blob: 0e484b023d9ae5bd1d42a4560ff3120241e03d8d [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright The Mbed TLS Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
Make fuzz like testing for pkcs7 tests
Given a valid DER pkcs7 file add tests to the file
- It is expected that the pkcs7_asn1_fail( data_t *pkcs7_buf )
function is defined in test_suite_pkcs7.function
- This is not meant to be portable code, if anything it is meant to serve as
documentation for showing how those ugly tests in were created
import sys
from os.path import exists
PKCS7_TEST_FILE = "../suites/"
class Test: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
A instance of a test in
def __init__(self, name, depends, func_call): = name
self.depends = depends
self.func_call = func_call
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
def to_string(self):
return "\n" + + "\n" + self.depends + "\n" + self.func_call + "\n"
class TestData:
Take in file.
Allow for new tests to be added.
mandatory_dep = "MBEDTLS_MD_CAN_SHA256"
test_name = "PKCS7 Parse Failure Invalid ASN1"
test_function = "pkcs7_asn1_fail:"
def __init__(self, file_name):
self.file_name = file_name
self.last_test_num, self.old_tests = self.read_test_file(file_name)
self.new_tests = []
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
def read_test_file(self, file):
Parse the file.
tests = []
if not exists(file):
print(file + " Does not exist")
with open(file, "r", encoding='UTF-8') as fp:
data =
lines = [line.strip() for line in data.split('\n') if len(line.strip()) > 1]
i = 0
while i < len(lines):
if "depends" in lines[i+1]:
tests.append(Test(lines[i], lines[i+1], lines[i+2]))
i += 3
tests.append(Test(lines[i], None, lines[i+1]))
i += 2
latest_test_num = float(tests[-1].name.split('#')[1])
return latest_test_num, tests
def add(self, name, func_call):
self.last_test_num += 1
self.new_tests.append(Test(self.test_name + ": " + name + " #" + \
str(self.last_test_num), "depends_on:" + self.mandatory_dep, \
self.test_function + '"' + func_call + '"'))
def write_changes(self):
with open(self.file_name, 'a', encoding='UTF-8') as fw:
for t in self.new_tests:
def asn1_mutate(data):
We have been given an asn1 structure representing a pkcs7.
We want to return an array of slightly modified versions of this data
they should be modified in a way which makes the structure invalid
We know that asn1 structures are:
|---1 byte showing data type---|----byte(s) for length of data---|---data content--|
We know that some data types can contain other data types.
Return a dictionary of reasons and mutated data types.
# off the bat just add bytes to start and end of the buffer
mutations = []
reasons = []
mutations.append(["00"] + data)
reasons.append("Add null byte to start")
mutations.append(data + ["00"])
reasons.append("Add null byte to end")
# for every asn1 entry we should attempt to:
# - change the data type tag
# - make the length longer than actual
# - make the length shorter than actual
i = 0
while i < len(data):
tag_i = i
leng_i = tag_i + 1
data_i = leng_i + 1 + (int(data[leng_i][1], 16) if data[leng_i][0] == '8' else 0)
if data[leng_i][0] == '8':
length = int(''.join(data[leng_i + 1: data_i]), 16)
length = int(data[leng_i], 16)
tag = data[tag_i]
print("Looking at ans1: offset " + str(i) + " tag = " + tag + \
", length = " + str(length)+ ":")
# change tag to something else
if tag == "02":
# turn integers into octet strings
new_tag = "04"
# turn everything else into an integer
new_tag = "02"
mutations.append(data[:tag_i] + [new_tag] + data[leng_i:])
reasons.append("Change tag " + tag + " to " + new_tag)
# change lengths to too big
# skip any edge cases which would cause carry over
if int(data[data_i - 1], 16) < 255:
new_length = str(hex(int(data[data_i - 1], 16) + 1))[2:]
if len(new_length) == 1:
new_length = "0"+new_length
mutations.append(data[:data_i -1] + [new_length] + data[data_i:])
reasons.append("Change length from " + str(length) + " to " \
+ str(length + 1))
# we can add another test here for tags that contain other tags \
# where they have more data than there containing tags account for
if tag in ["30", "a0", "31"]:
mutations.append(data[:data_i -1] + [new_length] + \
data[data_i:data_i + length] + ["00"] + \
data[data_i + length:])
reasons.append("Change contents of tag " + tag + " to contain \
one unaccounted extra byte")
# change lengths to too small
if int(data[data_i - 1], 16) > 0:
new_length = str(hex(int(data[data_i - 1], 16) - 1))[2:]
if len(new_length) == 1:
new_length = "0"+new_length
mutations.append(data[:data_i -1] + [new_length] + data[data_i:])
reasons.append("Change length from " + str(length) + " to " + str(length - 1))
# some tag types contain other tag types so we should iterate into the data
if tag in ["30", "a0", "31"]:
i = data_i
i = data_i + length
return list(zip(reasons, mutations))
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("USAGE: " + sys.argv[0] + " <pkcs7_der_file>")
DATA_FILE = sys.argv[1]
with open(DATA_FILE, 'rb') as f:
# make data an array of byte strings eg ['de','ad','be','ef']
HEX_DATA = list(map(''.join, [[DATA_STR[i], DATA_STR[i+1]] for i in range(0, len(DATA_STR), \
# returns tuples of test_names and modified data buffers
MUT_ARR = asn1_mutate(HEX_DATA)
print("made " + str(len(MUT_ARR)) + " new tests")
for new_test in MUT_ARR:
TEST_DATA.add(new_test[0], ''.join(new_test[1]))