[tls] Support build time injection for tls example

www.google.com seems to refresh certificate every 3 months. It just
broke the tls example application as it has been using fixed time so
far. The CL adds support for injecting custom/build time as the time
source. This is done by auto-generating source code for implementing the
time_t time(time_t *) C API. The time_t value to return is passed from a
gn argument, or default to build time if not specified.

CRL checking is disabled by default as the in-tree test CRLs have
already expired. This will cause load failure when build time is used.
Will consider build-time CRL download and injection for demo purpose.

Change-Id: I6d6339a6203d2f3ba2b06f8afac5af04e3a5e683
Reviewed-on: https://pigweed-review.googlesource.com/c/pigweed/experimental/+/39465
Commit-Queue: Yecheng Zhao <zyecheng@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Ali Zhang <alizhang@google.com>
5 files changed
tree: d18165f3d280037ce3c2103f7bf6d4f26abc37ac
  1. applications/
  2. build_overrides/
  3. pw_board_led/
  4. pw_board_led_arduino/
  5. pw_board_led_host/
  6. pw_board_led_stm32f429i_disc1/
  7. pw_console/
  8. pw_spin_delay/
  9. pw_spin_delay_arduino/
  10. pw_spin_delay_host/
  11. pw_spin_delay_stm32f429i_disc1/
  12. targets/
  13. third_party/
  14. tools/
  15. .gitattributes
  16. .gitignore
  17. .gitmodules
  18. .gn
  19. activate.bat
  20. banner.txt
  21. bootstrap.bat
  22. bootstrap.sh
  23. BUILD.gn
  25. navbar.md
  27. README.md

Pigweed Experimental

This repository contains experimental pigweed modules.

Repository setup

Clone this repo with --recursive to get all required submodules.

git clone --recursive https://pigweed.googlesource.com/pigweed/experimental

This will pull the Pigweed source repository into third_party/pigweed. If you already cloned but forgot to --recursive run git submodule update --init to pull all submodules.