blob: 931b0b2a233f8f4a00a33676a39caecf770d34de [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
# NOTE: All the `deps` listed in `//` must either be instantiated with a
# toolchain, e.g. `":my_host_target(//path/to/host:toolchain)"`, or listed
# within an `if (current_toolchain != default_toolchain)` statement.
# It also prevents the default toolchain from parsing any unnecessary
# files.
# Lists all the targets build by default with e.g. `ninja -C out`.
group("default") {
deps = [
group("docs") {
deps = [ "//docs($dir_pigweed/targets/docs)" ]
# Group all targets that run on host only, e.g. tests, utils.
group("host") {
deps = [ ":run_tests(//targets/host:host_debug_tests)" ]
# Arduino specific targets.
group("arduino") {
# If the 'pw_arduino_build_CORE_PATH' build arg is defined assume an arduino
# core is available for building.
# For example:
# pw_arduino_build_CORE_PATH="//third_party/pigweed/third_party/arduino/cores"
if (pw_arduino_build_CORE_PATH != "") {
deps = [ ":run_tests(//targets/arduino:arduino_debug_tests)" ]
# stm32f429i_disc1 specific targets
group("stm32f429i_disc1") {
_default_toolchain =
_testing_toolchain = "${_default_toolchain}_tests"
deps = [ ":run_tests(${_testing_toolchain})" ]
# In-tree Python packages
_sample_project_python_packages = [ "//tools:tools" ]
# This group contains all the python packages that should be tested and linted.
pw_python_group("python") {
python_deps = _sample_project_python_packages
# Pigweed Python packages to include
_pigweed_python_packages = [
_all_python_packages =
_sample_project_python_packages + _pigweed_python_packages
# The default venv for Python actions in GN
# Set this gn arg in a declare_args block in this file '' or in '.gn' to
# use this venv.
# pw_build_PYTHON_BUILD_VENV = "//:sample_project_build_venv"
pw_python_venv("sample_project_build_venv") {
path = "$root_build_dir/python-venv"
constraints = pw_build_PIP_CONSTRAINTS
requirements = pw_build_PIP_REQUIREMENTS
# Ensure all third party Python dependencies are installed into this venv.
# This works by checking the setup.cfg files for all packages listed here and
# installing the packages listed in the [options].install_requires field.
source_packages = _all_python_packages
# This template collects all python packages and their dependencies into a
# single super Python package for installation into the bootstrapped virtual
# environment.
pw_python_distribution("sample_project_python_distribution") {
packages = _all_python_packages
generate_setup_cfg = {
name = "sample-project-tools"
version = "0.0.1"
append_date_to_version = true
include_default_pyproject_file = true
# Install the sample-project-tools super Python package into the bootstrapped
# Python venv.
pw_python_pip_install("pip_install_sample_project_tools") {
packages = [ ":sample_project_python_distribution" ]
group("examples") {
deps = []
# STMicroelectronics STM32F429I-DISC1 examples.
deps += [
# Raspberry Pi RP2040 examples.
deps += [
# Host examples.
deps += [
# TODO: b/301306292 - Removing this causes a duplicate toolchain to be
# generated if any tests are present in the test group. Figure out why, and set
# up a more scalable solution.
if (current_toolchain != default_toolchain) {
# All the tests that should run as part of the build.
pw_test_group("tests") {
group_deps = [
# Uncomment this to automatically run the example unit test.
# "//examples/02-unit-testing:tests",
group("run_tests") {
if (pw_unit_test_AUTOMATIC_RUNNER == "") {
# Without a test runner defined, build the tests but don't run them.
deps = [ ":tests" ]
} else {
# With a test runner, build and run tests.
deps = [ "" ]