pw_unit_test: Restructure as a facade

pw_unit_test has been being used as if it is a facade, without actually
being structured as one. This causes problems when using upstream
GoogleTest. Shared test code might depend on //pw_unit_test and pull in
Pigweed's tests headers, even when pw_unit_test_PUBLIC_DEPS is configued
to use upstream GoogleTest.  Pigweed's test framework is not properly
set up, resulting in odd behavior. Also, this means there are multiple
versions of gtest/gtest.h, its macros, and ::testing::Test in the build.

This change introduces the pw_unit_test_GOOGLETEST_BACKEND build arg and
restructures pw_unit_test as a facade, so targets that depend on
//pw_unit_test depend on the actual GoogleTest implementation in use,
rather than just Pigweed's version.

The Pigweed GoogleTest implementation is rebranded as
//pw_unit_test:light. This is used as the default pw_unit_test backend.

Bug: b/233073669
Change-Id: Ia5c54737a47ed5603ba570b0a356745d14c6015b
Reviewed-by: Austin Foxley <>
Commit-Queue: Wyatt Hepler <>
Reviewed-by: Keir Mierle <>
13 files changed
tree: c50b66652e817ec1679d14011ef1320eef15271e
  1. build_overrides/
  2. docker/
  3. docs/
  4. pw_allocator/
  5. pw_analog/
  6. pw_android_toolchain/
  7. pw_arduino_build/
  8. pw_assert/
  9. pw_assert_basic/
  10. pw_assert_log/
  11. pw_assert_tokenized/
  12. pw_assert_zephyr/
  13. pw_base64/
  14. pw_bloat/
  15. pw_blob_store/
  16. pw_bluetooth_hci/
  17. pw_boot/
  18. pw_boot_cortex_m/
  19. pw_build/
  20. pw_build_info/
  21. pw_build_mcuxpresso/
  22. pw_bytes/
  23. pw_checksum/
  24. pw_chrono/
  25. pw_chrono_embos/
  26. pw_chrono_freertos/
  27. pw_chrono_stl/
  28. pw_chrono_threadx/
  29. pw_chrono_zephyr/
  30. pw_cli/
  31. pw_console/
  32. pw_containers/
  33. pw_cpu_exception/
  34. pw_cpu_exception_cortex_m/
  35. pw_crypto/
  36. pw_docgen/
  37. pw_doctor/
  38. pw_env_setup/
  39. pw_file/
  40. pw_function/
  41. pw_fuzzer/
  42. pw_hdlc/
  43. pw_hex_dump/
  44. pw_i2c/
  45. pw_i2c_mcuxpresso/
  46. pw_interrupt/
  47. pw_interrupt_cortex_m/
  48. pw_interrupt_zephyr/
  49. pw_kvs/
  50. pw_libc/
  51. pw_log/
  52. pw_log_android/
  53. pw_log_basic/
  54. pw_log_null/
  55. pw_log_rpc/
  56. pw_log_string/
  57. pw_log_tokenized/
  58. pw_log_zephyr/
  59. pw_malloc/
  60. pw_malloc_freelist/
  61. pw_metric/
  62. pw_minimal_cpp_stdlib/
  63. pw_module/
  64. pw_multisink/
  65. pw_package/
  66. pw_persistent_ram/
  67. pw_polyfill/
  68. pw_preprocessor/
  69. pw_presubmit/
  70. pw_protobuf/
  71. pw_protobuf_compiler/
  72. pw_random/
  73. pw_result/
  74. pw_ring_buffer/
  75. pw_router/
  76. pw_rpc/
  77. pw_snapshot/
  78. pw_software_update/
  79. pw_span/
  80. pw_spi/
  81. pw_status/
  82. pw_stm32cube_build/
  83. pw_stream/
  84. pw_string/
  85. pw_symbolizer/
  86. pw_sync/
  87. pw_sync_baremetal/
  88. pw_sync_embos/
  89. pw_sync_freertos/
  90. pw_sync_stl/
  91. pw_sync_threadx/
  92. pw_sync_zephyr/
  93. pw_sys_io/
  94. pw_sys_io_arduino/
  95. pw_sys_io_baremetal_lm3s6965evb/
  96. pw_sys_io_baremetal_stm32f429/
  97. pw_sys_io_emcraft_sf2/
  98. pw_sys_io_mcuxpresso/
  99. pw_sys_io_stdio/
  100. pw_sys_io_stm32cube/
  101. pw_sys_io_zephyr/
  102. pw_system/
  103. pw_target_runner/
  104. pw_thread/
  105. pw_thread_embos/
  106. pw_thread_freertos/
  107. pw_thread_stl/
  108. pw_thread_threadx/
  109. pw_tls_client/
  110. pw_tls_client_boringssl/
  111. pw_tls_client_mbedtls/
  112. pw_tokenizer/
  113. pw_tool/
  114. pw_toolchain/
  115. pw_trace/
  116. pw_trace_tokenized/
  117. pw_transfer/
  118. pw_unit_test/
  119. pw_varint/
  120. pw_watch/
  121. pw_web_ui/
  122. pw_work_queue/
  123. targets/
  124. third_party/
  125. zephyr/
  126. .bazelignore
  127. .bazelrc
  128. .clang-format
  129. .clang-tidy
  130. .eslintrc.json
  131. .gitattributes
  132. .gitignore
  133. .gn
  134. .prettierrc.js
  135. .pylintrc
  136. activate.bat
  137. Android.bp
  138. AUTHORS
  139. bootstrap.bat
  141. BUILD.bazel
  144. CMakeLists.txt
  145. Kconfig.zephyr
  146. LICENSE
  147. modules.gni
  148. OWNERS
  149. package.json
  153. tsconfig.json
  155. yarn.lock


Pigweed is an open source collection of embedded-targeted libraries–or as we like to call them, modules. These modules are building blocks and infrastructure that enable faster and more reliable development on small-footprint MMU-less 32-bit microcontrollers like the STMicroelectronics STM32L452 or the Nordic nRF52832.

For more information please see our website:
