blob: 287c4f5ffadd016ed6270b09b5fe5f44c2a68466 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#include "system/system.h"
#include "device/bme688.h"
#include "device/ltr559_light_and_prox_sensor.h"
#include "device/pico_board.h"
#include "hardware/adc.h"
#include "hardware/exception.h"
#include "modules/air_sensor/air_sensor.h"
#include "modules/buttons/manager.h"
#include "pico/stdlib.h"
#include "pw_channel/rp2_stdio_channel.h"
#include "pw_cpu_exception/entry.h"
#include "pw_digital_io_rp2040/digital_io.h"
#include "pw_i2c_rp2040/initiator.h"
#include "pw_multibuf/simple_allocator.h"
#include "pw_system/system.h"
#if defined(PICO_RP2040) && PICO_RP2040
#include "system_RP2040.h"
#endif // defined(PICO_RP2040) && PICO_RP2040
#if defined(PICO_RP2350) && PICO_RP2350
#include "system_RP2350.h"
#endif // defined(PICO_RP2350) && PICO_RP2350
#include "system/pubsub.h"
#include "system/worker.h"
#include "targets/rp2/enviro_pins.h"
using pw::digital_io::Rp2040DigitalIn;
namespace sense::system {
namespace {
pw::i2c::Initiator& I2cInitiator() {
static constexpr pw::i2c::Rp2040Initiator::Config kI2c0Config{
.clock_frequency = 400'000,
.sda_pin = board::kEnviroPinSda,
.scl_pin = board::kEnviroPinScl,
static pw::i2c::Initiator& i2c0_bus = []() -> pw::i2c::Initiator& {
static pw::i2c::Rp2040Initiator bus(kI2c0Config, i2c0);
return bus;
return i2c0_bus;
Ltr559ProxAndLightSensorImpl& Ltr559() {
static Ltr559ProxAndLightSensorImpl sensor(I2cInitiator());
return sensor;
} // namespace
namespace {
Rp2040DigitalIn io_sw_a({
.pin = board::kEnviroPinSwA,
.polarity = pw::digital_io::Polarity::kActiveLow,
.enable_pull_up = true,
Rp2040DigitalIn io_sw_b({
.pin = board::kEnviroPinSwB,
.polarity = pw::digital_io::Polarity::kActiveLow,
.enable_pull_up = true,
Rp2040DigitalIn io_sw_x({
.pin = board::kEnviroPinSwX,
.polarity = pw::digital_io::Polarity::kActiveLow,
.enable_pull_up = true,
Rp2040DigitalIn io_sw_y({
.pin = board::kEnviroPinSwY,
.polarity = pw::digital_io::Polarity::kActiveLow,
.enable_pull_up = true,
} // namespace
void Init() {
// PICO_SDK inits.
// Install the CPU exception handler.
exception_set_exclusive_handler(HARDFAULT_EXCEPTION, pw_cpu_exception_Entry);
void Start() {
static std::byte channel_buffer[2048];
static pw::multibuf::SimpleAllocator multibuf_alloc(channel_buffer,
sense::AirSensor& AirSensor() {
static Bme688 air_sensor(I2cInitiator(), sense::system::GetWorker());
return air_sensor;
sense::Board& Board() {
static ::sense::PicoBoard board;
return board;
sense::ButtonManager& ButtonManager() {
static ::sense::ButtonManager manager(io_sw_a, io_sw_b, io_sw_x, io_sw_y);
return manager;
sense::AmbientLightSensor& AmbientLightSensor() { return Ltr559(); }
sense::ProximitySensor& ProximitySensor() { return Ltr559(); }
} // namespace sense::system