blob: cc6673a810b1ac9ee853bf54b8639e222300bdde [file] [log] [blame]
* @file i2s_reg.h
* @version V1.00
* @brief I2S register definition header file
* @copyright (C) 2017 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
#ifndef __I2S_REG_H__
#define __I2S_REG_H__
/** @addtogroup REGISTER Control Register
/*---------------------- I2S Interface Controller -------------------------*/
@addtogroup I2S I2S Interface Controller(I2S)
Memory Mapped Structure for I2S Controller
@{ */
typedef struct
* @var I2S_T::CTL0
* Offset: 0x00 I2S Control Register 0
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[0] |I2SEN |I2S Controller Enable Control
* | | |0 = I2S controller Disabled.
* | | |1 = I2S controller Enabled.
* |[1] |TXEN |Transmit Enable Control
* | | |0 = Data transmission Disabled.
* | | |1 = Data transmission Enabled.
* |[2] |RXEN |Receive Enable Control
* | | |0 = Data receiving Disabled.
* | | |1 = Data receiving Enabled.
* |[3] |MUTE |Transmit Mute Enable Control
* | | |0 = Transmit data is shifted from buffer.
* | | |1 = Send zero on transmit channel.
* |[5:4] |DATWIDTH |Data Width
* | | |This bit field is used to define the bit-width of data word in each audio channel
* | | |00 = The bit-width of data word is 8-bit.
* | | |01 = The bit-width of data word is 16-bit.
* | | |10 = The bit-width of data word is 24-bit.
* | | |11 = The bit-width of data word is 32-bit.
* |[6] |MONO |Monaural Data Control
* | | |0 = Data is stereo format.
* | | |1 = Data is monaural format.
* | | |Note: when chip records data, RXLCH (I2S_CTL0[23]) indicates which channel data will be saved if monaural format is selected.
* |[7] |ORDER |Stereo Data Order in FIFO
* | | |In 8-bit/16-bit data width, this bit is used to select whether the even or odd channel data is stored in higher byte
* | | |In 24-bit data width, this is used to select the left/right alignment method of audio data which is stored in data memory consisted of 32-bit FIFO entries.
* | | |0 = Even channel data at high byte in 8-bit/16-bit data width.
* | | |LSB of 24-bit audio data in each channel is aligned to right side in 32-bit FIFO entries.
* | | |1 = Even channel data at low byte.
* | | | MSB of 24-bit audio data in each channel is aligned to left side in 32-bit FIFO entries.
* |[8] |SLAVE |Slave Mode Enable Control
* | | |0 = Master mode.
* | | |1 = Slave mode.
* | | |Note: I2S can operate as master or slave
* | | |For Master mode, I2S_BCLK and I2S_LRCLK pins are output mode and send out bit clock to Audio CODEC chip
* | | |In Slave mode, I2S_BCLK and I2S_LRCLK pins are input mode and I2S_BCLK and I2S_LRCLK signals are received from outer Audio CODEC chip.
* |[15] |MCLKEN |Master Clock Enable Control
* | | |If MCLKEN is set to 1, I2S controller will generate master clock on I2S_MCLK pin for external audio devices.
* | | |0 = Master clock Disabled.
* | | |1 = Master clock Enabled.
* |[18] |TXFBCLR |Transmit FIFO Buffer Clear
* | | |0 = No Effect.
* | | |1 = Clear TX FIFO.
* | | |Note1: Write 1 to clear transmit FIFO, internal pointer is reset to FIFO start point, and TXCNT (I2S_STATUS1[12:8]) returns 0 and transmit FIFO becomes empty but data in transmit FIFO is not changed.
* | | |Note2: This bit is clear by hardware automatically, read it return zero.
* |[19] |RXFBCLR |Receive FIFO Buffer Clear
* | | |0 = No Effect.
* | | |1 = Clear RX FIFO.
* | | |Note1: Write 1 to clear receive FIFO, internal pointer is reset to FIFO start point, and RXCNT (I2S_STATUS1[20:16]) returns 0 and receive FIFO becomes empty.
* | | |Note2: This bit is cleared by hardware automatically, read it return zero.
* |[20] |TXPDMAEN |Transmit PDMA Enable Control
* | | |0 = Transmit PDMA function Disabled.
* | | |1 = Transmit PDMA function Enabled.
* |[21] |RXPDMAEN |Receive PDMA Enable Control
* | | |0 = Receiver PDMA function Disabled.
* | | |1 = Receiver PDMA function Enabled.
* |[23] |RXLCH |Receive Left Channel Enable Control
* | | |When monaural format is selected (MONO = 1), I2S will receive channel1 data if RXLCH is set to 0, and receive channel0 data if RXLCH is set to 1.
* | | |0 = Receives channel1 data in MONO mode.
* | | |1 = Receives channel0 data in MONO mode.
* |[26:24] |FORMAT |Data Format Selection
* | | |000 = I2S standard data format.
* | | |001 = I2S with MSB justified.
* | | |010 = I2S with LSB justified.
* | | |011 = Reserved.
* | | |100 = PCM standard data format.
* | | |101 = PCM with MSB justified.
* | | |110 = PCM with LSB justified.
* | | |111 = Reserved.
* |[27] |PCMSYNC |PCM Synchronization Pulse Length Selection
* | | |This bit field is used to select the high pulse length of frame synchronization signal in PCM protocol
* | | |0 = One BCLK period.
* | | |1 = One channel period.
* | | |Note: This bit is only available in master mode
* |[29:28] |CHWIDTH |Channel Width
* | | |This bit fields are used to define the length of audio channel
* | | |If CHWIDTH < DATWIDTH, the hardware will set the real channel length as the bit-width of audio data which is defined by DATWIDTH.
* | | |00 = The bit-width of each audio channel is 8-bit.
* | | |01 = The bit-width of each audio channel is 16-bit.
* | | |10 = The bit-width of each audio channel is 24-bit.
* | | |11 = The bit-width of each audio channel is 32-bit.
* |[31:30] |TDMCHNUM |TDM Channel Number
* | | |This bit fields are used to define the TDM channel number in one audio frame while PCM mode (FORMAT[2] = 1).
* | | |00 = 2 channels in audio frame.
* | | |01 = 4 channels in audio frame.
* | | |10 = 6 channels in audio frame.
* | | |11 = 8 channels in audio frame.
* @var I2S_T::CLKDIV
* Offset: 0x04 I2S Clock Divider Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[5:0] |MCLKDIV |Master Clock Divider
* | | |If chip external crystal frequency is (2xMCLKDIV)*256fs then software can program these bits to generate 256fs clock frequency to audio codec chip
* | | |If MCLKDIV is set to 0, MCLK is the same as external clock input.
* | | |For example, sampling rate is 24 kHz and chip external crystal clock is 12.288 MHz, set MCLKDIV = 1.
* | | |F_MCLK = F_I2SCLK/(2x(MCLKDIV)) (When MCLKDIV is >= 1 ).
* | | |F_MCLK = F_I2SCLK (When MCLKDIV is set to 0 ).
* | | |Note: F_MCLK is the frequency of MCLK, and F_I2SCLK is the frequency of the I2S_CLK
* |[16:8] |BCLKDIV |Bit Clock Divider
* | | |The I2S controller will generate bit clock in Master mode
* | | |Software can program these bit fields to generate sampling rate clock frequency.
* | | |F_BCLK= F_I2SCLK / (2*(BCLKDIV + 1)).
* | | |Note: F_BCLK is the frequency of BCLK and F_I2SCLK is the frequency of I2S_CLK
* @var I2S_T::IEN
* Offset: 0x08 I2S Interrupt Enable Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[0] |RXUDFIEN |Receive FIFO Underflow Interrupt Enable Control
* | | |0 = Interrupt Disabled.
* | | |1 = Interrupt Enabled.
* | | |Note: If software reads receive FIFO when it is empty then RXUDIF (I2S_STATUS0[8]) flag is set to 1.
* |[1] |RXOVFIEN |Receive FIFO Overflow Interrupt Enable Control
* | | |0 = Interrupt Disabled.
* | | |1 = Interrupt Enabled.
* | | |Note: Interrupt occurs if this bit is set to 1 and RXOVIF (I2S_STATUS0[9]) flag is set to 1
* |[2] |RXTHIEN |Receive FIFO Threshold Level Interrupt Enable Control
* | | |0 = Interrupt Disabled.
* | | |1 = Interrupt Enabled.
* | | |Note: When data word in receive FIFO is equal or higher than RXTH (I2S_CTL1[19:16]) and the RXTHIF (I2S_STATUS0[10]) bit is set to 1
* | | |If RXTHIEN bit is enabled, interrupt occur.
* |[8] |TXUDFIEN |Transmit FIFO Underflow Interrupt Enable Control
* | | |0 = Interrupt Disabled.
* | | |1 = Interrupt Enabled.
* | | |Note: Interrupt occur if this bit is set to 1 and TXUDIF (I2S_STATUS0[16]) flag is set to 1.
* |[9] |TXOVFIEN |Transmit FIFO Overflow Interrupt Enable Control
* | | |0 = Interrupt Disabled.
* | | |1 = Interrupt Enabled.
* | | |Note: Interrupt occurs if this bit is set to 1 and TXOVIF (I2S_STATUS0[17]) flag is set to 1
* |[10] |TXTHIEN |Transmit FIFO Threshold Level Interrupt Enable Control
* | | |0 = Interrupt Disabled.
* | | |1 = Interrupt Enabled.
* | | |Note: Interrupt occurs if this bit is set to 1 and data words in transmit FIFO is less than TXTH (I2S_CTL1[11:8]).
* |[16] |CH0ZCIEN |Channel0 Zero-cross Interrupt Enable Control
* | | |0 = Interrupt Disabled.
* | | |1 = Interrupt Enabled.
* | | |Note1: Interrupt occurs if this bit is set to 1 and channel0 zero-cross
* | | |Note2: Channel0 also means left audio channel while I2S (FORMAT[2]=0) or 2-channel PCM mode.
* |[17] |CH1ZCIEN |Channel1 Zero-cross Interrupt Enable Control
* | | |0 = Interrupt Disabled.
* | | |1 = Interrupt Enabled.
* | | |Note1: Interrupt occurs if this bit is set to 1 and channel1 zero-cross
* | | |Note2: Channel1 also means right audio channel while I2S (FORMAT[2]=0) or 2-channel PCM mode.
* |[18] |CH2ZCIEN |Channel2 Zero-cross Interrupt Enable Control
* | | |0 = Interrupt Disabled.
* | | |1 = Interrupt Enabled.
* | | |Note1: Interrupt occurs if this bit is set to 1 and channel2 zero-cross
* | | |Note2: This bit is available while multi-channel PCM mode and TDMCHNUM (I2S_CTL0[31:30]) = 0x1, 0x2, 0x3.
* |[19] |CH3ZCIEN |Channel3 Zero-cross Interrupt Enable Control
* | | |0 = Interrupt Disabled.
* | | |1 = Interrupt Enabled.
* | | |Note1: Interrupt occurs if this bit is set to 1 and channel3 zero-cross
* | | |Note2: This bit is available while multi-channel PCM mode and TDMCHNUM (I2S_CTL0[31:30]) = 0x1, 0x2, 0x3.
* |[20] |CH4ZCIEN |Channel4 Zero-cross Interrupt Enable Control
* | | |0 = Interrupt Disabled.
* | | |1 = Interrupt Enabled.
* | | |Note1: Interrupt occurs if this bit is set to 1 and channel4 zero-cross
* | | |Note2: This bit is available while multi-channel PCM mode and TDMCHNUM (I2S_CTL0[31:30]) = 0x1, 0x2, 0x3.
* |[21] |CH5ZCIEN |Channel5 Zero-cross Interrupt Enable Control
* | | |0 = Interrupt Disabled.
* | | |1 = Interrupt Enabled.
* | | |Note1: Interrupt occurs if this bit is set to 1 and channel5 zero-cross
* | | |Note2: This bit is available while multi-channel PCM mode and TDMCHNUM (I2S_CTL0[31:30]) = 0x1, 0x2, 0x3.
* |[22] |CH6ZCIEN |Channel6 Zero-cross Interrupt Enable Control
* | | |0 = Interrupt Disabled.
* | | |1 = Interrupt Enabled.
* | | |Note1: Interrupt occurs if this bit is set to 1 and channel6 zero-cross
* | | |Note2: This bit is available while multi-channel PCM mode and TDMCHNUM (I2S_CTL0[31:30]) = 0x1, 0x2, 0x3.
* |[23] |CH7ZCIEN |Channel7 Zero-cross Interrupt Enable Control
* | | |0 = Interrupt Disabled.
* | | |1 = Interrupt Enabled.
* | | |Note1: Interrupt occurs if this bit is set to 1 and channel7 zero-cross
* | | |Note2: This bit is available while multi-channel PCM mode and TDMCHNUM (I2S_CTL0[31:30]) = 0x1, 0x2, 0x3.
* @var I2S_T::STATUS0
* Offset: 0x0C I2S Status Register 0
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[0] |I2SINT |I2S Interrupt Flag (Read Only)
* | | |0 = No I2S interrupt.
* | | |1 = I2S interrupt.
* | | |Note: It is wire-OR of I2STXINT and I2SRXINT bits.
* |[1] |I2SRXINT |I2S Receive Interrupt (Read Only)
* | | |0 = No receive interrupt.
* | | |1 = Receive interrupt.
* |[2] |I2STXINT |I2S Transmit Interrupt (Read Only)
* | | |0 = No transmit interrupt.
* | | |1 = Transmit interrupt.
* |[5:3] |DATACH |Transmission Data Channel (Read Only)
* | | |This bit fields are used to indicate which audio channel is current transmit data belong.
* | | |000 = channel0 (means left channel while 2-channel I2S/PCM mode).
* | | |001 = channel1 (means right channel while 2-channel I2S/PCM mode).
* | | |010 = channel2 (available while 4-channel TDM PCM mode).
* | | |011 = channel3 (available while 4-channel TDM PCM mode).
* | | |100 = channel4 (available while 6-channel TDM PCM mode).
* | | |101 = channel5 (available while 6-channel TDM PCM mode).
* | | |110 = channel6 (available while 8-channel TDM PCM mode).
* | | |111 = channel7 (available while 8-channel TDM PCM mode).
* |[8] |RXUDIF |Receive FIFO Underflow Interrupt Flag
* | | |0 = No underflow occur.
* | | |1 = Underflow occur.
* | | |Note1: When receive FIFO is empty, and software reads the receive FIFO again
* | | |This bit will be set to 1, and it indicates underflow situation occurs.
* | | |Note2: Write 1 to clear this bit to zero
* |[9] |RXOVIF |Receive FIFO Overflow Interrupt Flag
* | | |0 = No overflow occur.
* | | |1 = Overflow occur.
* | | |Note1: When receive FIFO is full and receive hardware attempt to write data into receive FIFO then this bit is set to 1, data in 1st buffer is overwrote.
* | | |Note2: Write 1 to clear this bit to 0.
* |[10] |RXTHIF |Receive FIFO Threshold Interrupt Flag (Read Only)
* | | |0 = Data word(s) in FIFO is not higher than threshold level.
* | | |1 = Data word(s) in FIFO is higher than threshold level.
* | | |Note: When data word(s) in receive FIFO is higher than threshold value set in RXTH (I2S_CTL1[19:16]) the RXTHIF bit becomes to 1
* | | |It keeps at 1 till RXCNT (I2S_STATUS1[20:16]) is not higher than RXTH (I2S_CTL1[19:16]) after software read RXFIFO register.
* |[11] |RXFULL |Receive FIFO Full (Read Only)
* | | |0 = Not full.
* | | |1 = Full.
* | | |Note: This bit reflects data words number in receive FIFO is 16.
* |[12] |RXEMPTY |Receive FIFO Empty (Read Only)
* | | |0 = Not empty.
* | | |1 = Empty.
* | | |Note: This bit reflects data words number in receive FIFO is zero
* |[16] |TXUDIF |Transmit FIFO Underflow Interrupt Flag
* | | |0 = No underflow.
* | | |1 = Underflow.
* | | |Note1: This bit will be set to 1 when shift logic hardware read data from transmitting FIFO and the filling data level in transmitting FIFO is not enough for one audio frame.
* | | |Note2: Write 1 to clear this bit to 0.
* |[17] |TXOVIF |Transmit FIFO Overflow Interrupt Flag
* | | |0 = No overflow.
* | | |1 = Overflow.
* | | |Note1: Write data to transmit FIFO when it is full and this bit set to 1
* | | |Note2: Write 1 to clear this bit to 0.
* |[18] |TXTHIF |Transmit FIFO Threshold Interrupt Flag (Read Only)
* | | |0 = Data word(s) in FIFO is higher than threshold level.
* | | |1 = Data word(s) in FIFO is equal or lower than threshold level.
* | | |Note: When data word(s) in transmit FIFO is equal or lower than threshold value set in TXTH (I2S_CTL1[11:8]) the TXTHIF bit becomes to 1
* | | |It keeps at 1 till TXCNT (I2S_STATUS1[12:8]) is higher than TXTH (I2S_CTL1[11:8]) after software write TXFIFO register.
* |[19] |TXFULL |Transmit FIFO Full (Read Only)
* | | |This bit reflect data word number in transmit FIFO is 16
* | | |0 = Not full.
* | | |1 = Full.
* |[20] |TXEMPTY |Transmit FIFO Empty (Read Only)
* | | |This bit reflect data word number in transmit FIFO is zero
* | | |0 = Not empty.
* | | |1 = Empty.
* |[21] |TXBUSY |Transmit Busy (Read Only)
* | | |0 = Transmit shift buffer is empty.
* | | |1 = Transmit shift buffer is busy.
* | | |Note: This bit is cleared to 0 when all data in transmit FIFO and shift buffer is shifted out
* | | |And set to 1 when 1st data is load to shift buffer
* @var I2S_T::TXFIFO
* Offset: 0x10 I2S Transmit FIFO Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[31:0] |TXFIFO |Transmit FIFO Bits
* | | |I2S contains 16 words (16x32 bit) data buffer for data transmit
* | | |Write data to this register to prepare data for transmit
* | | |The remaining word number is indicated by TXCNT (I2S_STATUS1[12:8]).
* @var I2S_T::RXFIFO
* Offset: 0x14 I2S Receive FIFO Register
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[31:0] |RXFIFO |Receive FIFO Bits
* | | |I2S contains 16 words (16x32 bit) data buffer for data receive
* | | |Read this register to get data in FIFO
* | | |The remaining data word number is indicated by RXCNT (I2S_STATUS1[20:16]).
* @var I2S_T::CTL1
* Offset: 0x20 I2S Control Register 1
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[0] |CH0ZCEN |Channel0 Zero-cross Detection Enable Control
* | | |0 = channel0 zero-cross detect Disabled.
* | | |1 = channel0 zero-cross detect Enabled.
* | | |Note1: Channel0 also means left audio channel while I2S (FORMAT[2]=0) or 2-channel PCM mode.
* | | |Note2: If this bit is set to 1, when channel0 data sign bit change or next shift data bits are all zero then CH0ZCIF(I2S_STATUS1[0]) flag is set to 1.
* | | |Note3: If CH0ZCIF Flag is set to 1, the channel0 will be mute.
* |[1] |CH1ZCEN |Channel1 Zero-cross Detect Enable Control
* | | |0 = channel1 zero-cross detect Disabled.
* | | |1 = channel1 zero-cross detect Enabled.
* | | |Note1: Channel1 also means right audio channel while I2S (FORMAT[2]=0) or 2-channel PCM mode.
* | | |Note2: If this bit is set to 1, when channel1 data sign bit change or next shift data bits are all zero then CH1ZCIF(I2S_STATUS1[1]) flag is set to 1.
* | | |Note3: If CH1ZCIF Flag is set to 1, the channel1 will be mute.
* |[2] |CH2ZCEN |Channel2 Zero-cross Detect Enable Control
* | | |0 = channel2 zero-cross detect Disabled.
* | | |1 = channel2 zero-cross detect Enabled.
* | | |Note1: This bit is available while multi-channel PCM mode and TDMCHNUM (I2S_CTL0[31:30]) = 0x1, 0x2, 0x3.
* | | |Note2: If this bit is set to 1, when channel2 data sign bit change or next shift data bits are all zero then CH2ZCIF(I2S_STATUS1[2]) flag is set to 1.
* | | |Note3: If CH2ZCIF Flag is set to 1, the channel2 will be mute.
* |[3] |CH3ZCEN |Channel3 Zero-cross Detect Enable Control
* | | |0 = channel3 zero-cross detect Disabled.
* | | |1 = channel3 zero-cross detect Enabled.
* | | |Note1: This bit is available while multi-channel PCM mode and TDMCHNUM (I2S_CTL0[31:30]) = 0x1, 0x2, 0x3.
* | | |Note2: If this bit is set to 1, when channel3 data sign bit change or next shift data bits are all zero then CH3ZCIF(I2S_STATUS1[3]) flag is set to 1.
* | | |Note3: If CH3ZCIF Flag is set to 1, the channel3 will be mute.
* |[4] |CH4ZCEN |Channel4 Zero-cross Detect Enable Control
* | | |0 = channel4 zero-cross detect Disabled.
* | | |1 = channel4 zero-cross detect Enabled.
* | | |Note1: This bit is available while multi-channel PCM mode and TDMCHNUM (I2S_CTL0[31:30]) = 0x1, 0x2, 0x3.
* | | |Note2: If this bit is set to 1, when channel4 data sign bit change or next shift data bits are all zero then CH4ZCIF(I2S_STATUS1[4]) flag is set to 1.
* | | |Note3: If CH4ZCIF Flag is set to 1, the channel4 will be mute.
* |[5] |CH5ZCEN |Channel5 Zero-cross Detect Enable Control
* | | |0 = channel5 zero-cross detect Disabled.
* | | |1 = channel5 zero-cross detect Enabled.
* | | |Note1: This bit is available while multi-channel PCM mode and TDMCHNUM (I2S_CTL0[31:30]) = 0x1, 0x2, 0x3.
* | | |Note2: If this bit is set to 1, when channel5 data sign bit change or next shift data bits are all zero then CH5ZCIF(I2S_STATUS1[5]) flag is set to 1.
* | | |Note3: If CH5ZCIF Flag is set to 1, the channel5 will be mute.
* |[6] |CH6ZCEN |Channel6 Zero-cross Detect Enable Control
* | | |0 = channel6 zero-cross detect Disabled.
* | | |1 = channel6 zero-cross detect Enabled.
* | | |Note1: This bit is available while multi-channel PCM mode and TDMCHNUM (I2S_CTL0[31:30]) = 0x1, 0x2, 0x3.
* | | |Note2: If this bit is set to 1, when channel6 data sign bit change or next shift data bits are all zero then CH6ZCIF(I2S_STATUS1[6]) flag is set to 1.
* | | |Note3: If CH6ZCIF Flag is set to 1, the channel6 will be mute.
* |[7] |CH7ZCEN |Channel7 Zero-cross Detect Enable Control
* | | |0 = channel7 zero-cross detect Disabled.
* | | |1 = channel7 zero-cross detect Enabled.
* | | |Note1: This bit is available while multi-channel PCM mode and TDMCHNUM (I2S_CTL0[31:30]) = 0x1, 0x2, 0x3.
* | | |Note2: If this bit is set to 1, when channel7 data sign bit change or next shift data bits are all zero then CH7ZCIF (I2S_STATUS1[7]) flag is set to 1.
* | | |Note3: If CH7ZCIF Flag is set to 1, the channel7 will be mute.
* |[11:8] |TXTH |Transmit FIFO Threshold Level
* | | |0000 = 0 data word in transmit FIFO.
* | | |0001 = 1 data word in transmit FIFO.
* | | |0010 = 2 data words in transmit FIFO.
* | | |...
* | | |1110 = 14 data words in transmit FIFO.
* | | |1111 = 15 data words in transmit FIFO.
* | | |Note: If remain data word number in transmit FIFO is the same or less than threshold level then TXTHIF (I2S_STATUS0[18]) flag is set.
* |[19:16] |RXTH |Receive FIFO Threshold Level
* | | |0000 = 1 data word in receive FIFO.
* | | |0001 = 2 data words in receive FIFO.
* | | |0010 = 3 data words in receive FIFO.
* | | |...
* | | |1110 = 15 data words in receive FIFO.
* | | |1111 = 16 data words in receive FIFO.
* | | |Note: When received data word number in receive buffer is greater than threshold level then RXTHIF (I2S_STATUS0[10]) flag is set.
* |[24] |PBWIDTH |Peripheral Bus Data Width Selection
* | | |This bit is used to choice the available data width of APB bus
* | | |It must be set to 1 while PDMA function is enable and it is set to 16-bit transmission mode
* | | |0 = 32 bits data width.
* | | |1 = 16 bits data width.
* | | |Note1: If PBWIDTH=1, the low 16 bits of 32-bit data bus are available.
* | | |Note2: If PBWIDTH=1, the transmitting FIFO level will be increased after two FIFO write operations.
* | | |Note3: If PBWIDTH=1, the receiving FIFO level will be decreased after two FIFO read operations.
* |[25] |PB16ORD |FIFO Read/Write Order in 16-bit Width of Peripheral Bus
* | | |When PBWIDTH = 1, the data FIFO will be increased or decreased by two peripheral bus access
* | | |This bit is used to select the order of FIFO access operations to meet the 32-bit transmitting/receiving FIFO entries.
* | | |0 = Low 16-bit read/write access first.
* | | |1 = High 16-bit read/write access first.
* | | |Note: This bit is available while PBWIDTH = 1.
* @var I2S_T::STATUS1
* Offset: 0x24 I2S Status Register 1
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* |Bits |Field |Descriptions
* | :----: | :----: | :---- |
* |[0] |CH0ZCIF |Channel0 Zero-cross Interrupt Flag
* | | |It indicates channel0 next sample data sign bit is changed or all data bits are zero.
* | | |0 = No zero-cross in channel0.
* | | |1 = Channel0 zero-cross is detected.
* | | |Note1: Write 1 to clear this bit to 0.
* | | |Note2: Channel0 also means left audio channel while I2S (FORMAT[2]=0) or 2-channel PCM mode.
* |[1] |CH1ZCIF |Channel1 Zero-cross Interrupt Flag
* | | |It indicates channel1 next sample data sign bit is changed or all data bits are zero.
* | | |0 = No zero-cross in channel1.
* | | |1 = Channel1 zero-cross is detected.
* | | |Note1: Write 1 to clear this bit to 0.
* | | |Note2: Channel1 also means right audio channel while I2S (FORMAT[2]=0) or 2-channel PCM mode.
* |[2] |CH2ZCIF |Channel2 Zero-cross Interrupt Flag
* | | |It indicates channel2 next sample data sign bit is changed or all data bits are zero.
* | | |0 = No zero-cross in channel2.
* | | |1 = Channel2 zero-cross is detected.
* | | |Note1: Write 1 to clear this bit to 0.
* | | |Note2: This bit is available while multi-channel PCM mode and TDMCHNUM (I2S_CTL0[31:30]) = 0x1, 0x2, 0x3.
* |[3] |CH3ZCIF |Channel3 Zero-cross Interrupt Flag
* | | |It indicates channel3 next sample data sign bit is changed or all data bits are zero.
* | | |0 = No zero-cross in channel3.
* | | |1 = Channel3 zero-cross is detected.
* | | |Note1: Write 1 to clear this bit to 0.
* | | |Note2: This bit is available while multi-channel PCM mode and TDMCHNUM (I2S_CTL0[31:30]) = 0x1, 0x2, 0x3.
* |[4] |CH4ZCIF |Channel4 Zero-cross Interrupt Flag
* | | |It indicates channel4 next sample data sign bit is changed or all data bits are zero.
* | | |0 = No zero-cross in channel4.
* | | |1 = Channel4 zero-cross is detected.
* | | |Note1: Write 1 to clear this bit to 0.
* | | |Note2: This bit is available while multi-channel PCM mode and TDMCHNUM (I2S_CTL0[31:30]) = 0x1, 0x2, 0x3.
* |[5] |CH5ZCIF |Channel5 Zero-cross Interrupt Flag
* | | |It indicates channel5 next sample data sign bit is changed or all data bits are zero.
* | | |0 = No zero-cross in channel5.
* | | |1 = Channel5 zero-cross is detected.
* | | |Note1: Write 1 to clear this bit to 0.
* | | |Note2: This bit is available while multi-channel PCM mode and TDMCHNUM (I2S_CTL0[31:30]) = 0x1, 0x2, 0x3.
* |[6] |CH6ZCIF |Channel6 Zero-cross Interrupt Flag
* | | |It indicates channel6 next sample data sign bit is changed or all data bits are zero.
* | | |0 = No zero-cross in channel6.
* | | |1 = Channel6 zero-cross is detected.
* | | |Note1: Write 1 to clear this bit to 0.
* | | |Note2: This bit is available while multi-channel PCM mode and TDMCHNUM (I2S_CTL0[31:30]) = 0x1, 0x2, 0x3.
* |[7] |CH7ZCIF |Channel7 Zero-cross Interrupt Flag
* | | |It indicates channel7 next sample data sign bit is changed or all data bits are zero.
* | | |0 = No zero-cross in channel7.
* | | |1 = Channel7 zero-cross is detected.
* | | |Note1: Write 1 to clear this bit to 0.
* | | |Note2: This bit is available while multi-channel PCM mode and TDMCHNUM (I2S_CTL0[31:30]) = 0x1, 0x2, 0x3.
* |[12:8] |TXCNT |Transmit FIFO Level (Read Only)
* | | |These bits indicate the number of available entries in transmit FIFO
* | | |00000 = No data.
* | | |00001 = 1 word in transmit FIFO.
* | | |00010 = 2 words in transmit FIFO.
* | | |...
* | | |01110 = 14 words in transmit FIFO.
* | | |01111 = 15 words in transmit FIFO.
* | | |10000 = 16 words in transmit FIFO.
* | | |Others are reserved.
* |[20:16] |RXCNT |Receive FIFO Level (Read Only)
* | | |These bits indicate the number of available entries in receive FIFO
* | | |00000 = No data.
* | | |00001 = 1 word in receive FIFO.
* | | |00010 = 2 words in receive FIFO.
* | | |...
* | | |01110 = 14 words in receive FIFO.
* | | |01111 = 15 words in receive FIFO.
* | | |10000 = 16 words in receive FIFO.
* | | |Others are reserved.
__IO uint32_t CTL0; /*!< [0x0000] I2S Control Register 0 */
__IO uint32_t CLKDIV; /*!< [0x0004] I2S Clock Divider Register */
__IO uint32_t IEN; /*!< [0x0008] I2S Interrupt Enable Register */
__IO uint32_t STATUS0; /*!< [0x000c] I2S Status Register 0 */
__O uint32_t TXFIFO; /*!< [0x0010] I2S Transmit FIFO Register */
__I uint32_t RXFIFO; /*!< [0x0014] I2S Receive FIFO Register */
__I uint32_t RESERVE0[2];
__IO uint32_t CTL1; /*!< [0x0020] I2S Control Register 1 */
__IO uint32_t STATUS1; /*!< [0x0024] I2S Status Register 1 */
} I2S_T;
@addtogroup I2S_CONST I2S Bit Field Definition
Constant Definitions for I2S Controller
@{ */
#define I2S_CTL0_I2SEN_Pos (0) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: I2SEN Position */
#define I2S_CTL0_I2SEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_CTL0_I2SEN_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: I2SEN Mask */
#define I2S_CTL0_TXEN_Pos (1) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: TXEN Position */
#define I2S_CTL0_TXEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_CTL0_TXEN_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: TXEN Mask */
#define I2S_CTL0_RXEN_Pos (2) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: RXEN Position */
#define I2S_CTL0_RXEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_CTL0_RXEN_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: RXEN Mask */
#define I2S_CTL0_MUTE_Pos (3) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: MUTE Position */
#define I2S_CTL0_MUTE_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_CTL0_MUTE_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: MUTE Mask */
#define I2S_CTL0_DATWIDTH_Pos (4) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: DATWIDTH Position */
#define I2S_CTL0_DATWIDTH_Msk (0x3ul << I2S_CTL0_DATWIDTH_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: DATWIDTH Mask */
#define I2S_CTL0_MONO_Pos (6) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: MONO Position */
#define I2S_CTL0_MONO_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_CTL0_MONO_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: MONO Mask */
#define I2S_CTL0_ORDER_Pos (7) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: ORDER Position */
#define I2S_CTL0_ORDER_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_CTL0_ORDER_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: ORDER Mask */
#define I2S_CTL0_SLAVE_Pos (8) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: SLAVE Position */
#define I2S_CTL0_SLAVE_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_CTL0_SLAVE_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: SLAVE Mask */
#define I2S_CTL0_MCLKEN_Pos (15) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: MCLKEN Position */
#define I2S_CTL0_MCLKEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_CTL0_MCLKEN_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: MCLKEN Mask */
#define I2S_CTL0_TXFBCLR_Pos (18) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: TXFBCLR Position */
#define I2S_CTL0_TXFBCLR_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_CTL0_TXFBCLR_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: TXFBCLR Mask */
#define I2S_CTL0_RXFBCLR_Pos (19) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: RXFBCLR Position */
#define I2S_CTL0_RXFBCLR_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_CTL0_RXFBCLR_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: RXFBCLR Mask */
#define I2S_CTL0_TXPDMAEN_Pos (20) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: TXPDMAEN Position */
#define I2S_CTL0_TXPDMAEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_CTL0_TXPDMAEN_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: TXPDMAEN Mask */
#define I2S_CTL0_RXPDMAEN_Pos (21) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: RXPDMAEN Position */
#define I2S_CTL0_RXPDMAEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_CTL0_RXPDMAEN_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: RXPDMAEN Mask */
#define I2S_CTL0_RXLCH_Pos (23) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: RXLCH Position */
#define I2S_CTL0_RXLCH_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_CTL0_RXLCH_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: RXLCH Mask */
#define I2S_CTL0_FORMAT_Pos (24) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: FORMAT Position */
#define I2S_CTL0_FORMAT_Msk (0x7ul << I2S_CTL0_FORMAT_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: FORMAT Mask */
#define I2S_CTL0_PCMSYNC_Pos (27) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: PCMSYNC Position */
#define I2S_CTL0_PCMSYNC_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_CTL0_PCMSYNC_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: PCMSYNC Mask */
#define I2S_CTL0_CHWIDTH_Pos (28) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: CHWIDTH Position */
#define I2S_CTL0_CHWIDTH_Msk (0x3ul << I2S_CTL0_CHWIDTH_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: CHWIDTH Mask */
#define I2S_CTL0_TDMCHNUM_Pos (30) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: TDMCHNUM Position */
#define I2S_CTL0_TDMCHNUM_Msk (0x3ul << I2S_CTL0_TDMCHNUM_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL0: TDMCHNUM Mask */
#define I2S_CLKDIV_MCLKDIV_Pos (0) /*!< I2S_T::CLKDIV: MCLKDIV Position */
#define I2S_CLKDIV_MCLKDIV_Msk (0x3ful << I2S_CLKDIV_MCLKDIV_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CLKDIV: MCLKDIV Mask */
#define I2S_CLKDIV_BCLKDIV_Pos (8) /*!< I2S_T::CLKDIV: BCLKDIV Position */
#define I2S_CLKDIV_BCLKDIV_Msk (0x1fful << I2S_CLKDIV_BCLKDIV_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CLKDIV: BCLKDIV Mask */
#define I2S_IEN_RXUDFIEN_Pos (0) /*!< I2S_T::IEN: RXUDFIEN Position */
#define I2S_IEN_RXUDFIEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_IEN_RXUDFIEN_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::IEN: RXUDFIEN Mask */
#define I2S_IEN_RXOVFIEN_Pos (1) /*!< I2S_T::IEN: RXOVFIEN Position */
#define I2S_IEN_RXOVFIEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_IEN_RXOVFIEN_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::IEN: RXOVFIEN Mask */
#define I2S_IEN_RXTHIEN_Pos (2) /*!< I2S_T::IEN: RXTHIEN Position */
#define I2S_IEN_RXTHIEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_IEN_RXTHIEN_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::IEN: RXTHIEN Mask */
#define I2S_IEN_TXUDFIEN_Pos (8) /*!< I2S_T::IEN: TXUDFIEN Position */
#define I2S_IEN_TXUDFIEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_IEN_TXUDFIEN_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::IEN: TXUDFIEN Mask */
#define I2S_IEN_TXOVFIEN_Pos (9) /*!< I2S_T::IEN: TXOVFIEN Position */
#define I2S_IEN_TXOVFIEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_IEN_TXOVFIEN_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::IEN: TXOVFIEN Mask */
#define I2S_IEN_TXTHIEN_Pos (10) /*!< I2S_T::IEN: TXTHIEN Position */
#define I2S_IEN_TXTHIEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_IEN_TXTHIEN_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::IEN: TXTHIEN Mask */
#define I2S_IEN_CH0ZCIEN_Pos (16) /*!< I2S_T::IEN: CH0ZCIEN Position */
#define I2S_IEN_CH0ZCIEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_IEN_CH0ZCIEN_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::IEN: CH0ZCIEN Mask */
#define I2S_IEN_CH1ZCIEN_Pos (17) /*!< I2S_T::IEN: CH1ZCIEN Position */
#define I2S_IEN_CH1ZCIEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_IEN_CH1ZCIEN_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::IEN: CH1ZCIEN Mask */
#define I2S_IEN_CH2ZCIEN_Pos (18) /*!< I2S_T::IEN: CH2ZCIEN Position */
#define I2S_IEN_CH2ZCIEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_IEN_CH2ZCIEN_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::IEN: CH2ZCIEN Mask */
#define I2S_IEN_CH3ZCIEN_Pos (19) /*!< I2S_T::IEN: CH3ZCIEN Position */
#define I2S_IEN_CH3ZCIEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_IEN_CH3ZCIEN_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::IEN: CH3ZCIEN Mask */
#define I2S_IEN_CH4ZCIEN_Pos (20) /*!< I2S_T::IEN: CH4ZCIEN Position */
#define I2S_IEN_CH4ZCIEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_IEN_CH4ZCIEN_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::IEN: CH4ZCIEN Mask */
#define I2S_IEN_CH5ZCIEN_Pos (21) /*!< I2S_T::IEN: CH5ZCIEN Position */
#define I2S_IEN_CH5ZCIEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_IEN_CH5ZCIEN_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::IEN: CH5ZCIEN Mask */
#define I2S_IEN_CH6ZCIEN_Pos (22) /*!< I2S_T::IEN: CH6ZCIEN Position */
#define I2S_IEN_CH6ZCIEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_IEN_CH6ZCIEN_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::IEN: CH6ZCIEN Mask */
#define I2S_IEN_CH7ZCIEN_Pos (23) /*!< I2S_T::IEN: CH7ZCIEN Position */
#define I2S_IEN_CH7ZCIEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_IEN_CH7ZCIEN_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::IEN: CH7ZCIEN Mask */
#define I2S_STATUS0_I2SINT_Pos (0) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: I2SINT Position */
#define I2S_STATUS0_I2SINT_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_STATUS0_I2SINT_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: I2SINT Mask */
#define I2S_STATUS0_I2SRXINT_Pos (1) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: I2SRXINT Position */
#define I2S_STATUS0_I2SRXINT_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_STATUS0_I2SRXINT_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: I2SRXINT Mask */
#define I2S_STATUS0_I2STXINT_Pos (2) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: I2STXINT Position */
#define I2S_STATUS0_I2STXINT_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_STATUS0_I2STXINT_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: I2STXINT Mask */
#define I2S_STATUS0_DATACH_Pos (3) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: DATACH Position */
#define I2S_STATUS0_DATACH_Msk (0x7ul << I2S_STATUS0_DATACH_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: DATACH Mask */
#define I2S_STATUS0_RXUDIF_Pos (8) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: RXUDIF Position */
#define I2S_STATUS0_RXUDIF_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_STATUS0_RXUDIF_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: RXUDIF Mask */
#define I2S_STATUS0_RXOVIF_Pos (9) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: RXOVIF Position */
#define I2S_STATUS0_RXOVIF_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_STATUS0_RXOVIF_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: RXOVIF Mask */
#define I2S_STATUS0_RXTHIF_Pos (10) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: RXTHIF Position */
#define I2S_STATUS0_RXTHIF_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_STATUS0_RXTHIF_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: RXTHIF Mask */
#define I2S_STATUS0_RXFULL_Pos (11) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: RXFULL Position */
#define I2S_STATUS0_RXFULL_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_STATUS0_RXFULL_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: RXFULL Mask */
#define I2S_STATUS0_RXEMPTY_Pos (12) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: RXEMPTY Position */
#define I2S_STATUS0_RXEMPTY_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_STATUS0_RXEMPTY_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: RXEMPTY Mask */
#define I2S_STATUS0_TXUDIF_Pos (16) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: TXUDIF Position */
#define I2S_STATUS0_TXUDIF_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_STATUS0_TXUDIF_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: TXUDIF Mask */
#define I2S_STATUS0_TXOVIF_Pos (17) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: TXOVIF Position */
#define I2S_STATUS0_TXOVIF_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_STATUS0_TXOVIF_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: TXOVIF Mask */
#define I2S_STATUS0_TXTHIF_Pos (18) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: TXTHIF Position */
#define I2S_STATUS0_TXTHIF_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_STATUS0_TXTHIF_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: TXTHIF Mask */
#define I2S_STATUS0_TXFULL_Pos (19) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: TXFULL Position */
#define I2S_STATUS0_TXFULL_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_STATUS0_TXFULL_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: TXFULL Mask */
#define I2S_STATUS0_TXEMPTY_Pos (20) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: TXEMPTY Position */
#define I2S_STATUS0_TXEMPTY_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_STATUS0_TXEMPTY_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: TXEMPTY Mask */
#define I2S_STATUS0_TXBUSY_Pos (21) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: TXBUSY Position */
#define I2S_STATUS0_TXBUSY_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_STATUS0_TXBUSY_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS0: TXBUSY Mask */
#define I2S_TXFIFO_TXFIFO_Pos (0) /*!< I2S_T::TXFIFO: TXFIFO Position */
#define I2S_TXFIFO_TXFIFO_Msk (0xfffffffful << I2S_TXFIFO_TXFIFO_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::TXFIFO: TXFIFO Mask */
#define I2S_RXFIFO_RXFIFO_Pos (0) /*!< I2S_T::RXFIFO: RXFIFO Position */
#define I2S_RXFIFO_RXFIFO_Msk (0xfffffffful << I2S_RXFIFO_RXFIFO_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::RXFIFO: RXFIFO Mask */
#define I2S_CTL1_CH0ZCEN_Pos (0) /*!< I2S_T::CTL1: CH0ZCEN Position */
#define I2S_CTL1_CH0ZCEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_CTL1_CH0ZCEN_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL1: CH0ZCEN Mask */
#define I2S_CTL1_CH1ZCEN_Pos (1) /*!< I2S_T::CTL1: CH1ZCEN Position */
#define I2S_CTL1_CH1ZCEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_CTL1_CH1ZCEN_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL1: CH1ZCEN Mask */
#define I2S_CTL1_CH2ZCEN_Pos (2) /*!< I2S_T::CTL1: CH2ZCEN Position */
#define I2S_CTL1_CH2ZCEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_CTL1_CH2ZCEN_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL1: CH2ZCEN Mask */
#define I2S_CTL1_CH3ZCEN_Pos (3) /*!< I2S_T::CTL1: CH3ZCEN Position */
#define I2S_CTL1_CH3ZCEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_CTL1_CH3ZCEN_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL1: CH3ZCEN Mask */
#define I2S_CTL1_CH4ZCEN_Pos (4) /*!< I2S_T::CTL1: CH4ZCEN Position */
#define I2S_CTL1_CH4ZCEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_CTL1_CH4ZCEN_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL1: CH4ZCEN Mask */
#define I2S_CTL1_CH5ZCEN_Pos (5) /*!< I2S_T::CTL1: CH5ZCEN Position */
#define I2S_CTL1_CH5ZCEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_CTL1_CH5ZCEN_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL1: CH5ZCEN Mask */
#define I2S_CTL1_CH6ZCEN_Pos (6) /*!< I2S_T::CTL1: CH6ZCEN Position */
#define I2S_CTL1_CH6ZCEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_CTL1_CH6ZCEN_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL1: CH6ZCEN Mask */
#define I2S_CTL1_CH7ZCEN_Pos (7) /*!< I2S_T::CTL1: CH7ZCEN Position */
#define I2S_CTL1_CH7ZCEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_CTL1_CH7ZCEN_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL1: CH7ZCEN Mask */
#define I2S_CTL1_TXTH_Pos (8) /*!< I2S_T::CTL1: TXTH Position */
#define I2S_CTL1_TXTH_Msk (0xful << I2S_CTL1_TXTH_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL1: TXTH Mask */
#define I2S_CTL1_RXTH_Pos (16) /*!< I2S_T::CTL1: RXTH Position */
#define I2S_CTL1_RXTH_Msk (0xful << I2S_CTL1_RXTH_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL1: RXTH Mask */
#define I2S_CTL1_PBWIDTH_Pos (24) /*!< I2S_T::CTL1: PBWIDTH Position */
#define I2S_CTL1_PBWIDTH_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_CTL1_PBWIDTH_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL1: PBWIDTH Mask */
#define I2S_CTL1_PB16ORD_Pos (25) /*!< I2S_T::CTL1: PB16ORD Position */
#define I2S_CTL1_PB16ORD_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_CTL1_PB16ORD_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::CTL1: PB16ORD Mask */
#define I2S_STATUS1_CH0ZCIF_Pos (0) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS1: CH0ZCIF Position */
#define I2S_STATUS1_CH0ZCIF_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_STATUS1_CH0ZCIF_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS1: CH0ZCIF Mask */
#define I2S_STATUS1_CH1ZCIF_Pos (1) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS1: CH1ZCIF Position */
#define I2S_STATUS1_CH1ZCIF_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_STATUS1_CH1ZCIF_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS1: CH1ZCIF Mask */
#define I2S_STATUS1_CH2ZCIF_Pos (2) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS1: CH2ZCIF Position */
#define I2S_STATUS1_CH2ZCIF_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_STATUS1_CH2ZCIF_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS1: CH2ZCIF Mask */
#define I2S_STATUS1_CH3ZCIF_Pos (3) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS1: CH3ZCIF Position */
#define I2S_STATUS1_CH3ZCIF_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_STATUS1_CH3ZCIF_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS1: CH3ZCIF Mask */
#define I2S_STATUS1_CH4ZCIF_Pos (4) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS1: CH4ZCIF Position */
#define I2S_STATUS1_CH4ZCIF_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_STATUS1_CH4ZCIF_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS1: CH4ZCIF Mask */
#define I2S_STATUS1_CH5ZCIF_Pos (5) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS1: CH5ZCIF Position */
#define I2S_STATUS1_CH5ZCIF_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_STATUS1_CH5ZCIF_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS1: CH5ZCIF Mask */
#define I2S_STATUS1_CH6ZCIF_Pos (6) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS1: CH6ZCIF Position */
#define I2S_STATUS1_CH6ZCIF_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_STATUS1_CH6ZCIF_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS1: CH6ZCIF Mask */
#define I2S_STATUS1_CH7ZCIF_Pos (7) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS1: CH7ZCIF Position */
#define I2S_STATUS1_CH7ZCIF_Msk (0x1ul << I2S_STATUS1_CH7ZCIF_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS1: CH7ZCIF Mask */
#define I2S_STATUS1_TXCNT_Pos (8) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS1: TXCNT Position */
#define I2S_STATUS1_TXCNT_Msk (0x1ful << I2S_STATUS1_TXCNT_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS1: TXCNT Mask */
#define I2S_STATUS1_RXCNT_Pos (16) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS1: RXCNT Position */
#define I2S_STATUS1_RXCNT_Msk (0x1ful << I2S_STATUS1_RXCNT_Pos) /*!< I2S_T::STATUS1: RXCNT Mask */
/**@}*/ /* I2S_CONST */
/**@}*/ /* end of I2S register group */
/**@}*/ /* end of REGISTER group */
#endif /* __I2S_REG_H__ */