blob: 86cd851cc33ba12718b3a36d00aa00ac8a087bd6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
// For more information on the Android Profile for DICE, see docs/
#include "dice/android.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "dice/cbor_reader.h"
#include "dice/cbor_writer.h"
#include "dice/dice.h"
#include "dice/ops.h"
#include "dice/ops/trait/cose.h"
// Completely gratuitous bit twiddling.
static size_t PopulationCount(uint32_t n) {
n = n - ((n >> 1) & 0x55555555);
n = (n & 0x33333333) + ((n >> 2) & 0x33333333);
return (((n + (n >> 4)) & 0x0F0F0F0F) * 0x01010101) >> 24;
DiceResult DiceAndroidFormatConfigDescriptor(
const DiceAndroidConfigValues* config_values, size_t buffer_size,
uint8_t* buffer, size_t* actual_size) {
static const int64_t kComponentNameLabel = -70002;
static const int64_t kComponentVersionLabel = -70003;
static const int64_t kResettableLabel = -70004;
static const int64_t kSecurityVersionLabel = -70005;
static const int64_t kRkpVmMarkerLabel = -70006;
// AndroidConfigDescriptor = {
// ? -70002 : tstr, ; Component name
// ? -70003 : int, ; Component version
// ? -70004 : null, ; Resettable
// }
struct CborOut out;
CborOutInit(buffer, buffer_size, &out);
CborWriteMap(PopulationCount(config_values->configs), &out);
if (config_values->configs & DICE_ANDROID_CONFIG_COMPONENT_NAME &&
config_values->component_name) {
CborWriteInt(kComponentNameLabel, &out);
CborWriteTstr(config_values->component_name, &out);
if (config_values->configs & DICE_ANDROID_CONFIG_COMPONENT_VERSION) {
CborWriteInt(kComponentVersionLabel, &out);
CborWriteUint(config_values->component_version, &out);
if (config_values->configs & DICE_ANDROID_CONFIG_RESETTABLE) {
CborWriteInt(kResettableLabel, &out);
if (config_values->configs & DICE_ANDROID_CONFIG_SECURITY_VERSION) {
CborWriteInt(kSecurityVersionLabel, &out);
CborWriteUint(config_values->security_version, &out);
if (config_values->configs & DICE_ANDROID_CONFIG_RKP_VM_MARKER) {
CborWriteInt(kRkpVmMarkerLabel, &out);
*actual_size = CborOutSize(&out);
if (CborOutOverflowed(&out)) {
return kDiceResultBufferTooSmall;
return kDiceResultOk;
DiceResult DiceAndroidMainFlow(void* context,
const uint8_t current_cdi_attest[DICE_CDI_SIZE],
const uint8_t current_cdi_seal[DICE_CDI_SIZE],
const uint8_t* chain, size_t chain_size,
const DiceInputValues* input_values,
size_t buffer_size, uint8_t* buffer,
size_t* actual_size,
uint8_t next_cdi_attest[DICE_CDI_SIZE],
uint8_t next_cdi_seal[DICE_CDI_SIZE]) {
DiceResult result;
enum CborReadResult res;
struct CborIn in;
size_t chain_item_count;
// The Android DICE chain has a more detailed internal structure, but those
// details aren't relevant to the work of this function.
// DiceCertChain = [
// COSE_Key, ; Root public key
// + COSE_Sign1, ; DICE chain entries
// ]
CborInInit(chain, chain_size, &in);
res = CborReadArray(&in, &chain_item_count);
if (res != CBOR_READ_RESULT_OK) {
return kDiceResultInvalidInput;
if (chain_item_count < 2 || chain_item_count == SIZE_MAX) {
// There should at least be the public key and one entry.
return kDiceResultInvalidInput;
// Measure the existing chain entries.
size_t chain_items_offset = CborInOffset(&in);
for (size_t chain_pos = 0; chain_pos < chain_item_count; ++chain_pos) {
res = CborReadSkip(&in);
if (res != CBOR_READ_RESULT_OK) {
return kDiceResultInvalidInput;
size_t chain_items_size = CborInOffset(&in) - chain_items_offset;
// Copy to the new buffer, with space in the chain for one more entry.
struct CborOut out;
CborOutInit(buffer, buffer_size, &out);
CborWriteArray(chain_item_count + 1, &out);
size_t new_chain_prefix_size = CborOutSize(&out);
if (CborOutOverflowed(&out) ||
chain_items_size > buffer_size - new_chain_prefix_size) {
// Continue with an empty buffer to measure the required size.
buffer_size = 0;
} else {
memcpy(buffer + new_chain_prefix_size, chain + chain_items_offset,
buffer += new_chain_prefix_size + chain_items_size;
buffer_size -= new_chain_prefix_size + chain_items_size;
size_t certificate_size;
result = DiceMainFlow(context, current_cdi_attest, current_cdi_seal,
input_values, buffer_size, buffer, &certificate_size,
next_cdi_attest, next_cdi_seal);
*actual_size = new_chain_prefix_size + chain_items_size + certificate_size;
return result;
static DiceResult DiceAndroidMainFlowWithNewDiceChain(
void* context, const uint8_t current_cdi_attest[DICE_CDI_SIZE],
const uint8_t current_cdi_seal[DICE_CDI_SIZE],
const DiceInputValues* input_values, size_t buffer_size, uint8_t* buffer,
size_t* chain_size, uint8_t next_cdi_attest[DICE_CDI_SIZE],
uint8_t next_cdi_seal[DICE_CDI_SIZE]) {
uint8_t current_cdi_private_key_seed[DICE_PRIVATE_KEY_SEED_SIZE];
uint8_t attestation_public_key[DICE_PUBLIC_KEY_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t attestation_private_key[DICE_PRIVATE_KEY_BUFFER_SIZE];
// Derive an asymmetric private key seed from the current attestation CDI
// value.
DiceResult result = DiceDeriveCdiPrivateKeySeed(context, current_cdi_attest,
if (result != kDiceResultOk) {
goto out;
// Derive attestation key pair.
result = DiceKeypairFromSeed(context, kDicePrincipalAuthority,
attestation_public_key, attestation_private_key);
if (result != kDiceResultOk) {
goto out;
// Consruct the DICE chain from the attestation public key and the next CDI
// certificate.
struct CborOut out;
CborOutInit(buffer, buffer_size, &out);
CborWriteArray(2, &out);
size_t encoded_size_used = CborOutSize(&out);
if (CborOutOverflowed(&out)) {
// Continue with an empty buffer to measure the required size.
buffer_size = 0;
} else {
buffer += encoded_size_used;
buffer_size -= encoded_size_used;
size_t encoded_pub_key_size = 0;
result = DiceCoseEncodePublicKey(context, kDicePrincipalAuthority,
attestation_public_key, buffer_size, buffer,
if (result == kDiceResultOk) {
buffer += encoded_pub_key_size;
buffer_size -= encoded_pub_key_size;
} else if (result == kDiceResultBufferTooSmall) {
// Continue with an empty buffer to measure the required size.
buffer_size = 0;
} else {
goto out;
result = DiceMainFlow(context, current_cdi_attest, current_cdi_seal,
input_values, buffer_size, buffer, chain_size,
next_cdi_attest, next_cdi_seal);
*chain_size += encoded_size_used + encoded_pub_key_size;
if (result != kDiceResultOk) {
return result;
DiceClearMemory(context, sizeof(current_cdi_private_key_seed),
DiceClearMemory(context, sizeof(attestation_private_key),
return result;
// AndroidDiceHandover = {
// 1 : bstr .size 32, ; CDI_Attest
// 2 : bstr .size 32, ; CDI_Seal
// ? 3 : DiceCertChain, ; Android DICE chain
// }
static const int64_t kCdiAttestLabel = 1;
static const int64_t kCdiSealLabel = 2;
static const int64_t kDiceChainLabel = 3;
DiceResult DiceAndroidHandoverMainFlow(void* context, const uint8_t* handover,
size_t handover_size,
const DiceInputValues* input_values,
size_t buffer_size, uint8_t* buffer,
size_t* actual_size) {
DiceResult result;
const uint8_t* current_cdi_attest;
const uint8_t* current_cdi_seal;
const uint8_t* chain;
size_t chain_size;
result =
DiceAndroidHandoverParse(handover, handover_size, &current_cdi_attest,
&current_cdi_seal, &chain, &chain_size);
if (result != kDiceResultOk) {
return kDiceResultInvalidInput;
// Write the new handover data.
struct CborOut out;
CborOutInit(buffer, buffer_size, &out);
CborWriteMap(/*num_pairs=*/3, &out);
CborWriteInt(kCdiAttestLabel, &out);
uint8_t* next_cdi_attest = CborAllocBstr(DICE_CDI_SIZE, &out);
CborWriteInt(kCdiSealLabel, &out);
uint8_t* next_cdi_seal = CborAllocBstr(DICE_CDI_SIZE, &out);
CborWriteInt(kDiceChainLabel, &out);
uint8_t ignored_cdi_attest[DICE_CDI_SIZE];
uint8_t ignored_cdi_seal[DICE_CDI_SIZE];
if (CborOutOverflowed(&out)) {
// Continue with an empty buffer and placeholders for the output CDIs to
// measure the required size.
buffer_size = 0;
next_cdi_attest = ignored_cdi_attest;
next_cdi_seal = ignored_cdi_seal;
} else {
buffer += CborOutSize(&out);
buffer_size -= CborOutSize(&out);
if (chain_size != 0) {
// If the DICE chain is present in the handover, append the next certificate
// to the existing DICE chain.
result = DiceAndroidMainFlow(context, current_cdi_attest, current_cdi_seal,
chain, chain_size, input_values, buffer_size,
buffer, &chain_size, next_cdi_attest,
} else {
// If DICE chain is not present in the handover, construct the DICE chain
// from the public key derived from the current CDI attest and the next CDI
// certificate.
result = DiceAndroidMainFlowWithNewDiceChain(
context, current_cdi_attest, current_cdi_seal, input_values,
buffer_size, buffer, &chain_size, next_cdi_attest, next_cdi_seal);
*actual_size = CborOutSize(&out) + chain_size;
return result;
DiceResult DiceAndroidHandoverParse(const uint8_t* handover,
size_t handover_size,
const uint8_t** cdi_attest,
const uint8_t** cdi_seal,
const uint8_t** chain, size_t* chain_size) {
// Extract details from the handover data.
struct CborIn in;
int64_t label;
size_t num_pairs;
size_t item_size;
CborInInit(handover, handover_size, &in);
if (CborReadMap(&in, &num_pairs) != CBOR_READ_RESULT_OK || num_pairs < 2 ||
// Read the attestation CDI.
CborReadInt(&in, &label) != CBOR_READ_RESULT_OK ||
label != kCdiAttestLabel ||
CborReadBstr(&in, &item_size, cdi_attest) != CBOR_READ_RESULT_OK ||
item_size != DICE_CDI_SIZE ||
// Read the sealing CDI.
CborReadInt(&in, &label) != CBOR_READ_RESULT_OK ||
label != kCdiSealLabel ||
CborReadBstr(&in, &item_size, cdi_seal) != CBOR_READ_RESULT_OK ||
item_size != DICE_CDI_SIZE) {
return kDiceResultInvalidInput;
*chain = NULL;
*chain_size = 0;
if (num_pairs >= 3 && CborReadInt(&in, &label) == CBOR_READ_RESULT_OK) {
if (label == kDiceChainLabel) {
// Calculate the DICE chain size, if it is present in the handover object.
size_t chain_start = CborInOffset(&in);
if (CborReadSkip(&in) != CBOR_READ_RESULT_OK) {
return kDiceResultInvalidInput;
*chain = handover + chain_start;
*chain_size = CborInOffset(&in) - chain_start;
return kDiceResultOk;