[tls] Generate size report for tls example

Generate size report for the tls example application. The report is
on additional binary size contributed by the use of tls library. This is
done by building another executable target that uses a noop tls backend,
then bloating it against the original target.

Change-Id: Ibb4514376c22b18f27b1e910248d46627766402f
Reviewed-on: https://pigweed-review.googlesource.com/c/pigweed/experimental/+/39462
Commit-Queue: Yecheng Zhao <zyecheng@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Ali Zhang <alizhang@google.com>
6 files changed
tree: 78affb036ee49244a62c58502491bd4a1b71ba20
  1. applications/
  2. build_overrides/
  3. pw_board_led/
  4. pw_board_led_arduino/
  5. pw_board_led_host/
  6. pw_board_led_stm32f429i_disc1/
  7. pw_console/
  8. pw_spin_delay/
  9. pw_spin_delay_arduino/
  10. pw_spin_delay_host/
  11. pw_spin_delay_stm32f429i_disc1/
  12. targets/
  13. third_party/
  14. tools/
  15. .gitattributes
  16. .gitignore
  17. .gitmodules
  18. .gn
  19. activate.bat
  20. banner.txt
  21. bootstrap.bat
  22. bootstrap.sh
  23. BUILD.gn
  25. navbar.md
  27. README.md

Pigweed Experimental

This repository contains experimental pigweed modules.

Repository setup

Clone this repo with --recursive to get all required submodules.

git clone --recursive https://pigweed.googlesource.com/pigweed/experimental

This will pull the Pigweed source repository into third_party/pigweed. If you already cloned but forgot to --recursive run git submodule update --init to pull all submodules.