Test code for storage format stability

Save tests are for forward compatibility: import a key in the current format
and check that it has the expected storage format so that future versions
will still be able to read it.

Read tests are for backward compatibility: read a key in the format of a
past version (injected into storage) and check that this version can use it.
Exercise the key unless it is meant to test metadata storage only.

Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <Gilles.Peskine@arm.com>
diff --git a/tests/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
index fb60427..c141704 100644
--- a/tests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -157,6 +157,7 @@
+add_test_suite(psa_crypto_storage_format psa_crypto_storage_format.misc)
diff --git a/tests/suites/test_suite_psa_crypto_storage_format.function b/tests/suites/test_suite_psa_crypto_storage_format.function
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..662ad94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/suites/test_suite_psa_crypto_storage_format.function
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+#include <psa/crypto.h>
+#include <test/psa_crypto_helpers.h>
+#include <test/psa_exercise_key.h>
+#include <psa_crypto_its.h>
+/** Write a key with the given attributes and key material to storage.
+ * Test that it has the expected representation.
+ *
+ * On error, including if the key representation in storage differs,
+ * mark the test case as failed and return 0. On success, return 1.
+ */
+static int test_written_key( const psa_key_attributes_t *attributes,
+                             const data_t *material,
+                             psa_storage_uid_t uid,
+                             const data_t *expected_representation )
+    mbedtls_svc_key_id_t created_key_id = MBEDTLS_SVC_KEY_ID_INIT;
+    uint8_t *actual_representation = NULL;
+    size_t length;
+    struct psa_storage_info_t storage_info;
+    int ok = 0;
+    /* Create a key with the given parameters. */
+    PSA_ASSERT( psa_import_key( attributes, material->x, material->len,
+                                &created_key_id ) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( mbedtls_svc_key_id_equal( psa_get_key_id( attributes ),
+                                           created_key_id ) );
+    /* Check that the key is represented as expected. */
+    PSA_ASSERT( psa_its_get_info( uid, &storage_info ) );
+    TEST_EQUAL( storage_info.size, expected_representation->len );
+    ASSERT_ALLOC( actual_representation, storage_info.size );
+    PSA_ASSERT( psa_its_get( uid, 0, storage_info.size,
+                             actual_representation, &length ) );
+    ASSERT_COMPARE( expected_representation->x, expected_representation->len,
+                    actual_representation, length );
+    ok = 1;
+    mbedtls_free( actual_representation );
+    return( ok );
+/** Check if a key is exportable. */
+static int can_export( const psa_key_attributes_t *attributes )
+    if( psa_get_key_usage_flags( attributes ) & PSA_KEY_USAGE_EXPORT )
+        return( 1 );
+    else if( PSA_KEY_TYPE_IS_PUBLIC_KEY( psa_get_key_type( attributes ) ) )
+        return( 1 );
+    else
+        return( 0 );
+/** Write a key with the given representation to storage, then check
+ * that it has the given attributes and (if exportable) key material.
+ *
+ * On error, including if the key representation in storage differs,
+ * mark the test case as failed and return 0. On success, return 1.
+ */
+static int test_read_key( const psa_key_attributes_t *expected_attributes,
+                          const data_t *expected_material,
+                          psa_storage_uid_t uid,
+                          const data_t *representation,
+                          int exercise )
+    psa_key_attributes_t actual_attributes = PSA_KEY_ATTRIBUTES_INIT;
+    mbedtls_svc_key_id_t key_id = psa_get_key_id( expected_attributes );
+    struct psa_storage_info_t storage_info;
+    int ok = 0;
+    uint8_t *exported_material = NULL;
+    size_t length;
+    /* Prime the storage with a key file. */
+    PSA_ASSERT( psa_its_set( uid, representation->len, representation->x, 0 ) );
+    /* Check that the injected key exists and looks as expected. */
+    PSA_ASSERT( psa_get_key_attributes( key_id, &actual_attributes ) );
+    TEST_ASSERT( mbedtls_svc_key_id_equal( key_id,
+                                           psa_get_key_id( &actual_attributes ) ) );
+    TEST_EQUAL( psa_get_key_lifetime( expected_attributes ),
+                psa_get_key_lifetime( &actual_attributes ) );
+    TEST_EQUAL( psa_get_key_type( expected_attributes ),
+                psa_get_key_type( &actual_attributes ) );
+    TEST_EQUAL( psa_get_key_bits( expected_attributes ),
+                psa_get_key_bits( &actual_attributes ) );
+    TEST_EQUAL( psa_get_key_usage_flags( expected_attributes ),
+                psa_get_key_usage_flags( &actual_attributes ) );
+    TEST_EQUAL( psa_get_key_algorithm( expected_attributes ),
+                psa_get_key_algorithm( &actual_attributes ) );
+    TEST_EQUAL( psa_get_key_enrollment_algorithm( expected_attributes ),
+                psa_get_key_enrollment_algorithm( &actual_attributes ) );
+    if( can_export( expected_attributes ) )
+    {
+        ASSERT_ALLOC( exported_material, expected_material->len );
+        PSA_ASSERT( psa_export_key( key_id,
+                                    exported_material, expected_material->len,
+                                    &length ) );
+        ASSERT_COMPARE( expected_material->x, expected_material->len,
+                        exported_material, length );
+    }
+    if( exercise )
+    {
+        TEST_ASSERT( mbedtls_test_psa_exercise_key(
+                         key_id,
+                         psa_get_key_usage_flags( expected_attributes ),
+                         psa_get_key_algorithm( expected_attributes ) ) );
+    }
+    /* Destroy the key. Confirm through direct access to the storage. */
+    PSA_ASSERT( psa_destroy_key( key_id ) );
+                psa_its_get_info( uid, &storage_info ) );
+    ok = 1;
+    psa_reset_key_attributes( &actual_attributes );
+    psa_its_remove( uid );
+    mbedtls_free( exported_material );
+    return( ok );
+ */
+void key_storage_save( int lifetime_arg, int type_arg, int bits_arg,
+                       int usage_arg, int alg_arg, int alg2_arg,
+                       data_t *material,
+                       data_t *representation )
+    /* Forward compatibility: save a key in the current format and
+     * check that it has the expected format so that future versions
+     * will still be able to read it. */
+    psa_key_lifetime_t lifetime = lifetime_arg;
+    psa_key_type_t type = type_arg;
+    size_t bits = bits_arg;
+    psa_key_usage_t usage = usage_arg;
+    psa_algorithm_t alg = alg_arg;
+    psa_algorithm_t alg2 = alg2_arg;
+    mbedtls_svc_key_id_t key_id = mbedtls_svc_key_id_make( 0, 1 );
+    psa_storage_uid_t uid = 1;
+    psa_key_attributes_t attributes = PSA_KEY_ATTRIBUTES_INIT;
+    PSA_INIT( );
+    TEST_USES_KEY_ID( key_id );
+    psa_set_key_lifetime( &attributes, lifetime );
+    psa_set_key_id( &attributes, key_id );
+    psa_set_key_type( &attributes, type );
+    psa_set_key_bits( &attributes, bits );
+    psa_set_key_usage_flags( &attributes, usage );
+    psa_set_key_algorithm( &attributes, alg );
+    psa_set_key_enrollment_algorithm( &attributes, alg2 );
+    /* This is the current storage format. Test that we know exactly how
+     * the key is stored. The stability of the test data in future
+     * versions of the Mbed TLS will guarantee that future versions
+     * can read back what this version wrote. */
+    TEST_ASSERT( test_written_key( &attributes, material,
+                                   uid, representation ) );
+    psa_reset_key_attributes( &attributes );
+    psa_destroy_key( key_id );
+    PSA_DONE( );
+/* END_CASE */
+void key_storage_read( int lifetime_arg, int type_arg, int bits_arg,
+                       int usage_arg, int alg_arg, int alg2_arg,
+                       data_t *material,
+                       data_t *representation, int exercise )
+    /* Backward compatibility: read a key in the format of a past version
+     * and check that this version can use it. */
+    psa_key_lifetime_t lifetime = lifetime_arg;
+    psa_key_type_t type = type_arg;
+    size_t bits = bits_arg;
+    psa_key_usage_t usage = usage_arg;
+    psa_algorithm_t alg = alg_arg;
+    psa_algorithm_t alg2 = alg2_arg;
+    mbedtls_svc_key_id_t key_id = mbedtls_svc_key_id_make( 0, 1 );
+    psa_storage_uid_t uid = 1;
+    psa_key_attributes_t attributes = PSA_KEY_ATTRIBUTES_INIT;
+    PSA_INIT( );
+    TEST_USES_KEY_ID( key_id );
+    psa_set_key_lifetime( &attributes, lifetime );
+    psa_set_key_id( &attributes, key_id );
+    psa_set_key_type( &attributes, type );
+    psa_set_key_bits( &attributes, bits );
+    psa_set_key_usage_flags( &attributes, usage );
+    psa_set_key_algorithm( &attributes, alg );
+    psa_set_key_enrollment_algorithm( &attributes, alg2 );
+    /* Test that we can use a key with the given representation. This
+     * guarantees backward compatibility with keys that were stored by
+     * past versionf of Mbed TLS. */
+    TEST_ASSERT( test_read_key( &attributes, material,
+                                uid, representation, exercise ) );
+    psa_reset_key_attributes( &attributes );
+    psa_destroy_key( key_id );
+    PSA_DONE( );
+/* END_CASE */
diff --git a/tests/suites/test_suite_psa_crypto_storage_format.misc.data b/tests/suites/test_suite_psa_crypto_storage_format.misc.data
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..114c402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/suites/test_suite_psa_crypto_storage_format.misc.data
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# The following two manually crafted test cases are redundant with
+# systematically generated test cases, but useful to have as an anchor when
+# debugging changes to the test code or to the test case generation.
+PSA storage read: AES-GCM+CTR
+key_storage_read:PSA_KEY_LIFETIME_PERSISTENT:PSA_KEY_TYPE_AES:128:PSA_KEY_USAGE_EXPORT | PSA_KEY_USAGE_ENCRYPT:PSA_ALG_GCM:PSA_ALG_CTR:"404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f":"505341004b45590000000000010000000024800001010000000250050010c00410000000404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f":1
+PSA storage save: AES-GCM+CTR
+key_storage_save:PSA_KEY_LIFETIME_PERSISTENT:PSA_KEY_TYPE_AES:128:PSA_KEY_USAGE_EXPORT | PSA_KEY_USAGE_ENCRYPT:PSA_ALG_GCM:PSA_ALG_CTR:"404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f":"505341004b45590000000000010000000024800001010000000250050010c00410000000404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f"