blob: 24b2cf629247fe400bac78c2ebbf6a7c2cacfa5e [file] [log] [blame]
/*! \file
* Altera - SoC FPGA Address Space Manager
* Copyright 2013 Altera Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
* derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "hwlib.h"
#include "socal/hps.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#endif /* __cplusplus */
// ARM Level 2 Cache Controller L2C-310 Register Interface
// Address Filtering Start Register
// The Address Filtering Start Register is a read and write register.
// Bits Field Description
// :-------|:--------------------------|:-----------------------------------------
// [31:20] | address_filtering_start | Address filtering start address for
// | | bits [31:20] of the filtering address.
// [19:1] | Reserved | SBZ/RAZ
// [0] | address_filtering_enable | 0 - address filtering disabled
// | | 1 - address filtering enabled.
// Address Filtering Start Register Address
// Address Filtering Start Register - Start Value Mask
// Address Filtering Start Register - Reset Start Address Value (1 MB)
// Address Filtering Start Register - Enable Flag Mask
// Address Filtering Start Register - Reset Enable Flag Value (Enabled)
// Address Filtering End Register
// The Address Filtering End Register is a read and write register.
// Bits Field Description
// :-------|:--------------------------|:-----------------------------------------
// [31:20] | address_filtering_end | Address filtering end address for bits
// | | [31:20] of the filtering address.
// [19:0] | Reserved | SBZ/RAZ
// Address Filtering End Register Address
// Address Filtering End Register - End Value Mask
// Address Filtering End Register - Reset End Address Value (3 GiB)
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
/*! \addtogroup ADDR_SPACE_MGR The Address Space Manager
* This module contains group APIs for managing the HPS address space. This
* module contains group APIs to manage:
* * Memory Map Control
* * Memory Coherence
* * Cache Managment
* * MMU Managment
* @{
/*! \addtogroup ADDR_SPACE_MGR_REMAP Address Space Mapping Control
* This group API provides functions to map and remap selected address ranges
* into the accessible (visible) views of the MPU and non MPU address spaces.
* \b Caveats
* \b NOTE: Caution should be observed when remapping address 0 to different
* memory. The code performing the remapping operation should not be executing
* in the address range being remapped to different memory.
* For example, if address 0 is presently mapped to OCRAM and the code is
* preparing to remap address 0 to SDRAM, then the code must not be executing in
* the range 0 to 64 KB as this address space is about to be remapped to
* different memory. If the code performing the remap operation is executing
* from OCRAM then it needs to be executing from its permanently mapped OCRAM
* address range in upper memory (i.e. ALT_OCRAM_LB_ADDR to ALT_OCRAM_UB_ADDR).
* \b NOTE: The MPU address space view is controlled by two disparate hardware
* control interfaces: the L3 remap register and the L2 cache address filtering
* registers. To complicate matters, the L3 remap register is write-only which
* means not only that current remap register state cannot be read but also that
* a read-modify-write operation cannot be performed on the register.
* This should not present a problem in most use case scenarios except for the
* case where a current MPU address space mapping of 0 to SDRAM is being changed
* to to a mapping of 0 to Boot ROM or OCRAM.
* In this case, a two step process whereby the L3 remap register is first set
* to the new desired MPU address 0 mapping and then the L2 cache address
* filtering registers have their address ranges adjusted accordingly must be
* followed. An example follows:
// 1 MB reset default value for address filtering start
uint32_t addr_filt_start;
uint32_t addr_filt_end;
// Perform L3 remap register programming first by setting the desired new MPU
// address space 0 mapping. Assume OCRAM for the example.
alt_addr_space_remap(ALT_ADDR_SPACE_MPU_ZERO_AT_OCRAM, ...);
// Next, adjust the L2 cache address filtering range. Set the start address to
// the default reset value and retain the existing end address configuration.
alt_l2_addr_filter_cfg_get(&addr_filt_start, &addr_filt_end);
if (addr_filt_start != L2_CACHE_ADDR_FILTERING_START_RESET)
alt_l2_addr_filter_cfg_set(L2_CACHE_ADDR_FILTERING_START_RESET, addr_filt_end);
* @{
* This type definition enumerates the MPU address space attributes.
* The MPU address space consists of the ARM Cortex A9 processors and associated
* processor peripherals (cache, MMU).
typedef enum ALT_ADDR_SPACE_MPU_ATTR_e
ALT_ADDR_SPACE_MPU_ZERO_AT_BOOTROM, /*!< Maps the Boot ROM to address
* 0x0 for the MPU L3 master. Note
* that the Boot ROM is also
* always mapped to address
* 0xfffd_0000 for the MPU L3
* master independent of
* attribute.
ALT_ADDR_SPACE_MPU_ZERO_AT_OCRAM /*!< Maps the On-chip RAM to address
* 0x0 for the MPU L3 master. Note
* that the On-chip RAM is also
* always mapped to address
* 0xffff_0000 for the MPU L3
* master independent of this
* attribute.
* This type definition enumerates the non-MPU address space attributes.
* The non-MPU address space consists of the non-MPU L3 masters including the
* DMA controllers (standalone and those built into peripherals), the F2H AXI
* Bridge, and the DAP.
ALT_ADDR_SPACE_NONMPU_ZERO_AT_SDRAM, /*!< Maps the SDRAM to address 0x0
* for the non-MPU L3 masters.
ALT_ADDR_SPACE_NONMPU_ZERO_AT_OCRAM /*!< Maps the On-chip RAM to address
* 0x0 for the non-MPU L3
* masters. Note that the On-chip
* RAM is also always mapped to
* address 0xffff_0000 for the
* non-MPU L3 masters independent
* of this attribute.
* This type definition enumerates the HPS to FPGA bridge accessiblity
* attributes.
* visible to L3 masters. Accesses
* to the associated address range
* return an AXI decode error to
* the master.
ALT_ADDR_SPACE_H2F_ACCESSIBLE /*!< The H2F AXI Bridge is visible
* to L3 masters.
* This type definition enumerates the Lightweight HPS to FPGA bridge
* accessiblity attributes.
* visible to L3 masters. Accesses
* to the associated address range
* return an AXI decode error to
* the master.
* to L3 masters.
* Configures the mapped and accessible (visible) address ranges for the HPS
* MPU, non-MPU, and Bridge address spaces.
* \param mpu_attr
* The MPU address space configuration attributes.
* \param nonmpu_attr
* The non-MPU address space configuration attributes.
* \param h2f_attr
* The H2F Bridge attribute mapping and accessibility attributes.
* \param lwh2f_attr
* The Lightweight H2F Bridge attribute mapping and accessibility
* attributes.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was succesful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_INV_OPTION One or more invalid attribute options were
* specified.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_addr_space_remap(ALT_ADDR_SPACE_MPU_ATTR_t mpu_attr,
* Maps SDRAM to address 0x0 for the MPU address space view.
* When address 0x0 is mapped to the Boot ROM or on-chip RAM, only the lowest
* 64KB of the boot region are accessible because the size of the Boot ROM and
* on-chip RAM are only 64KB. Addresses in the range 0x100000 (1MiB) to
* 0xC0000000 (3GiB) access SDRAM and addresses in the range 0xC0000000 (3GiB) to
* 0xFFFFFFFF access the L3 interconnect. Thus, the lowest 1MiB of SDRAM is not
* accessible to the MPU unless address 0 is remapped to SDRAM after reset.
* This function remaps the addresses between 0x0 to 0x100000 (1MiB) to access
* \internal
* The remap to address 0x0 is achieved by configuring the L2 cache Address
* Filtering Registers to redirect address 0x0 to \e sdram_end_addr to the SDRAM
* AXI (M1) master port by calling:
* alt_l2_addr_filter_cfg_set(0x0, <current_addr_filt_end_value>);
* See: <em>ARM DDI 0246F, CoreLink Level 2 Cache Controller L2C-310 Technical
* Reference Manual, Section 3.3.12 Address Filtering </em>.
* \endinternal
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was succesful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_mpu_addr_space_remap_0_to_sdram(void);
/*! @} */
/*! \addtogroup L2_ADDR_FLTR L2 Cache Address Filter
* The L2 cache address filter controls where physical addresses within certain
* ranges of the MPU address space are directed.
* The L2 cache has master port connections to the L3 interconnect and the SDRAM
* controller. A programmable address filter controls which portions of the
* 32-bit physical address space use each master.
* When l2 address filtering is configured and enabled, a physical address will
* be redirected to one master or the other based upon the address filter
* configuration.
* If \b address_filter_start <= \e physical_address < \b address_filter_end:
* * then redirect \e physical_address to AXI Master Port M1 (SDRAM controller)
* * else redirect \e physical_address to AXI Master Port M0 (L3 interconnect)
* See: <em>ARM DDI 0246F, CoreLink Level 2 Cache Controller L2C-310 Technical
* Reference Manual, Section 3.3.12 Address Filtering </em> for more information.
* @{
* Get the L2 cache address filtering configuration settings.
* \param addr_filt_start
* [out] An output parameter variable for the address filtering
* start address for the range of physical addresses redirected to
* the SDRAM AXI master port. The value returned is always a 1 MiB
* aligned address.
* \param addr_filt_end
* [out] An output parameter variable for the address filtering
* end address for the range of physical addresses redirected to
* the SDRAM AXI master port. The value returned is always a 1 MiB
* aligned address.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG An bad argument was passed. Either \e addr_filt_start
* or \e addr_filt_end or both are invalid addresses.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_l2_addr_filter_cfg_get(uint32_t* addr_filt_start,
uint32_t* addr_filt_end);
* Set the L2 cache address filtering configuration settings.
* Address filtering start and end values must be 1 MiB aligned.
* \param addr_filt_start
* The address filtering start address for the range of physical
* addresses redirected to the SDRAM AXI master port. Only bits
* [31:20] of the address are valid. Any bits outside the range
* [31:20] are invalid and will cause an error status to be
* returned.
* \param addr_filt_end
* The address filtering end address for the range of physical
* addresses redirected to the SDRAM AXI master port. Only bits
* [31:20] of the address are valid. Any bits outside the range
* [31:20] are invalid and will cause an error status to be
* returned.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was succesful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_ARG_RANGE An argument violates a range constraint. One or
* more address arguments do not satisfy the argument
* constraints.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_l2_addr_filter_cfg_set(uint32_t addr_filt_start,
uint32_t addr_filt_end);
/*! @} */
/*! \addtogroup ADDR_SPACE_MGR_MEM_COHERENCE ACP Memory Coherence and ID Mapping
* This API provides management of the ACP ID Mapper that enables data coherent
* access to the MPU address space by external masters. The set of external
* masters include L3 master peripherals and FPGA soft IP.
* The Accelerator Coherency Port (ACP) allows peripherals - including FPGA
* based soft IP - to maintain data coherency with the Cortex-A9 MPCore
* processors and the Snoop Control Unit (SCU).
* The ACP supports up to six masters. However, soft IP implemented in the FPGA
* fabric can have a larger number of masters that need to access the ACP. The
* ACP ID Mapper expands the number of masters able to access the ACP. The ACP
* ID Mapper is situated between the interconnect and the ACP of the MPU
* subsystem. It has the following characteristics:
* * Support for up to six concurrent ID mappings.
* * 1 GiB coherent window into 4 GiB MPU address space
* * Remaps the 5-bit user sideband signals used by the Snoop Control Unit (SCU)
* and L2 cache.
* The function of the ACP ID Mapper is to map 12-bit Advanced Microcontroller
* Bus Architecture (AMBA) Advanced eXtensible Interface (AXI) IDs (input
* identifiers) from the Level 3 (L3) interconnect to 3-bit AXI IDs (output
* identifiers) required by the ACP slave port.
* The ACP ID Mapper supports the two ID mapping modes:
* * Dynamic Mapping - In this mode an input ID is automatically mapped to an
* available output ID. The dynamic mode is more flexible because the hardware
* handles the mapping. The hardware mapping allows an output ID to be used
* for more than one input ID. Output IDs are assigned to input IDs on a
* first-come, first-served basis.
* * Fixed Mapping - In this mode there is a one-to-one mapping from input IDs
* to output IDs.
* Out of the total of eight ACP output ID values, only six are available to the
* ACP ID Mapper for remapping. The first two output IDs (0 and 1) are
* dedicated to the Cortex-A9 processor cores in the MPU subsystem, leaving the
* last six output IDs (2-7) available to the ACP ID mapper. Output IDs 2-6
* support fixed and dynamic modes of operation while output ID 7 supports
* dynamic mode only.
* The following table summarizes the usage of the 3-bit ouput ID values by the
* ACP ID Mapper and their settings at reset.
* Output ID | Usage | Reset State
* :-----------|:--------------------------------------------------|:------------
* 0 | Reserved for Cortex-A9 cores. | -
* 1 | Reserved for Cortex-A9 cores. | -
* 2 | Assigned to Debug Access Port (DAP) input ID at | Fixed
* : | reset. After reset, can be reconfigured to either | DAP Master
* : | fixed or dynamic. |:
* 3 | Configurable fixed or dynamic mode. | Dynamic
* 4 | Configurable fixed or dynamic mode. | Dynamic
* 5 | Configurable fixed or dynamic mode. | Dynamic
* 6 | Configurable fixed or dynamic mode. | Dynamic
* 7 | Dynamic mode only. | Dynamic
* Where <em>Output ID</em> is the ACP ID Mapper output value that goes to the ACP.
* Additionally, for masters unable to drive the AXI user sideband signals of
* incoming transactions, the ACP ID Mapper allows control of the AXI user
* sideband signal values. Not all masters drive these signals, so the ACP ID
* Mapper makes it possible to drive the 5-bit user sideband signal with either
* a default value (in dynamic mode) or specific values (in fixed mode).
* The ACP ID Mapper can also control which 1 GiB coherent window into memory is
* accessed by masters of the L3 interconnect. Each fixed mapping can be
* assigned a different user sideband signal and memory window to allow specific
* settings for different masters. All dynamic mappings share a common user
* sideband signal and memory window setting. One important exception, however,
* is that the ACP ID mapper always allows user sideband signals from the
* FPGA-to-HPS bridge to pass through to the ACP regardless of the configured
* user sideband value associated with the ID.
* The ACP ID Mapper has a 1 GiB address window into the MPU address space, which
* is by default a view into the bottom 1 GiB of SDRAM. The ACP ID Mapper allows
* transactions to be routed to different 1 GiB-sized memory views, called pages,
* in both dynamic and fixed modes.
* See: <em>Chapter 6: Cortex-A9 Microprocessor Unit Subsystem</em> in
* <em>Volume 3: Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual</em> of the
* <em>Arria V or Cyclone V Device Handbook</em> for a complete discussion of
* the operation and restrictions on the ACP and the ACP ID Mapper.
* @{
* \name External Master ID Macros
* These macros define the HPS external master identifiers that are 12-bit input
* IDs to the ACP ID Mapper. Some of the masters have a range of identifier
* values assigned to them and are distinguished by taking a <em>(var)\</em>
* argument.
* @{
/*! Bit mask for the relevant 12 bits of an external master ID */
/*! Master ID for L2M0 */
#define ALT_ACP_ID_MAP_MASTER_ID_L2M0(var) (0x00000002 | (0x000007f8 & (var)))
/*! Master ID for DMA */
#define ALT_ACP_ID_MAP_MASTER_ID_DMA(var) (0x00000001 | (0x00000078 & (var)))
/*! Master ID for EMAC0 */
#define ALT_ACP_ID_MAP_MASTER_ID_EMAC0(var) (0x00000801 | (0x00000878 & (var)))
/*! Master ID for EMAC1 */
#define ALT_ACP_ID_MAP_MASTER_ID_EMAC1(var) (0x00000802 | (0x00000878 & (var)))
/*! Master ID for USB0 */
#define ALT_ACP_ID_MAP_MASTER_ID_USB0 0x00000803
/*! Master ID for USB1 */
#define ALT_ACP_ID_MAP_MASTER_ID_USB1 0x00000806
/*! Master ID for NAND controller */
#define ALT_ACP_ID_MAP_MASTER_ID_NAND(var) (0x00000804 | (0x00000ff8 & (var)))
/*! Master ID for Embedded Trace Router (ETR) */
#define ALT_ACP_ID_MAP_MASTER_ID_TMC 0x00000800
/*! Master ID for Debug Access Port (DAP) */
#define ALT_ACP_ID_MAP_MASTER_ID_DAP 0x00000004
/*! Master ID for SD/MMC controller */
#define ALT_ACP_ID_MAP_MASTER_ID_SDMMC 0x00000805
/*! Master ID for FPGA to HPS (F2H) bridge - conduit for soft IP masters in FPGA fabric */
#define ALT_ACP_ID_MAP_MASTER_ID_F2H(var) (0x00000000 | (0x000007f8 & (var)))
/*! @} */
* This type defines the enumerations 3-bit output ids to ACP ID mapper.
typedef enum ALT_ACP_ID_OUTPUT_ID_e
ALT_ACP_ID_OUT_FIXED_ID_2 = 2, /*!< Assigned to the input ID of the DAP at reset.
* After reset, can be either fixed or dynamic,
* programmed by software.
ALT_ACP_ID_OUT_DYNAM_ID_3 = 3, /*!< Fixed or dynamic, programmed by software output id */
ALT_ACP_ID_OUT_DYNAM_ID_4 = 4, /*!< Fixed or dynamic, programmed by software output id */
ALT_ACP_ID_OUT_DYNAM_ID_5 = 5, /*!< Fixed or dynamic, programmed by software output id */
ALT_ACP_ID_OUT_DYNAM_ID_6 = 6, /*!< Fixed or dynamic, programmed by software output id */
ALT_ACP_ID_OUT_DYNAM_ID_7 = 7 /*!< Dynamic mapping only */
* This type defines the enumerations used to specify the 1 GiB page view of the
* MPU address space used by an ACP ID mapping configuration.
typedef enum ALT_ACP_ID_MAP_PAGE_e
ALT_ACP_ID_MAP_PAGE_0 = 0, /*!< Page 0 - MPU address range 0x00000000 - 0x3FFFFFFF */
ALT_ACP_ID_MAP_PAGE_1 = 1, /*!< Page 1 - MPU address range 0x40000000 - 0x7FFFFFFF */
ALT_ACP_ID_MAP_PAGE_2 = 2, /*!< Page 2 - MPU address range 0x80000000 - 0xBFFFFFFF */
ALT_ACP_ID_MAP_PAGE_3 = 3 /*!< Page 3 - MPU address range 0xC0000000 - 0xFFFFFFFF */
* Configure a fixed ACP ID mapping for read transactions originating from
* external masters identified by \e input_id. The \e input_id value is
* translated to the specified 3-bit \e output_id required by the ACP slave
* port.
* \param input_id
* The 12 bit external master ID originating read transactions
* targeted for ID translation. Valid argument range must be 0 <=
* \e output_id <= 4095.
* \param output_id
* The 3-bit output ID value the ACP ID Mapper translates read
* transactions identified by \e input_id to. This is the value
* propogated to the ACP slave port. Valid argument values must be
* 0 <= \e output_id <= 7.
* \param page
* The MPU address space page view to use for the ACP window used
* by the ID tranlation mapping.
* \param aruser
* The 5-bit AXI ARUSER read user sideband signal value to use for
* masters unable to drive the AXI user sideband signals. Valid
* argument range is 0 <= \e aruser <= 31.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was succesful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_RESERVED The argument value is reserved or unavailable.
* \retval ALT_E_ARG_RANGE An argument violates a range constraint. One or
* more of the \e input_id, and/or \e output_id
* arguments violates its range constraint.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The \e page argument is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_acp_id_map_fixed_read_set(const uint32_t input_id,
const uint32_t output_id,
const ALT_ACP_ID_MAP_PAGE_t page,
const uint32_t aruser);
* Configure a fixed ACP ID mapping for write transactions originating from
* external masters identified by \e input_id. The \e input_id value is
* translated to the specified 3-bit \e output_id required by the ACP slave
* port.
* \param input_id
* The 12 bit external master ID originating write transactions
* targeted for ID translation. Valid argument range must be 0 <=
* \e output_id <= 4095.
* \param output_id
* The 3-bit output ID value the ACP ID Mapper translates write
* transactions identified by \e input_id to. This is the value
* propogated to the ACP slave port. Valid argument values must be
* 0 <= \e output_id <= 7.
* \param page
* The MPU address space page view to use for the ACP window used
* by the ID tranlation mapping.
* \param awuser
* The 5-bit AXI AWUSER write user sideband signal value to use for
* masters unable to drive the AXI user sideband signals. Valid
* argument range is 0 <= \e awuser <= 31.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was succesful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_RESERVED The argument value is reserved or unavailable.
* \retval ALT_E_ARG_RANGE An argument violates a range constraint. One or
* more of the \e input_id, and/or \e output_id
* arguments violates its range constraint.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The \e page argument is invalid.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_acp_id_map_fixed_write_set(const uint32_t input_id,
const uint32_t output_id,
const ALT_ACP_ID_MAP_PAGE_t page,
const uint32_t awuser);
* Configure the designated 3-bit output ID as an available identifier resource
* for use by the dynamic ID mapping function of the ACP ID Mapper for read
* transactions. The \e output_id value is available for dynamic assignment to
* external master read transaction IDs that do not have an explicit fixed ID
* mapping.
* \param output_id
* The 3-bit output ID value designated as an available ID for use
* by the dynamic mapping function of the ACP ID Mapper. The \e
* ouput_id value is used exclusively for dynamic ID mapping until
* reconfigured as a fixed ID mapping by a call to
* alt_acp_id_map_fixed_read_set(). Valid argument values must be
* 0 <= \e output_id <= 7.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was succesful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_RESERVED The argument value is reserved or unavailable.
* \retval ALT_E_ARG_RANGE An argument violates a range constraint.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_acp_id_map_dynamic_read_set(const uint32_t output_id);
* Configure the designated 3-bit output ID as an available identifier resource
* for use by the dynamic ID mapping function of the ACP ID Mapper for write
* transactions. The \e output_id value is available for dynamic assignment to
* external master write transaction IDs that do not have an explicit fixed ID
* mapping.
* \param output_id
* The 3-bit output ID value designated as an available ID for use
* by the dynamic mapping function of the ACP ID Mapper. The \e
* ouput_id value is used exclusively for dynamic ID mapping until
* reconfigured as a fixed ID mapping by a call to
* alt_acp_id_map_fixed_write_set(). Valid argument values must be
* 0 <= \e output_id <= 7.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was succesful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_RESERVED The argument value is reserved or unavailable.
* \retval ALT_E_ARG_RANGE An argument violates a range constraint.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_acp_id_map_dynamic_write_set(const uint32_t output_id);
* Configure the page and user read sideband signal options that are applied to
* all read transactions that have their input IDs dynamically mapped.
* \param page
* The MPU address space page view to use for the ACP window used
* by the dynamic ID tranlation mapping.
* \param aruser
* The 5-bit AXI ARUSER read user sideband signal value to use for
* masters unable to drive the AXI user sideband signals. Valid
* argument range is 0 <= \e aruser <= 31.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was succesful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_RESERVED The argument value is reserved or unavailable.
* \retval ALT_E_ARG_RANGE An argument violates a range constraint. One or
* more of the \e page and/or \e aruser
* arguments violates its range constraint.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The \e mid argument is not a valid master
* identifier.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_acp_id_map_dynamic_read_options_set(const ALT_ACP_ID_MAP_PAGE_t page,
const uint32_t aruser);
* Configure the page and user write sideband signal options that are applied to
* all write transactions that have their input IDs dynamically mapped.
* \param page
* The MPU address space page view to use for the ACP window used
* by the dynamic ID tranlation mapping.
* \param awuser
* The 5-bit AXI AWUSER write user sideband signal value to use for
* masters unable to drive the AXI user sideband signals. Valid
* argument range is 0 <= \e aruser <= 31.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was succesful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_RESERVED The argument value is reserved or unavailable.
* \retval ALT_E_ARG_RANGE An argument violates a range constraint. One or
* more of the \e page and/or \e awuser
* arguments violates its range constraint.
* \retval ALT_E_BAD_ARG The \e mid argument is not a valid master
* identifier.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_acp_id_map_dynamic_write_options_set(const ALT_ACP_ID_MAP_PAGE_t page,
const uint32_t awuser);
* Return the current read transaction mapping configuration used by the ACP ID
* Mapper for the specified output ID.
* If \e output_id is configured as a fixed mapping then \b true is returned in
* the \e fixed output parameter and the translation mapping options configured
* for that \e output_id are returned in the other output parameters.
* If \e output_id is configured as a dynamic mapping then \b false is returned
* in the \e fixed output parameter and the translation mapping options
* configured for all dynamically remapped output IDs are returned in the other
* output parameters.
* \param output_id
* The output ID to return the mapping configuration for. 0 <= \e
* output_id <= 7.
* \param fixed
* [out] Set to \b true if the specified \e output_id is a fixed ID
* mapping configuration. Set to \b false if the mapping
* configuration is dynamic.
* \param input_id
* [out] The input ID of the external master that a fixed ID
* mapping is applied to for the \e output_id. If \e fixed is \b
* false then this output parameter is set to 0 and its value
* should be considered as not applicable.
* \param page
* [out] The MPU address space page view used by the mapping
* configuration.
* \param aruser
* [out] The 5-bit AXI ARUSER read user sideband signal value used
* by the mapping configuration when masters are unable to drive
* the AXI user sideband signals.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was succesful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_RESERVED The argument value is reserved or unavailable.
* \retval ALT_E_ARG_RANGE An argument violates a range constraint. The \e
* output_id argument violates its range constraint.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_acp_id_map_read_options_get(const uint32_t output_id,
bool* fixed,
uint32_t* input_id,
uint32_t* aruser);
* Return the current write transaction mapping configuration used by the ACP ID
* Mapper for the specified output ID.
* If \e output_id is configured as a fixed mapping then \b true is returned in
* the \e fixed output parameter and the translation mapping options configured
* for that \e output_id are returned in the other output parameters.
* If \e output_id is configured as a dynamic mapping then \b false is returned
* in the \e fixed output parameter and the translation mapping options
* configured for all dynamically remapped output IDs are returned in the other
* output parameters.
* \param output_id
* The output ID to return the mapping configuration for. 0 <= \e
* output_id <= 7.
* \param fixed
* [out] Set to \b true if the specified \e output_id is a fixed ID
* mapping configuration. Set to \b false if the mapping
* configuration is dynamic.
* \param input_id
* [out] The input ID of the external master that a fixed ID
* mapping is applied to for the \e output_id. If \e fixed is \b
* false then this output parameter is set to 0 and its value
* should be considered as not applicable.
* \param page
* [out] The MPU address space page view used by the mapping
* configuration.
* \param awuser
* [out] The 5-bit AXI AWUSER write user sideband signal value used
* by the mapping configuration when masters are unable to drive
* the AXI user sideband signals.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS The operation was succesful.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR The operation failed.
* \retval ALT_E_RESERVED The argument value is reserved or unavailable.
* \retval ALT_E_ARG_RANGE An argument violates a range constraint. The \e
* output_id argument violates its range constraint.
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_acp_id_map_write_options_get(const uint32_t output_id,
bool* fixed,
uint32_t* input_id,
uint32_t* awuser);
/*! @} */
/*! @} */
#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* __ALT_ADDRESS_SPACE_H__ */