blob: ccce4847d3a3b49cb14f099e486ffc349b491053 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
group("default") {
deps = [
pw_source_set("cbor_writer") {
public = [ "include/dice/cbor_writer.h" ]
sources = [ "src/cbor_writer.c" ]
pw_source_set("cbor_reader") {
public = [ "include/dice/cbor_reader.h" ]
sources = [ "src/cbor_reader.c" ]
config("standalone_ops_config") {
include_dirs = [ "//include/dice/config/standalone" ]
pw_static_library("dice_standalone") {
public = [
sources = [
all_dependent_configs = [ ":standalone_ops_config" ]
config("boringssl_ed25519_ops_config") {
include_dirs = [ "//include/dice/config/boringssl_ed25519" ]
config("boringssl_ecdsa_p256_ops_config") {
include_dirs = [ "//include/dice/config/boringssl_ecdsa_p256" ]
config("boringssl_ecdsa_p384_ops_config") {
include_dirs = [ "//include/dice/config/boringssl_ecdsa_p384" ]
pw_static_library("dice_with_boringssl_ed25519_ops") {
public = [
sources = [
deps = [ "//third_party/boringssl:crypto" ]
all_dependent_configs = [ ":boringssl_ed25519_ops_config" ]
pw_static_library("dice_with_boringssl_p256_ops") {
public = [
sources = [
deps = [ "//third_party/boringssl:crypto" ]
all_dependent_configs = [ ":boringssl_ecdsa_p256_ops_config" ]
pw_static_library("dice_with_boringssl_p384_ops") {
public = [
sources = [
deps = [ "//third_party/boringssl:crypto" ]
all_dependent_configs = [ ":boringssl_ecdsa_p384_ops_config" ]
config("mbedtls_ops_config") {
include_dirs = [ "//include//dice/config/mbedtls_ecdsa_p256" ]
pw_static_library("dice_with_mbedtls_ops") {
public = [
sources = [
deps = [ "//third_party/mbedtls:mbedcrypto" ]
all_dependent_configs = [ ":mbedtls_ops_config" ]
pw_static_library("dice_with_cbor_ed25519_cert") {
public = [
sources = [
deps = [
all_dependent_configs = [ ":boringssl_ed25519_ops_config" ]
pw_static_library("boringssl_ecdsa_utils") {
public = [
sources = [ "src/boringssl_ecdsa_utils.c" ]
deps = [ "//third_party/boringssl:crypto" ]
pw_static_library("dice_with_cbor_p256_cert") {
public = [
sources = [
deps = [
all_dependent_configs = [ ":boringssl_ecdsa_p256_ops_config" ]
pw_static_library("dice_with_cbor_p384_cert") {
public = [
sources = [
deps = [
all_dependent_configs = [ ":boringssl_ecdsa_p384_ops_config" ]
pw_static_library("dice_with_cbor_template_ed25519_cert") {
public = [
sources = [
deps = [ "//third_party/boringssl:crypto" ]
all_dependent_configs = [ ":boringssl_ed25519_ops_config" ]
pw_static_library("dice_with_x509_template_cert") {
public = [
sources = [
deps = [ "//third_party/boringssl:crypto" ]
all_dependent_configs = [ ":boringssl_ed25519_ops_config" ]
pw_source_set("fuzzer") {
public = [
sources = [ "src/" ]
pw_test("cbor_writer_test") {
sources = [ "src/" ]
deps = [ ":cbor_writer" ]
pw_test("cbor_reader_test") {
sources = [ "src/" ]
deps = [ ":cbor_reader" ]
pw_executable("cbor_writer_fuzzer") {
sources = [ "src/" ]
deps = [ ":cbor_writer" ]
pw_executable("cbor_reader_fuzzer") {
sources = [ "src/" ]
deps = [ ":cbor_reader" ]
pw_test("dice_test") {
sources = [ "src/" ]
deps = [
pw_test("boringssl_ed25519_ops_test") {
sources = [
deps = [
pw_executable("boringssl_ed25519_ops_fuzzer") {
deps = [
pw_executable("boringssl_p256_ops_fuzzer") {
deps = [
pw_executable("boringssl_p384_ops_fuzzer") {
deps = [
pw_test("template_cert_op_test") {
sources = [
deps = [
pw_executable("template_cert_op_fuzzer") {
deps = [
pw_test("cbor_ed25519_cert_op_test") {
sources = [
deps = [
pw_test("cbor_p256_cert_op_test") {
sources = [
deps = [
pw_test("cbor_p384_cert_op_test") {
sources = [
deps = [
pw_executable("cbor_ed25519_cert_op_fuzzer") {
deps = [
pw_test("template_cbor_ed25519_cert_op_test") {
sources = [
deps = [
pw_executable("template_cbor_ed25519_cert_op_fuzzer") {
deps = [
pw_test("mbedtls_ops_test") {
sources = [
deps = [
pw_executable("mbedtls_ops_fuzzer") {
deps = [
pw_static_library("dice_android") {
public = [
sources = [ "src/android.c" ]
deps = [
pw_test("android_test") {
sources = [ "src/" ]
deps = [ ":dice_android" ]
pw_executable("android_fuzzer") {
sources = [ "src/" ]
deps = [ ":dice_android" ]
pw_test_group("tests") {
tests = [
group("fuzzers") {
deps = [
pw_static_library("empty_lib") {
pw_executable("empty_main") {
sources = [ "src/empty_main.c" ]
pw_executable("dice_standalone_main") {
sources = [ "src/dice_standalone_main.c" ]
deps = [ ":dice_standalone" ]
pw_source_set("dice_main") {
public = [
sources = [ "src/dice_main.c" ]
pw_executable("dice_with_boringssl_ed25519_ops_main") {
deps = [
pw_executable("dice_with_mbedtls_ops_main") {
deps = [
pw_executable("dice_with_cbor_cert_main") {
deps = [
pw_executable("dice_with_cbor_template_ed25519_cert_main") {
deps = [
pw_executable("dice_with_x509_template_cert_main") {
deps = [
pw_size_diff("executable_size_report") {
title = "Executable sizes (includes thirdparty deps)"
base = ":empty_main"
binaries = [
target = ":dice_standalone_main"
label = "DiceMainFlow only (No Ops)"
target = ":dice_with_boringssl_ed25519_ops_main"
label = "Boringssl Ed25519 Ops"
base = ":dice_standalone_main"
target = ":dice_with_mbedtls_ops_main"
label = "MbedTLS Ops"
base = ":dice_standalone_main"
target = ":dice_with_cbor_cert_main"
label = "Boringssl with CBOR Cert"
base = ":dice_with_boringssl_ed25519_ops_main"
target = ":dice_with_cbor_template_ed25519_cert_main"
label = "Boringssl with CBOR Template Ed25519 Cert"
base = ":dice_with_boringssl_ed25519_ops_main"
target = ":dice_with_x509_template_cert_main"
label = "Boringssl with X.509 Template Cert"
base = ":dice_with_boringssl_ed25519_ops_main"
pw_size_diff("library_size_report") {
title = "Library sizes (excludes thirdparty deps)"
base = ":empty_lib"
binaries = [
target = ":dice_standalone"
label = "DICE Standalone (No Ops)"
target = ":dice_with_boringssl_ed25519_ops"
label = "Boringssl Ops"
base = ":dice_standalone"
target = ":dice_with_mbedtls_ops"
label = "MbedTLS Ops"
base = ":dice_standalone"
target = ":dice_with_cbor_ed25519_cert"
label = "CBOR Cert"
base = ":dice_standalone"
target = ":dice_with_cbor_p256_cert"
label = "CBOR P256 Cert"
base = ":dice_standalone"
target = ":dice_with_cbor_p384_cert"
label = "CBOR P384 Cert"
base = ":dice_standalone"
target = ":dice_with_cbor_template_ed25519_cert"
label = "CBOR Template Cert"
base = ":dice_standalone"
target = ":dice_with_x509_template_cert"
label = "X.509 Template Cert"
base = ":dice_standalone"
group("optimized_libs") {
deps = [
# This group is built during bootstrap to setup the interactive Python
# environment.
pw_python_group("python") {
python_deps = [ ":pip_install_open_dice_tools" ]
# In-tree Python packages
_open_dice_python_packages = [ "//tools:tools" ]
# Pigweed Python packages to include
_pigweed_python_packages = [ "$dir_pw_env_setup:core_pigweed_python_packages" ]
_all_python_packages = _open_dice_python_packages + _pigweed_python_packages
# The default venv for Python actions in GN
# Set this gn arg in a declare_args block in this file '' or in '.gn' to
# use this venv.
# pw_build_PYTHON_BUILD_VENV = "//:open_dice_build_venv"
pw_python_venv("open_dice_build_venv") {
path = "$root_build_dir/python-venv"
constraints = pw_build_PIP_CONSTRAINTS
requirements = pw_build_PIP_REQUIREMENTS
# Ensure all third party Python dependencies are installed into this venv.
# This works by checking the setup.cfg files for all packages listed here and
# installing the packages listed in the [options].install_requires field.
source_packages = _all_python_packages
# This template collects all python packages and their dependencies into a
# single super Python package for installation into the bootstrapped virtual
# environment.
pw_python_distribution("generate_open_dice_tools_python_distribution") {
packages = _all_python_packages
generate_setup_cfg = {
name = "open-dice-tools"
version = "0.0.1"
append_date_to_version = true
include_default_pyproject_file = true
# Install the open-dice-tools super Python package into the bootstrapped Python
# venv.
pw_internal_pip_install("pip_install_open_dice_tools") {
packages = [ ":generate_open_dice_tools_python_distribution" ]