pw_multisink & pw_ring_buffer: Add Peek APIs

pw_multisink: Add PeekEntry, PopEntry, and CommitEntry APIs.
pw_ring_buffer: Add PeekFrontPreamble to allow a reader peak the user
preamble without the need to copy data. This lets the multisink commit
multiple entries, peeking one at a time to check if it should be popped
without having to get the entry's data.

Change-Id: I2304af3d149c10942e61f2ca65400acfeda978ca
Reviewed-by: Ewout van Bekkum <>
Pigweed-Auto-Submit: Carlos Chinchilla <>
Commit-Queue: Auto-Submit <>
11 files changed
tree: 5d139f01607f1e30ad9f9a721fe7e124ec67a71c
  1. build_overrides/
  2. docker/
  3. docs/
  4. pw_allocator/
  5. pw_analog/
  6. pw_android_toolchain/
  7. pw_arduino_build/
  8. pw_assert/
  9. pw_assert_basic/
  10. pw_assert_log/
  11. pw_base64/
  12. pw_bloat/
  13. pw_blob_store/
  14. pw_bluetooth_hci/
  15. pw_boot/
  16. pw_boot_cortex_m/
  17. pw_build/
  18. pw_build_info/
  19. pw_bytes/
  20. pw_checksum/
  21. pw_chrono/
  22. pw_chrono_embos/
  23. pw_chrono_freertos/
  24. pw_chrono_stl/
  25. pw_chrono_threadx/
  26. pw_cli/
  27. pw_console/
  28. pw_containers/
  29. pw_cpu_exception/
  30. pw_cpu_exception_cortex_m/
  31. pw_crypto/
  32. pw_docgen/
  33. pw_doctor/
  34. pw_env_setup/
  35. pw_file/
  36. pw_function/
  37. pw_fuzzer/
  38. pw_hdlc/
  39. pw_hex_dump/
  40. pw_i2c/
  41. pw_interrupt/
  42. pw_interrupt_cortex_m/
  43. pw_kvs/
  44. pw_libc/
  45. pw_log/
  46. pw_log_basic/
  47. pw_log_null/
  48. pw_log_rpc/
  49. pw_log_tokenized/
  50. pw_malloc/
  51. pw_malloc_freelist/
  52. pw_metric/
  53. pw_minimal_cpp_stdlib/
  54. pw_module/
  55. pw_multisink/
  56. pw_package/
  57. pw_persistent_ram/
  58. pw_polyfill/
  59. pw_preprocessor/
  60. pw_presubmit/
  61. pw_protobuf/
  62. pw_protobuf_compiler/
  63. pw_random/
  64. pw_result/
  65. pw_ring_buffer/
  66. pw_router/
  67. pw_rpc/
  68. pw_snapshot/
  69. pw_software_update/
  70. pw_span/
  71. pw_status/
  72. pw_stm32cube_build/
  73. pw_stream/
  74. pw_string/
  75. pw_symbolizer/
  76. pw_sync/
  77. pw_sync_baremetal/
  78. pw_sync_embos/
  79. pw_sync_freertos/
  80. pw_sync_stl/
  81. pw_sync_threadx/
  82. pw_sys_io/
  83. pw_sys_io_arduino/
  84. pw_sys_io_baremetal_lm3s6965evb/
  85. pw_sys_io_baremetal_stm32f429/
  86. pw_sys_io_stdio/
  87. pw_target_runner/
  88. pw_thread/
  89. pw_thread_embos/
  90. pw_thread_freertos/
  91. pw_thread_stl/
  92. pw_thread_threadx/
  93. pw_tls_client/
  94. pw_tls_client_boringssl/
  95. pw_tls_client_mbedtls/
  96. pw_tokenizer/
  97. pw_tool/
  98. pw_toolchain/
  99. pw_trace/
  100. pw_trace_tokenized/
  101. pw_transfer/
  102. pw_unit_test/
  103. pw_varint/
  104. pw_watch/
  105. pw_web_ui/
  106. pw_work_queue/
  107. targets/
  108. third_party/
  109. .bazelignore
  110. .bazelrc
  111. .clang-format
  112. .clang-tidy
  113. .eslintrc.json
  114. .gitattributes
  115. .gitignore
  116. .gn
  117. .prettierrc.js
  118. .pylintrc
  119. activate.bat
  120. AUTHORS
  121. bootstrap.bat
  123. BUILD.bazel
  126. CMakeLists.txt
  127. LICENSE
  128. modules.gni
  129. OWNERS
  130. package.json
  133. tsconfig.json
  135. yarn.lock

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