blob: a5f6a448124a858be78b848f5c7a6ea084aadf8a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Pigweed Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
declare_args() {
# Display width in pixels (ex. "320")
pw_app_common_DISPLAY_WIDTH = "0"
# Display height in pixels (ex. "240")
pw_app_common_DISPLAY_HEIGHT = "0"
# Framebuffer width in pixels (ex. "320")
# A value of -1 will cause the framebuffer to have the same value as
# pw_app_common_DISPLAY_WIDTH
pw_app_common_FRAMEBUFFER_WIDTH = "-1"
# Framebuffer start pixel X coord (ex. "4")
pw_app_common_FRAMEBUFFER_START_X = "0"
# Framebuffer start pixel Y coord (ex. "4")
pw_app_common_FRAMEBUFFER_START_Y = "0"
# Display backlight pin (ex "4", or "-1" if unused)
pw_app_common_BACKLIGHT_GPIO = "-1"
# Display tear effect output GPIO pin (ex "2", or "-1" if unused)
pw_app_common_DISPLAY_TE_GPIO = "-1"
# Display reset GPIO pin (ex "2", or "-1" if unused)
pw_app_common_DISPLAY_RESET_GPIO = "-1"
# GPIO Port of display CS pin (ex. "A")
# Only used on STM32 targets.
pw_app_common_STM32_DISPLAY_CS_PORT = ""
# GPIO Pin of display CS (ex. "10")
pw_app_common_DISPLAY_CS_GPIO = ""
# GPIO Port of display DC pin (ex. "B")
# Only used on STM32 targets.
pw_app_common_STM32_DISPLAY_DC_PORT = ""
# GPIO Pin of display dc (ex. "11")
pw_app_common_DISPLAY_DC_GPIO = ""
# SPI bus MISO pin (ex. "12", or "-1" if unusedsable)
pw_app_common_SPI_MISO_GPIO = "-1"
# SPI bus MOSI pin (ex. "13")
pw_app_common_SPI_MOSI_GPIO = ""
# SPI bus clock pin (ex. "14")
pw_app_common_SPI_CLOCK_GPIO = ""
# RP2040 I2C pins.
pw_app_common_I2C_BUS0_SCL = "8"
pw_app_common_I2C_BUS0_SDA = "9"
pw_app_common_I2C_BUS1_SCL = "2"
pw_app_common_I2C_BUS1_SDA = "3"