Setup and usage instructions for Pigweed Python distributables.
Python distributables require Python 3.10 or later.
Run the included setup script found inside the unzipped directory. The setup script will create a virtual environment called python-venv
Alternatively, the Linux/MacOS version of the setup script also allows installation over an existing venv: <PATH_TO_EXISTING_VENV>
Both the Linux/MacOS and Windows versions of the setup script support the use of a constraints file. If a file named constraints.txt
is present in the same directory as the setup script, it will automatically be used during setup to constrain the versions of any Python packages that get installed (see the official pip documentation for details).
Once setup is complete, the Python tools can be invoked as runnable modules:
python-venv/bin/python -m <MODULE_NAME> [OPTIONS]
python-venv\Scripts\python -m <MODULE_NAME> [OPTIONS]