[roll third_party/pigweed] pw_tokenizer: Add linker script section for FreeRTOS

pw_tokenizer automatically adds linker script sections based on GN's
current_os variable. "freertos" was recently added as a possible value
in the Pigweed build, so add the linker script section if compiling for

Instead of checking the target OS, the build should check what type of
executable the target produces.

Original-Reviewed-on: https://pigweed-review.googlesource.com/c/pigweed/pigweed/+/74520

third_party/pigweed Rolled-Commits: 30a164f15de8d69..4b1c30d0947b49a
Roller-URL: https://ci.chromium.org/b/8827748028821802977
Cq-Cl-Tag: roller-builder:pigweed-experimental-roller
Cq-Cl-Tag: roller-bid:8827748028821802977
CQ-Do-Not-Cancel-Tryjobs: true
Change-Id: If7f81bfbbe3a6760af0a81f3def2021b1bb2b762
Reviewed-on: https://pigweed-review.googlesource.com/c/pigweed/experimental/+/74661
Bot-Commit: Pigweed Integration Roller <pigweed-integration-roller@pigweed.google.com.iam.gserviceaccount.com>
Commit-Queue: Pigweed Integration Roller <pigweed-integration-roller@pigweed.google.com.iam.gserviceaccount.com>
1 file changed
tree: 48892f482dfe5925fdf6bf4905148256bfe3e374
  1. applications/
  2. build_overrides/
  3. pw_board_led/
  4. pw_board_led_arduino/
  5. pw_board_led_host/
  6. pw_board_led_stm32cube/
  7. pw_board_led_stm32f429i_disc1/
  8. pw_spin_delay/
  9. pw_spin_delay_arduino/
  10. pw_spin_delay_host/
  11. pw_spin_delay_stm32cube/
  12. pw_spin_delay_stm32f429i_disc1/
  13. targets/
  14. third_party/
  15. tools/
  16. .gitattributes
  17. .gitignore
  18. .gitmodules
  19. .gn
  20. activate.bat
  21. banner.txt
  22. bootstrap.bat
  23. bootstrap.sh
  24. BUILD.gn
  26. env_setup.json
  27. navbar.md
  28. OWNERS
  30. README.md

Pigweed Experimental

This repository contains experimental pigweed modules.

Repository setup

Clone this repo with --recursive to get all required submodules.

git clone --recursive https://pigweed.googlesource.com/pigweed/experimental

This will pull the Pigweed source repository into third_party/pigweed. If you already cloned but forgot to --recursive run git submodule update --init to pull all submodules.