| """Framework classes for generation of ecp test cases.""" |
| # Copyright The Mbed TLS Contributors |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later |
| # |
| |
| from typing import List |
| |
| from . import test_data_generation |
| from . import bignum_common |
| |
| |
| class EcpTarget(test_data_generation.BaseTarget): |
| #pylint: disable=abstract-method, too-few-public-methods |
| """Target for ecp test case generation.""" |
| target_basename = 'test_suite_ecp.generated' |
| |
| |
| class EcpP192R1Raw(bignum_common.ModOperationCommon, |
| EcpTarget): |
| """Test cases for ECP P192 fast reduction.""" |
| symbol = "-" |
| test_function = "ecp_mod_p_generic_raw" |
| test_name = "ecp_mod_p192_raw" |
| input_style = "fixed" |
| arity = 1 |
| dependencies = ["MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_SECP192R1_ENABLED", |
| |
| moduli = ["fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffffffffffffff"] # type: List[str] |
| |
| input_values = [ |
| "0", "1", |
| |
| # Modulus - 1 |
| "fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffffffffffffe", |
| |
| # Modulus + 1 |
| "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff0000000000000000", |
| |
| # 2^192 - 1 |
| "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", |
| |
| # Maximum canonical P192 multiplication result |
| ("fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffdfffffffffffffffc" |
| "000000000000000100000000000000040000000000000004"), |
| |
| # Generate an overflow during reduction |
| ("00000000000000000000000000000001ffffffffffffffff" |
| "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff0000000000000000"), |
| |
| # Generate an overflow during carry reduction |
| ("ffffffffffffffff00000000000000010000000000000000" |
| "fffffffffffffffeffffffffffffffff0000000000000000"), |
| |
| # First 8 number generated by random.getrandbits(384) - seed(2,2) |
| ("cf1822ffbc6887782b491044d5e341245c6e433715ba2bdd" |
| "177219d30e7a269fd95bafc8f2a4d27bdcf4bb99f4bea973"), |
| ("ffed9235288bc781ae66267594c9c9500925e4749b575bd1" |
| "3653f8dd9b1f282e4067c3584ee207f8da94e3e8ab73738f"), |
| ("ef8acd128b4f2fc15f3f57ebf30b94fa82523e86feac7eb7" |
| "dc38f519b91751dacdbd47d364be8049a372db8f6e405d93"), |
| ("e8624fab5186ee32ee8d7ee9770348a05d300cb90706a045" |
| "defc044a09325626e6b58de744ab6cce80877b6f71e1f6d2"), |
| ("2d3d854e061b90303b08c6e33c7295782d6c797f8f7d9b78" |
| "2a1be9cd8697bbd0e2520e33e44c50556c71c4a66148a86f"), |
| ("fec3f6b32e8d4b8a8f54f8ceacaab39e83844b40ffa9b9f1" |
| "5c14bc4a829e07b0829a48d422fe99a22c70501e533c9135"), |
| ("97eeab64ca2ce6bc5d3fd983c34c769fe89204e2e8168561" |
| "867e5e15bc01bfce6a27e0dfcbf8754472154e76e4c11ab2"), |
| ("bd143fa9b714210c665d7435c1066932f4767f26294365b2" |
| "721dea3bf63f23d0dbe53fcafb2147df5ca495fa5a91c89b"), |
| |
| # Next 2 number generated by random.getrandbits(192) |
| "47733e847d718d733ff98ff387c56473a7a83ee0761ebfd2", |
| "cbd4d3e2d4dec9ef83f0be4e80371eb97f81375eecc1cb63" |
| ] |
| |
| @property |
| def arg_a(self) -> str: |
| return super().format_arg('{:x}'.format(self.int_a)).zfill(2 * self.hex_digits) |
| |
| def result(self) -> List[str]: |
| result = self.int_a % self.int_n |
| return [self.format_result(result)] |
| |
| @property |
| def is_valid(self) -> bool: |
| return True |
| |
| def arguments(self)-> List[str]: |
| args = super().arguments() |
| return ["MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_SECP192R1"] + args |
| |
| |
| class EcpP224R1Raw(bignum_common.ModOperationCommon, |
| EcpTarget): |
| """Test cases for ECP P224 fast reduction.""" |
| symbol = "-" |
| test_function = "ecp_mod_p_generic_raw" |
| test_name = "ecp_mod_p224_raw" |
| input_style = "arch_split" |
| arity = 1 |
| dependencies = ["MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_SECP224R1_ENABLED", |
| |
| moduli = ["ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff000000000000000000000001"] # type: List[str] |
| |
| input_values = [ |
| "0", "1", |
| |
| # Modulus - 1 |
| "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff000000000000000000000000", |
| |
| # Modulus + 1 |
| "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff000000000000000000000002", |
| |
| # 2^224 - 1 |
| "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", |
| |
| # Maximum canonical P224 multiplication result |
| ("fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe000000000000000000000000" |
| "00000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"), |
| |
| # Generate an overflow during reduction |
| ("00000000000000000000000000010000000070000000002000001000" |
| "ffffffffffff9fffffffffe00000efff000070000000002000001003"), |
| |
| # Generate an underflow during reduction |
| ("00000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" |
| "00000000000dc0000000000000000001000000010000000100000003"), |
| |
| # First 8 number generated by random.getrandbits(448) - seed(2,2) |
| ("da94e3e8ab73738fcf1822ffbc6887782b491044d5e341245c6e4337" |
| "15ba2bdd177219d30e7a269fd95bafc8f2a4d27bdcf4bb99f4bea973"), |
| ("cdbd47d364be8049a372db8f6e405d93ffed9235288bc781ae662675" |
| "94c9c9500925e4749b575bd13653f8dd9b1f282e4067c3584ee207f8"), |
| ("defc044a09325626e6b58de744ab6cce80877b6f71e1f6d2ef8acd12" |
| "8b4f2fc15f3f57ebf30b94fa82523e86feac7eb7dc38f519b91751da"), |
| ("2d6c797f8f7d9b782a1be9cd8697bbd0e2520e33e44c50556c71c4a6" |
| "6148a86fe8624fab5186ee32ee8d7ee9770348a05d300cb90706a045"), |
| ("8f54f8ceacaab39e83844b40ffa9b9f15c14bc4a829e07b0829a48d4" |
| "22fe99a22c70501e533c91352d3d854e061b90303b08c6e33c729578"), |
| ("97eeab64ca2ce6bc5d3fd983c34c769fe89204e2e8168561867e5e15" |
| "bc01bfce6a27e0dfcbf8754472154e76e4c11ab2fec3f6b32e8d4b8a"), |
| ("a7a83ee0761ebfd2bd143fa9b714210c665d7435c1066932f4767f26" |
| "294365b2721dea3bf63f23d0dbe53fcafb2147df5ca495fa5a91c89b"), |
| ("74667bffe202849da9643a295a9ac6decbd4d3e2d4dec9ef83f0be4e" |
| "80371eb97f81375eecc1cb6347733e847d718d733ff98ff387c56473"), |
| |
| # Next 2 number generated by random.getrandbits(224) |
| "eb9ac688b9d39cca91551e8259cc60b17604e4b4e73695c3e652c71a", |
| "f0caeef038c89b38a8acb5137c9260dc74e088a9b9492f258ebdbfe3" |
| ] |
| |
| @property |
| def arg_a(self) -> str: |
| limbs = 2 * bignum_common.bits_to_limbs(224, self.bits_in_limb) |
| hex_digits = bignum_common.hex_digits_for_limb(limbs, self.bits_in_limb) |
| return super().format_arg('{:x}'.format(self.int_a)).zfill(hex_digits) |
| |
| def result(self) -> List[str]: |
| result = self.int_a % self.int_n |
| return [self.format_result(result)] |
| |
| @property |
| def is_valid(self) -> bool: |
| return True |
| |
| def arguments(self)-> List[str]: |
| args = super().arguments() |
| return ["MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_SECP224R1"] + args |
| |
| |
| class EcpP256R1Raw(bignum_common.ModOperationCommon, |
| EcpTarget): |
| """Test cases for ECP P256 fast reduction.""" |
| symbol = "-" |
| test_function = "ecp_mod_p_generic_raw" |
| test_name = "ecp_mod_p256_raw" |
| input_style = "fixed" |
| arity = 1 |
| dependencies = ["MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_SECP256R1_ENABLED", |
| |
| moduli = ["ffffffff00000001000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffff"] # type: List[str] |
| |
| input_values = [ |
| "0", "1", |
| |
| # Modulus - 1 |
| "ffffffff00000001000000000000000000000000fffffffffffffffffffffffe", |
| |
| # Modulus + 1 |
| "ffffffff00000001000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000", |
| |
| # 2^256 - 1 |
| "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", |
| |
| # Maximum canonical P256 multiplication result |
| ("fffffffe00000002fffffffe0000000100000001fffffffe00000001fffffffc" |
| "00000003fffffffcfffffffffffffffffffffffc000000000000000000000004"), |
| |
| # Generate an overflow during reduction |
| ("0000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000" |
| "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff"), |
| |
| # Generate an underflow during reduction |
| ("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010" |
| "ffffffff00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"), |
| |
| # Generate an overflow during carry reduction |
| ("aaaaaaaa00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" |
| "00000000000000000000000000000000aaaaaaacaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa00000000"), |
| |
| # Generate an underflow during carry reduction |
| ("000000000000000000000001ffffffff00000000000000000000000000000000" |
| "0000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000020000000100000002"), |
| |
| # First 8 number generated by random.getrandbits(512) - seed(2,2) |
| ("4067c3584ee207f8da94e3e8ab73738fcf1822ffbc6887782b491044d5e34124" |
| "5c6e433715ba2bdd177219d30e7a269fd95bafc8f2a4d27bdcf4bb99f4bea973"), |
| ("82523e86feac7eb7dc38f519b91751dacdbd47d364be8049a372db8f6e405d93" |
| "ffed9235288bc781ae66267594c9c9500925e4749b575bd13653f8dd9b1f282e"), |
| ("e8624fab5186ee32ee8d7ee9770348a05d300cb90706a045defc044a09325626" |
| "e6b58de744ab6cce80877b6f71e1f6d2ef8acd128b4f2fc15f3f57ebf30b94fa"), |
| ("829a48d422fe99a22c70501e533c91352d3d854e061b90303b08c6e33c729578" |
| "2d6c797f8f7d9b782a1be9cd8697bbd0e2520e33e44c50556c71c4a66148a86f"), |
| ("e89204e2e8168561867e5e15bc01bfce6a27e0dfcbf8754472154e76e4c11ab2" |
| "fec3f6b32e8d4b8a8f54f8ceacaab39e83844b40ffa9b9f15c14bc4a829e07b0"), |
| ("bd143fa9b714210c665d7435c1066932f4767f26294365b2721dea3bf63f23d0" |
| "dbe53fcafb2147df5ca495fa5a91c89b97eeab64ca2ce6bc5d3fd983c34c769f"), |
| ("74667bffe202849da9643a295a9ac6decbd4d3e2d4dec9ef83f0be4e80371eb9" |
| "7f81375eecc1cb6347733e847d718d733ff98ff387c56473a7a83ee0761ebfd2"), |
| ("d08f1bb2531d6460f0caeef038c89b38a8acb5137c9260dc74e088a9b9492f25" |
| "8ebdbfe3eb9ac688b9d39cca91551e8259cc60b17604e4b4e73695c3e652c71a"), |
| |
| # Next 2 number generated by random.getrandbits(256) |
| "c5e2486c44a4a8f69dc8db48e86ec9c6e06f291b2a838af8d5c44a4eb3172062", |
| "d4c0dca8b4c9e755cc9c3adcf515a8234da4daeb4f3f87777ad1f45ae9500ec9" |
| ] |
| |
| @property |
| def arg_a(self) -> str: |
| return super().format_arg('{:x}'.format(self.int_a)).zfill(2 * self.hex_digits) |
| |
| def result(self) -> List[str]: |
| result = self.int_a % self.int_n |
| return [self.format_result(result)] |
| |
| @property |
| def is_valid(self) -> bool: |
| return True |
| |
| def arguments(self)-> List[str]: |
| args = super().arguments() |
| return ["MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_SECP256R1"] + args |
| |
| |
| class EcpP384R1Raw(bignum_common.ModOperationCommon, |
| EcpTarget): |
| """Test cases for ECP P384 fast reduction.""" |
| test_function = "ecp_mod_p_generic_raw" |
| test_name = "ecp_mod_p384_raw" |
| input_style = "fixed" |
| arity = 1 |
| dependencies = ["MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_SECP384R1_ENABLED", |
| |
| moduli = [("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" |
| "fffffffffffffffeffffffff0000000000000000ffffffff") |
| ] # type: List[str] |
| |
| input_values = [ |
| "0", "1", |
| |
| # Modulus - 1 |
| ("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" |
| "fffffffffffffffeffffffff0000000000000000fffffffe"), |
| |
| # Modulus + 1 |
| ("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" |
| "fffffffffffffffeffffffff000000000000000100000000"), |
| |
| # 2^384 - 1 |
| ("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" |
| "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"), |
| |
| # Maximum canonical P384 multiplication result |
| ("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" |
| "fffffffffffffffdfffffffe0000000000000001fffffffc" |
| "000000000000000000000000000000010000000200000000" |
| "fffffffe000000020000000400000000fffffffc00000004"), |
| |
| # Testing with overflow in A(12) + A(21) + A(20); |
| ("497811378624857a2c2af60d70583376545484cfae5c812f" |
| "e2999fc1abb51d18b559e8ca3b50aaf263fdf8f24bdfb98f" |
| "ffffffff20e65bf9099e4e73a5e8b517cf4fbeb8fd1750fd" |
| "ae6d43f2e53f82d5ffffffffffffffffcc6f1e06111c62e0"), |
| |
| # Testing with underflow in A(13) + A(22) + A(23) - A(12) - A(20); |
| ("dfdd25e96777406b3c04b8c7b406f5fcf287e1e576003a09" |
| "2852a6fbe517f2712b68abef41dbd35183a0614fb7222606" |
| "ffffffff84396eee542f18a9189d94396c784059c17a9f18" |
| "f807214ef32f2f10ffffffff8a77fac20000000000000000"), |
| |
| # Testing with overflow in A(23) + A(20) + A(19) - A(22); |
| ("783753f8a5afba6c1862eead1deb2fcdd907272be3ffd185" |
| "42b24a71ee8b26cab0aa33513610ff973042bbe1637cc9fc" |
| "99ad36c7f703514572cf4f5c3044469a8f5be6312c19e5d3" |
| "f8fc1ac6ffffffffffffffff8c86252400000000ffffffff"), |
| |
| # Testing with underflow in A(23) + A(20) + A(19) - A(22); |
| ("65e1d2362fce922663b7fd517586e88842a9b4bd092e93e6" |
| "251c9c69f278cbf8285d99ae3b53da5ba36e56701e2b17c2" |
| "25f1239556c5f00117fa140218b46ebd8e34f50d0018701f" |
| "a8a0a5cc00000000000000004410bcb4ffffffff00000000"), |
| |
| # Testing the second round of carry reduction |
| ("000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffff" |
| "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff0000000000000000" |
| "0000000000000000ffffffff000000000000000000000001" |
| "00000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff00000001"), |
| |
| # First 8 number generated by random.getrandbits(768) - seed(2,2) |
| ("ffed9235288bc781ae66267594c9c9500925e4749b575bd1" |
| "3653f8dd9b1f282e4067c3584ee207f8da94e3e8ab73738f" |
| "cf1822ffbc6887782b491044d5e341245c6e433715ba2bdd" |
| "177219d30e7a269fd95bafc8f2a4d27bdcf4bb99f4bea973"), |
| ("e8624fab5186ee32ee8d7ee9770348a05d300cb90706a045" |
| "defc044a09325626e6b58de744ab6cce80877b6f71e1f6d2" |
| "ef8acd128b4f2fc15f3f57ebf30b94fa82523e86feac7eb7" |
| "dc38f519b91751dacdbd47d364be8049a372db8f6e405d93"), |
| ("fec3f6b32e8d4b8a8f54f8ceacaab39e83844b40ffa9b9f1" |
| "5c14bc4a829e07b0829a48d422fe99a22c70501e533c9135" |
| "2d3d854e061b90303b08c6e33c7295782d6c797f8f7d9b78" |
| "2a1be9cd8697bbd0e2520e33e44c50556c71c4a66148a86f"), |
| ("bd143fa9b714210c665d7435c1066932f4767f26294365b2" |
| "721dea3bf63f23d0dbe53fcafb2147df5ca495fa5a91c89b" |
| "97eeab64ca2ce6bc5d3fd983c34c769fe89204e2e8168561" |
| "867e5e15bc01bfce6a27e0dfcbf8754472154e76e4c11ab2"), |
| ("8ebdbfe3eb9ac688b9d39cca91551e8259cc60b17604e4b4" |
| "e73695c3e652c71a74667bffe202849da9643a295a9ac6de" |
| "cbd4d3e2d4dec9ef83f0be4e80371eb97f81375eecc1cb63" |
| "47733e847d718d733ff98ff387c56473a7a83ee0761ebfd2"), |
| ("d4c0dca8b4c9e755cc9c3adcf515a8234da4daeb4f3f8777" |
| "7ad1f45ae9500ec9c5e2486c44a4a8f69dc8db48e86ec9c6" |
| "e06f291b2a838af8d5c44a4eb3172062d08f1bb2531d6460" |
| "f0caeef038c89b38a8acb5137c9260dc74e088a9b9492f25"), |
| ("0227eeb7b9d7d01f5769da05d205bbfcc8c69069134bccd3" |
| "e1cf4f589f8e4ce0af29d115ef24bd625dd961e6830b54fa" |
| "7d28f93435339774bb1e386c4fd5079e681b8f5896838b76" |
| "9da59b74a6c3181c81e220df848b1df78feb994a81167346"), |
| ("d322a7353ead4efe440e2b4fda9c025a22f1a83185b98f5f" |
| "c11e60de1b343f52ea748db9e020307aaeb6db2c3a038a70" |
| "9779ac1f45e9dd320c855fdfa7251af0930cdbd30f0ad2a8" |
| "1b2d19a2beaa14a7ff3fe32a30ffc4eed0a7bd04e85bfcdd"), |
| |
| # Next 2 number generated by random.getrandbits(384) |
| ("5c3747465cc36c270e8a35b10828d569c268a20eb78ac332" |
| "e5e138e26c4454b90f756132e16dce72f18e859835e1f291"), |
| ("eb2b5693babb7fbb0a76c196067cfdcb11457d9cf45e2fa0" |
| "1d7f4275153924800600571fac3a5b263fdf57cd2c006497") |
| ] |
| |
| @property |
| def arg_a(self) -> str: |
| return super().format_arg('{:x}'.format(self.int_a)).zfill(2 * self.hex_digits) |
| |
| def result(self) -> List[str]: |
| result = self.int_a % self.int_n |
| return [self.format_result(result)] |
| |
| @property |
| def is_valid(self) -> bool: |
| return True |
| |
| def arguments(self)-> List[str]: |
| args = super().arguments() |
| return ["MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_SECP384R1"] + args |
| |
| |
| class EcpP521R1Raw(bignum_common.ModOperationCommon, |
| EcpTarget): |
| """Test cases for ECP P521 fast reduction.""" |
| test_function = "ecp_mod_p_generic_raw" |
| test_name = "ecp_mod_p521_raw" |
| input_style = "arch_split" |
| arity = 1 |
| dependencies = ["MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_SECP521R1_ENABLED", |
| |
| moduli = [("01ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" |
| "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff") |
| ] # type: List[str] |
| |
| input_values = [ |
| "0", "1", |
| |
| # Modulus - 1 |
| ("01ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" |
| "fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe"), |
| |
| # Modulus + 1 |
| ("020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" |
| "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"), |
| |
| # Maximum canonical P521 multiplication result |
| ("0003ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" |
| "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" |
| "fffff800" |
| "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" |
| "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004"), |
| |
| # Test case for overflow during addition |
| ("0001efffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" |
| "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" |
| "000001ef" |
| "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" |
| "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000f000000"), |
| |
| # First 8 number generated by random.getrandbits(1042) - seed(2,2) |
| ("0003cc2e82523e86feac7eb7dc38f519b91751dacdbd47d364be8049a372db8f" |
| "6e405d93ffed9235288bc781ae66267594c9c9500925e4749b575bd13653f8dd" |
| "9b1f282e" |
| "4067c3584ee207f8da94e3e8ab73738fcf1822ffbc6887782b491044d5e34124" |
| "5c6e433715ba2bdd177219d30e7a269fd95bafc8f2a4d27bdcf4bb99f4bea973"), |
| ("00017052829e07b0829a48d422fe99a22c70501e533c91352d3d854e061b9030" |
| "3b08c6e33c7295782d6c797f8f7d9b782a1be9cd8697bbd0e2520e33e44c5055" |
| "6c71c4a6" |
| "6148a86fe8624fab5186ee32ee8d7ee9770348a05d300cb90706a045defc044a" |
| "09325626e6b58de744ab6cce80877b6f71e1f6d2ef8acd128b4f2fc15f3f57eb"), |
| ("00021f15a7a83ee0761ebfd2bd143fa9b714210c665d7435c1066932f4767f26" |
| "294365b2721dea3bf63f23d0dbe53fcafb2147df5ca495fa5a91c89b97eeab64" |
| "ca2ce6bc" |
| "5d3fd983c34c769fe89204e2e8168561867e5e15bc01bfce6a27e0dfcbf87544" |
| "72154e76e4c11ab2fec3f6b32e8d4b8a8f54f8ceacaab39e83844b40ffa9b9f1"), |
| ("000381bc2a838af8d5c44a4eb3172062d08f1bb2531d6460f0caeef038c89b38" |
| "a8acb5137c9260dc74e088a9b9492f258ebdbfe3eb9ac688b9d39cca91551e82" |
| "59cc60b1" |
| "7604e4b4e73695c3e652c71a74667bffe202849da9643a295a9ac6decbd4d3e2" |
| "d4dec9ef83f0be4e80371eb97f81375eecc1cb6347733e847d718d733ff98ff3"), |
| ("00034816c8c69069134bccd3e1cf4f589f8e4ce0af29d115ef24bd625dd961e6" |
| "830b54fa7d28f93435339774bb1e386c4fd5079e681b8f5896838b769da59b74" |
| "a6c3181c" |
| "81e220df848b1df78feb994a81167346d4c0dca8b4c9e755cc9c3adcf515a823" |
| "4da4daeb4f3f87777ad1f45ae9500ec9c5e2486c44a4a8f69dc8db48e86ec9c6"), |
| ("000397846c4454b90f756132e16dce72f18e859835e1f291d322a7353ead4efe" |
| "440e2b4fda9c025a22f1a83185b98f5fc11e60de1b343f52ea748db9e020307a" |
| "aeb6db2c" |
| "3a038a709779ac1f45e9dd320c855fdfa7251af0930cdbd30f0ad2a81b2d19a2" |
| "beaa14a7ff3fe32a30ffc4eed0a7bd04e85bfcdd0227eeb7b9d7d01f5769da05"), |
| ("00002c3296e6bc4d62b47204007ee4fab105d83e85e951862f0981aebc1b00d9" |
| "2838e766ef9b6bf2d037fe2e20b6a8464174e75a5f834da70569c018eb2b5693" |
| "babb7fbb" |
| "0a76c196067cfdcb11457d9cf45e2fa01d7f4275153924800600571fac3a5b26" |
| "3fdf57cd2c0064975c3747465cc36c270e8a35b10828d569c268a20eb78ac332"), |
| ("00009d23b4917fc09f20dbb0dcc93f0e66dfe717c17313394391b6e2e6eacb0f" |
| "0bb7be72bd6d25009aeb7fa0c4169b148d2f527e72daf0a54ef25c0707e33868" |
| "7d1f7157" |
| "5653a45c49390aa51cf5192bbf67da14be11d56ba0b4a2969d8055a9f03f2d71" |
| "581d8e830112ff0f0948eccaf8877acf26c377c13f719726fd70bddacb4deeec"), |
| |
| # Next 2 number generated by random.getrandbits(521) |
| ("12b84ae65e920a63ac1f2b64df6dff07870c9d531ae72a47403063238da1a1fe" |
| "3f9d6a179fa50f96cd4aff9261aa92c0e6f17ec940639bc2ccdf572df00790813e3"), |
| ("166049dd332a73fa0b26b75196cf87eb8a09b27ec714307c68c425424a1574f1" |
| "eedf5b0f16cdfdb839424d201e653f53d6883ca1c107ca6e706649889c0c7f38608") |
| ] |
| |
| @property |
| def arg_a(self) -> str: |
| # Number of limbs: 2 * N |
| return super().format_arg('{:x}'.format(self.int_a)).zfill(2 * self.hex_digits) |
| |
| def result(self) -> List[str]: |
| result = self.int_a % self.int_n |
| return [self.format_result(result)] |
| |
| @property |
| def is_valid(self) -> bool: |
| return True |
| |
| def arguments(self)-> List[str]: |
| args = super().arguments() |
| return ["MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_SECP521R1"] + args |
| |
| |
| class EcpP192K1Raw(bignum_common.ModOperationCommon, |
| EcpTarget): |
| """Test cases for ECP P192K1 fast reduction.""" |
| symbol = "-" |
| test_function = "ecp_mod_p_generic_raw" |
| test_name = "ecp_mod_p192k1_raw" |
| input_style = "fixed" |
| arity = 1 |
| dependencies = ["MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_SECP192K1_ENABLED"] |
| |
| moduli = ["fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffee37"] # type: List[str] |
| |
| input_values = [ |
| "0", "1", |
| |
| # Modulus - 1 |
| "fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffee36", |
| |
| # Modulus + 1 |
| "fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffee38", |
| |
| # 2^192 - 1 |
| "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", |
| |
| # Maximum canonical P192K1 multiplication result |
| ("fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffdffffdc6c" |
| "0000000000000000000000000000000100002394013c7364"), |
| |
| # Test case for overflow during addition |
| ("00000007ffff71b809e27dd832cfd5e04d9d2dbb9f8da217" |
| "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000520834f0"), |
| |
| # First 8 number generated by random.getrandbits(384) - seed(2,2) |
| ("cf1822ffbc6887782b491044d5e341245c6e433715ba2bdd" |
| "177219d30e7a269fd95bafc8f2a4d27bdcf4bb99f4bea973"), |
| ("ffed9235288bc781ae66267594c9c9500925e4749b575bd1" |
| "3653f8dd9b1f282e4067c3584ee207f8da94e3e8ab73738f"), |
| ("ef8acd128b4f2fc15f3f57ebf30b94fa82523e86feac7eb7" |
| "dc38f519b91751dacdbd47d364be8049a372db8f6e405d93"), |
| ("e8624fab5186ee32ee8d7ee9770348a05d300cb90706a045" |
| "defc044a09325626e6b58de744ab6cce80877b6f71e1f6d2"), |
| ("2d3d854e061b90303b08c6e33c7295782d6c797f8f7d9b78" |
| "2a1be9cd8697bbd0e2520e33e44c50556c71c4a66148a86f"), |
| ("fec3f6b32e8d4b8a8f54f8ceacaab39e83844b40ffa9b9f1" |
| "5c14bc4a829e07b0829a48d422fe99a22c70501e533c9135"), |
| ("97eeab64ca2ce6bc5d3fd983c34c769fe89204e2e8168561" |
| "867e5e15bc01bfce6a27e0dfcbf8754472154e76e4c11ab2"), |
| ("bd143fa9b714210c665d7435c1066932f4767f26294365b2" |
| "721dea3bf63f23d0dbe53fcafb2147df5ca495fa5a91c89b"), |
| |
| # Next 2 number generated by random.getrandbits(192) |
| "47733e847d718d733ff98ff387c56473a7a83ee0761ebfd2", |
| "cbd4d3e2d4dec9ef83f0be4e80371eb97f81375eecc1cb63" |
| ] |
| |
| @property |
| def arg_a(self) -> str: |
| return super().format_arg('{:x}'.format(self.int_a)).zfill(2 * self.hex_digits) |
| |
| def result(self) -> List[str]: |
| result = self.int_a % self.int_n |
| return [self.format_result(result)] |
| |
| @property |
| def is_valid(self) -> bool: |
| return True |
| |
| def arguments(self): |
| args = super().arguments() |
| return ["MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_SECP192K1"] + args |
| |
| |
| class EcpP224K1Raw(bignum_common.ModOperationCommon, |
| EcpTarget): |
| """Test cases for ECP P224 fast reduction.""" |
| symbol = "-" |
| test_function = "ecp_mod_p_generic_raw" |
| test_name = "ecp_mod_p224k1_raw" |
| input_style = "arch_split" |
| arity = 1 |
| dependencies = ["MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_SECP224K1_ENABLED"] |
| |
| moduli = ["fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffe56d"] # type: List[str] |
| |
| input_values = [ |
| "0", "1", |
| |
| # Modulus - 1 |
| "fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffe56c", |
| |
| # Modulus + 1 |
| "fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffe56e", |
| |
| # 2^224 - 1 |
| "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", |
| |
| # Maximum canonical P224K1 multiplication result |
| ("fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffdffffcad8" |
| "00000000000000000000000000000000000000010000352802c26590"), |
| |
| # Test case for overflow during addition |
| ("0000007ffff2b68161180fd8cd92e1a109be158a19a99b1809db8032" |
| "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000bf04f49"), |
| |
| # First 8 number generated by random.getrandbits(448) - seed(2,2) |
| ("da94e3e8ab73738fcf1822ffbc6887782b491044d5e341245c6e4337" |
| "15ba2bdd177219d30e7a269fd95bafc8f2a4d27bdcf4bb99f4bea973"), |
| ("cdbd47d364be8049a372db8f6e405d93ffed9235288bc781ae662675" |
| "94c9c9500925e4749b575bd13653f8dd9b1f282e4067c3584ee207f8"), |
| ("defc044a09325626e6b58de744ab6cce80877b6f71e1f6d2ef8acd12" |
| "8b4f2fc15f3f57ebf30b94fa82523e86feac7eb7dc38f519b91751da"), |
| ("2d6c797f8f7d9b782a1be9cd8697bbd0e2520e33e44c50556c71c4a6" |
| "6148a86fe8624fab5186ee32ee8d7ee9770348a05d300cb90706a045"), |
| ("8f54f8ceacaab39e83844b40ffa9b9f15c14bc4a829e07b0829a48d4" |
| "22fe99a22c70501e533c91352d3d854e061b90303b08c6e33c729578"), |
| ("97eeab64ca2ce6bc5d3fd983c34c769fe89204e2e8168561867e5e15" |
| "bc01bfce6a27e0dfcbf8754472154e76e4c11ab2fec3f6b32e8d4b8a"), |
| ("a7a83ee0761ebfd2bd143fa9b714210c665d7435c1066932f4767f26" |
| "294365b2721dea3bf63f23d0dbe53fcafb2147df5ca495fa5a91c89b"), |
| ("74667bffe202849da9643a295a9ac6decbd4d3e2d4dec9ef83f0be4e" |
| "80371eb97f81375eecc1cb6347733e847d718d733ff98ff387c56473"), |
| |
| # Next 2 number generated by random.getrandbits(224) |
| ("eb9ac688b9d39cca91551e8259cc60b17604e4b4e73695c3e652c71a"), |
| ("f0caeef038c89b38a8acb5137c9260dc74e088a9b9492f258ebdbfe3"), |
| ] |
| |
| @property |
| def arg_a(self) -> str: |
| limbs = 2 * bignum_common.bits_to_limbs(224, self.bits_in_limb) |
| hex_digits = bignum_common.hex_digits_for_limb(limbs, self.bits_in_limb) |
| return super().format_arg('{:x}'.format(self.int_a)).zfill(hex_digits) |
| |
| def result(self) -> List[str]: |
| result = self.int_a % self.int_n |
| return [self.format_result(result)] |
| |
| @property |
| def is_valid(self) -> bool: |
| return True |
| |
| def arguments(self): |
| args = super().arguments() |
| return ["MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_SECP224K1"] + args |
| |
| |
| class EcpP256K1Raw(bignum_common.ModOperationCommon, |
| EcpTarget): |
| """Test cases for ECP P256 fast reduction.""" |
| symbol = "-" |
| test_function = "ecp_mod_p_generic_raw" |
| test_name = "ecp_mod_p256k1_raw" |
| input_style = "fixed" |
| arity = 1 |
| dependencies = ["MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_SECP256K1_ENABLED"] |
| |
| moduli = ["fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffc2f"] # type: List[str] |
| |
| input_values = [ |
| "0", "1", |
| |
| # Modulus - 1 |
| "fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffc2e", |
| |
| # Modulus + 1 |
| "fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffc30", |
| |
| # 2^256 - 1 |
| "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", |
| |
| # Maximum canonical P256K1 multiplication result |
| ("fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffdfffff85c" |
| "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000007a4000e9844"), |
| |
| # Test case for overflow during addition |
| ("0000fffffc2f000e90a0c86a0a63234e5ba641f43a7e4aecc4040e67ec850562" |
| "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000585674fd"), |
| |
| # Test case for overflow during addition |
| ("0000fffffc2f000e90a0c86a0a63234e5ba641f43a7e4aecc4040e67ec850562" |
| "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000585674fd"), |
| |
| # First 8 number generated by random.getrandbits(512) - seed(2,2) |
| ("4067c3584ee207f8da94e3e8ab73738fcf1822ffbc6887782b491044d5e34124" |
| "5c6e433715ba2bdd177219d30e7a269fd95bafc8f2a4d27bdcf4bb99f4bea973"), |
| ("82523e86feac7eb7dc38f519b91751dacdbd47d364be8049a372db8f6e405d93" |
| "ffed9235288bc781ae66267594c9c9500925e4749b575bd13653f8dd9b1f282e"), |
| ("e8624fab5186ee32ee8d7ee9770348a05d300cb90706a045defc044a09325626" |
| "e6b58de744ab6cce80877b6f71e1f6d2ef8acd128b4f2fc15f3f57ebf30b94fa"), |
| ("829a48d422fe99a22c70501e533c91352d3d854e061b90303b08c6e33c729578" |
| "2d6c797f8f7d9b782a1be9cd8697bbd0e2520e33e44c50556c71c4a66148a86f"), |
| ("e89204e2e8168561867e5e15bc01bfce6a27e0dfcbf8754472154e76e4c11ab2" |
| "fec3f6b32e8d4b8a8f54f8ceacaab39e83844b40ffa9b9f15c14bc4a829e07b0"), |
| ("bd143fa9b714210c665d7435c1066932f4767f26294365b2721dea3bf63f23d0" |
| "dbe53fcafb2147df5ca495fa5a91c89b97eeab64ca2ce6bc5d3fd983c34c769f"), |
| ("74667bffe202849da9643a295a9ac6decbd4d3e2d4dec9ef83f0be4e80371eb9" |
| "7f81375eecc1cb6347733e847d718d733ff98ff387c56473a7a83ee0761ebfd2"), |
| ("d08f1bb2531d6460f0caeef038c89b38a8acb5137c9260dc74e088a9b9492f25" |
| "8ebdbfe3eb9ac688b9d39cca91551e8259cc60b17604e4b4e73695c3e652c71a"), |
| |
| # Next 2 number generated by random.getrandbits(256) |
| ("c5e2486c44a4a8f69dc8db48e86ec9c6e06f291b2a838af8d5c44a4eb3172062"), |
| ("d4c0dca8b4c9e755cc9c3adcf515a8234da4daeb4f3f87777ad1f45ae9500ec9"), |
| ] |
| |
| @property |
| def arg_a(self) -> str: |
| return super().format_arg('{:x}'.format(self.int_a)).zfill(2 * self.hex_digits) |
| |
| def result(self) -> List[str]: |
| result = self.int_a % self.int_n |
| return [self.format_result(result)] |
| |
| @property |
| def is_valid(self) -> bool: |
| return True |
| |
| def arguments(self): |
| args = super().arguments() |
| return ["MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_SECP256K1"] + args |
| |
| |
| class EcpP255Raw(bignum_common.ModOperationCommon, |
| EcpTarget): |
| """Test cases for ECP 25519 fast reduction.""" |
| symbol = "-" |
| test_function = "ecp_mod_p_generic_raw" |
| test_name = "mbedtls_ecp_mod_p255_raw" |
| input_style = "fixed" |
| arity = 1 |
| dependencies = ["MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_CURVE25519_ENABLED"] |
| |
| moduli = [("7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" |
| "ffffffffffffed")] # type: List[str] |
| |
| input_values = [ |
| "0", "1", |
| |
| # Modulus - 1 |
| ("7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffec"), |
| |
| # Modulus + 1 |
| ("7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffee"), |
| |
| # 2^255 - 1 |
| ("7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"), |
| |
| # Maximum canonical P255 multiplication result |
| ("3fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffec" |
| "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000190"), |
| |
| # First 8 number generated by random.getrandbits(510) - seed(2,2) |
| ("1019f0d64ee207f8da94e3e8ab73738fcf1822ffbc6887782b491044d5e34124" |
| "5c6e433715ba2bdd177219d30e7a269fd95bafc8f2a4d27bdcf4bb99f4bea973"), |
| ("20948fa1feac7eb7dc38f519b91751dacdbd47d364be8049a372db8f6e405d93" |
| "ffed9235288bc781ae66267594c9c9500925e4749b575bd13653f8dd9b1f282e"), |
| ("3a1893ea5186ee32ee8d7ee9770348a05d300cb90706a045defc044a09325626" |
| "e6b58de744ab6cce80877b6f71e1f6d2ef8acd128b4f2fc15f3f57ebf30b94fa"), |
| ("20a6923522fe99a22c70501e533c91352d3d854e061b90303b08c6e33c729578" |
| "2d6c797f8f7d9b782a1be9cd8697bbd0e2520e33e44c50556c71c4a66148a86f"), |
| ("3a248138e8168561867e5e15bc01bfce6a27e0dfcbf8754472154e76e4c11ab2" |
| "fec3f6b32e8d4b8a8f54f8ceacaab39e83844b40ffa9b9f15c14bc4a829e07b0"), |
| ("2f450feab714210c665d7435c1066932f4767f26294365b2721dea3bf63f23d0" |
| "dbe53fcafb2147df5ca495fa5a91c89b97eeab64ca2ce6bc5d3fd983c34c769f"), |
| ("1d199effe202849da9643a295a9ac6decbd4d3e2d4dec9ef83f0be4e80371eb9" |
| "7f81375eecc1cb6347733e847d718d733ff98ff387c56473a7a83ee0761ebfd2"), |
| ("3423c6ec531d6460f0caeef038c89b38a8acb5137c9260dc74e088a9b9492f25" |
| "8ebdbfe3eb9ac688b9d39cca91551e8259cc60b17604e4b4e73695c3e652c71a"), |
| |
| # Next 2 number generated by random.getrandbits(255) |
| ("62f1243644a4a8f69dc8db48e86ec9c6e06f291b2a838af8d5c44a4eb3172062"), |
| ("6a606e54b4c9e755cc9c3adcf515a8234da4daeb4f3f87777ad1f45ae9500ec9"), |
| ] |
| |
| @property |
| def arg_a(self) -> str: |
| return super().format_arg('{:x}'.format(self.int_a)).zfill(2 * self.hex_digits) |
| |
| def result(self) -> List[str]: |
| result = self.int_a % self.int_n |
| return [self.format_result(result)] |
| |
| @property |
| def is_valid(self) -> bool: |
| return True |
| |
| def arguments(self)-> List[str]: |
| args = super().arguments() |
| return ["MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_CURVE25519"] + args |
| |
| |
| class EcpP448Raw(bignum_common.ModOperationCommon, |
| EcpTarget): |
| """Test cases for ECP P448 fast reduction.""" |
| symbol = "-" |
| test_function = "ecp_mod_p_generic_raw" |
| test_name = "ecp_mod_p448_raw" |
| input_style = "fixed" |
| arity = 1 |
| dependencies = ["MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_CURVE448_ENABLED"] |
| |
| moduli = [("fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe" |
| "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff")] # type: List[str] |
| |
| input_values = [ |
| "0", "1", |
| |
| # Modulus - 1 |
| ("fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe" |
| "fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe"), |
| |
| # Modulus + 1 |
| ("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" |
| "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"), |
| |
| # 2^448 - 1 |
| ("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" |
| "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"), |
| |
| # Maximum canonical P448 multiplication result |
| ("fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffd" |
| "fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffd" |
| "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004" |
| "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004"), |
| |
| # First 8 number generated by random.getrandbits(896) - seed(2,2) |
| ("74667bffe202849da9643a295a9ac6decbd4d3e2d4dec9ef83f0be4e" |
| "80371eb97f81375eecc1cb6347733e847d718d733ff98ff387c56473" |
| "a7a83ee0761ebfd2bd143fa9b714210c665d7435c1066932f4767f26" |
| "294365b2721dea3bf63f23d0dbe53fcafb2147df5ca495fa5a91c89b"), |
| ("4da4daeb4f3f87777ad1f45ae9500ec9c5e2486c44a4a8f69dc8db48" |
| "e86ec9c6e06f291b2a838af8d5c44a4eb3172062d08f1bb2531d6460" |
| "f0caeef038c89b38a8acb5137c9260dc74e088a9b9492f258ebdbfe3" |
| "eb9ac688b9d39cca91551e8259cc60b17604e4b4e73695c3e652c71a"), |
| ("bc1b00d92838e766ef9b6bf2d037fe2e20b6a8464174e75a5f834da7" |
| "0569c018eb2b5693babb7fbb0a76c196067cfdcb11457d9cf45e2fa0" |
| "1d7f4275153924800600571fac3a5b263fdf57cd2c0064975c374746" |
| "5cc36c270e8a35b10828d569c268a20eb78ac332e5e138e26c4454b9"), |
| ("8d2f527e72daf0a54ef25c0707e338687d1f71575653a45c49390aa5" |
| "1cf5192bbf67da14be11d56ba0b4a2969d8055a9f03f2d71581d8e83" |
| "0112ff0f0948eccaf8877acf26c377c13f719726fd70bddacb4deeec" |
| "0b0c995e96e6bc4d62b47204007ee4fab105d83e85e951862f0981ae"), |
| ("84ae65e920a63ac1f2b64df6dff07870c9d531ae72a47403063238da" |
| "1a1fe3f9d6a179fa50f96cd4aff9261aa92c0e6f17ec940639bc2ccd" |
| "f572df00790813e32748dd1db4917fc09f20dbb0dcc93f0e66dfe717" |
| "c17313394391b6e2e6eacb0f0bb7be72bd6d25009aeb7fa0c4169b14"), |
| ("2bb3b36f29421c4021b7379f0897246a40c270b00e893302aba9e7b8" |
| "23fc5ad2f58105748ed5d1b7b310b730049dd332a73fa0b26b75196c" |
| "f87eb8a09b27ec714307c68c425424a1574f1eedf5b0f16cdfdb8394" |
| "24d201e653f53d6883ca1c107ca6e706649889c0c7f3860895bfa813"), |
| ("af3f5d7841b1256d5c1dc12fb5a1ae519fb8883accda6559caa538a0" |
| "9fc9370d3a6b86a7975b54a31497024640332b0612d4050771d7b14e" |
| "b6c004cc3b8367dc3f2bb31efe9934ad0809eae3ef232a32b5459d83" |
| "fbc46f1aea990e94821d46063b4dbf2ca294523d74115c86188b1044"), |
| ("7430051376e31f5aab63ad02854efa600641b4fa37a47ce41aeffafc" |
| "3b45402ac02659fe2e87d4150511baeb198ababb1a16daff3da95cd2" |
| "167b75dfb948f82a8317cba01c75f67e290535d868a24b7f627f2855" |
| "09167d4126af8090013c3273c02c6b9586b4625b475b51096c4ad652"), |
| |
| # Corner case which causes maximum overflow |
| ("f4ae65e920a63ac1f2b64df6dff07870c9d531ae72a47403063238da1" |
| "a1fe3f9d6a179fa50f96cd4aff9261aa92c0e6f17ec940639bc2ccd0B" |
| "519A16DF59C53E0D49B209200F878F362ACE518D5B8BFCF9CDC725E5E" |
| "01C06295E8605AF06932B5006D9E556D3F190E8136BF9C643D332"), |
| |
| # Next 2 number generated by random.getrandbits(448) |
| ("8f54f8ceacaab39e83844b40ffa9b9f15c14bc4a829e07b0829a48d4" |
| "22fe99a22c70501e533c91352d3d854e061b90303b08c6e33c729578"), |
| ("97eeab64ca2ce6bc5d3fd983c34c769fe89204e2e8168561867e5e15" |
| "bc01bfce6a27e0dfcbf8754472154e76e4c11ab2fec3f6b32e8d4b8a"), |
| |
| ] |
| |
| @property |
| def arg_a(self) -> str: |
| return super().format_arg('{:x}'.format(self.int_a)).zfill(2 * self.hex_digits) |
| |
| def result(self) -> List[str]: |
| result = self.int_a % self.int_n |
| return [self.format_result(result)] |
| |
| @property |
| def is_valid(self) -> bool: |
| return True |
| |
| def arguments(self): |
| args = super().arguments() |
| return ["MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_CURVE448"] + args |