blob: 3bdf7ed0c899ff86683ddcad7727cc2df9a6bda5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#include "pw_allocator/block_allocator.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include "pw_allocator/allocator.h"
#include "pw_allocator/block.h"
#include "pw_allocator/buffer.h"
#include "pw_assert/check.h"
#include "pw_bytes/alignment.h"
#include "pw_bytes/span.h"
#include "pw_status/status.h"
#include "pw_unit_test/framework.h"
#include "pw_unit_test/framework_backend.h"
namespace pw::allocator {
namespace {
// Test fixtures.
using OffsetType = uint16_t;
// Size of the memory region to use in the tests below.
static constexpr size_t kCapacity = 1024;
// Represents the sizes of varios allocations.
static constexpr size_t kLargeInnerSize = kCapacity / 8;
static constexpr size_t kLargeOuterSize =
Block<OffsetType>::kBlockOverhead + kLargeInnerSize;
static constexpr size_t kSmallInnerSize = Block<OffsetType>::kBlockOverhead * 2;
static constexpr size_t kSmallOuterSize =
Block<OffsetType>::kBlockOverhead + kSmallInnerSize;
static constexpr size_t kSmallerOuterSize = kSmallInnerSize;
static constexpr size_t kLargerOuterSize = kLargeOuterSize + kSmallerOuterSize;
// Minimum size of a "large" allocation; allocation less than this size are
// considered "small" when using the DualFirstFit strategy.
static constexpr size_t kDualFitThreshold = kSmallInnerSize * 2;
// The number of allocated pointers cached by the test fixture.
static constexpr size_t kNumPtrs = 16;
/// Represents an initial state for a memory block.
/// Unit tests can specify an initial block layout by passing a list of these
/// structs to `Preallocate`.
/// The outer size of each block must be at least `kBlockOverhead` for the
/// block type in use. The special `kSizeRemaining` may be used for at most
/// one block to give it any space not assigned to other blocks.
/// The index must be less than `BlockAllocatorTestFixture::kNumPtrs` or one
/// of the special values `kIndexFree` or `kIndexNext`. A regular index will
/// mark the block as "used" and cache the pointer to its usable space in
/// `ptrs[index]`. The special value `kIndexFree` will leave the block as
/// "free". The special value `kIndexNext` will mark the block as "used" and
/// cache its pointer in the next available slot in `test_fixture`. This
/// may be used/ when the pointer is not needed for the test but should still
/// be automatically freed at the end of the test.
/// Example:
/// @code{.cpp}
/// // BlockType = UnpoisonedBlock<uint32_t>, so kBlockOverhead == 8.
/// ASSERT_EQ(Preallocate({
/// {32, 0}, // ptrs[0] == 24 byte region.
/// {24, kIndexFree}, // Free block of 16 bytes.
/// {48, 2}, // ptrs[2] == 40 byte region.
/// {kSizeRemaining, kIndesFree}, // Free block of leftover space.
/// {64, 4}, // ptrs[4] == 56 byte region from the
/// // end of the allocator.
/// }), OkStatus());
/// @endcode
struct Preallocation {
/// The outer size of the block to preallocate.
size_t outer_size;
// Index into the `test_fixture` array where the pointer to the block's
// space should be cached.
size_t index;
/// Special value indicating the block should comprise of the all remaining
/// space not preallocated to any other block. May be used at most once.
static constexpr size_t kSizeRemaining = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
/// Special value indicating the block should be treated as unallocated,
/// i.e. it's pointer should not be cached.
static constexpr size_t kIndexFree = kNumPtrs + 1;
/// Special value indicating to use the next available index.
static constexpr size_t kIndexNext = kNumPtrs + 2;
/// Test fixture responsible for managing a memory region and an allocator that
/// allocates from it.
template <typename BlockAllocatorType>
class TestFixture {
using block_allocator_type = BlockAllocatorType;
using BlockType = typename block_allocator_type::BlockType;
TestFixture() { ptrs_.fill(nullptr); }
~TestFixture() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumPtrs; ++i) {
if (ptrs_[i] != nullptr) {
/// Returns the underlying memory region.
ByteSpan bytes() { return ByteSpan(, allocator_.size()); }
/// Returns a references to a cached pointer.
void*& operator[](size_t index) { return ptrs_[index]; }
/// Initialize the allocator with a region of memory and return it.
block_allocator_type& GetAllocator() {
EXPECT_EQ(allocator_->Init(bytes()), OkStatus());
return *allocator_;
/// Initialize the allocator with a sequence of preallocated blocks and return
/// it.
/// See also ``Preallocation``.
block_allocator_type& GetAllocator(
std::initializer_list<Preallocation> preallocations) {
// First, look if any blocks use kSizeRemaining, and calculate how large
// that will be.
size_t remaining_outer_size = kCapacity;
for (auto& preallocation : preallocations) {
if (preallocation.outer_size != Preallocation::kSizeRemaining) {
size_t outer_size =
AlignUp(preallocation.outer_size, BlockType::kAlignment);
PW_CHECK_INT_GE(remaining_outer_size, outer_size);
remaining_outer_size -= outer_size;
Result<BlockType*> result = BlockType::Init(bytes());
BlockType* block = *result;
void* begin = block->UsableSpace();
// To prevent free blocks being merged back into the block of available
// space, treat the available space as being used.
size_t next_index = 0;
for (auto& preallocation : preallocations) {
// Perform the allocation.
size_t outer_size = preallocation.outer_size;
if (outer_size == Preallocation::kSizeRemaining) {
outer_size = remaining_outer_size;
remaining_outer_size = 0;
size_t inner_size = outer_size - BlockType::kBlockOverhead;
PW_CHECK_OK(BlockType::AllocFirst(block, inner_size, 1));
if (!block->Last()) {
// Free the block or cache the allocated pointer.
if (preallocation.index == Preallocation::kIndexFree) {
} else if (preallocation.index == Preallocation::kIndexNext) {
while (true) {
PW_CHECK_INT_LT(next_index, kNumPtrs);
if (ptrs_[next_index] == nullptr &&
[next_index](const Preallocation& other) {
return other.index != next_index;
})) {
ptrs_[next_index] = block->UsableSpace();
} else {
ptrs_[preallocation.index] = block->UsableSpace();
block = block->Next();
if (block != nullptr) {
block = BlockType::FromUsableSpace(begin);
return *allocator_;
/// Gets the next allocation from an allocated pointer.
void* NextAfter(size_t index) {
if (index > ptrs_.size()) {
return nullptr;
auto* block = BlockType::FromUsableSpace(ptrs_[index]);
while (!block->Last()) {
block = block->Next();
if (block->Used()) {
return block->UsableSpace();
return nullptr;
WithBuffer<BlockAllocatorType, kCapacity, BlockType::kAlignment> allocator_;
std::array<void*, kNumPtrs> ptrs_;
/// Ensures the memory is usable by writing to it.
void UseMemory(void* ptr, size_t size) { std::memset(ptr, 0x5a, size); }
#define TEST_ONE_STRATEGY(strategy, test_case) \
TEST(BlockAllocatorTest, test_case##_##strategy) { \
TestFixture<strategy##BlockAllocator<OffsetType>> test_fixture; \
test_case(test_fixture); \
#define TEST_FOREACH_STRATEGY(test_case) \
TEST_ONE_STRATEGY(FirstFit, test_case) \
TEST_ONE_STRATEGY(LastFit, test_case) \
TEST_ONE_STRATEGY(BestFit, test_case) \
TEST_ONE_STRATEGY(WorstFit, test_case) \
TEST_ONE_STRATEGY(DualFirstFit, test_case)
// Unit tests.
template <typename TestFixtureType>
void CanAutomaticallyInit(TestFixtureType& test_fixture) {
typename TestFixtureType::block_allocator_type allocator(
EXPECT_NE(*(allocator.blocks().begin()), nullptr);
TEST_ONE_STRATEGY(FirstFit, CanAutomaticallyInit)
TEST_ONE_STRATEGY(LastFit, CanAutomaticallyInit)
TEST_ONE_STRATEGY(BestFit, CanAutomaticallyInit)
TEST_ONE_STRATEGY(WorstFit, CanAutomaticallyInit)
TEST(BlockAllocatorTest, CanAutomaticallyInit_DualFirstFit) {
std::array<std::byte, kCapacity> buffer;
ByteSpan bytes(buffer);
DualFirstFitBlockAllocator<OffsetType> allocator(bytes, kDualFitThreshold);
EXPECT_NE(*(allocator.blocks().begin()), nullptr);
template <typename TestFixtureType>
void CanExplicitlyInit(TestFixtureType& test_fixture) {
typename TestFixtureType::block_allocator_type allocator;
EXPECT_EQ(*(allocator.blocks().begin()), nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(allocator.Init(test_fixture.bytes()), OkStatus());
EXPECT_NE(*(allocator.blocks().begin()), nullptr);
template <typename TestFixtureType>
void GetCapacity(TestFixtureType& test_fixture) {
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator();
StatusWithSize capacity = allocator.GetCapacity();
EXPECT_EQ(capacity.status(), OkStatus());
EXPECT_EQ(capacity.size(), kCapacity);
template <typename TestFixtureType>
void AllocateLarge(TestFixtureType& test_fixture) {
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator();
constexpr Layout layout = Layout::Of<std::byte[kLargeInnerSize]>();
test_fixture[0] = allocator.Allocate(layout);
ASSERT_NE(test_fixture[0], nullptr);
ByteSpan bytes = test_fixture.bytes();
EXPECT_LE(test_fixture[0], + bytes.size());
UseMemory(test_fixture[0], layout.size());
template <typename TestFixtureType>
void AllocateSmall(TestFixtureType& test_fixture) {
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator();
constexpr Layout layout = Layout::Of<std::byte[kSmallInnerSize]>();
test_fixture[0] = allocator.Allocate(layout);
ASSERT_NE(test_fixture[0], nullptr);
ByteSpan bytes = test_fixture.bytes();
EXPECT_LE(test_fixture[0], + bytes.size());
UseMemory(test_fixture[0], layout.size());
template <typename TestFixtureType>
void AllocateTooLarge(TestFixtureType& test_fixture) {
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator();
test_fixture[0] = allocator.Allocate(Layout::Of<std::byte[kCapacity * 2]>());
EXPECT_EQ(test_fixture[0], nullptr);
template <typename TestFixtureType>
void AllocateLargeAlignment(TestFixtureType& test_fixture) {
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator();
constexpr size_t kAlignment = 64;
test_fixture[0] = allocator.Allocate(Layout(kLargeInnerSize, kAlignment));
ASSERT_NE(test_fixture[0], nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(test_fixture[0]) % kAlignment, 0U);
UseMemory(test_fixture[0], kLargeInnerSize);
test_fixture[1] = allocator.Allocate(Layout(kLargeInnerSize, kAlignment));
ASSERT_NE(test_fixture[1], nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(test_fixture[1]) % kAlignment, 0U);
UseMemory(test_fixture[1], kLargeInnerSize);
template <typename TestFixtureType>
void AllocateAlignmentFailure(TestFixtureType& test_fixture) {
// Allocate a two blocks with an unaligned region between them.
using BlockType = typename TestFixtureType::BlockType;
constexpr size_t kAlignment = 128;
ByteSpan bytes = test_fixture.bytes();
auto addr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(;
uintptr_t outer_size =
AlignUp(addr + BlockType::kBlockOverhead, kAlignment) - addr + 1;
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator({
{outer_size, 0},
{kLargeOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
{Preallocation::kSizeRemaining, 2},
// The allocator should be unable to create an aligned region..
test_fixture[1] = allocator.Allocate(Layout(kLargeInnerSize, kAlignment));
EXPECT_EQ(test_fixture[1], nullptr);
TEST(FirstFit, AllocatesFirstCompatible) {
TestFixture<FirstFitBlockAllocator<OffsetType>> test_fixture;
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator({
{kSmallOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
{kSmallerOuterSize, 1},
{kSmallOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
{kSmallerOuterSize, 3},
{kLargeOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
{Preallocation::kSizeRemaining, 5},
test_fixture[0] = allocator.Allocate(Layout(kSmallInnerSize, 1));
EXPECT_EQ(test_fixture.NextAfter(0), test_fixture[1]);
test_fixture[4] = allocator.Allocate(Layout(kLargeInnerSize, 1));
EXPECT_EQ(test_fixture.NextAfter(3), test_fixture[4]);
EXPECT_EQ(test_fixture.NextAfter(4), test_fixture[5]);
TEST(LastFit, AllocatesLastCompatible) {
TestFixture<LastFitBlockAllocator<OffsetType>> test_fixture;
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator({
{kLargeOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
{kSmallerOuterSize, 1},
{kSmallOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
{kSmallerOuterSize, 3},
{kSmallOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
{Preallocation::kSizeRemaining, 5},
test_fixture[0] = allocator.Allocate(Layout(kLargeInnerSize, 1));
EXPECT_EQ(test_fixture.NextAfter(0), test_fixture[1]);
test_fixture[4] = allocator.Allocate(Layout(kSmallInnerSize, 1));
EXPECT_EQ(test_fixture.NextAfter(3), test_fixture[4]);
EXPECT_EQ(test_fixture.NextAfter(4), test_fixture[5]);
TEST(BestFit, AllocatesBestCompatible) {
TestFixture<BestFitBlockAllocator<OffsetType>> test_fixture;
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator({
{kLargeOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
{kSmallerOuterSize, 1},
{kSmallOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
{kSmallerOuterSize, 3},
{kSmallerOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
{kSmallerOuterSize, 5},
{kLargerOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
{Preallocation::kSizeRemaining, 7},
test_fixture[2] = allocator.Allocate(Layout(kSmallInnerSize, 1));
EXPECT_EQ(test_fixture.NextAfter(1), test_fixture[2]);
EXPECT_EQ(test_fixture.NextAfter(2), test_fixture[3]);
test_fixture[0] = allocator.Allocate(Layout(kLargeInnerSize, 1));
EXPECT_EQ(test_fixture.NextAfter(0), test_fixture[1]);
TEST(WorstFit, AllocatesWorstCompatible) {
TestFixture<WorstFitBlockAllocator<OffsetType>> test_fixture;
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator({
{kLargeOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
{kSmallerOuterSize, 1},
{kSmallOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
{kSmallerOuterSize, 3},
{kSmallerOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
{kSmallerOuterSize, 5},
{kLargerOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
{Preallocation::kSizeRemaining, 7},
test_fixture[6] = allocator.Allocate(Layout(kLargeInnerSize, 1));
EXPECT_EQ(test_fixture.NextAfter(5), test_fixture[6]);
EXPECT_EQ(test_fixture.NextAfter(6), test_fixture[7]);
test_fixture[0] = allocator.Allocate(Layout(kSmallInnerSize, 1));
EXPECT_EQ(test_fixture.NextAfter(0), test_fixture[1]);
TEST(DualFirstFit, AllocatesUsingThreshold) {
TestFixture<DualFirstFitBlockAllocator<OffsetType>> test_fixture;
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator({
{kLargerOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
{kSmallerOuterSize, 1},
{kSmallOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
{Preallocation::kSizeRemaining, 3},
{kLargeOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
{kSmallerOuterSize, 5},
{kSmallOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
test_fixture[0] = allocator.Allocate(Layout(kLargeInnerSize, 1));
EXPECT_EQ(test_fixture.NextAfter(0), test_fixture[1]);
test_fixture[4] = allocator.Allocate(Layout(kLargeInnerSize, 1));
EXPECT_EQ(test_fixture.NextAfter(3), test_fixture[4]);
EXPECT_EQ(test_fixture.NextAfter(4), test_fixture[5]);
test_fixture[6] = allocator.Allocate(Layout(kSmallInnerSize, 1));
EXPECT_EQ(test_fixture.NextAfter(5), test_fixture[6]);
EXPECT_EQ(test_fixture.NextAfter(6), test_fixture[7]);
test_fixture[2] = allocator.Allocate(Layout(kSmallInnerSize, 1));
EXPECT_EQ(test_fixture.NextAfter(1), test_fixture[2]);
EXPECT_EQ(test_fixture.NextAfter(2), test_fixture[3]);
template <typename TestFixtureType>
void DeallocateNull(TestFixtureType& test_fixture) {
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator();
template <typename TestFixtureType>
void DeallocateShuffled(TestFixtureType& test_fixture) {
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator();
constexpr Layout layout = Layout::Of<std::byte[kSmallInnerSize]>();
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumPtrs; ++i) {
test_fixture[i] = allocator.Allocate(layout);
if (test_fixture[i] == nullptr) {
// Mix up the order of allocations.
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumPtrs; ++i) {
if (i % 2 == 0 && i + 1 < kNumPtrs) {
std::swap(test_fixture[i], test_fixture[i + 1]);
if (i % 3 == 0 && i + 2 < kNumPtrs) {
std::swap(test_fixture[i], test_fixture[i + 2]);
// Deallocate everything.
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumPtrs; ++i) {
test_fixture[i] = nullptr;
TEST(BlockAllocatorTest, DisablePoisoning) {
using BlockAllocatorType = FirstFitBlockAllocator<OffsetType, 0>;
using BlockType = BlockAllocatorType::BlockType;
TestFixture<BlockAllocatorType> test_fixture;
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator();
constexpr Layout layout = Layout::Of<std::byte[kSmallInnerSize]>();
// Create a bunch of blocks
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumPtrs; ++i) {
test_fixture[i] = allocator.Allocate(layout);
ASSERT_NE(test_fixture[i], nullptr);
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumPtrs; i += 2) {
uint8_t* ptr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(test_fixture[i]);
test_fixture[i] = nullptr;
// Free every other to prevent merging.
// Modify the contents of the block and check if it is still valid.
auto* block = BlockType::FromUsableSpace(ptr);
ptr[0] = ~ptr[0];
TEST(BlockAllocatorTest, PoisonEveryFreeBlock) {
using BlockAllocatorType = FirstFitBlockAllocator<OffsetType, 1>;
using BlockType = BlockAllocatorType::BlockType;
TestFixture<BlockAllocatorType> test_fixture;
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator();
constexpr Layout layout = Layout::Of<std::byte[kSmallInnerSize]>();
// Create a bunch of blocks
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumPtrs; ++i) {
test_fixture[i] = allocator.Allocate(layout);
ASSERT_NE(test_fixture[i], nullptr);
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumPtrs; i += 2) {
uint8_t* ptr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(test_fixture[i]);
test_fixture[i] = nullptr;
// Free every other to prevent merging.
// Modify the contents of the block and check if it is still valid.
auto* block = BlockType::FromUsableSpace(ptr);
ptr[0] = ~ptr[0];
TEST(BlockAllocatorTest, PoisonPeriodically) {
using BlockAllocatorType = FirstFitBlockAllocator<OffsetType, 4>;
using BlockType = BlockAllocatorType::BlockType;
TestFixture<BlockAllocatorType> test_fixture;
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator();
constexpr Layout layout = Layout::Of<std::byte[kSmallInnerSize]>();
// Create a bunch of blocks
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumPtrs; ++i) {
test_fixture[i] = allocator.Allocate(layout);
ASSERT_NE(test_fixture[i], nullptr);
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumPtrs; i += 2) {
uint8_t* ptr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(test_fixture[i]);
test_fixture[i] = nullptr;
// Free every other to prevent merging.
// Modify the contents of the block and check if it is still valid.
auto* block = BlockType::FromUsableSpace(ptr);
ptr[0] = ~ptr[0];
if ((i / 2) % 4 == 3) {
} else {
template <typename TestFixtureType>
void IterateOverBlocks(TestFixtureType& test_fixture) {
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator({
{kSmallOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
{kLargeOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexNext},
{kSmallOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
{kLargeOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexNext},
{kSmallOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
{kLargeOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexNext},
{Preallocation::kSizeRemaining, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
// Count the blocks. The unallocated ones vary in size, but the allocated ones
// should all be the same.
size_t free_count = 0;
size_t used_count = 0;
for (auto* block : allocator.blocks()) {
if (block->Used()) {
EXPECT_EQ(block->InnerSize(), kLargeInnerSize);
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(used_count, 3U);
EXPECT_EQ(free_count, 4U);
template <typename TestFixtureType>
void ResizeNull(TestFixtureType& test_fixture) {
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator();
size_t new_size = 1;
EXPECT_FALSE(allocator.Resize(nullptr, new_size));
template <typename TestFixtureType>
void ResizeLargeSame(TestFixtureType& test_fixture) {
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator({
{kLargeOuterSize, 0},
{kLargeOuterSize, 1},
size_t new_size = kLargeInnerSize;
ASSERT_TRUE(allocator.Resize(test_fixture[0], new_size));
UseMemory(test_fixture[0], kLargeInnerSize);
template <typename TestFixtureType>
void ResizeLargeSmaller(TestFixtureType& test_fixture) {
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator({
{kLargeOuterSize, 0},
{kLargeOuterSize, 1},
size_t new_size = kSmallInnerSize;
ASSERT_TRUE(allocator.Resize(test_fixture[0], new_size));
UseMemory(test_fixture[0], kSmallInnerSize);
template <typename TestFixtureType>
void ResizeLargeLarger(TestFixtureType& test_fixture) {
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator({
{kLargeOuterSize, 0},
{kLargeOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
{kSmallOuterSize, 2},
size_t new_size = kLargeInnerSize * 2;
ASSERT_TRUE(allocator.Resize(test_fixture[0], new_size));
UseMemory(test_fixture[0], kLargeInnerSize * 2);
template <typename TestFixtureType>
void ResizeLargeLargerFailure(TestFixtureType& test_fixture) {
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator({
{kLargeOuterSize, 0},
{kSmallOuterSize, 12},
// Memory after ptr is already allocated, so `Resize` should fail.
size_t new_size = kLargeInnerSize * 2;
EXPECT_FALSE(allocator.Resize(test_fixture[0], new_size));
template <typename TestFixtureType>
void ResizeSmallSame(TestFixtureType& test_fixture) {
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator({
{kSmallOuterSize, 0},
{kSmallOuterSize, 1},
size_t new_size = kSmallInnerSize;
ASSERT_TRUE(allocator.Resize(test_fixture[0], new_size));
UseMemory(test_fixture[0], kSmallInnerSize);
template <typename TestFixtureType>
void ResizeSmallSmaller(TestFixtureType& test_fixture) {
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator({
{kSmallOuterSize, 0},
{kSmallOuterSize, 1},
size_t new_size = kSmallInnerSize / 2;
ASSERT_TRUE(allocator.Resize(test_fixture[0], new_size));
UseMemory(test_fixture[0], kSmallInnerSize / 2);
template <typename TestFixtureType>
void ResizeSmallLarger(TestFixtureType& test_fixture) {
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator({
{kSmallOuterSize, 0},
{kSmallOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
{kSmallOuterSize, 2},
size_t new_size = kSmallInnerSize * 2;
ASSERT_TRUE(allocator.Resize(test_fixture[0], new_size));
UseMemory(test_fixture[0], kSmallInnerSize * 2);
template <typename TestFixtureType>
void ResizeSmallLargerFailure(TestFixtureType& test_fixture) {
using BlockType = typename TestFixtureType::BlockType;
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator({
{kSmallOuterSize, 0},
{kSmallOuterSize, 1},
// Memory after ptr is already allocated, so `Resize` should fail.
size_t new_size = kSmallInnerSize * 2 + BlockType::kBlockOverhead;
EXPECT_FALSE(allocator.Resize(test_fixture[0], new_size));
TEST(DualFirstFit, ResizeLargeSmallerAcrossThreshold) {
TestFixture<DualFirstFitBlockAllocator<OffsetType>> test_fixture;
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator({{kDualFitThreshold * 2, 0}});
// Shrinking succeeds, and the pointer is unchanged even though it is now
// below the threshold.
size_t new_size = kDualFitThreshold / 2;
ASSERT_TRUE(allocator.Resize(test_fixture[0], new_size));
UseMemory(test_fixture[0], kDualFitThreshold / 2);
TEST(DualFirstFit, ResizeSmallLargerAcrossThreshold) {
TestFixture<DualFirstFitBlockAllocator<OffsetType>> test_fixture;
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator({
{Preallocation::kSizeRemaining, Preallocation::kIndexNext},
{kDualFitThreshold / 2, 1},
{kDualFitThreshold * 2, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
// Growing succeeds, and the pointer is unchanged even though it is now
// above the threshold.
size_t new_size = kDualFitThreshold * 2;
ASSERT_TRUE(allocator.Resize(test_fixture[1], new_size));
UseMemory(test_fixture[1], kDualFitThreshold * 2);
template <typename TestFixtureType>
void CanGetLayoutFromValidPointer(TestFixtureType& test_fixture) {
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator();
constexpr size_t kAlignment = 64;
test_fixture[0] = allocator.Allocate(Layout(kLargeInnerSize, kAlignment * 2));
ASSERT_NE(test_fixture[0], nullptr);
test_fixture[1] = allocator.Allocate(Layout(kSmallInnerSize, kAlignment / 2));
ASSERT_NE(test_fixture[1], nullptr);
Result<Layout> result0 = allocator.GetLayout(test_fixture[0]);
ASSERT_EQ(result0.status(), OkStatus());
EXPECT_GE(result0->size(), kLargeInnerSize);
EXPECT_EQ(result0->alignment(), kAlignment * 2);
Result<Layout> result1 = allocator.GetLayout(test_fixture[1]);
ASSERT_EQ(result1.status(), OkStatus());
EXPECT_GE(result1->size(), kSmallInnerSize);
EXPECT_EQ(result1->alignment(), kAlignment / 2);
template <typename TestFixtureType>
void CannotGetLayoutFromInvalidPointer(TestFixtureType& test_fixture) {
auto& allocator = test_fixture.GetAllocator({
{kLargerOuterSize, 0},
{kLargeOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
{kSmallOuterSize, 2},
{kSmallerOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
{kSmallOuterSize, 4},
{kLargeOuterSize, Preallocation::kIndexFree},
{kLargerOuterSize, 6},
Result<Layout> result0 = allocator.GetLayout(nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(result0.status(), Status::NotFound());
for (const auto& block : allocator.blocks()) {
if (!block->Used()) {
Result<Layout> result1 = allocator.GetLayout(block->UsableSpace());
EXPECT_EQ(result1.status(), Status::FailedPrecondition());
} // namespace
} // namespace pw::allocator