal_not_used,
DiceKeyParam* key_param) {
key_param->profile_name = DICE_PROFILE_NAME;
key_param->public_key_size = DICE_PUBLIC_KEY_BUFFER_SIZE;
key_param->signature_size = DICE_SIGNATURE_BUFFER_SIZE;
key_param->cose_key_type = kCoseKeyKtyEc2;
key_param->cose_key_algorithm = kCoseAlgEs256;
key_param->cose_key_curve = kCoseCrvP256;
return kDiceResultOk;
DiceResult DiceKeypairFromSeed(void* context_not_used,
DicePrincipal principal_not_used,
const uint8_t seed[DICE_PRIVATE_KEY_SEED_SIZE],
uint8_t public_key[DICE_PUBLIC_KEY_BUFFER_SIZE],
uint8_t private_key[DICE_PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE]) {
if (1 == P256KeypairFromSeed(public_key, private_key, seed)) {
return kDiceResultOk;
return kDiceResultPlatformError;
DiceResult DiceSign(void* context_not_used, const uint8_t* message,
size_t message_size,
const uint8_t private_key[DICE_PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE],
uint8_t signature[DICE_SIGNATURE_BUFFER_SIZE]) {
if (1 == P256Sign(signature, message, message_size, private_key)) {
return kDiceResultOk;
return kDiceResultPlatformError;
DiceResult DiceVerify(void* context_not_used, const uint8_t* message,
size_t message_size,
const uint8_t signature[DICE_SIGNATURE_BUFFER_SIZE],
const uint8_t public_key[DICE_PUBLIC_KEY_BUFFER_SIZE]) {
if (1 == P256Verify(message, message_size, signature, public_key)) {
return kDiceResultOk;
return kDiceResultPlatformError;