pw_draw: Split .h and .cc files, TextArea updates

- Split rgb565.h into .h and .cc files
- Add rgb565 Blit function and test (under
- Split into separate draw and text_area files
- TextArea foreground and background color setting
- TextArea ScrollUp by number of lines + test
- TextArea Character wrap at edge of screen setting
- Create a log to screen function in
- Update the Imgui backend to draw the display texture in the
  background instead of embedded inside the imgui control window.
- GLFW host mouse cursor as a pw_touchscreen implementation.
- Fix some compiler warnings

Change-Id: I527f9cc6ae079dc7b5b686ff93bfc01ec1407cf5
Reviewed-by: Anthony DiGirolamo <>
Reviewed-by: Erik Gilling <>
Commit-Queue: Anthony DiGirolamo <>
23 files changed