Test that close_notify state does not impair SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL.

This works correctly, but part of implementing SSL_write_ex will, if not
done correctly, regress this. Specifically, if the read_shutdown check
in SSL_get_error were not conditioned on ret == 0, the last
SSL_get_error in the test would mistakenly classify the write error as

Add a regression test in advance.

Bug: 507
Change-Id: I8ddb4606e291977506ee81f4ed11427e5b1636d8
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/53626
Reviewed-by: Bob Beck <bbe@google.com>
Commit-Queue: David Benjamin <davidben@google.com>
diff --git a/ssl/ssl_test.cc b/ssl/ssl_test.cc
index 55b7051..1ea0893 100644
--- a/ssl/ssl_test.cc
+++ b/ssl/ssl_test.cc
@@ -8390,5 +8390,65 @@
   ASSERT_EQ(Bytes(buf, ret), Bytes(kData));
+// Test that |SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL| continues to work after a close_notify.
+TEST(SSLTest, ErrorSyscallAfterCloseNotify) {
+  // Make a custom |BIO| where writes fail, but without pushing to the error
+  // queue.
+  bssl::UniquePtr<BIO_METHOD> method(BIO_meth_new(0, nullptr));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(method);
+  BIO_meth_set_create(method.get(), [](BIO *b) -> int {
+    BIO_set_init(b, 1);
+    return 1;
+  });
+  static bool write_failed = false;
+  BIO_meth_set_write(method.get(), [](BIO *, const char *, int) -> int {
+    // Fail the operation and don't add to the error queue.
+    write_failed = true;
+    return -1;
+  });
+  bssl::UniquePtr<BIO> wbio_silent_error(BIO_new(method.get()));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(wbio_silent_error);
+  bssl::UniquePtr<SSL_CTX> client_ctx(SSL_CTX_new(TLS_method()));
+  bssl::UniquePtr<SSL_CTX> server_ctx =
+      CreateContextWithTestCertificate(TLS_method());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(client_ctx);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(server_ctx);
+  bssl::UniquePtr<SSL> client, server;
+  EXPECT_TRUE(ConnectClientAndServer(&client, &server, client_ctx.get(),
+                                     server_ctx.get()));
+  // Replace the write |BIO| with |wbio_silent_error|.
+  SSL_set0_wbio(client.get(), wbio_silent_error.release());
+  // Writes should fail. There is nothing in the error queue, so
+  // |SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL| indicates the caller needs to check out-of-band.
+  const uint8_t data[1] = {0};
+  int ret = SSL_write(client.get(), data, sizeof(data));
+  EXPECT_EQ(ret, -1);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SSL_get_error(client.get(), ret), SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(write_failed);
+  write_failed = false;
+  // Send a close_notify from the server. It should return 0 because
+  // close_notify was sent, but not received. Confusingly, this is a success
+  // output for |SSL_shutdown|'s API.
+  EXPECT_EQ(SSL_shutdown(server.get()), 0);
+  // Read the close_notify on the client.
+  uint8_t buf[1];
+  ret = SSL_read(client.get(), buf, sizeof(buf));
+  EXPECT_EQ(ret, 0);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SSL_get_error(client.get(), ret), SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN);
+  // Although the client has seen close_notify, it should continue to report
+  // |SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL| when its writes fail.
+  ret = SSL_write(client.get(), data, sizeof(data));
+  EXPECT_EQ(ret, -1);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SSL_get_error(client.get(), ret), SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(write_failed);
+  write_failed = false;
 }  // namespace