blob: 64bb27b0f1e0e0063be8bffb938e8057316ad515 [file] [log] [blame]
* Altera - SoC UART Manager
* Copyright 2013 Altera Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
* derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
#ifndef __ALT_16550_UART_H__
#define __ALT_16550_UART_H__
#include "hwlib.h"
#include "alt_clock_manager.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
* \addtogroup UART UART Driver API
* This module defines the Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)
* API for accessing and using the UART resources. The API allows for general
* control of a 16550 compatible UART controller.
* This implementation can control the following UARTs:
* * SoCFPGA On-board UARTs
* * Altera 16550 Compatible Soft IP UART
* The following reference materials were used in the design of this API:
* * Synopsys® DesignWare DW_apb_uart Databook v3.10a
* @{
* \addtogroup UART_BASIC UART Basic
* This group of APIs provides basic access to the UART to initialize,
* uninitialize, read, write, and reset the UART.
* @{
* This type definition enumerates the list of UARTs available on the system.
typedef enum ALT_16550_DEVICE_e
* This option selects UART0 in the SoC FPGA.
* This option selects UART1 in the SoC FPGA.
* This option selects an Altera 16550 Compatible soft IP UART. The memory
* location of the device must be provided as part of the initialization.
ALT_16550_DEVICE_ALTERA_16550_UART = 0x100
* This structure is used to represent a handle to a specific UART on the
* system. The internal members are undocumented and should be not altered
* outside of this API.
typedef struct ALT_16550_HANDLE_s
ALT_16550_DEVICE_t device;
void * location;
alt_freq_t clock_freq;
uint32_t data;
uint32_t fcr;
* Performs the initialization steps needed by the UART. This should be the
* first API call made when accessing a particular UART
* The default UART setting is 8 databits, no parity, 1 stopbit, and 57600
* baud.
* For the SoCFPGA UARTs, The ALT_CLK_L4_SP clock needs to be setup before
* initialization.
* \param device
* The UART device identifier.
* \param location
* The memory of the location for the given UART. For SoCFPGA
* UARTs, this parameter is ignored.
* \param clock_freq
* The clock frequency of the serial clock for the given UART.
* For SoCFPGA UARTs, this paramter is ignored.
* \param handle
* [out] A pointer to a handle that will represent the UART. This
* handle should subsequently be used when calling other UART
* APIs.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device identifier is invalid.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_CLK The required clock is not yet setup.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_init(ALT_16550_DEVICE_t device,
void * location,
alt_freq_t clock_freq,
ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Performs the uninitialization steps for the UART. This should be the last
* API call made to cleanup the UART.
* After calling this function, the handle will need to be initialized again
* before being used by calling alt_16550_init().
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_uninit(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Resets the UART to the default configuration. The UART will be reset and
* reinitialized.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_reset(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Starts the UART after all configuration has been completed.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_enable(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Stops the UART. While UART configuration can be done while enabled, it is
* not recommended.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_disable(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Reads a single character from the UART receiver buffer. This API should
* only be used when FIFOs are disabled.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \param item
* [out] Pointer to an output parameter that contains the in
* receiver buffer of the UART.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_read(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle,
char * item);
* Writes a single character to the UART transmitter buffer. This API should
* only be used when FIFOs are disabled.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \param item
* The character to write to the transmitter buffer of the UART.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_write(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle,
char item);
* @}
* \addtogroup UART_FIFO UART FIFO Interface
* This group of APIs provides access, configuration, and control of the UART
* FIFO. The FIFO allows the UART to buffer received data and data to be
* transmitted.
* @{
* This type definition enumerates the receiver FIFO level conditions that
* will trigger the receiver FIFO to issue a receiver FIFO full event.
typedef enum ALT_16550_FIFO_TRIGGER_RX_e
* 1 or more character(s) in the receiver FIFO will trigger an event.
* 25% or higher capacity usage in the receiver FIFO will trigger an
* event.
* 50% or higher capacity usage in the receiver FIFO will trigger an
* event.
* 2 characters less than the receiver FIFO capacity will trigger an
* event.
* This type definition enumerates the transmitter FIFO level conditions that
* will trigger the transmitter FIFO to issue a transmitter FIFO empty event.
typedef enum ALT_16550_FIFO_TRIGGER_TX_e
* Transmitter FIFO being completely empty will trigger an event.
* 2 or less character(s) in the transmitter FIFO will trigger an event.
* 25% or less capacity usage in the transmitter FIFO will trigger an
* event.
* 50% or less capacity usage in the transmitter FIFO will trigger an
* event.
* Enables FIFO on the UART. This will enable both the receiver FIFO and
* transmitter FIFO. Both FIFOs will be cleared.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_fifo_enable(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Disables FIFOs on the UART. This will disable both the receiver FIFO and
* transmitter FIFO. Any data left in the FIFOs will be lost.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_fifo_disable(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Reads the given buffer from the receiver FIFO in the UART.
* The available characters in the FIFO can be determined by a few ways. Users
* can determine the number of items by calling alt_16550_fifo_level_get_rx().
* Another way is by using the RX trigger and RX interrupt. First determine the
* RX FIFO size by calling alt_16550_fifo_size_get_rx(). Then set the desired
* trigger level by calling alt_16550_fifo_trigger_set_rx(). Calculate the
* triggering point by applying trigger description on the FIFO size. Enable RX
* interrupts by calling alt_16550_int_enable_rx(). When the RX interrupt fires
* due to the ALT_16550_INT_STATUS_RX_DATA condition, the calculated triggering
* point value can be used to determine the RX FIFO level. If the interrupt
* fires due to the ALT_16550_INT_STATUS_RX_TIMEOUT, the RX FIFO can be
* completely emptied by repeatedly polling the Line Status
* ALT_16550_LINE_STATUS_DR condition by calling alt_16550_line_status_get().
* These steps are necessary if the UART does not implement FIFO level query
* functionality. As of 13.0sp1, this applies to the Altera 16550 Compatible
* Soft UART.
* Reading more data than that which is available can result in invalid data
* appearing like valid data.
* The FIFO must first be enabled before calling this function by calling
* alt_16550_fifo_enable().
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \param buffer
* [out] Pointer to a buffer where the specified count of
* characters from the receiver FIFO will be copied to.
* \param count
* The count of characters from the receiver FIFO to be copied.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_fifo_read(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle,
char * buffer,
size_t count);
* Writes the given buffer to the transmitter FIFO in the UART.
* The available space in the FIFO can be determined by a few ways. Users can
* determine the number of items by calculating the FIFO capacity minus the
* FIFO level. This can be done by calling alt_16550_fifo_size_get_tx() and
* alt_16550_fifo_level_get_tx() respectively.
* Another way is by using the TX trigger and TX interrupt. First determine the
* TX FIFO size by calling alt_16550_fifo_size_get_tx(). The set the desired
* trigger level by calling alt_16550_fifo_trigger_set_tx(). Calculate the
* triggering point by applying the trigger description on the FIFO size.
* Enable TX interrupts by calling alt_16550_int_enable_tx(). When the TX
* interrupt fires, calculate the empty entries in the FIFO by subtracting the
* TX FIFO size and the calculated value. These steps are necessary if the UART
* does not implement FIFO level query functionality. As of 13.0sp1, this
* applies to the Altera 16550 Compatible Soft UART.
* Writing more data that there is space can result in data lost due to
* overflowing.
* The FIFOs must first be enabled before calling this function by calling
* alt_16550_fifo_enable().
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \param buffer
* Pointer to a buffer from where the specified count of
* characters will be copied to the transmitter FIFO.
* \param count
* The count of characters from the given buffer to be copied.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_fifo_write(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle,
const char * buffer,
size_t count);
* Clears the contents of the receiver FIFO. Any characters which were
* previously contained in that FIFO will be discarded.
* The FIFOs must first be enabled before calling this function by calling
* alt_16550_fifo_enable().
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_fifo_clear_rx(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Clears the contents of the transmitter FIFO. Any characters which were
* previously contained in that FIFO will be discarded.
* The FIFOs must first be enabled before calling this function by calling
* alt_16550_fifo_enable().
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_fifo_clear_tx(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Clears the contents of the receiver and transmitter FIFO. Any characters
* which were previously contained on those FIFOs will be discarded.
* The FIFOs must first be enabled before calling this function by calling
* alt_16550_fifo_enable().
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_fifo_clear_all(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Queries the size of the receiver FIFO.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \param size
* [out] Pointer to an output parameter that contains the size of
* the receiver FIFO.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_fifo_size_get_rx(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle,
uint32_t * size);
* Queries the size of the transmitter FIFO.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \param size
* [out] Pointer to an output parameter that contains the size of
* the transmitter FIFO.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_fifo_size_get_tx(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle,
uint32_t * size);
* Queries the current level of the receiver FIFO.
* The FIFOs must first be enabled before calling this function by calling
* alt_16550_fifo_enable().
* For the Altera 16550 Compatible UART, it may not be possible to read the
* FIFO level and this function may always report 0. For more information on
* interacting with the FIFO in this situation, see documentation for
* alt_16550_fifo_read().
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \param level
* [out] Pointer to an output parameter that contains the level
* or number of characters in the receiver FIFO.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_fifo_level_get_rx(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle,
uint32_t * level);
* Queries the current level of the transmitter FIFO.
* The FIFOs must first be enabled before calling this function by calling
* alt_16550_fifo_enable().
* For the Altera 16550 Compatible UART, it may not be possible to read the
* FIFO level and this function may always report 0. For more information on
* interacting with the FIFO in this situation, see documentation for
* alt_16550_fifo_write().
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \param level
* [out] Pointer to an output parameter that contains the level
* or number of characters in the transmitter FIFO.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_fifo_level_get_tx(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle,
uint32_t * level);
* Sets the receiver FIFO level which will trigger the receiver FIFO to issue
* receiver FIFO full event. For the list of available receiver FIFO trigger
* levels, see the documentation for ALT_16550_FIFO_TRIGGER_RX_t.
* The FIFOs must first be enabled before calling this function by calling
* alt_16550_fifo_enable().
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \param trigger
* The level of the receiver FIFO which is needed to trigger a
* receiver FIFO full event.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_fifo_trigger_set_rx(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle,
ALT_16550_FIFO_TRIGGER_RX_t trigger);
* Sets the transmitter FIFO level which will trigger the transmitter FIFO to
* transmitter FIFO empty event. For the list of available transmitter FIFO
* trigger levels, see the documentation for ALT_16550_FIFO_TRIGGER_TX_t.
* The FIFOs must first be enabled before calling this function by calling
* alt_16550_fifo_enable().
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \param trigger
* The level of the transmitter FIFO which is needed to trigger a
* transmitter FIFO empty event.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_fifo_trigger_set_tx(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle,
ALT_16550_FIFO_TRIGGER_TX_t trigger);
* @}
* \addtogroup UART_BAUD UART Baudrate Interface
* This group of APIs allows for the configuration of the UART's baudrate
* generation related functions.
* The UART baudrate is determined by dividing the ALT_CLK_L4_SP clock with
* the configured divisor.
* @{
* This enumeration lists out the common baudrates used with modem and serial
* ports. Not every baudrate is available for the UART due to the limits of
* the serial clock frequency and divisor value.
typedef enum ALT_16550_BAUDRATE_e
ALT_16550_BAUDRATE_50 = 50, /*!< 50 bps baudrate. */
ALT_16550_BAUDRATE_75 = 75, /*!< 75 bps baudrate. */
ALT_16550_BAUDRATE_150 = 150, /*!< 150 bps baudrate. */
ALT_16550_BAUDRATE_300 = 300, /*!< 300 bps baudrate. */
ALT_16550_BAUDRATE_600 = 600, /*!< 600 bps baudrate. */
ALT_16550_BAUDRATE_900 = 900, /*!< 900 bps baudrate. */
ALT_16550_BAUDRATE_1200 = 1200, /*!< 1200 bps baudrate. */
ALT_16550_BAUDRATE_1800 = 1800, /*!< 1800 bps baudrate. */
ALT_16550_BAUDRATE_2400 = 2400, /*!< 2400 bps baudrate. */
ALT_16550_BAUDRATE_3600 = 3600, /*!< 3600 bps baudrate. */
ALT_16550_BAUDRATE_4800 = 4800, /*!< 4800 bps baudrate. */
ALT_16550_BAUDRATE_7200 = 7200, /*!< 7200 bps baudrate. */
ALT_16550_BAUDRATE_9600 = 9600, /*!< 9600 bps baudrate. */
ALT_16550_BAUDRATE_14400 = 14400, /*!< 14400 bps baudrate. */
ALT_16550_BAUDRATE_19200 = 19200, /*!< 19200 bps baudrate. */
ALT_16550_BAUDRATE_28800 = 28800, /*!< 28800 bps baudrate. */
ALT_16550_BAUDRATE_38400 = 38400, /*!< 38400 bps baudrate. */
ALT_16550_BAUDRATE_57600 = 57600, /*!< 57600 bps baudrate. */
ALT_16550_BAUDRATE_115200 = 115200 /*!< 115200 bps baudrate. */
* Gets the baudrate for the UART.
* This is done by calculating the baudrate from the divisor and the serial
* clock. The reported baudrate may not correspond exactly to the request
* baudrate.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \param baudrate
* [out] Pointer to an output paramter that contains the current
* baudrate of the UART.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_baudrate_get(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle,
uint32_t * baudrate);
* Sets the baudrate for the UART. This change will take effect when the UART
* moves from disabled to enabled.
* This is done by calculating the correct divisor using the request baudrate
* and the known serial clock.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \param baudrate
* The requested baudrate for the UART.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
* \retval ALT_E_ARG_RANGE The given baudrate is not possible due to
* limitations of the baudrate divisor and/or
* serial clock.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_baudrate_set(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle,
uint32_t baudrate);
* Gets the baudrate divisor for the UART.
* The baudrate is determined by the following formula:
* * Baudrate = (serial clock frequency) / (16 * divisor)
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \param divisor
* [out] Pointer to an output parameter that contains the current
* divisor used for baudrate generation.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_divisor_get(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle,
uint32_t * divisor);
* Sets the baudrate divisor for the UART. This change will take effect when
* the UART moves from disabled to enabled.
* The baudrate is determined by the following formula:
* * Baudrate = (serial clock frequency) / (16 * divisor)
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \param divisor
* The specified divisor value to use for baudrate generation.
* Valid values are 1 - 65535.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART identifier is invalid or the
* specified divisor is not supported by the
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_divisor_set(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle,
uint32_t divisor);
* @}
* \addtogroup UART_INT UART Interrupt Interface
* This group of APIs provides access, configuration, and control of the
* UART interrupts.
* @{
* This type definition enumerates the different interrupt conditions that can
* be generated by the UART controller.
* Interrupts are listed in highest to lowest priority order.
typedef enum ALT_16550_INT_STATUS_e
* This interrupt signals that a overrun, parity, or framing error
* occurred, or a break event occured. The interrupt is cleared by reading
* the line status by calling alt_16550_line_status_get() or by disabling
* line status interrupts by calling alt_16550_int_disable_line().
ALT_16550_INT_STATUS_LINE = 0x6,
* This interrupt signals that some data is available to be read from the
* UART. The definition of some depends on whether FIFOs are enabled or
* not.
* If FIFOs are disabled, this interrupt signals that the receiver
* contains data. In this case, the interrupt is cleared by reading the
* data from the UART by calling alt_16550_read().
* If FIFOs are enabled, this interrupt signals that the receiver FIFO
* level is above the receiver trigger level specified. In this case, the
* interrupt is cleared by reading a sufficiently large buffer from the
* receiver FIFO such that the FIFO is filled below the receiver trigger
* level specified by calling alt_16550_fifo_read() or by adjusting the
* receiver trigger level appropriately by calling
* alt_16550_fifo_trigger_set_rx().
* In either case, this interrupt can also be cleared by disabling
* receiver interrupts by calling alt_16550_int_disable_rx().
* This interrupt signals that data is available in the receiver FIFO and
* that there has been no activity with the receiver FIFO for the last 4
* character frames. In essence, the receiver FIFO has temporarily settled
* thus it may be a good time to empty the receiver FIFO. This interrupt
* is only available if FIFOs are enabled. The interrupt is cleared by
* reading from the receiver FIFO by calling alt_16550_fifo_read() or by
* disabling receiver interrupts by calling alt_16550_int_disable_rx().
* This interrupt signals that the transmitter is idling. The definition
* of idling depends on whether FIFOs are enabled or not.
* If FIFOs are disabled, this interrupt signals that the transmitter
* shift register is empty. In this case, the interrupt is cleared by
* writing data to the UART by calling alt_16550_write().
* If FIFO are enabled, this interrupt signals that the transmitter FIFO
* level is below the transmitter trigger level specified. In this case,
* the interrupt is cleared by writing a sufficiently large buffer to the
* transmitter FIFO such that the FIFO is filled above the transmitter
* trigger level specified by calling alt_16550_fifo_write() or by
* adjusting the transmitter trigger level appropriately by calling
* alt_16550_fifo_trigger_set_tx().
* In either case, this interrupt can also be cleared by disabling
* transmitter interrupts by calling alt_16550_int_disable_tx().
* Modem status interrupt pending. The interrupt is cleared by reading the
* modem status by calling alt_16550_modem_status_get() or by disabling
* modem status interrupts by calling alt_16550_int_disable_modem().
* No interrupts pending.
* Enables the receiver FIFO to generate interrupts. Enabling this interrupt
* allows for the following interrupt signal(s):
* This interrupt is disabled by default.
* The FIFOs must also be enabled for this interrupt to actually be generated.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_int_enable_rx(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Disables the receiver FIFO from generating interrupts.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_int_disable_rx(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Enables the transmitter FIFO to generate interrupts. Enabling this
* interrupt allows for the following interrupt signal(s):
* This interrupt is disabled by default.
* The FIFOs must also be enabled for this interrupt to actually be generated.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_int_enable_tx(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Disables the transmitter FIFO from generating interrupts.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_int_disable_tx(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Enables the receiver to generate line status interrupts. Enabling this
* interrupt allows for the following interrupt signal(s):
* This interrupt is disabled by default.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_int_enable_line(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Disables the receiver from generating line status interrupts.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_int_disable_line(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Enables the UART to generate modem status interrupts. Enabling this
* interrupt allows for the following interrupt signal(s):
* This interrupt is disabled by default.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_int_enable_modem(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Disables the UART from generate modem status interrupts.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_int_disable_modem(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Disables all interrupts on the UART.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_int_disable_all(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Queries the interrupt status of the UART. This returns the highest priority
* interrupt pending. The appropriate interrupts must be enabled for them be
* generated in the UART.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \param status
* [out] Pointer to an output parameter that contains the current
* interrupt status of the UART.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_int_status_get(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle,
ALT_16550_INT_STATUS_t * status);
* @}
* \addtogroup UART_MODEM UART Modem Interface
* This group of APIs provides access, configuration, and control of the UART
* Modem interface.
* @{
* This type definition enumerates the set of UART modem status conditions as
* register mask values.
typedef enum ALT_16550_MODEM_STATUS_e
* Data Carrier Detect. This status indicates that the carrier has been
* detected by the modem. It corresponds to an inverted dcd_n input. DCD
* is unasserted when dcd_n is logic 1 and asserted when dcd_n is logic 0.
ALT_16550_MODEM_STATUS_DCD = 1 << 7,
* Ring Indicator. This status indicates that the telephone ringing signal
* has been redeived by the modem. It corresponds to an inverted ri_n
* input. RI is unasserted when ri_n is logic 1 and asserted when ri_n is
* logic 0.
ALT_16550_MODEM_STATUS_RI = 1 << 6,
* Data Set Ready. This status indicates that the modem is ready to
* establish communications with the UART. It corresponds to an inverted
* dsr_n input. DSR is unasserted when dsr_n is logic 1 and asserted when
* dsr_n is logic 0.
ALT_16550_MODEM_STATUS_DSR = 1 << 5,
* Clear To Send. This status indicates the current state of the modem
* cts_n line. It corresponds to an inverted cts_n input. CTS is
* unasserted when cts_n is logic 1 and asserted when cts_n is logic 0.
ALT_16550_MODEM_STATUS_CTS = 1 << 4,
* Delta Data Carrier Detect. This status condition indicates that the
* Data Carrier Detect has changed since the last time the modem status
* was read. Reading the modem status clears this status. For more
* information about the Data Carrier Detect status, see
ALT_16550_MODEM_STATUS_DDCD = 1 << 3,
* Trailing Edge of Ring Indicator. This status indicates that the Ring
* Indicator has changed from asserted to unasserted. Reading the modem
* status will clear this status. For more information about the Ring
* Indicator status, reference ALT_16550_MODEM_STATUS_RI.
ALT_16550_MODEM_STATUS_TERI = 1 << 2,
* Delta Data Set Ready. This status condition indicates that the Data Set
* Ready has changed since the last time the modem status was read.
* Reading the modem status will clear this status. For more information
* about the Data Set Ready status, see ALT_16550_MODEM_STATUS_DSR.
ALT_16550_MODEM_STATUS_DDSR = 1 << 1,
* Delta Clear To Send. This status condition indicates that the Clear To
* Send has changed since the last time the modem status was read. Reading
* the modem status will clear this status. For more information about the
* Clear To Send status, see ALT_16550_MODEM_STATUS_CTS.
ALT_16550_MODEM_STATUS_DCTS = 1 << 0
* Enables automatic flow control in the UART modem. When in this mode, the
* rts_n is gated with the threshold trigger condition of the receiver FIFO.
* The Altera 16550 Compatible Soft IP UART may not have this option enabled.
* The FIFOs must be enabled for flow control to be used.
* The recommended bring up for flow control is as follows:
* * Enable automatic flow control by calling alt_16550_flowcontrol_enable().
* This will allow both the receiver FIFO and user RTS to control the rts_n
* output. Because the user RTS is not enabled, the rts_n will be inactive
* high.
* * Enable RTS by calling alt_16550_modem_enable_rts(). This will give the
* receiver FIFO to have full control of the rts_n output.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_flowcontrol_enable(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Disables automatic flow control in the UART modem.
* The recommended bring down for flow control is as follows:
* * Disable RTS by calling alt_16550_modem_disable_rts(). This will disable
* generation of the rts_n ouput.
* * Disable automatic flow control by calling
* alt_16550_flowcontrol_disable().
* The receiver FIFO will still be active after these steps.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_flowcontrol_disable(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Puts the UART in loopback mode. This is used for diagnostic and test
* purposes.
* The SoCFPGA UARTs does not support automatic flow control when in loopback
* mode.
* The Altera 16550 Compatible Soft IP UART implements this in 13.0sp1 and
* later. Setting this has no effect with 13.0.
* When in this mode, the modem control inputs (dsr_n, cts_n, ri_n, dcd_n) are
* disconnected and the modem control outputs (dtr_n, rts_n, out1_n, out2_n)
* are held inactive high externally and internally looped back to the inputs.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_loopback_enable(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Takes the UART out of loopback mode.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_loopback_disable(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Asserts the OUT1 output. OUT1 is inverted then driven out to out1_n.
* There are special considerations when the UART is in loopback mode. See
* alt_16550_loopback_enable() for more information.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_modem_enable_out1(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Unasserts the OUT1 output. OUT1 is inverted then driven out to out1_n.
* There are special considerations when the UART is in loopback mode. See
* alt_16550_loopback_enable() for more information.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_modem_disable_out1(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Asserts the OUT2 output. OUT2 is inverted then driven out to out2_n.
* There are special considerations when the UART is in loopback mode. See
* alt_16550_loopback_enable() for more information.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_modem_enable_out2(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Unasserts the OUT2 output. OUT2 is inverted then driven out to out2_n.
* There are special considerations when the UART is in loopback mode. See
* alt_16550_loopback_enable() for more information.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_modem_disable_out2(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Asserts the RTS (Request To Send) output. RTS is inverted then driven out
* to rts_n. RTS is used to inform the modem that the UART is ready to receive
* data.
* There are special considerations when the UART is in automatic flow control
* mode. See alt_16550_flowcontrol_enable() for more information.
* There are special considerations when the UART is in loopback mode. See
* alt_16550_loopback_enable() for more information.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_modem_enable_rts(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Deaserts the RTS (Request To Send) output. RTS is inverted then driven out
* to rts_n.
* There are special considerations when the UART is in automatic flow control
* mode. See alt_16550_flowcontrol_enable() for more information.
* There are special considerations when the UART is in loopback mode. See
* alt_16550_loopback_enable() for more information.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_modem_disable_rts(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Asserts the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) output. DTR is inverted then driven
* out to dtr_n. DTR is used to inform the modem that UART is ready to
* establish communications.
* There are special considerations when the UART is in loopback mode. See
* alt_16550_loopback_enable() for more information.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_modem_enable_dtr(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Deasserts the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) output. DTR is inverted then driven
* out to dtr_n.
* There are special considerations when the UART is in loopback mode. See
* alt_16550_loopback_enable() for more information.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_modem_disable_dtr(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Reads the modem status from the UART.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \param status
* [out] Pointer to an output parameter that contains the current
* modem status of the UART as a register mask.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_modem_status_get(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle,
uint32_t * status);
* @}
* \addtogroup UART_LINE UART Line Interface
* This group of APIs provides access, configuration, and control of the UART
* Line interface.
* @{
* This type definition enumerates the supported databits per frame.
typedef enum ALT_16550_DATABITS_e
* This option selects 5 databits per frame.
ALT_16550_DATABITS_5 = 0,
* This option selects 6 databits per frame.
ALT_16550_DATABITS_6 = 1,
* This option selects 7 databits per frame.
ALT_16550_DATABITS_7 = 2,
* This option selects 8 databits per frame.
ALT_16550_DATABITS_8 = 3
* This type definition enumerates the supported stopbits per frame.
typedef enum ALT_16550_STOPBITS_e
* This options specifies 1 stopbit per frame.
ALT_16550_STOPBITS_1 = 0,
* This options specifies 2 stopbits per frame. If the frame is
* configured with 5 databits, 1.5 stopbits is used instead.
ALT_16550_STOPBITS_2 = 1
* This type definition enumerates the possible parity to use per frame.
typedef enum ALT_16550_PARITY_e
* This option disables the parity error detection bit in the data frame.
* This option enables the odd parity error detection bit in the data
* frame.
ALT_16550_PARITY_ODD = 1,
* This option enables the even parity error detection bit in the data
* frame.
* This type definition enumerates the set of UART line status conditions as
* register mask values.
typedef enum ALT_16550_LINE_STATUS_e
* Receiver FIFO Error. This status indicates that one or more parity
* error, framing error, or break indication exists in the receiver FIFO.
* It is only set when FIFO is enabled. This status cleared when line
* status is read, the character with the issue is at the top of the FIFO,
* and when no other issues exist in the FIFO.
ALT_16550_LINE_STATUS_RFE = 1 << 7,
* Transmitter EMpTy (Empty). This status indicates that transmitter shift
* register is empty. If FIFOs are enabled, the status is set when the
* transmitter FIFO is also empty. This status is cleared when the
* transmitter shift registers is loaded by writing to the UART
* transmitter buffer or transmitter FIFO if FIFOs are enabled. This is
* done by calling alt_16550_write() and alt_16550_fifo_write()
* respectively.
ALT_16550_LINE_STATUS_TEMT = 1 << 6,
* Transmitter Holding Register Empty. This status indicates that the
* transmitter will run out of data soon. The definition of soon depends
* on whether the FIFOs are enabled.
* If FIFOs are disabled, this status indicates that the transmitter will
* run out of data to send after the current transmit shift register
* completes. In this case, this status is cleared when the data is
* written to the UART. This can be done by calling alt_16550_write().
* If FIFOs are enabled, this status indicates that the transmitter FIFO
* level is below the transmitter trigger level specified. In this case,
* this status is cleared by writing a sufficiently large buffer to the
* transmitter FIFO such that the FIFO is filled above the transmitter
* trigger level specified by calling alt_16550_fifo_write() or by
* adjusting the transmitter trigger level appropriately by calling
* alt_16550_fifo_trigger_set_tx().
* \internal
* The implementation of the UART driver always ensures that IER[7] is
* set. This means that the UART always has Programmable THRE (Transmitter
* Holding Register Empty) Interrupt Mode Enable (PTIME) enabled.
* \endinternal
ALT_16550_LINE_STATUS_THRE = 1 << 5,
* Break Interrupt. This status indicates that a break interrupt sequence
* is detected in the incoming serial data. This happens when the the data
* is 0 for longer than a frame would normally be transmitted. The break
* interrupt status is cleared by reading the line status by calling
* alt_16550_line_status_get().
* If FIFOs are enabled, this status will be set when the character with
* the break interrupt status is at the top of the receiver FIFO.
ALT_16550_LINE_STATUS_BI = 1 << 4,
* Framing Error. This status indicates that a framing error occurred in
* the receiver. This happens when the receiver detects a missing or
* incorrect number of stopbit(s).
* If FIFOs are enabled, this status will be set when the character with
* the framing error is at the top of the FIFO. When a framing error
* occurs, the UART attempts to resynchronize with the transmitting UART.
* This status is also set if break interrupt occurred.
ALT_16550_LINE_STATUS_FE = 1 << 3,
* Parity Error. This status indicates that a parity error occurred in the
* receiver.
* If FIFOs are enabled, this status will be set when the character with
* the parity error is at the top of the receiver FIFO. This status is
* also set if a break interrupt occurred.
ALT_16550_LINE_STATUS_PE = 1 << 2,
* Overrun Error. This status indicates that an overrun occurred in the
* receiver.
* If FIFOs are disabled, the arriving character will overwrite the
* existing character in the receiver. Any previously existing
* character(s) will be lost.
* If FIFOs are disabled, the arriving character will be discarded. The
* buffer will continue to contain the preexisting characters.
ALT_16550_LINE_STATUS_OE = 1 << 1,
* Data Ready. This status indicates that the receiver or receiver FIFO
* contains at least one character.
ALT_16550_LINE_STATUS_DR = 1 << 0
* Sets the configuration for a given character frame.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \param databits
* The number of databits for each character frame.
* \param parity
* The parity to use for each character frame.
* \param stopbits
* The number of stopbits for each character frame.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_line_config_set(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle,
ALT_16550_DATABITS_t databits,
ALT_16550_PARITY_t parity,
ALT_16550_STOPBITS_t stopbits);
* Starts transmitting a break condition by transmitting a logic 0 state
* longer than a frame would normally be transmitted.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_line_break_enable(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Stops transmitting a break condition.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_line_break_disable(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle);
* Reads the line status from the UART.
* \param handle
* The UART device handle.
* \param status
* [out] Pointer to an output parameter that contains the current
* line status of the UART.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The given UART device handle is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_16550_line_status_get(ALT_16550_HANDLE_t * handle,
uint32_t * status);
* @}
* @}
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __ALT_16550_UART_H__ */