blob: d1d52a32024ea2a1f980827f8501470207142840 [file] [log] [blame] [view]
*** aside
#### [00: <br/> Setup](/workshop/
`Intro + setup.`
*** aside
#### [01: <br/> Blinky](/workshop/01-blinky/
`Getting to blinky.`
*** aside
#### [02: <br/> Testing](/workshop/02-string-functions/
`Writing tests.`
*** promo
#### [03: <br/> RPC](/workshop/03-rpc/
`Calling RPCs.`
*** aside
#### [04: <br/> KVS](/workshop/04-kvs/
`Key Value Store.`
*** aside
#### [05: <br/> FactoryTest](/workshop/05-factory-test/
`Testing in the factory.`
## Build and Flash
Instructions are the same as flashing [blinky](/workshop/01-blinky/
but passing in a different `.elf`.
1. Run the compile with `pw watch out` or `ninja -C out`.
1. Flash `rpc.elf`.
arduino_unit_test_runner --config out/arduino_debug/gen/arduino_builder_config.json --upload-tool teensyloader --verbose --flash-only out/arduino_debug/obj/workshop/03-rpc/bin/rpc.elf
openocd -s ${PW_PIGWEED_CIPD_INSTALL_DIR}/share/openocd/scripts -f ${PW_ROOT}/targets/stm32f429i_disc1/py/stm32f429i_disc1_utils/openocd_stm32f4xx.cfg -c "program out/arduino_debug/obj/workshop/03-rpc/bin/rpc.elf reset exit"
## View HDLC Encoded Log Output
1. **Optional:** Create / update the log token database. This will be
automatically updated when compiling.
python -m pw_tokenizer.database create --force --database workshop/03-rpc/tokenizer_database.csv out/arduino_debug/obj/workshop/03-rpc/bin/rpc.elf
1. Start the rpc_console that saves log output to a file.
python -m pw_hdlc_lite.rpc_console -o logfile.txt -d /dev/ttyACM0 third_party/pigweed/pw_rpc/pw_rpc_protos/echo.proto workshop/03-rpc/remoticon_proto/remoticon.proto
This will launch an interactive `ipython` console where you can send
RPCs. Try `"hello!")`. IPython provides nice
tab completion for the RPC interfaces as well.
1. Tail the log output.
python -m pw_tokenizer.detokenize base64 workshop/03-rpc/tokenizer_database.csv -i logfile.txt --follow