pw_build: Add argument parsing to pw-wrap-ninja

This commit adds argument parsing to the Ninja wrapper script, to allow
the user to override the UI update rate and the maximum number of Ninja
actions displayed.

It uses argparse.parse_known_args to separate out the options for the
wrapper script itself from the rest that should simply be forwarded to

Tested: Ran pw-wrap-ninja with different values of --ui-update-rate and
  --ui-max-actions. Confirmed additional arguments were forwarded to
Fixes: b/263979195
Change-Id: I14e39605999a36ba133f059626ddfcd4f454365b
Commit-Queue: Eli Lipsitz <>
Reviewed-by: Rob Mohr <>
1 file changed
tree: a075fbbc20a2feffa3fc49a8d05996e002341cb1
  1. .allstar/
  2. .vscode/
  3. build_overrides/
  4. docker/
  5. docs/
  6. pw_allocator/
  7. pw_analog/
  8. pw_android_toolchain/
  9. pw_arduino_build/
  10. pw_assert/
  11. pw_assert_basic/
  12. pw_assert_log/
  13. pw_assert_tokenized/
  14. pw_assert_zephyr/
  15. pw_base64/
  16. pw_bloat/
  17. pw_blob_store/
  18. pw_bluetooth/
  19. pw_bluetooth_hci/
  20. pw_boot/
  21. pw_boot_cortex_m/
  22. pw_build/
  23. pw_build_info/
  24. pw_build_mcuxpresso/
  25. pw_bytes/
  26. pw_checksum/
  27. pw_chrono/
  28. pw_chrono_embos/
  29. pw_chrono_freertos/
  30. pw_chrono_stl/
  31. pw_chrono_threadx/
  32. pw_chrono_zephyr/
  33. pw_cli/
  34. pw_compilation_testing/
  35. pw_console/
  36. pw_containers/
  37. pw_cpu_exception/
  38. pw_cpu_exception_cortex_m/
  39. pw_crypto/
  40. pw_digital_io/
  41. pw_docgen/
  42. pw_doctor/
  43. pw_env_setup/
  44. pw_file/
  45. pw_function/
  46. pw_fuzzer/
  47. pw_hdlc/
  48. pw_hex_dump/
  49. pw_i2c/
  50. pw_i2c_mcuxpresso/
  51. pw_ide/
  52. pw_interrupt/
  53. pw_interrupt_cortex_m/
  54. pw_interrupt_zephyr/
  55. pw_intrusive_ptr/
  56. pw_kvs/
  57. pw_libc/
  58. pw_log/
  59. pw_log_android/
  60. pw_log_basic/
  61. pw_log_null/
  62. pw_log_rpc/
  63. pw_log_string/
  64. pw_log_tokenized/
  65. pw_log_zephyr/
  66. pw_malloc/
  67. pw_malloc_freelist/
  68. pw_metric/
  69. pw_minimal_cpp_stdlib/
  70. pw_module/
  71. pw_multisink/
  72. pw_package/
  73. pw_perf_test/
  74. pw_persistent_ram/
  75. pw_polyfill/
  76. pw_preprocessor/
  77. pw_presubmit/
  78. pw_protobuf/
  79. pw_protobuf_compiler/
  80. pw_random/
  81. pw_result/
  82. pw_ring_buffer/
  83. pw_router/
  84. pw_rpc/
  85. pw_rust/
  86. pw_snapshot/
  87. pw_software_update/
  88. pw_span/
  89. pw_spi/
  90. pw_status/
  91. pw_stm32cube_build/
  92. pw_stream/
  93. pw_string/
  94. pw_symbolizer/
  95. pw_sync/
  96. pw_sync_baremetal/
  97. pw_sync_embos/
  98. pw_sync_freertos/
  99. pw_sync_stl/
  100. pw_sync_threadx/
  101. pw_sync_zephyr/
  102. pw_sys_io/
  103. pw_sys_io_arduino/
  104. pw_sys_io_baremetal_lm3s6965evb/
  105. pw_sys_io_baremetal_stm32f429/
  106. pw_sys_io_emcraft_sf2/
  107. pw_sys_io_mcuxpresso/
  108. pw_sys_io_pico/
  109. pw_sys_io_stdio/
  110. pw_sys_io_stm32cube/
  111. pw_sys_io_zephyr/
  112. pw_system/
  113. pw_target_runner/
  114. pw_thread/
  115. pw_thread_embos/
  116. pw_thread_freertos/
  117. pw_thread_stl/
  118. pw_thread_threadx/
  119. pw_tls_client/
  120. pw_tls_client_boringssl/
  121. pw_tls_client_mbedtls/
  122. pw_tokenizer/
  123. pw_tool/
  124. pw_toolchain/
  125. pw_trace/
  126. pw_trace_tokenized/
  127. pw_transfer/
  128. pw_unit_test/
  129. pw_varint/
  130. pw_watch/
  131. pw_web/
  132. pw_work_queue/
  133. seed/
  134. targets/
  135. third_party/
  136. ts/
  137. zephyr/
  138. .bazelignore
  139. .bazelrc
  140. .clang-format
  141. .clang-tidy
  142. .eslintrc.json
  143. .git-blame-ignore-revs
  144. .gitattributes
  145. .gitignore
  146. .gn
  147. .mypy.ini
  148. .prettierrc.js
  149. .pw_ide.yaml
  150. .pylintrc
  151. activate.bat
  152. Android.bp
  153. AUTHORS
  154. bootstrap.bat
  156. BUILD.bazel
  159. CMakeLists.txt
  160. jest.config.ts
  161. Kconfig.zephyr
  162. LICENSE
  163. modules.gni
  164. OWNERS
  165. package-lock.json
  166. package.json
  169. pyproject.toml
  171. rollup.config.js
  172. tsconfig.json


Pigweed is an open source collection of embedded-targeted libraries–or as we like to call them, modules. These modules are building blocks and infrastructure that enable faster and more reliable development on small-footprint MMU-less 32-bit microcontrollers like the STMicroelectronics STM32L452 or the Nordic nRF52832.

For more information please see our website:
