blob: 7cce9672e89fadb6f9fba9975f9c455d22580efc [file] [log] [blame]
* @file can_reg.h
* @version V1.00
* @brief CAN register definition header file
* @copyright (C) 2017 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
#ifndef __CAN_REG_H__
#define __CAN_REG_H__
/** @addtogroup REGISTER Control Register
/*---------------------- Controller Area Network Controller -------------------------*/
@addtogroup CAN Controller Area Network Controller(CAN)
Memory Mapped Structure for CAN Controller
@{ */
typedef struct
* @var CAN_IF_T::CREQ
* Offset: 0x20, 0x80 IFn (Register Map Note 2) Command Request Registers
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[5:0] |MessageNumber|Message Number
* | | |0x01-0x20: Valid Message Number, the Message Object in the Message
* | | |RAM is selected for data transfer.
* | | |0x00: Not a valid Message Number, interpreted as 0x20.
* | | |0x21-0x3F: Not a valid Message Number, interpreted as 0x01-0x1F.
* |[15] |Busy |Busy Flag
* | | |0 = Read/write action has finished.
* | | |1 = Writing to the IFn Command Request Register is in progress.
* | | |This bit can only be read by the software.
* @var CAN_IF_T::CMASK
* Offset: 0x24, 0x84 IFn Command Mask Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[0] |DAT_B |Access Data Bytes [7:4]
* | | |Write Operation:
* | | |0 = Data Bytes [7:4] unchanged.
* | | |1 = Transfer Data Bytes [7:4] to Message Object.
* | | |Read Operation:
* | | |0 = Data Bytes [7:4] unchanged.
* | | |1 = Transfer Data Bytes [7:4] to IFn Message Buffer Register.
* |[1] |DAT_A |Access Data Bytes [3:0]
* | | |Write Operation:
* | | |0 = Data Bytes [3:0] unchanged.
* | | |1 = Transfer Data Bytes [3:0] to Message Object.
* | | |Read Operation:
* | | |0 = Data Bytes [3:0] unchanged.
* | | |1 = Transfer Data Bytes [3:0] to IFn Message Buffer Register.
* |[2] |TxRqst_NewDat|Access Transmission Request Bit When Write Operation
* | | |0 = TxRqst bit unchanged.
* | | |1 = Set TxRqst bit.
* | | |Note: If a transmission is requested by programming bit TxRqst/NewDat in the IFn Command Mask Register, bit TxRqst in the IFn Message Control Register will be ignored.
* | | |Access New Data Bit when Read Operation.
* | | |0 = NewDat bit remains unchanged.
* | | |1 = Clear NewDat bit in the Message Object.
* | | |Note: A read access to a Message Object can be combined with the reset of the control bits IntPnd and NewDat.
* | | |The values of these bits transferred to the IFn Message Control Register always reflect the status before resetting these bits.
* |[3] |ClrIntPnd |Clear Interrupt Pending Bit
* | | |Write Operation:
* | | |When writing to a Message Object, this bit is ignored.
* | | |Read Operation:
* | | |0 = IntPnd bit (CAN_IFn_MCON[13]) remains unchanged.
* | | |1 = Clear IntPnd bit in the Message Object.
* |[4] |Control |Control Access Control Bits
* | | |Write Operation:
* | | |0 = Control Bits unchanged.
* | | |1 = Transfer Control Bits to Message Object.
* | | |Read Operation:
* | | |0 = Control Bits unchanged.
* | | |1 = Transfer Control Bits to IFn Message Buffer Register.
* |[5] |Arb |Access Arbitration Bits
* | | |Write Operation:
* | | |0 = Arbitration bits unchanged.
* | | |1 = Transfer Identifier + Dir (CAN_IFn_ARB2[13]) + Xtd (CAN_IFn_ARB2[14]) + MsgVal (CAN_IFn_APB2[15]) to Message Object.
* | | |Read Operation:
* | | |0 = Arbitration bits unchanged.
* | | |1 = Transfer Identifier + Dir + Xtd + MsgVal to IFn Message Buffer Register.
* |[6] |Mask |Access Mask Bits
* | | |Write Operation:
* | | |0 = Mask bits unchanged.
* | | |1 = Transfer Identifier Mask + MDir + MXtd to Message Object.
* | | |Read Operation:
* | | |0 = Mask bits unchanged.
* | | |1 = Transfer Identifier Mask + MDir + MXtd to IFn Message Buffer Register.
* |[7] |WR_RD |Write / Read Mode
* | | |0 = Read: Transfer data from the Message Object addressed by the Command Request Register into the selected Message Buffer Registers.
* | | |1 = Write: Transfer data from the selected Message Buffer Registers to the Message Object addressed by the Command Request Register.
* @var CAN_IF_T::MASK1
* Offset: 0x28, 0x88 IFn Mask 1 Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[15:0] |Msk[15:0] |Identifier Mask 15-0
* | | |0 = The corresponding bit in the identifier of the message object cannot inhibit the match in the acceptance filtering.
* | | |1 = The corresponding identifier bit is used for acceptance filtering.
* @var CAN_IF_T::MASK2
* Offset: 0x2C, 0x8C IFn Mask 2 Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[12:0] |Msk[28:16]|Identifier Mask 28-16
* | | |0 = The corresponding bit in the identifier of the message object cannot inhibit the match in the acceptance filtering.
* | | |1 = The corresponding identifier bit is used for acceptance filtering.
* |[14] |MDir |Mask Message Direction
* | | |0 = The message direction bit (Dir (CAN_IFn_ARB2[13])) has no effect on the acceptance filtering.
* | | |1 = The message direction bit (Dir) is used for acceptance filtering.
* |[15] |MXtd |Mask Extended Identifier
* | | |0 = The extended identifier bit (IDE) has no effect on the acceptance filtering.
* | | |1 = The extended identifier bit (IDE) is used for acceptance filtering.
* | | |Note: When 11-bit ("standard") Identifiers are used for a Message Object, the identifiers of received Data Frames are written into bits ID28 to ID18 (CAN_IFn_ARB2[12:2]).
* | | |For acceptance filtering, only these bits together with mask bits Msk28 to Msk18 (CAN_IFn_MASK2[12:2]) are considered.
* @var CAN_IF_T::ARB1
* Offset: 0x30, 0x90 IFn Arbitration 1 Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[15:0] |ID[15:0] |Message Identifier 15-0
* | | |ID28 - ID0, 29-bit Identifier ("Extended Frame").
* | | |ID28 - ID18, 11-bit Identifier ("Standard Frame")
* @var CAN_IF_T::ARB2
* Offset: 0x34, 0x94 IFn Arbitration 2 Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[12:0] |ID[28:16] |Message Identifier 28-16
* | | |ID28 - ID0, 29-bit Identifier ("Extended Frame").
* | | |ID28 - ID18, 11-bit Identifier ("Standard Frame")
* |[13] |Dir |Message Direction
* | | |0 = Direction is receive.
* | | |On TxRqst, a Remote Frame with the identifier of this Message Object is transmitted.
* | | |On reception of a Data Frame with matching identifier, that message is stored in this Message Object.
* | | |1 = Direction is transmit.
* | | |On TxRqst, the respective Message Object is transmitted as a Data Frame.
* | | |On reception of a Remote Frame with matching identifier, the TxRqst bit (CAN_IFn_CMASK[2]) of this Message Object is set (if RmtEn (CAN_IFn_MCON[9]) = one).
* |[14] |Xtd |Extended Identifier
* | | |0 = The 11-bit ("standard") Identifier will be used for this Message Object.
* | | |1 = The 29-bit ("extended") Identifier will be used for this Message Object.
* |[15] |MsgVal |Message Valid
* | | |0 = The Message Object is ignored by the Message Handler.
* | | |1 = The Message Object is configured and should be considered by the Message Handler.
* | | |Note: The application software must reset the MsgVal bit of all unused Messages Objects during the initialization before it resets bit Init (CAN_CON[0]).
* | | |This bit must also be reset before the identifier Id28-0 (CAN_IFn_ARB1/2), the control bits Xtd (CAN_IFn_ARB2[14]), Dir (CAN_IFn_APB2[13]), or the Data Length Code DLC3-0 (CAN_IFn_MCON[3:0]) are modified, or if the Messages Object is no longer required.
* @var CAN_IF_T::MCON
* Offset: 0x38, 0x98 IFn Message Control Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[3:0] |DLC |Data Length Code
* | | |0-8: Data Frame has 0-8 data bytes.
* | | |9-15: Data Frame has 8 data bytes
* | | |Note: The Data Length Code of a Message Object must be defined the same as in all the corresponding objects with the same identifier at other nodes.
* | | |When the Message Handler stores a data frame, it will write the DLC to the value given by the received message.
* | | |Data 0: 1st data byte of a CAN Data Frame
* | | |Data 1: 2nd data byte of a CAN Data Frame
* | | |Data 2: 3rd data byte of a CAN Data Frame
* | | |Data 3: 4th data byte of a CAN Data Frame
* | | |Data 4: 5th data byte of a CAN Data Frame
* | | |Data 5: 6th data byte of a CAN Data Frame
* | | |Data 6: 7th data byte of a CAN Data Frame
* | | |Data 7 : 8th data byte of a CAN Data Frame
* | | |Note: The Data 0 Byte is the first data byte shifted into the shift register of the CAN Core during a reception while the Data 7 byte is the last.
* | | |When the Message Handler stores a Data Frame, it will write all the eight data bytes into a Message Object.
* | | |If the Data Length Code is less than 8, the remaining bytes of the Message Object will be overwritten by unspecified values.
* |[7] |EoB |End Of Buffer
* | | |0 = Message Object belongs to a FIFO Buffer and is not the last Message Object of that FIFO Buffer.
* | | |1 = Single Message Object or last Message Object of a FIFO Buffer.
* | | |Note: This bit is used to concatenate two or more Message Objects (up to 32) to build a FIFO Buffer.
* | | |For single Message Objects (not belonging to a FIFO Buffer), this bit must always be set to one.
* |[8] |TxRqst |Transmit Request
* | | |0 = This Message Object is not waiting for transmission.
* | | |1 = The transmission of this Message Object is requested and is not yet done.
* |[9] |RmtEn |Remote Enable Control
* | | |0 = At the reception of a Remote Frame, TxRqst (CAN_IFn_MCON[8]) is left unchanged.
* | | |1 = At the reception of a Remote Frame, TxRqst is set.
* |[10] |RxIE |Receive Interrupt Enable Control
* | | |0 = IntPnd (CAN_IFn_MCON[13]) will be left unchanged after a successful reception of a frame.
* | | |1 = IntPnd will be set after a successful reception of a frame.
* |[11] |TxIE |Transmit Interrupt Enable Control
* | | |0 = IntPnd (CAN_IFn_MCON[13]) will be left unchanged after the successful transmission of a frame.
* | | |1 = IntPnd will be set after a successful transmission of a frame.
* |[12] |UMask |Use Acceptance Mask
* | | |0 = Mask ignored.
* | | |1 = Use Mask (Msk28-0, MXtd, and MDir) for acceptance filtering.
* | | |Note: If the UMask bit is set to one, the Message Object's mask bits have to be programmed during initialization of the Message Object before MsgVal bit (CAN_IFn_APB2[15]) is set to one.
* |[13] |IntPnd |Interrupt Pending
* | | |0 = This message object is not the source of an interrupt.
* | | |1 = This message object is the source of an interrupt.
* | | |The Interrupt Identifier in the Interrupt Register will point to this message object if there is no other interrupt source with higher priority.
* |[14] |MsgLst |Message Lost (only valid for Message Objects with direction = receive).
* | | |0 = No message lost since last time this bit was reset by the CPU.
* | | |1 = The Message Handler stored a new message into this object when NewDat was still set, the CPU has lost a message.
* |[15] |NewDat |New Data
* | | |0 = No new data has been written into the data portion of this Message Object by the Message Handler since last time this flag was cleared by the application software.
* | | |1 = The Message Handler or the application software has written new data into the data portion of this Message Object.
* @var CAN_IF_T::DAT_A1
* Offset: 0x3C, 0x9C IFn Data A1 Register (Register Map Note 3)
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[7:0] |Data0 |Data Byte 0
* | | |1st data byte of a CAN Data Frame
* |[15:8] |Data1 |Data Byte 1
* | | |2nd data byte of a CAN Data Frame
* @var CAN_IF_T::DAT_A2
* Offset: 0x40, 0xA0 IFn Data A2 Register (Register Map Note 3)
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[7:0] |Data2 |Data Byte 2
* | | |3rd data byte of CAN Data Frame
* |[15:8] |Data3 |Data Byte 3
* | | |4th data byte of CAN Data Frame
* @var CAN_IF_T::DAT_B1
* Offset: 0x44, 0xA4 IFn Data B1 Register (Register Map Note 3)
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[7:0] |Data4 |Data Byte 4
* | | |5th data byte of CAN Data Frame
* |[15:8] |Data5 |Data Byte 5
* | | |6th data byte of CAN Data Frame
* @var CAN_IF_T::DAT_B2
* Offset: 0x48, 0xA8 IFn Data B2 Register (Register Map Note 3)
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[7:0] |Data6 |Data Byte 6
* | | |7th data byte of CAN Data Frame.
* |[15:8] |Data7 |Data Byte 7
* | | |8th data byte of CAN Data Frame.
__IO uint32_t CREQ; /* Offset: 0x20, 0x80 IFn (Register Map Note 2) Command Request Registers */
__IO uint32_t CMASK; /* Offset: 0x24, 0x84 IFn Command Mask Register */
__IO uint32_t MASK1; /* Offset: 0x28, 0x88 IFn Mask 1 Register */
__IO uint32_t MASK2; /* Offset: 0x2C, 0x8C IFn Mask 2 Register */
__IO uint32_t ARB1; /* Offset: 0x30, 0x90 IFn Arbitration 1 Register */
__IO uint32_t ARB2; /* Offset: 0x34, 0x94 IFn Arbitration 2 Register */
__IO uint32_t MCON; /* Offset: 0x38, 0x98 IFn Message Control Register */
__IO uint32_t DAT_A1; /* Offset: 0x3C, 0x9C IFn Data A1 Register (Register Map Note 3) */
__IO uint32_t DAT_A2; /* Offset: 0x40, 0xA0 IFn Data A2 Register (Register Map Note 3) */
__IO uint32_t DAT_B1; /* Offset: 0x44, 0xA4 IFn Data B1 Register (Register Map Note 3) */
__IO uint32_t DAT_B2; /* Offset: 0x48, 0xA8 IFn Data B2 Register (Register Map Note 3) */
__I uint32_t RESERVE0[13];
typedef struct
* @var CAN_T::CON
* Offset: 0x00 Control Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[0] |Init |Init Initialization
* | | |0 = Normal Operation.
* | | |1 = Initialization is started.
* |[1] |IE |Module Interrupt Enable Control
* | | |0 = Disabled.
* | | |1 = Enabled.
* |[2] |SIE |Status Change Interrupt Enable Control
* | | |0 = Disabled - No Status Change Interrupt will be generated.
* | | |1 = Enabled - An interrupt will be generated when a message transfer is successfully completed or a CAN bus error is detected.
* |[3] |EIE |Error Interrupt Enable Control
* | | |0 = Disabled - No Error Status Interrupt will be generated.
* | | |1 = Enabled - A change in the bits BOff (CAN_STATUS[7]) or EWarn (CAN_STATUS[6]) in the Status Register will generate an interrupt.
* |[5] |DAR |Automatic Re-Transmission Disable Control
* | | |0 = Automatic Retransmission of disturbed messages enabled.
* | | |1 = Automatic Retransmission disabled.
* |[6] |CCE |Configuration Change Enable Control
* | | |0 = No write access to the Bit Timing Register.
* | | |1 = Write access to the Bit Timing Register (CAN_BTIME) allowed. (while Init bit (CAN_CON[0]) = 1).
* |[7] |Test |Test Mode Enable Control
* | | |0 = Normal Operation.
* | | |1 = Test Mode.
* @var CAN_T::STATUS
* Offset: 0x04 Status Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[2:0] |LEC |Last Error Code (Type Of The Last Error To Occur On The CAN Bus)
* | | |The LEC field holds a code, which indicates the type of the last error to occur on the CAN bus.
* | | |This field will be cleared to '0' when a message has been transferred (reception or transmission) without error.
* | | |The unused code '7' may be written by the CPU to check for updates.
* | | |The following table describes the error code.
* |[3] |TxOK |Transmitted A Message Successfully
* | | |0 = Since this bit was reset by the CPU, no message has been successfully transmitted.
* | | |This bit is never reset by the CAN Core.
* | | |1 = Since this bit was last reset by the CPU, a message has been successfully (error free and acknowledged by at least one other node) transmitted.
* |[4] |RxOK |Received A Message Successfully
* | | |0 = No message has been successfully received since this bit was last reset by the CPU.
* | | |This bit is never reset by the CAN Core.
* | | |1 = A message has been successfully received since this bit was last reset by the CPU (independent of the result of acceptance filtering).
* |[5] |EPass |Error Passive (Read Only)
* | | |0 = The CAN Core is error active.
* | | |1 = The CAN Core is in the error passive state as defined in the CAN Specification.
* |[6] |EWarn |Error Warning Status (Read Only)
* | | |0 = Both error counters are below the error warning limit of 96.
* | | |1 = At least one of the error counters in the EML has reached the error warning limit of 96.
* |[7] |BOff |Bus-Off Status (Read Only)
* | | |0 = The CAN module is not in bus-off state.
* | | |1 = The CAN module is in bus-off state.
* @var CAN_T::ERR
* Offset: 0x08 Error Counter Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[7:0] |TEC |Transmit Error Counter
* | | |Actual state of the Transmit Error Counter. Values between 0 and 255.
* |[14:8] |REC |Receive Error Counter
* | | |Actual state of the Receive Error Counter. Values between 0 and 127.
* |[15] |RP |Receive Error Passive
* | | |0 = The Receive Error Counter is below the error passive level.
* | | |1 = The Receive Error Counter has reached the error passive level as defined in the CAN Specification.
* @var CAN_T::BTIME
* Offset: 0x0C Bit Timing Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[5:0] |BRP |Baud Rate Prescaler
* | | |0x01-0x3F: The value by which the oscillator frequency is divided for generating the bit time quanta.
* | | |The bit time is built up from a multiple of this quanta.
* | | |Valid values for the Baud Rate Prescaler are [ 0 ... 63 ].
* | | |The actual interpretation by the hardware of this value is such that one more than the value programmed here is used.
* |[7:6] |SJW |(Re)Synchronization Jump Width
* | | |0x0-0x3: Valid programmed values are [0 ... 3].
* | | |The actual interpretation by the hardware of this value is such that one more than the value programmed here is used.
* |[11:8] |TSeg1 |Time Segment Before The Sample Point Minus Sync_Seg
* | | |0x01-0x0F: valid values for TSeg1 are [1 ... 15].
* | | |The actual interpretation by the hardware of this value is such that one more than the value programmed is used.
* |[14:12] |TSeg2 |Time Segment After Sample Point
* | | |0x0-0x7: Valid values for TSeg2 are [0 ... 7].
* | | |The actual interpretation by the hardware of this value is such that one more than the value programmed here is used.
* @var CAN_T::IIDR
* Offset: 0x10 Interrupt Identifier Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[15:0] |IntId |Interrupt Identifier (Indicates The Source Of The Interrupt)
* | | |If several interrupts are pending, the CAN Interrupt Register will point to the pending interrupt with the highest priority, disregarding their chronological order.
* | | |An interrupt remains pending until the application software has cleared it.
* | | |If IntId is different from 0x0000 and IE (CAN_IFn_MCON[1]) is set, the IRQ interrupt signal to the EIC is active.
* | | |The interrupt remains active until IntId is back to value 0x0000 (the cause of the interrupt is reset) or until IE is reset.
* | | |The Status Interrupt has the highest priority.
* | | |Among the message interrupts, the Message Object' s interrupt priority decreases with increasing message number.
* | | |A message interrupt is cleared by clearing the Message Object's IntPnd bit (CAN_IFn_MCON[13]).
* | | |The Status Interrupt is cleared by reading the Status Register.
* @var CAN_T::TEST
* Offset: 0x14 Test Register (Register Map Note 1)
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[1:0] |Res |Reserved
* | | |There are reserved bits.
* | | |These bits are always read as '0' and must always be written with '0'.
* |[2] |Basic |Basic Mode
* | | |0 = Basic Mode disabled.
* | | |1= IF1 Registers used as Tx Buffer, IF2 Registers used as Rx Buffer.
* |[3] |Silent |Silent Mode
* | | |0 = Normal operation.
* | | |1 = The module is in Silent Mode.
* |[4] |LBack |Loop Back Mode Enable Control
* | | |0 = Loop Back Mode is disabled.
* | | |1 = Loop Back Mode is enabled.
* |[6:5] |Tx10 |Tx[1:0]: Control Of CAN_TX Pin
* | | |00 = Reset value, CAN_TX pin is controlled by the CAN Core.
* | | |01 = Sample Point can be monitored at CAN_TX pin.
* | | |10 = CAN_TX pin drives a dominant ('0') value.
* | | |11 = CAN_TX pin drives a recessive ('1') value.
* |[7] |Rx |Monitors The Actual Value Of CAN_RX Pin (Read Only)
* | | |0 = The CAN bus is dominant (CAN_RX = '0').
* | | |1 = The CAN bus is recessive (CAN_RX = '1').
* @var CAN_T::BRPE
* Offset: 0x18 Baud Rate Prescaler Extension Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[3:0] |BRPE |BRPE: Baud Rate Prescaler Extension
* | | |0x00-0x0F: By programming BRPE, the Baud Rate Prescaler can be extended to values up to 1023.
* | | |The actual interpretation by the hardware is that one more than the value programmed by BRPE (MSBs) and BTIME (LSBs) is used.
* @var CAN_T::IF
* Offset: 0x20~0xFC CAN Interface Registers
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* CAN interface structure. Refer to \ref CAN_IF_T for detail information.
* @var CAN_T::TXREQ1
* Offset: 0x100 Transmission Request Register 1
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[15:0] |TxRqst[16:1]|Transmission Request Bits 16-1 (Of All Message Objects)
* | | |0 = This Message Object is not waiting for transmission.
* | | |1 = The transmission of this Message Object is requested and is not yet done.
* | | |These bits are read only.
* @var CAN_T::TXREQ2
* Offset: 0x104 Transmission Request Register 2
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[15:0] |TxRqst[32:17]|Transmission Request Bits 32-17 (Of All Message Objects)
* | | |0 = This Message Object is not waiting for transmission.
* | | |1 = The transmission of this Message Object is requested and is not yet done.
* | | |These bits are read only.
* @var CAN_T::NDAT1
* Offset: 0x120 New Data Register 1
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[15:0] |NewData[16:1]|New Data Bits 16-1 (Of All Message Objects)
* | | |0 = No new data has been written into the data portion of this Message Object by the Message Handler since the last time this flag was cleared by the application software.
* | | |1 = The Message Handler or the application software has written new data into the data portion of this Message Object.
* @var CAN_T::NDAT2
* Offset: 0x124 New Data Register 2
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[15:0] |NewData[32:17]|New Data Bits 32-17 (Of All Message Objects)
* | | |0 = No new data has been written into the data portion of this Message Object by the Message Handler since the last time this flag was cleared by the application software.
* | | |1 = The Message Handler or the application software has written new data into the data portion of this Message Object.
* @var CAN_T::IPND1
* Offset: 0x140 Interrupt Pending Register 1
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[15:0] |IntPnd[16:1]|Interrupt Pending Bits 16-1 (Of All Message Objects)
* | | |0 = This message object is not the source of an interrupt.
* | | |1 = This message object is the source of an interrupt.
* @var CAN_T::IPND2
* Offset: 0x144 Interrupt Pending Register 2
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[15:0] |IntPnd[32:17]|Interrupt Pending Bits 32-17(Of All Message Objects)
* | | |0 = This message object is not the source of an interrupt.
* | | |1 = This message object is the source of an interrupt.
* @var CAN_T::MVLD1
* Offset: 0x160 Message Valid Register 1
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[15:0] |MsgVal[16:1]|Message Valid Bits 16-1 (Of All Message Objects) (Read Only)
* | | |0 = This Message Object is ignored by the Message Handler.
* | | |1 = This Message Object is configured and should be considered by the Message Handler.
* | | |Ex.
* | | |CAN_MVLD1[0] means Message object No.1 is valid or not.
* | | |If CAN_MVLD1[0] is set, message object No.1 is configured.
* @var CAN_T::MVLD2
* Offset: 0x164 Message Valid Register 2
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[15:0] |MsgVal[32:17]|Message Valid Bits 32-17 (Of All Message Objects) (Read Only)
* | | |0 = This Message Object is ignored by the Message Handler.
* | | |1 = This Message Object is configured and should be considered by the Message Handler.
* | | |Ex.CAN_MVLD2[15] means Message object No.32 is valid or not.
* | | |If CAN_MVLD2[15] is set, message object No.32 is configured.
* @var CAN_T::WU_EN
* Offset: 0x168 Wake-up Enable Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[0] |WAKUP_EN |Wake-Up Enable Control
* | | |0 = The wake-up function Disabled.
* | | |1 = The wake-up function Enabled.
* | | |Note: User can wake-up system when there is a falling edge in the CAN_Rx pin.
* Offset: 0x16C Wake-up Status Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[0] |WAKUP_STS |Wake-Up Status
* | | |0 = No wake-up event occurred.
* | | |1 = Wake-up event occurred.
* | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by writing '0'.
__IO uint32_t CON; /* Offset: 0x00 Control Register */
__IO uint32_t STATUS; /* Offset: 0x04 Status Register */
__I uint32_t ERR; /* Offset: 0x08 Error Counter Register */
__IO uint32_t BTIME; /* Offset: 0x0C Bit Timing Register */
__I uint32_t IIDR; /* Offset: 0x10 Interrupt Identifier Register */
__IO uint32_t TEST; /* Offset: 0x14 Test Register (Register Map Note 1) */
__IO uint32_t BRPE; /* Offset: 0x18 Baud Rate Prescaler Extension Register */
__I uint32_t RESERVE0[1];
__IO CAN_IF_T IF[2]; /* Offset: 0x20~0xFC CAN Interface Registers */
__I uint32_t RESERVE1[8];
__I uint32_t TXREQ1; /* Offset: 0x100 Transmission Request Register 1 */
__I uint32_t TXREQ2; /* Offset: 0x104 Transmission Request Register 2 */
__I uint32_t RESERVE3[6];
__I uint32_t NDAT1; /* Offset: 0x120 New Data Register 1 */
__I uint32_t NDAT2; /* Offset: 0x124 New Data Register 2 */
__I uint32_t RESERVE4[6];
__I uint32_t IPND1; /* Offset: 0x140 Interrupt Pending Register 1 */
__I uint32_t IPND2; /* Offset: 0x144 Interrupt Pending Register 2 */
__I uint32_t RESERVE5[6];
__I uint32_t MVLD1; /* Offset: 0x160 Message Valid Register 1 */
__I uint32_t MVLD2; /* Offset: 0x164 Message Valid Register 2 */
__IO uint32_t WU_EN; /* Offset: 0x168 Wake-up Enable Register */
__IO uint32_t WU_STATUS; /* Offset: 0x16C Wake-up Status Register */
} CAN_T;
@addtogroup CAN_CONST CAN Bit Field Definition
Constant Definitions for CAN Controller
@{ */
/* CAN CON Bit Field Definitions */
#define CAN_CON_TEST_Pos 7 /*!< CAN_T::CON: TEST Position */
#define CAN_CON_TEST_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_CON_TEST_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::CON: TEST Mask */
#define CAN_CON_CCE_Pos 6 /*!< CAN_T::CON: CCE Position */
#define CAN_CON_CCE_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_CON_CCE_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::CON: CCE Mask */
#define CAN_CON_DAR_Pos 5 /*!< CAN_T::CON: DAR Position */
#define CAN_CON_DAR_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_CON_DAR_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::CON: DAR Mask */
#define CAN_CON_EIE_Pos 3 /*!< CAN_T::CON: EIE Position */
#define CAN_CON_EIE_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_CON_EIE_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::CON: EIE Mask */
#define CAN_CON_SIE_Pos 2 /*!< CAN_T::CON: SIE Position */
#define CAN_CON_SIE_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_CON_SIE_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::CON: SIE Mask */
#define CAN_CON_IE_Pos 1 /*!< CAN_T::CON: IE Position */
#define CAN_CON_IE_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_CON_IE_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::CON: IE Mask */
#define CAN_CON_INIT_Pos 0 /*!< CAN_T::CON: INIT Position */
#define CAN_CON_INIT_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_CON_INIT_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::CON: INIT Mask */
/* CAN STATUS Bit Field Definitions */
#define CAN_STATUS_BOFF_Pos 7 /*!< CAN_T::STATUS: BOFF Position */
#define CAN_STATUS_BOFF_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_STATUS_BOFF_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::STATUS: BOFF Mask */
#define CAN_STATUS_EWARN_Pos 6 /*!< CAN_T::STATUS: EWARN Position */
#define CAN_STATUS_EWARN_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_STATUS_EWARN_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::STATUS: EWARN Mask */
#define CAN_STATUS_EPASS_Pos 5 /*!< CAN_T::STATUS: EPASS Position */
#define CAN_STATUS_EPASS_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_STATUS_EPASS_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::STATUS: EPASS Mask */
#define CAN_STATUS_RXOK_Pos 4 /*!< CAN_T::STATUS: RXOK Position */
#define CAN_STATUS_RXOK_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_STATUS_RXOK_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::STATUS: RXOK Mask */
#define CAN_STATUS_TXOK_Pos 3 /*!< CAN_T::STATUS: TXOK Position */
#define CAN_STATUS_TXOK_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_STATUS_TXOK_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::STATUS: TXOK Mask */
#define CAN_STATUS_LEC_Pos 0 /*!< CAN_T::STATUS: LEC Position */
#define CAN_STATUS_LEC_Msk (0x7ul << CAN_STATUS_LEC_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::STATUS: LEC Mask */
/* CAN ERR Bit Field Definitions */
#define CAN_ERR_RP_Pos 15 /*!< CAN_T::ERR: RP Position */
#define CAN_ERR_RP_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_ERR_RP_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::ERR: RP Mask */
#define CAN_ERR_REC_Pos 8 /*!< CAN_T::ERR: REC Position */
#define CAN_ERR_REC_Msk (0x7Ful << CAN_ERR_REC_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::ERR: REC Mask */
#define CAN_ERR_TEC_Pos 0 /*!< CAN_T::ERR: TEC Position */
#define CAN_ERR_TEC_Msk (0xFFul << CAN_ERR_TEC_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::ERR: TEC Mask */
/* CAN BTIME Bit Field Definitions */
#define CAN_BTIME_TSEG2_Pos 12 /*!< CAN_T::BTIME: TSEG2 Position */
#define CAN_BTIME_TSEG2_Msk (0x7ul << CAN_BTIME_TSEG2_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::BTIME: TSEG2 Mask */
#define CAN_BTIME_TSEG1_Pos 8 /*!< CAN_T::BTIME: TSEG1 Position */
#define CAN_BTIME_TSEG1_Msk (0xFul << CAN_BTIME_TSEG1_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::BTIME: TSEG1 Mask */
#define CAN_BTIME_SJW_Pos 6 /*!< CAN_T::BTIME: SJW Position */
#define CAN_BTIME_SJW_Msk (0x3ul << CAN_BTIME_SJW_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::BTIME: SJW Mask */
#define CAN_BTIME_BRP_Pos 0 /*!< CAN_T::BTIME: BRP Position */
#define CAN_BTIME_BRP_Msk (0x3Ful << CAN_BTIME_BRP_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::BTIME: BRP Mask */
/* CAN IIDR Bit Field Definitions */
#define CAN_IIDR_INTID_Pos 0 /*!< CAN_T::IIDR: INTID Position */
#define CAN_IIDR_INTID_Msk (0xFFFFul << CAN_IIDR_INTID_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::IIDR: INTID Mask */
/* CAN TEST Bit Field Definitions */
#define CAN_TEST_RX_Pos 7 /*!< CAN_T::TEST: RX Position */
#define CAN_TEST_RX_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_TEST_RX_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::TEST: RX Mask */
#define CAN_TEST_TX_Pos 5 /*!< CAN_T::TEST: TX Position */
#define CAN_TEST_TX_Msk (0x3ul << CAN_TEST_TX_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::TEST: TX Mask */
#define CAN_TEST_LBACK_Pos 4 /*!< CAN_T::TEST: LBACK Position */
#define CAN_TEST_LBACK_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_TEST_LBACK_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::TEST: LBACK Mask */
#define CAN_TEST_SILENT_Pos 3 /*!< CAN_T::TEST: Silent Position */
#define CAN_TEST_SILENT_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_TEST_SILENT_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::TEST: Silent Mask */
#define CAN_TEST_BASIC_Pos 2 /*!< CAN_T::TEST: Basic Position */
#define CAN_TEST_BASIC_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_TEST_BASIC_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::TEST: Basic Mask */
/* CAN BPRE Bit Field Definitions */
#define CAN_BRPE_BRPE_Pos 0 /*!< CAN_T::BRPE: BRPE Position */
#define CAN_BRPE_BRPE_Msk (0xFul << CAN_BRPE_BRPE_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::BRPE: BRPE Mask */
/* CAN IFn_CREQ Bit Field Definitions */
#define CAN_IF_CREQ_BUSY_Pos 15 /*!< CAN_IF_T::CREQ: BUSY Position */
#define CAN_IF_CREQ_BUSY_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_IF_CREQ_BUSY_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::CREQ: BUSY Mask */
#define CAN_IF_CREQ_MSGNUM_Pos 0 /*!< CAN_IF_T::CREQ: MSGNUM Position */
#define CAN_IF_CREQ_MSGNUM_Msk (0x3Ful << CAN_IF_CREQ_MSGNUM_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::CREQ: MSGNUM Mask */
/* CAN IFn_CMASK Bit Field Definitions */
#define CAN_IF_CMASK_WRRD_Pos 7 /*!< CAN_IF_T::CMASK: WRRD Position */
#define CAN_IF_CMASK_WRRD_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_IF_CMASK_WRRD_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::CMASK: WRRD Mask */
#define CAN_IF_CMASK_MASK_Pos 6 /*!< CAN_IF_T::CMASK: MASK Position */
#define CAN_IF_CMASK_MASK_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_IF_CMASK_MASK_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::CMASK: MASK Mask */
#define CAN_IF_CMASK_ARB_Pos 5 /*!< CAN_IF_T::CMASK: ARB Position */
#define CAN_IF_CMASK_ARB_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_IF_CMASK_ARB_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::CMASK: ARB Mask */
#define CAN_IF_CMASK_CONTROL_Pos 4 /*!< CAN_IF_T::CMASK: CONTROL Position */
#define CAN_IF_CMASK_DATAA_Pos 1 /*!< CAN_IF_T::CMASK: DATAA Position */
#define CAN_IF_CMASK_DATAA_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_IF_CMASK_DATAA_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::CMASK: DATAA Mask */
#define CAN_IF_CMASK_DATAB_Pos 0 /*!< CAN_IF_T::CMASK: DATAB Position */
#define CAN_IF_CMASK_DATAB_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_IF_CMASK_DATAB_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::CMASK: DATAB Mask */
/* CAN IFn_MASK1 Bit Field Definitions */
#define CAN_IF_MASK1_MSK_Pos 0 /*!< CAN_IF_T::MASK1: MSK Position */
#define CAN_IF_MASK1_MSK_Msk (0xFFul << CAN_IF_MASK1_MSK_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::MASK1: MSK Mask */
/* CAN IFn_MASK2 Bit Field Definitions */
#define CAN_IF_MASK2_MXTD_Pos 15 /*!< CAN_IF_T::MASK2: MXTD Position */
#define CAN_IF_MASK2_MXTD_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_IF_MASK2_MXTD_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::MASK2: MXTD Mask */
#define CAN_IF_MASK2_MDIR_Pos 14 /*!< CAN_IF_T::MASK2: MDIR Position */
#define CAN_IF_MASK2_MDIR_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_IF_MASK2_MDIR_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::MASK2: MDIR Mask */
#define CAN_IF_MASK2_MSK_Pos 0 /*!< CAN_IF_T::MASK2: MSK Position */
#define CAN_IF_MASK2_MSK_Msk (0x1FFul << CAN_IF_MASK2_MSK_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::MASK2: MSK Mask */
/* CAN IFn_ARB1 Bit Field Definitions */
#define CAN_IF_ARB1_ID_Pos 0 /*!< CAN_IF_T::ARB1: ID Position */
#define CAN_IF_ARB1_ID_Msk (0xFFFFul << CAN_IF_ARB1_ID_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::ARB1: ID Mask */
/* CAN IFn_ARB2 Bit Field Definitions */
#define CAN_IF_ARB2_MSGVAL_Pos 15 /*!< CAN_IF_T::ARB2: MSGVAL Position */
#define CAN_IF_ARB2_MSGVAL_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_IF_ARB2_MSGVAL_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::ARB2: MSGVAL Mask */
#define CAN_IF_ARB2_XTD_Pos 14 /*!< CAN_IF_T::ARB2: XTD Position */
#define CAN_IF_ARB2_XTD_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_IF_ARB2_XTD_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::ARB2: XTD Mask */
#define CAN_IF_ARB2_DIR_Pos 13 /*!< CAN_IF_T::ARB2: DIR Position */
#define CAN_IF_ARB2_DIR_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_IF_ARB2_DIR_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::ARB2: DIR Mask */
#define CAN_IF_ARB2_ID_Pos 0 /*!< CAN_IF_T::ARB2: ID Position */
#define CAN_IF_ARB2_ID_Msk (0x1FFFul << CAN_IF_ARB2_ID_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::ARB2: ID Mask */
/* CAN IFn_MCON Bit Field Definitions */
#define CAN_IF_MCON_NEWDAT_Pos 15 /*!< CAN_IF_T::MCON: NEWDAT Position */
#define CAN_IF_MCON_NEWDAT_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_IF_MCON_NEWDAT_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::MCON: NEWDAT Mask */
#define CAN_IF_MCON_MSGLST_Pos 14 /*!< CAN_IF_T::MCON: MSGLST Position */
#define CAN_IF_MCON_MSGLST_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_IF_MCON_MSGLST_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::MCON: MSGLST Mask */
#define CAN_IF_MCON_INTPND_Pos 13 /*!< CAN_IF_T::MCON: INTPND Position */
#define CAN_IF_MCON_INTPND_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_IF_MCON_INTPND_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::MCON: INTPND Mask */
#define CAN_IF_MCON_UMASK_Pos 12 /*!< CAN_IF_T::MCON: UMASK Position */
#define CAN_IF_MCON_UMASK_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_IF_MCON_UMASK_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::MCON: UMASK Mask */
#define CAN_IF_MCON_TXIE_Pos 11 /*!< CAN_IF_T::MCON: TXIE Position */
#define CAN_IF_MCON_TXIE_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_IF_MCON_TXIE_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::MCON: TXIE Mask */
#define CAN_IF_MCON_RXIE_Pos 10 /*!< CAN_IF_T::MCON: RXIE Position */
#define CAN_IF_MCON_RXIE_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_IF_MCON_RXIE_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::MCON: RXIE Mask */
#define CAN_IF_MCON_RMTEN_Pos 9 /*!< CAN_IF_T::MCON: RMTEN Position */
#define CAN_IF_MCON_RMTEN_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_IF_MCON_RMTEN_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::MCON: RMTEN Mask */
#define CAN_IF_MCON_TXRQST_Pos 8 /*!< CAN_IF_T::MCON: TXRQST Position */
#define CAN_IF_MCON_TXRQST_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_IF_MCON_TXRQST_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::MCON: TXRQST Mask */
#define CAN_IF_MCON_EOB_Pos 7 /*!< CAN_IF_T::MCON: EOB Position */
#define CAN_IF_MCON_EOB_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_IF_MCON_EOB_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::MCON: EOB Mask */
#define CAN_IF_MCON_DLC_Pos 0 /*!< CAN_IF_T::MCON: DLC Position */
#define CAN_IF_MCON_DLC_Msk (0xFul << CAN_IF_MCON_DLC_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::MCON: DLC Mask */
/* CAN IFn_DATA_A1 Bit Field Definitions */
#define CAN_IF_DAT_A1_DATA1_Pos 8 /*!< CAN_IF_T::DATAA1: DATA1 Position */
#define CAN_IF_DAT_A1_DATA1_Msk (0xFFul << CAN_IF_DAT_A1_DATA1_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::DATAA1: DATA1 Mask */
#define CAN_IF_DAT_A1_DATA0_Pos 0 /*!< CAN_IF_T::DATAA1: DATA0 Position */
#define CAN_IF_DAT_A1_DATA0_Msk (0xFFul << CAN_IF_DAT_A1_DATA0_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::DATAA1: DATA0 Mask */
/* CAN IFn_DATA_A2 Bit Field Definitions */
#define CAN_IF_DAT_A2_DATA3_Pos 8 /*!< CAN_IF_T::DATAA1: DATA3 Position */
#define CAN_IF_DAT_A2_DATA3_Msk (0xFFul << CAN_IF_DAT_A2_DATA3_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::DATAA1: DATA3 Mask */
#define CAN_IF_DAT_A2_DATA2_Pos 0 /*!< CAN_IF_T::DATAA1: DATA2 Position */
#define CAN_IF_DAT_A2_DATA2_Msk (0xFFul << CAN_IF_DAT_A2_DATA2_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::DATAA1: DATA2 Mask */
/* CAN IFn_DATA_B1 Bit Field Definitions */
#define CAN_IF_DAT_B1_DATA5_Pos 8 /*!< CAN_IF_T::DATAB1: DATA5 Position */
#define CAN_IF_DAT_B1_DATA5_Msk (0xFFul << CAN_IF_DAT_B1_DATA5_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::DATAB1: DATA5 Mask */
#define CAN_IF_DAT_B1_DATA4_Pos 0 /*!< CAN_IF_T::DATAB1: DATA4 Position */
#define CAN_IF_DAT_B1_DATA4_Msk (0xFFul << CAN_IF_DAT_B1_DATA4_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::DATAB1: DATA4 Mask */
/* CAN IFn_DATA_B2 Bit Field Definitions */
#define CAN_IF_DAT_B2_DATA7_Pos 8 /*!< CAN_IF_T::DATAB2: DATA7 Position */
#define CAN_IF_DAT_B2_DATA7_Msk (0xFFul << CAN_IF_DAT_B2_DATA7_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::DATAB2: DATA7 Mask */
#define CAN_IF_DAT_B2_DATA6_Pos 0 /*!< CAN_IF_T::DATAB2: DATA6 Position */
#define CAN_IF_DAT_B2_DATA6_Msk (0xFFul << CAN_IF_DAT_B2_DATA6_Pos) /*!< CAN_IF_T::DATAB2: DATA6 Mask */
/* CAN IFn_TXRQST1 Bit Field Definitions */
#define CAN_TXRQST1_TXRQST_Pos 0 /*!< CAN_T::TXRQST1: TXRQST Position */
/* CAN IFn_TXRQST2 Bit Field Definitions */
#define CAN_TXRQST2_TXRQST_Pos 0 /*!< CAN_T::TXRQST2: TXRQST Position */
/* CAN IFn_NDAT1 Bit Field Definitions */
#define CAN_NDAT1_NEWDATA_Pos 0 /*!< CAN_T::NDAT1: NEWDATA Position */
#define CAN_NDAT1_NEWDATA_Msk (0xFFFFul << CAN_NDAT1_NEWDATA_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::NDAT1: NEWDATA Mask */
/* CAN IFn_NDAT2 Bit Field Definitions */
#define CAN_NDAT2_NEWDATA_Pos 0 /*!< CAN_T::NDAT2: NEWDATA Position */
#define CAN_NDAT2_NEWDATA_Msk (0xFFFFul << CAN_NDAT2_NEWDATA_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::NDAT2: NEWDATA Mask */
/* CAN IFn_IPND1 Bit Field Definitions */
#define CAN_IPND1_INTPND_Pos 0 /*!< CAN_T::IPND1: INTPND Position */
#define CAN_IPND1_INTPND_Msk (0xFFFFul << CAN_IPND1_INTPND_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::IPND1: INTPND Mask */
/* CAN IFn_IPND2 Bit Field Definitions */
#define CAN_IPND2_INTPND_Pos 0 /*!< CAN_T::IPND2: INTPND Position */
#define CAN_IPND2_INTPND_Msk (0xFFFFul << CAN_IPND2_INTPND_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::IPND2: INTPND Mask */
/* CAN IFn_MVLD1 Bit Field Definitions */
#define CAN_MVLD1_MSGVAL_Pos 0 /*!< CAN_T::MVLD1: MSGVAL Position */
#define CAN_MVLD1_MSGVAL_Msk (0xFFFFul << CAN_MVLD1_MSGVAL_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::MVLD1: MSGVAL Mask */
/* CAN IFn_MVLD2 Bit Field Definitions */
#define CAN_MVLD2_MSGVAL_Pos 0 /*!< CAN_T::MVLD2: MSGVAL Position */
#define CAN_MVLD2_MSGVAL_Msk (0xFFFFul << CAN_MVLD2_MSGVAL_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::MVLD2: MSGVAL Mask */
/* CAN WUEN Bit Field Definitions */
#define CAN_WU_EN_WAKUP_EN_Pos 0 /*!< CAN_T::WU_EN: WAKUP_EN Position */
#define CAN_WU_EN_WAKUP_EN_Msk (0x1ul << CAN_WU_EN_WAKUP_EN_Pos) /*!< CAN_T::WU_EN: WAKUP_EN Mask */
/* CAN WUSTATUS Bit Field Definitions */
#define CAN_WU_STATUS_WAKUP_STS_Pos 0 /*!< CAN_T::WU_STATUS: WAKUP_STS Position */
/**@}*/ /* CAN_CONST */
/**@}*/ /* end of CAN register group */
/**@}*/ /* end of REGISTER group */
#endif /* __CAN_REG_H__ */