| // Copyright 2022 The Pigweed Authors |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not |
| // use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of |
| // the License at |
| // |
| // https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT |
| // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the |
| // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under |
| // the License. |
| #include <cstdint> |
| |
| #include "app_common/common.h" |
| |
| #define LIB_CMSIS_CORE 0 |
| |
| #include "FreeRTOS.h" |
| #include "ft6236/device.h" |
| #include "hardware/gpio.h" |
| #include "hardware/pwm.h" |
| #include "hardware/vreg.h" |
| #include "icm42670p/device.h" |
| #include "kudzu_imu_icm42670p/imu.h" |
| #include "max17048/device.h" |
| #include "pi4ioe5v6416/device.h" |
| #include "pico/stdlib.h" |
| #include "pw_digital_io_rp2040/digital_io.h" |
| #include "pw_i2c_rp2040/initiator.h" |
| #include "pw_log/log.h" |
| #include "pw_pixel_pusher_rp2040_pio/pixel_pusher.h" |
| #include "pw_spi_rp2040/chip_selector.h" |
| #include "pw_spi_rp2040/initiator.h" |
| #include "pw_status/status.h" |
| #include "pw_sync/borrow.h" |
| #include "pw_sync/mutex.h" |
| #include "pw_thread/detached_thread.h" |
| #include "pw_thread/thread.h" |
| #include "pw_thread_freertos/context.h" |
| #include "pw_thread_freertos/options.h" |
| #include "pw_touchscreen_ft6236/touchscreen.h" |
| |
| #if defined(DISPLAY_TYPE_ILI9341) |
| #include "pw_display_driver_ili9341/display_driver.h" |
| using DisplayDriver = pw::display_driver::DisplayDriverILI9341; |
| #elif defined(DISPLAY_TYPE_ST7735) |
| #include "pw_display_driver_st7735/display_driver.h" |
| using DisplayDriver = pw::display_driver::DisplayDriverST7735; |
| #elif defined(DISPLAY_TYPE_ST7789) |
| #include "pw_display_driver_st7789/display_driver.h" |
| using DisplayDriver = pw::display_driver::DisplayDriverST7789; |
| #elif defined(DISPLAY_TYPE_ST7789_PIO) |
| #include "pw_display_driver_st7789/display_driver.h" |
| using DisplayDriver = pw::display_driver::DisplayDriverST7789; |
| #else |
| #error "Undefined display type" |
| #endif |
| |
| using Touchscreen = pw::touchscreen::TouchscreenFT6236; |
| |
| using pw::Status; |
| using pw::digital_io::Rp2040Config; |
| using pw::digital_io::Rp2040DigitalIn; |
| using pw::digital_io::Rp2040DigitalInOut; |
| using pw::display::Display; |
| using pw::framebuffer::Framebuffer; |
| using pw::framebuffer::PixelFormat; |
| using pw::framebuffer_pool::FramebufferPool; |
| using pw::pixel_pusher::PixelPusherRp2040Pio; |
| using pw::spi::Device; |
| using pw::spi::Initiator; |
| using pw::spi::PicoChipSelector; |
| using pw::spi::PicoInitiator; |
| using pw::sync::Borrowable; |
| using pw::sync::VirtualMutex; |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| // Pico spi0 Pins |
| #define SPI_PORT spi0 |
| |
| struct SpiValues { |
| SpiValues(pw::spi::Config config, |
| pw::spi::ChipSelector& selector, |
| pw::sync::VirtualMutex& initiator_mutex); |
| |
| pw::spi::PicoInitiator initiator; |
| pw::sync::Borrowable<pw::spi::Initiator> borrowable_initiator; |
| pw::spi::Device device; |
| }; |
| |
| static_assert(DISPLAY_WIDTH > 0); |
| static_assert(DISPLAY_HEIGHT > 0); |
| |
| constexpr uint16_t kDisplayScaleFactor = 2; |
| constexpr uint16_t kFramebufferWidth = |
| : DISPLAY_WIDTH / kDisplayScaleFactor; |
| constexpr uint16_t kFramebufferHeight = DISPLAY_HEIGHT / kDisplayScaleFactor; |
| |
| constexpr pw::math::Size<uint16_t> kDisplaySize{DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT}; |
| constexpr size_t kNumPixels = kFramebufferWidth * kFramebufferHeight; |
| constexpr uint16_t kFramebufferRowBytes = sizeof(uint16_t) * kFramebufferWidth; |
| |
| constexpr uint32_t kBaudRate = 31'250'000; |
| constexpr pw::spi::Config kSpiConfig8Bit{ |
| .polarity = pw::spi::ClockPolarity::kActiveHigh, |
| .phase = pw::spi::ClockPhase::kFallingEdge, |
| .bits_per_word = pw::spi::BitsPerWord(8), |
| .bit_order = pw::spi::BitOrder::kMsbFirst, |
| }; |
| constexpr pw::spi::Config kSpiConfig16Bit{ |
| .polarity = pw::spi::ClockPolarity::kActiveHigh, |
| .phase = pw::spi::ClockPhase::kFallingEdge, |
| .bits_per_word = pw::spi::BitsPerWord(16), |
| .bit_order = pw::spi::BitOrder::kMsbFirst, |
| }; |
| |
| // TODO(tonymd): Determine the correct polarity and update the these modules: |
| // pw_spi_rp2040 and pw_pixel_pusher_rp2040_pio |
| Rp2040DigitalInOut s_display_dc_pin({ |
| .pin = DISPLAY_DC_GPIO, |
| .polarity = pw::digital_io::Polarity::kActiveHigh, |
| }); |
| #if DISPLAY_RESET_GPIO != -1 |
| Rp2040DigitalInOut s_display_reset_pin({ |
| .polarity = pw::digital_io::Polarity::kActiveHigh, |
| }); |
| #endif |
| #if DISPLAY_TE_GPIO != -1 |
| Rp2040DigitalIn s_display_tear_effect_pin({ |
| .pin = DISPLAY_TE_GPIO, |
| .polarity = pw::digital_io::Polarity::kActiveHigh, |
| }); |
| #endif |
| Rp2040DigitalInOut s_display_cs_pin({ |
| .pin = DISPLAY_CS_GPIO, |
| .polarity = pw::digital_io::Polarity::kActiveHigh, |
| }); |
| PicoChipSelector s_spi_chip_selector(s_display_cs_pin); |
| PicoInitiator s_spi_initiator(SPI_PORT); |
| VirtualMutex s_spi_initiator_mutex; |
| Borrowable<Initiator> s_borrowable_spi_initiator(s_spi_initiator, |
| s_spi_initiator_mutex); |
| SpiValues s_spi_8_bit(kSpiConfig8Bit, |
| s_spi_chip_selector, |
| s_spi_initiator_mutex); |
| SpiValues s_spi_16_bit(kSpiConfig16Bit, |
| s_spi_chip_selector, |
| s_spi_initiator_mutex); |
| |
| #if USE_PIO |
| PixelPusherRp2040Pio s_pixel_pusher(DISPLAY_DC_GPIO, |
| pio0); |
| #endif |
| uint16_t s_pixel_data1[kNumPixels]; |
| uint16_t s_pixel_data2[kNumPixels]; |
| const pw::Vector<void*, 2> s_pixel_buffers{s_pixel_data1, s_pixel_data2}; |
| pw::framebuffer_pool::FramebufferPool s_fb_pool({ |
| .fb_addr = s_pixel_buffers, |
| .dimensions = {kFramebufferWidth, kFramebufferHeight}, |
| .row_bytes = kFramebufferRowBytes, |
| .pixel_format = PixelFormat::RGB565, |
| }); |
| DisplayDriver s_display_driver({ |
| .data_cmd_gpio = s_display_dc_pin.as<pw::digital_io::DigitalOut>(), |
| .spi_cs_gpio = s_display_cs_pin.as<pw::digital_io::DigitalOut>(), |
| #if DISPLAY_RESET_GPIO != -1 |
| .reset_gpio = &s_display_reset_pin.as<pw::digital_io::DigitalOut>(), |
| #else |
| .reset_gpio = nullptr, |
| #endif |
| #if DISPLAY_TE_GPIO != -1 |
| .tear_effect_gpio = &s_display_tear_effect_pin, |
| #else |
| .tear_effect_gpio = nullptr, |
| #endif |
| .spi_device_8_bit = s_spi_8_bit.device, |
| .spi_device_16_bit = s_spi_16_bit.device, |
| #if USE_PIO |
| .pixel_pusher = &s_pixel_pusher, |
| #endif |
| }); |
| |
| #if BACKLIGHT_GPIO != -1 |
| void SetBacklight(uint16_t brightness) { |
| pwm_config cfg = pwm_get_default_config(); |
| pwm_set_wrap(pwm_gpio_to_slice_num(BACKLIGHT_GPIO), 65535); |
| pwm_init(pwm_gpio_to_slice_num(BACKLIGHT_GPIO), &cfg, true); |
| gpio_set_function(BACKLIGHT_GPIO, GPIO_FUNC_PWM); |
| |
| pwm_set_gpio_level(BACKLIGHT_GPIO, brightness); |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| const uint8_t kStatusPinRed = 23; |
| const uint8_t kStatusPinGreen = 24; |
| const uint8_t kStatusPinBlue = 25; |
| |
| void ConfigStatusRgb() { |
| std::array<uint8_t, 3> pwm_pins = { |
| kStatusPinRed, kStatusPinGreen, kStatusPinBlue}; |
| for (auto& pin : pwm_pins) { |
| gpio_set_function(pin, GPIO_FUNC_PWM); |
| auto slice_num = pwm_gpio_to_slice_num(pin); |
| pwm_config cfg = pwm_get_default_config(); |
| pwm_set_wrap(slice_num, 65535); |
| pwm_init(slice_num, &cfg, true); |
| |
| pwm_set_gpio_level(pin, 65535); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void SetStatusRgb(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { |
| pwm_set_gpio_level(kStatusPinRed, 65535 - r * r); |
| pwm_set_gpio_level(kStatusPinGreen, 65535 - g * g); |
| pwm_set_gpio_level(kStatusPinBlue, 65535 - b * b); |
| } |
| |
| SpiValues::SpiValues(pw::spi::Config config, |
| pw::spi::ChipSelector& selector, |
| pw::sync::VirtualMutex& initiator_mutex) |
| : initiator(SPI_PORT), |
| borrowable_initiator(initiator, initiator_mutex), |
| device(borrowable_initiator, config, selector) {} |
| |
| constexpr pw::i2c::PicoInitiator::Config ki2c0Config{ |
| .i2c_block = 0, |
| .baud_rate_bps = 400'000, |
| .sda_pin = I2C_BUS0_SDA, |
| .scl_pin = I2C_BUS0_SCL, |
| }; |
| constexpr pw::i2c::PicoInitiator::Config ki2c1Config{ |
| .i2c_block = 1, |
| .baud_rate_bps = 400'000, |
| .sda_pin = I2C_BUS1_SDA, |
| .scl_pin = I2C_BUS1_SCL, |
| }; |
| pw::i2c::PicoInitiator i2c0_bus(ki2c0Config); |
| pw::i2c::PicoInitiator i2c1_bus(ki2c1Config); |
| |
| pw::pi4ioe5v6416::Device io_expander(i2c1_bus); |
| kudzu::icm42670p::Device imu(i2c0_bus); |
| pw::max17048::Device fuel_guage(i2c0_bus); |
| pw::ft6236::Device touch_screen_controller(i2c0_bus); |
| |
| static constexpr size_t kDisplayDrawThreadStackWords = 512; |
| static pw::thread::freertos::StaticContextWithStack< |
| kDisplayDrawThreadStackWords> |
| display_draw_thread_context; |
| |
| static constexpr size_t kTouchscreenThreadStackWords = 512; |
| static pw::thread::freertos::StaticContextWithStack< |
| kTouchscreenThreadStackWords> |
| touchscreen_thread_context; |
| |
| Rp2040DigitalInOut s_io_reset_n({ |
| .pin = 10, |
| // IO expander resets when this pin is pulled low. |
| .polarity = pw::digital_io::Polarity::kActiveLow, |
| }); |
| Rp2040DigitalInOut s_io_interrupt_n({ |
| .pin = 11, |
| .polarity = pw::digital_io::Polarity::kActiveLow, |
| }); |
| Rp2040DigitalInOut s_imu_fsync({ |
| .pin = 13, |
| .polarity = pw::digital_io::Polarity::kActiveHigh, |
| }); |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| Status Common::EndOfFrameCallback() { |
| // touch_screen_controller.LogControllerInfo(); |
| |
| if (io_expander.Probe() == pw::OkStatus()) { |
| io_expander.LogControllerInfo(); |
| } |
| |
| if (fuel_guage.Probe() == pw::OkStatus()) { |
| fuel_guage.LogControllerInfo(); |
| } |
| |
| if (imu.Probe() == pw::OkStatus()) { |
| imu.LogControllerInfo(); |
| } |
| |
| return pw::OkStatus(); |
| } |
| |
| // static |
| Status Common::Init() { |
| #if OVERCLOCK_250 |
| // Overvolt for a stable 250MHz on some RP2040s |
| vreg_set_voltage(VREG_VOLTAGE_1_20); |
| sleep_ms(10); |
| set_sys_clock_khz(250000, false); |
| #endif |
| |
| ConfigStatusRgb(); |
| // Set to a dim pink. |
| SetStatusRgb(32, 12, 32); |
| |
| s_display_cs_pin.Enable(); |
| s_display_dc_pin.Enable(); |
| #if DISPLAY_RESET_GPIO != -1 |
| s_display_reset_pin.Enable(); |
| #endif |
| |
| #if DISPLAY_TE_GPIO != -1 |
| s_display_tear_effect_pin.Enable(); |
| #endif |
| |
| i2c0_bus.Enable(); |
| i2c1_bus.Enable(); |
| |
| s_io_reset_n.Enable(); |
| // Disable reset pin - normal operation. |
| s_io_reset_n.SetStateInactive(); |
| s_io_interrupt_n.Enable(); |
| |
| // IMU FSYNC not used yet |
| s_imu_fsync.Enable(); |
| |
| touch_screen_controller.Enable(); |
| if (touch_screen_controller.Probe() == pw::OkStatus()) { |
| touch_screen_controller.LogControllerInfo(); |
| } |
| |
| io_expander.Enable(); |
| if (io_expander.Probe() == pw::OkStatus()) { |
| io_expander.LogControllerInfo(); |
| } |
| |
| fuel_guage.Enable(); |
| if (fuel_guage.Probe() == pw::OkStatus()) { |
| fuel_guage.LogControllerInfo(); |
| } |
| |
| imu.Enable(); |
| if (imu.Probe() == pw::OkStatus()) { |
| imu.LogControllerInfo(); |
| } |
| |
| #if BACKLIGHT_GPIO != -1 |
| SetBacklight(0xffff); // Full brightness. |
| #endif |
| |
| unsigned actual_baudrate = spi_init(SPI_PORT, kBaudRate); |
| PW_LOG_DEBUG("Actual Baudrate: %u", actual_baudrate); |
| |
| #if SPI_MISO_GPIO != -1 |
| gpio_set_function(SPI_MISO_GPIO, GPIO_FUNC_SPI); |
| #endif |
| gpio_set_function(SPI_CLOCK_GPIO, GPIO_FUNC_SPI); |
| gpio_set_function(SPI_MOSI_GPIO, GPIO_FUNC_SPI); |
| |
| #if USE_PIO |
| // Init the display before the pixel pusher. |
| s_display_driver.Init(); |
| auto result = s_pixel_pusher.Init(s_fb_pool); |
| s_pixel_pusher.SetPixelDouble(true); |
| return result; |
| #else |
| return s_display_driver.Init(); |
| #endif |
| } |
| |
| // static |
| pw::display::Display& Common::GetDisplay() { |
| static Display s_display(s_display_driver, kDisplaySize, s_fb_pool); |
| return s_display; |
| } |
| |
| pw::touchscreen::Touchscreen& Common::GetTouchscreen() { |
| static Touchscreen s_touchscreen = Touchscreen(&touch_screen_controller); |
| return s_touchscreen; |
| } |
| |
| kudzu::imu::PollingImu& Common::GetImu() { |
| static kudzu::imu::PollingImuICM42670P s_imu(&imu); |
| return s_imu; |
| } |
| |
| const pw::thread::Options& Common::DisplayDrawThreadOptions() { |
| static constexpr auto options = |
| pw::thread::freertos::Options() |
| .set_name("DisplayDrawThread") |
| .set_static_context(display_draw_thread_context) |
| // TODO: amontanez - Find a way to better manage priorities. |
| .set_priority(static_cast<UBaseType_t>(tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1)); |
| return options; |
| } |
| |
| const pw::thread::Options& Common::TouchscreenThreadOptions() { |
| static constexpr auto options = |
| pw::thread::freertos::Options() |
| .set_name("TouchscreenThread") |
| .set_static_context(touchscreen_thread_context) |
| // TODO: amontanez - Find a way to better manage priorities. |
| .set_priority(static_cast<UBaseType_t>(tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1)); |
| return options; |
| } |