docs: Add Zephyr quickstart

Change-Id: I2d826170182d18205d2ab5fc37f7b95aea1435f7
Reviewed-by: Yuval Peress <>
Presubmit-Verified: CQ Bot Account <>
Commit-Queue: Kayce Basques <>
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index b7892f0..1f85321 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
+    "get_started/zephyr.rst",
diff --git a/docs/get_started/index.rst b/docs/get_started/index.rst
index be32f0e..a29e318 100644
--- a/docs/get_started/index.rst
+++ b/docs/get_started/index.rst
@@ -38,7 +38,17 @@
       Fork our minimal, Bazel-based starter code. Bazel is the recommended
       build system for new projects using Pigweed.
-.. grid:: 2
+.. grid:: 1
+   .. grid-item-card:: :octicon:`rocket` Zephyr
+      :link: docs-quickstart-zephyr
+      :link-type: ref
+      :class-item: sales-pitch-cta-secondary
+      Learn how to set up a C++-based Zephyr project that is ready to use
+      Pigweed and then build the app with Zephyr's ``native_sim`` board.
+.. grid:: 1
    .. grid-item-card:: :octicon:`code` Examples
@@ -50,6 +60,9 @@
       recommended build system for new projects using Pigweed, whereas the
       examples repo uses GN.
+.. grid:: 2
    .. grid-item-card:: :octicon:`code` Kudzu
       :link: docs-kudzu
       :link-type: ref
@@ -58,15 +71,6 @@
       Study the code of Kudzu, a just-for-fun Maker Faire 2023 project that
       demonstrates complex Pigweed usage. This project also uses GN.
-.. grid:: 2
-   .. grid-item-card:: :octicon:`list-ordered` Zephyr
-      :link: docs-os-zephyr-get-started
-      :link-type: ref
-      :class-item: sales-pitch-cta-secondary
-      Instructions on how to use Pigweed in a Zephyr-based project.
    .. grid-item-card:: :octicon:`list-ordered` Upstream Pigweed
       :link: docs-get-started-upstream
       :link-type: ref
@@ -81,6 +85,7 @@
    First-time setup <first_time_setup>
    Bazel quickstart <bazel>
    Bazel integration <bazel_integration>
+   Zephyr quickstart <zephyr>
    Upstream Pigweed <upstream>
diff --git a/docs/get_started/zephyr.rst b/docs/get_started/zephyr.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d220a7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/get_started/zephyr.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+.. _docs-quickstart-zephyr:
+Zephyr quickstart
+.. _Zephyr:
+.. _native_sim:
+.. _GPIO Driver API:
+This tutorial shows you how to set up a new C++-based `Zephyr`_ project that's
+ready to use Pigweed. You'll learn how to build and run the project's app on
+`native_sim`_ as well as a physical Raspberry Pi Pico. The app uses
+:ref:`module-pw_log` and :ref:`module-pw_string` to log messages and
+Zephyr's `GPIO Driver API`_ to blink an LED.
+.. figure::
+   :alt: Editing the Zephyr quickstart project in VS Code
+   The project's :ref:`module-pw_ide` integration provides code intelligence
+   and easy target swapping in VS Code
+.. _docs-quickstart-zephyr-prereqs:
+* **Disk space**: After setting everything up, the project takes ~19GB of space.
+  The project clones the Zephyr and Pigweed repos as well as their dependencies.
+  It also downloads toolchains and sets up a hermetic development environment.
+* **Operating systems**: This tutorial has only been validated on Debian-based
+  Linux and macOS. Windows support is a work in progress.
+.. _docs-quickstart-zephyr-setup:
+#. Complete Pigweed's :ref:`First-time setup <docs-first-time-setup-guide>`
+   process.
+#. Clone the starter repo.
+   .. tab-set::
+      .. tab-item:: Linux
+         :sync: lin
+         .. code-block:: console
+            git clone --recursive \
+     \
+              ~/zephyr-quickstart
+      .. tab-item:: macOS
+         :sync: mac
+         .. code-block:: console
+            git clone --recursive \
+     \
+              ~/zephyr-quickstart
+   .. _main Pigweed:
+   .. _main Zephyr:
+   This command downloads the `main Pigweed`_ and `main Zephyr`_ repos
+   as Git submodules.
+#. Change your working directory to the quickstart repo.
+   .. tab-set::
+      .. tab-item:: Linux
+         :sync: lin
+         .. code-block:: console
+            cd ~/quickstart-zephyr
+      .. tab-item:: macOS
+         :sync: mac
+         .. code-block:: console
+            cd ~/quickstart-zephyr
+#. Bootstrap the repo.
+   .. tab-set::
+      .. tab-item:: Linux
+         :sync: lin
+         .. code-block:: console
+            source
+      .. tab-item:: macOS
+         :sync: mac
+         .. code-block:: console
+            source
+   Pigweed's bootstrap workflow creates a hermetic development environment
+   for you, including toolchain setup!
+   .. tip::
+      For subsequent development sessions, activate your development environment
+      with the following command:
+      .. tab-set::
+         .. tab-item:: Linux
+            :sync: lin
+            .. code-block:: console
+               source
+         .. tab-item:: macOS
+            :sync: mac
+            .. code-block:: console
+               source
+      The activate script is faster than the bootstrap script. You only need to
+      run the bootstrap script after updating your Zephyr or Pigweed submodules.
+   .. _West:
+#. Initialize your `West`_ workspace using the manifest that came with the
+   starter repo.
+   .. code-block:: console
+      west init -l manifest
+#. Update your West workspace.
+   .. code-block:: console
+      west update
+#. (Optional) Initialize :ref:`module-pw_ide` if you plan on working in
+   VS Code. ``pw_ide`` provides code intelligence features and makes it
+   easy to swap targets.
+   .. code-block:: console
+      pw ide sync
+.. _docs-quickstart-zephyr-build:
+Build and run the app
+.. _docs-quickstart-zephyr-build-native_sim:
+Native simulator
+#. Build the quickstart app for `native_sim`_ and run it:
+   .. code-block:: console
+      export ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT=llvm &&
+        west build -p -b native_sim app -t run
+   You should see the app successfully build and then log messages to
+   ``stdout``:
+   .. code-block:: none
+      [00:00:00.000,000] <inf> pigweed:  Hello, world!
+      [00:00:00.000,000] <inf> pigweed:  LED state: OFF
+      [00:00:01.010,000] <inf> pigweed:  LED state: ON
+      [00:00:02.020,000] <inf> pigweed:  LED state: OFF
+      [00:00:03.030,000] <inf> pigweed:  LED state: ON
+      [00:00:04.040,000] <inf> pigweed:  LED state: OFF
+   .. important::
+      When building for ``native_sim`` make sure that
+      ``ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT`` is set to ``llvm``.
+      See :ref:`docs-quickstart-zephyr-troubleshooting-envvar`.
+#. (Optional) Build and run an upstream Zephyr sample app:
+   .. code-block:: console
+      west build -p -b native_sim third_party/zephyr/samples/basic/blinky -t run
+.. _docs-quickstart-zephyr-build-pico:
+Raspberry Pi Pico
+.. _Raspberry Pi Pico:
+.. _Pico SDK:
+.. _picotool:
+#. Build the quickstart app for `Raspberry Pi Pico`_:
+   .. code-block:: console
+      export ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT=zephyr &&
+        west build -p -b rpi_pico app
+   .. important::
+      When building for physical boards make sure that
+      ``ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT`` is set to ``zephyr``.
+      See :ref:`docs-quickstart-zephyr-troubleshooting-envvar`.
+#. Install the `Pico SDK`_ and `picotool`_ so that you can easily
+   flash the quickstart app onto your Pico over USB without needing to
+   manually put your Pico board into ``BOOTSEL`` mode:
+   .. code-block:: console
+      pw package install pico_sdk
+      pw package install picotool
+#. Put the following rules into ``/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/49-picoprobe.rules``:
+   .. code-block:: none
+      # Pico app mode
+      SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2e8a", ATTRS{idProduct}=="000a", MODE:="0666"
+      KERNEL=="ttyACM*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2e8a", ATTRS{idProduct}=="000a", MODE:="0666", SYMLINK+="rp2040"
+      # RP2 Boot
+      SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2e8a", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0003", MODE:="0666"
+      KERNEL=="ttyACM*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2e8a", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0003", MODE:="0666", SYMLINK+="rp2040"
+      # Picoprobe
+      SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2e8a", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0004", MODE:="0666"
+      KERNEL=="ttyACM*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2e8a", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0004", MODE:="0666", SYMLINK+="picoprobe"
+#. Apply the rules:
+   .. code-block:: console
+      sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
+      sudo udevadm trigger
+#. Flash the app onto your board:
+   .. code-block:: console
+      picotool reboot -f -u &&
+        sleep 3 &&
+        picotool load -x ./build/zephyr/zephyr.elf
+.. _docs-quickstart-zephyr-troubleshooting:
+.. _docs-quickstart-zephyr-troubleshooting-envvar:
+``fatal error: bits/c++config.h: No such file or directory``
+If you see a compilation error about not being able to find
+``<bits/c++config.h>``, make sure that your ``ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT``
+environment variable is correctly set:
+* Set it to ``llvm`` when building for ``native_sim``.
+* Set it to ``zephyr`` when building for physical boards.
+Here's an example of the error:
+.. code-block:: console
+   ...
+   [2/109] Generating include/generated/version.h
+   -- Zephyr version: 3.6.99 (~/zephyr-quickstart/third_party/zephyr), build: v3.6.0-1976-g8a88cd4805b0
+   [10/109] Building CXX object modules/pigweed/pw_string/CMakeFiles/pw_string.to_string.dir/
+   FAILED: modules/pigweed/pw_string/CMakeFiles/pw_string.to_string.dir/
+   ccache /usr/bin/g++
+   ...
+   -c ~/zephyr-quickstart/third_party/pigweed/pw_string/
+   In file included from ~/zephyr-quickstart/third_party/pigweed/pw_string/public/pw_string/type_to_string.h:20,
+                    from ~/zephyr-quickstart/third_party/pigweed/pw_string/
+   /usr/include/c++/13/cstdint:38:10: fatal error: bits/c++config.h: No such file or directory
+      38 | #include <bits/c++config.h>
+         |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+   compilation terminated.
+   ...
+   [12/109] Building CXX object modules/pigweed/pw_string/CMakeFiles/pw_string.builder.dir/
+   FAILED: modules/pigweed/pw_string/CMakeFiles/pw_string.builder.dir/
+   ccache /usr/bin/g++
+   ...
+   -c ~/zephyr-quickstart/third_party/pigweed/pw_string/
+   In file included from /usr/include/c++/13/algorithm:60,
+                    from ~/zephyr-quickstart/third_party/pigweed/pw_string/public/pw_string/string_builder.h:21,
+                    from ~/zephyr-quickstart/third_party/pigweed/pw_string/
+   /usr/include/c++/13/bits/stl_algobase.h:59:10: fatal error: bits/c++config.h: No such file or directory
+      59 | #include <bits/c++config.h>
+         |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+   compilation terminated.
+   [15/109] Building C object zephyr/CMakeFiles/offsets.dir/arch/posix/core/offsets/offsets.c.obj
+   ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
+   FATAL ERROR: command exited with status 1: ~/zephyr-quickstart/environment/cipd/packages/cmake/bin/cmake
+     --build ~/zephyr-quickstart/build --target run