pw_async2: Fix minor doc issues

It turns out using code backticks in a markdown header, in a Doxygen
class comment, in an RST document doesn't quite work right. This:

   /// # Using `co_await`

Resulted in <tt>co_await</tt> being visible in the final rendered doc.
Just remove the backticks rather than trying to unwind that stack.

Change-Id: Ibd0f0de22cf3cde146242b9b5c63a1e80472d082
Pigweed-Auto-Submit: Jonathon Reinhart <>
Lint: Lint 🤖 <>
Commit-Queue: Auto-Submit <>
Reviewed-by: Taylor Cramer <>
3 files changed
tree: b1fb723c8f2571d9d86adc3679dbae77d2edfb09
  1. .allstar/
  2. .github/
  3. .vscode/
  4. build_overrides/
  5. docker/
  6. docs/
  7. kudzu/
  8. pw_alignment/
  9. pw_allocator/
  10. pw_analog/
  11. pw_android_toolchain/
  12. pw_arduino_build/
  13. pw_assert/
  14. pw_assert_basic/
  15. pw_assert_log/
  16. pw_assert_tokenized/
  17. pw_assert_trap/
  18. pw_assert_zephyr/
  19. pw_async/
  20. pw_async2/
  21. pw_async2_basic/
  22. pw_async2_epoll/
  23. pw_async_basic/
  24. pw_base64/
  25. pw_bloat/
  26. pw_blob_store/
  27. pw_bluetooth/
  28. pw_bluetooth_hci/
  29. pw_bluetooth_profiles/
  30. pw_bluetooth_proxy/
  31. pw_bluetooth_sapphire/
  32. pw_boot/
  33. pw_boot_cortex_m/
  34. pw_build/
  35. pw_build_android/
  36. pw_build_info/
  37. pw_build_mcuxpresso/
  38. pw_bytes/
  39. pw_channel/
  40. pw_checksum/
  41. pw_chre/
  42. pw_chrono/
  43. pw_chrono_embos/
  44. pw_chrono_freertos/
  45. pw_chrono_rp2040/
  46. pw_chrono_stl/
  47. pw_chrono_threadx/
  48. pw_chrono_zephyr/
  49. pw_cli/
  50. pw_clock_tree/
  51. pw_clock_tree_mcuxpresso/
  52. pw_compilation_testing/
  53. pw_config_loader/
  54. pw_console/
  55. pw_containers/
  56. pw_cpu_exception/
  57. pw_cpu_exception_cortex_m/
  58. pw_cpu_exception_risc_v/
  59. pw_crypto/
  60. pw_digital_io/
  61. pw_digital_io_linux/
  62. pw_digital_io_mcuxpresso/
  63. pw_digital_io_rp2040/
  64. pw_dma_mcuxpresso/
  65. pw_docgen/
  66. pw_doctor/
  67. pw_emu/
  68. pw_env_setup/
  69. pw_env_setup_zephyr/
  70. pw_file/
  71. pw_format/
  72. pw_function/
  73. pw_fuzzer/
  74. pw_grpc/
  75. pw_hdlc/
  76. pw_hex_dump/
  77. pw_i2c/
  78. pw_i2c_linux/
  79. pw_i2c_mcuxpresso/
  80. pw_i2c_rp2040/
  81. pw_ide/
  82. pw_interrupt/
  83. pw_interrupt_cortex_m/
  84. pw_interrupt_xtensa/
  85. pw_interrupt_zephyr/
  86. pw_intrusive_ptr/
  87. pw_json/
  88. pw_kvs/
  89. pw_libc/
  90. pw_libcxx/
  91. pw_log/
  92. pw_log_android/
  93. pw_log_basic/
  94. pw_log_null/
  95. pw_log_rpc/
  96. pw_log_string/
  97. pw_log_tokenized/
  98. pw_log_zephyr/
  99. pw_malloc/
  100. pw_malloc_freelist/
  101. pw_malloc_freertos/
  102. pw_metric/
  103. pw_minimal_cpp_stdlib/
  104. pw_module/
  105. pw_multibuf/
  106. pw_multisink/
  107. pw_package/
  108. pw_perf_test/
  109. pw_persistent_ram/
  110. pw_polyfill/
  111. pw_preprocessor/
  112. pw_presubmit/
  113. pw_protobuf/
  114. pw_protobuf_compiler/
  115. pw_random/
  116. pw_result/
  117. pw_ring_buffer/
  118. pw_router/
  119. pw_rpc/
  120. pw_rpc_transport/
  121. pw_rust/
  122. pw_sensor/
  123. pw_snapshot/
  124. pw_software_update/
  125. pw_span/
  126. pw_spi/
  127. pw_spi_linux/
  128. pw_spi_mcuxpresso/
  129. pw_spi_rp2040/
  130. pw_status/
  131. pw_stm32cube_build/
  132. pw_stream/
  133. pw_stream_shmem_mcuxpresso/
  134. pw_stream_uart_linux/
  135. pw_stream_uart_mcuxpresso/
  136. pw_string/
  137. pw_symbolizer/
  138. pw_sync/
  139. pw_sync_baremetal/
  140. pw_sync_embos/
  141. pw_sync_freertos/
  142. pw_sync_stl/
  143. pw_sync_threadx/
  144. pw_sync_zephyr/
  145. pw_sys_io/
  146. pw_sys_io_ambiq_sdk/
  147. pw_sys_io_arduino/
  148. pw_sys_io_baremetal_lm3s6965evb/
  149. pw_sys_io_baremetal_stm32f429/
  150. pw_sys_io_emcraft_sf2/
  151. pw_sys_io_mcuxpresso/
  152. pw_sys_io_rp2040/
  153. pw_sys_io_stdio/
  154. pw_sys_io_stm32cube/
  155. pw_sys_io_zephyr/
  156. pw_system/
  157. pw_target_runner/
  158. pw_thread/
  159. pw_thread_embos/
  160. pw_thread_freertos/
  161. pw_thread_stl/
  162. pw_thread_threadx/
  163. pw_thread_zephyr/
  164. pw_tls_client/
  165. pw_tls_client_boringssl/
  166. pw_tls_client_mbedtls/
  167. pw_tokenizer/
  168. pw_toolchain/
  169. pw_toolchain_bazel/
  170. pw_trace/
  171. pw_trace_tokenized/
  172. pw_transfer/
  173. pw_uart/
  174. pw_unit_test/
  175. pw_unit_test_zephyr/
  176. pw_varint/
  177. pw_watch/
  178. pw_web/
  179. pw_work_queue/
  180. seed/
  181. targets/
  182. third_party/
  183. ts/
  184. zephyr/
  185. .bazelignore
  186. .bazelrc
  187. .bazelversion
  188. .black.toml
  189. .clang-format
  190. .clang-tidy
  191. .eslintrc.cjs
  192. .git-blame-ignore-revs
  193. .gitattributes
  194. .gitignore
  195. .gn
  196. .mypy.ini
  197. .prettierignore
  198. .prettierrc.cjs
  199. .pw_ide.yaml
  200. .pylintrc
  201. activate.bat
  202. Android.bp
  203. AUTHORS
  204. bootstrap.bat
  207. BUILD.bazel
  210. CMakeLists.txt
  211. go.mod
  212. go.sum
  213. jest.config.ts
  214. Kconfig.zephyr
  215. LICENSE
  216. MODULE.bazel
  217. modules.gni
  218. OWNERS
  219. package-lock.json
  220. package.json
  221. pigweed.json
  224. rollup.config.js
  225. tsconfig.json


Pigweed is an open source collection of embedded-targeted libraries–or as we like to call them, modules. These modules are building blocks and infrastructure that enable faster and more reliable development on small-footprint MMU-less 32-bit microcontrollers like the STMicroelectronics STM32L452 or the Nordic nRF52832.

For more information please see our website:
