roll: pigweed pw_digital_io_mcuxpresso: Use hardware level interrupts instead of edge

This commit updates the internal implementation of
McuxpressoDigitalInOutInterrupt to use hardware level-sensitive
interrupts to implement all edge-sensitive interrupts. Previously, only
"kBothEdges" interrupts were implemented with level-sensitive

The reason for this change is to work around a hardware bug around
deep sleep and GPIO edge interrupts on the RT500 MCU.

If, for example, a falling-edge interrupt is set, and the chip enters
deep-sleep while the line is low, the chip will wake up immediately (the
wakeup signal from the GPIO block always acts as level-sensitive in
deep sleep). However, the edge detector in the block won't register an
edge (as none occurred), so no interrupt will be pended in the NVIC. The
chip will exit deep sleep, but there's nothing to do and no interrupts
pending, so the chip enters deep sleep again. All of this happens
without the CPU ever actually exiting WFI and executing instructions. If
the line is still low when the chip enters deep sleep again, it'll
repeat this over and over again.

This "edge-sensitive emulation" works, at the cost of 2x the interrupts
(handled internally in this class), because the system will wake up for
the opposing edge (for internal polarity swapping and bookkeeping), in
addition to the one it actually cares about.

Original-Bug: b/370770558
Tested: Tried both falling and rising interrupts, confirmed they fired
Tested: when expected.
Tested: Also enabled deep sleep and set up an falling-edge interrupt
Tested: attached to a button. Watched the PMIC_SEL0 pin in a logic
Tested: analyzer. Confirmed that before this change, pressing the
Tested: button causes rapid oscillations on PMIC_SEL0 (~5 us period).
Tested: After this change, each time the button is pressed or released
Tested: the system briefly wakes from deep sleep to service the
Tested: interrupt, but then goes back to sleep.
Presubmit-Verified: CQ Bot Account <>
Original-Revision: b2441ff1e55ad1fbd055099a1ff210f7f7e7c589

Rolled-Commits: 3d1d7aec46d512..b2441ff1e55ad1
Roll-Count: 1
GitWatcher: ignore
CQ-Do-Not-Cancel-Tryjobs: true
Change-Id: I1ddd4c942f2406beb044bbde720570e186702876
Lint: Lint 🤖 <>
Bot-Commit: Pigweed Roller <>
Commit-Queue: Pigweed Roller <>
1 file changed
tree: fa3c94f2b61915c9ad10281e0ad29d9840f7e931
  1. .github/
  2. .vscode/
  3. apps/
  4. modules/
  5. system/
  6. targets/
  7. tools/
  8. .bazelignore
  9. .bazelrc
  10. .bazelversion
  11. .buildifier.json
  12. .clang-format
  13. .clangd.shared
  14. .gitignore
  15. .pw_console.yaml
  17. BUILD.bazel
  20. MODULE.bazel
  21. MODULE.bazel.lock
  22. OWNERS
  23. pigweed.json

Pigweed: minimal Bazel example

This repository contains a minimal example of a Bazel-based Pigweed project. It is a LED-blinking service (featuring RPC control!) for the Raspberry Pi Pico. It can also be run on any computer using the included simulator.

Getting the code

git clone pw_bazel_quickstart
cd pw_bazel_quickstart


The only dependency that must be installed is Bazelisk.

Bazelisk is a launcher for the Bazel build system that allows for easy management of multiple Bazel versions.

Instructions for installing Bazelisk can be found here.

Running on the simulator

To run the simulator, type: bazelisk run //apps/blinky:simulator_blinky Then, in a new console, connect to the simulator using: bazelisk run //apps/blinky:simulator_console

Running on hardware

To start, connect a Raspberry Pi Pico, Pico 2, or debug probe via USB.

To run on the Raspberry Pi Pico, type: bazelisk run //apps/blinky:flash_rp2040 Then, in a new console, connect to the device using: bazelisk run //apps/blinky:rp2040_console

Controlling the LED

Once connected with a console, RPCs can be sent to control the LED. Try running:


Running unit tests on the host device

bazelisk test //... will run the unit tests defined in this project, such as the ones in modules/blinky/

Running unit tests on hardware

bazelisk run @pigweed//targets/rp2040/py:unit_test_server in one console followed by bazelisk test //... --config=rp2040 will also allow running the unit tests on-device.

Next steps

Try poking around the codebase for inspiration about how Pigweed projects can be organized. Most of the relevant code in this quickstart (including RPC definitions) is inside modules/blinky, with some client-side Python code in tools/