blob: 46db33557428d1d18616e4971e70257c5ad66503 [file] [log] [blame]
* @file em_gpio.c
* @brief General Purpose IO (GPIO) peripheral API
* devices.
* @version 4.2.1
* @section License
* <b>(C) Copyright 2015 Silicon Labs,</b>
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
* claim that you wrote the original software.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
* obligation to support this Software. Silicon Labs is providing the
* Software "AS IS", with no express or implied warranties of any kind,
* including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability
* or fitness for any particular purpose or warranties against infringement
* of any proprietary rights of a third party.
* Silicon Labs will not be liable for any consequential, incidental, or
* special damages, or any other relief, or for any claim by any third party,
* arising from your use of this Software.
#include "em_gpio.h"
#if defined(GPIO_COUNT) && (GPIO_COUNT > 0)
* @addtogroup EM_Library
* @{
* @addtogroup GPIO
* @brief General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) API
* @{
******************************* DEFINES ***********************************
/** Validation of pin typically usable in assert statements. */
#define GPIO_DRIVEMODE_VALID(mode) ((mode) <= 3)
#define GPIO_STRENGHT_VALID(strenght) (!((strenght) & \
/** @endcond */
************************** GLOBAL FUNCTIONS *******************************
* @brief
* Sets the pin location of the debug pins (Serial Wire interface).
* @note
* Changing the pins used for debugging uncontrolled, may result in a lockout.
* @param[in] location
* The debug pin location to use (0-3).
void GPIO_DbgLocationSet(unsigned int location)
* @brief
* Sets the drive mode for a GPIO port.
* @param[in] port
* The GPIO port to access.
* @param[in] mode
* Drive mode to use for port.
void GPIO_DriveModeSet(GPIO_Port_TypeDef port, GPIO_DriveMode_TypeDef mode)
* @brief
* Sets the drive strength for a GPIO port.
* @param[in] port
* The GPIO port to access.
* @param[in] strength
* Drive strength to use for port.
void GPIO_DriveStrengthSet(GPIO_Port_TypeDef port,
GPIO_DriveStrength_TypeDef strength)
* @brief
* Configure GPIO interrupt.
* @details
* If reconfiguring a GPIO interrupt that is already enabled, it is generally
* recommended to disable it first, see GPIO_Disable().
* The actual GPIO interrupt handler must be in place before enabling the
* interrupt.
* Notice that any pending interrupt for the selected pin is cleared by this
* function.
* @note
* A certain pin number can only be associated with one port. Ie, if GPIO
* interrupt 1 is assigned to port A/pin 1, then it is not possibly to use
* pin 1 from any other ports for interrupts. Please refer to the reference
* manual.
* @param[in] port
* The port to associate with @p pin.
* @param[in] pin
* The GPIO interrupt number (= port pin).
* @param[in] risingEdge
* Set to true if interrupts shall be enabled on rising edge, otherwise false.
* @param[in] fallingEdge
* Set to true if interrupts shall be enabled on falling edge, otherwise false.
* @param[in] enable
* Set to true if interrupt shall be enabled after configuration completed,
* false to leave disabled. See GPIO_IntDisable() and GPIO_IntEnable().
void GPIO_IntConfig(GPIO_Port_TypeDef port,
unsigned int pin,
bool risingEdge,
bool fallingEdge,
bool enable)
uint32_t tmp;
/* There are two registers controlling the interrupt configuration:
* The EXTIPSELL register controls pins 0-7 and EXTIPSELH controls
* pins 8-15. */
if (pin < 8)
0xF << (4 * pin),
port << (4 * pin));
tmp = pin - 8;
0xF << (4 * tmp),
port << (4 * tmp));
/* Enable/disable rising edge */
BUS_RegBitWrite(&(GPIO->EXTIRISE), pin, risingEdge);
/* Enable/disable falling edge */
BUS_RegBitWrite(&(GPIO->EXTIFALL), pin, fallingEdge);
/* Clear any pending interrupt */
GPIO->IFC = 1 << pin;
/* Finally enable/disable interrupt */
BUS_RegBitWrite(&(GPIO->IEN), pin, enable);
* @brief
* Set the mode for a GPIO pin.
* @param[in] port
* The GPIO port to access.
* @param[in] pin
* The pin number in the port.
* @param[in] mode
* The desired pin mode.
* @param[in] out
* Value to set for pin in DOUT register. The DOUT setting is important for
* even some input mode configurations, determining pull-up/down direction.
void GPIO_PinModeSet(GPIO_Port_TypeDef port,
unsigned int pin,
GPIO_Mode_TypeDef mode,
unsigned int out)
/* If disabling pin, do not modify DOUT in order to reduce chance for */
/* glitch/spike (may not be sufficient precaution in all use cases) */
if (mode != gpioModeDisabled)
if (out)
GPIO_PinOutSet(port, pin);
GPIO_PinOutClear(port, pin);
/* There are two registers controlling the pins for each port. The MODEL
* register controls pins 0-7 and MODEH controls pins 8-15. */
if (pin < 8)
0xF << (pin * 4),
mode << (pin * 4));
0xF << ((pin - 8) * 4),
mode << ((pin - 8) * 4));
if (mode == gpioModeDisabled)
if (out)
GPIO_PinOutSet(port, pin);
GPIO_PinOutClear(port, pin);
#if defined( _GPIO_EM4WUEN_MASK )
* @brief
* Enable GPIO pin wake-up from EM4. When the function exits,
* EM4 mode can be safely entered.
* @note
* It is assumed that the GPIO pin modes are set correctly.
* Valid modes are @ref gpioModeInput and @ref gpioModeInputPull.
* @param[in] pinmask
* Bitmask containing the bitwise logic OR of which GPIO pin(s) to enable.
* Refer to Reference Manuals for pinmask to GPIO port/pin mapping.
* @param[in] polaritymask
* Bitmask containing the bitwise logic OR of GPIO pin(s) wake-up polarity.
* Refer to Reference Manuals for pinmask to GPIO port/pin mapping.
void GPIO_EM4EnablePinWakeup(uint32_t pinmask, uint32_t polaritymask)
EFM_ASSERT((pinmask & ~_GPIO_EM4WUEN_MASK) == 0);
#if defined( _GPIO_EM4WUPOL_MASK )
EFM_ASSERT((polaritymask & ~_GPIO_EM4WUPOL_MASK) == 0);
GPIO->EM4WUPOL &= ~pinmask; /* Set wakeup polarity */
GPIO->EM4WUPOL |= pinmask & polaritymask;
#elif defined( _GPIO_EXTILEVEL_MASK )
EFM_ASSERT((polaritymask & ~_GPIO_EXTILEVEL_MASK) == 0);
GPIO->EXTILEVEL &= ~pinmask;
GPIO->EXTILEVEL |= pinmask & polaritymask;
GPIO->EM4WUEN |= pinmask; /* Enable wakeup */
GPIO_EM4SetPinRetention(true); /* Enable pin retention */
#if defined( _GPIO_CMD_EM4WUCLR_MASK )
GPIO->CMD = GPIO_CMD_EM4WUCLR; /* Clear wake-up logic */
#elif defined( _GPIO_IFC_EM4WU_MASK )
/** @} (end addtogroup GPIO) */
/** @} (end addtogroup EM_Library) */
#endif /* defined(GPIO_COUNT) && (GPIO_COUNT > 0) */