blob: 3741235259b8322c3b3c67c3681821cec7fcffaa [file] [log] [blame]
* @file fmc.h
* @version V3.0
* $Revision: 2 $
* $Date: 16/07/29 3:11p $
* @brief M2351 Series Flash Memory Controller(FMC) driver header file
* @note
* Copyright (C) 2016 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
#ifndef __FMC_H__
#define __FMC_H__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
/** @addtogroup Standard_Driver Standard Driver
/** @addtogroup FMC_Driver FMC Driver
/** @addtogroup FMC_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS FMC Exported Constants
/* Global constant definitions */
#define ISBEN 0UL
/* Define Base Address */
#define FMC_APROM_BASE 0x00000000UL /*!< APROM Base Address */
#define FMC_APROM_END 0x00080000UL /*!< APROM end address */
#define FMC_APROM_BANK0_END (FMC_APROM_END/2UL) /*!< APROM bank0 end address */
#define FMC_LDROM_BASE 0x00100000UL /*!< LDROM Base Address */
#define FMC_LDROM_END 0x00101000UL /*!< LDROM end address */
#define FMC_XOM_BASE 0x00200000UL /*!< XOM Base Address */
#define FMC_XOMR0_BASE 0x00200000UL /*!< XOMR 0 Base Address */
#define FMC_XOMR1_BASE 0x00200010UL /*!< XOMR 1 Base Address */
#define FMC_XOMR2_BASE 0x00200020UL /*!< XOMR 2 Base Address */
#define FMC_XOMR3_BASE 0x00200030UL /*!< XOMR 3 Base Address */
#define FMC_NSCBA_BASE 0x00200800UL /*!< Non-Secure base address */
#define FMC_SCRLOCK_BASE 0x00200804UL /*!< Secure Region Lock base address */
#define FMC_ARLOCK_BASE 0x00210804UL /*!< All Region Lock base address */
#define FMC_CONFIG_BASE 0x00300000UL /*!< CONFIG Base Address */
#define FMC_USER_CONFIG_0 0x00300000UL /*!< CONFIG 0 Address */
#define FMC_USER_CONFIG_1 0x00300004UL /*!< CONFIG 1 Address */
#define FMC_USER_CONFIG_2 0x00300008UL /*!< CONFIG 2 Address */
#define FMC_USER_CONFIG_3 0x0030000CUL /*!< CONFIG 3 Address */
#define FMC_OTP_BASE 0x00310000UL /*!< OTP flash base address */
#define FMC_KPROM_BASE 0x00311000UL /*!< Security ROM base address */
#define FMC_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE 0x800UL /*!< Flash Page Size (2048 Bytes) */
#define FMC_PAGE_ADDR_MASK 0xFFFFF800UL /*!< Flash page address mask */
#define FMC_MULTI_WORD_PROG_LEN 512UL /*!< The maximum length of a multi-word program. */
#define FMC_BANK_SIZE (FMC_APROM_SIZE/2UL) /*!< APROM Bank Size */
#define FMC_LDROM_SIZE 0x1000UL /*!< LDROM Size (4 Kbytes) */
#define FMC_OTP_ENTRY_CNT 256UL /*!< OTP entry number */
/* XOM region number constant definitions */
#define XOMR0 0UL /*!< XOM region 0 */
#define XOMR1 1UL /*!< XOM region 1 */
#define XOMR2 2UL /*!< XOM region 2 */
#define XOMR3 3UL /*!< XOM region 3 */
/* ISPCTL constant definitions */
#define IS_BOOT_FROM_LDROM 0x1UL /*!< ISPCTL setting to select to boot from LDROM */
#define IS_BOOT_FROM_APROM 0x0UL /*!< ISPCTL setting to select to boot from APROM */
/* ISPCMD constant definitions */
#define FMC_ISPCMD_READ 0x00UL /*!< ISP Command: Read Flash */
#define FMC_ISPCMD_READ_UID 0x04UL /*!< ISP Command: Read Unique ID */
#define FMC_ISPCMD_READ_ALL1 0x08UL /*!< ISP Command: Read all-one result */
#define FMC_ISPCMD_READ_CID 0x0BUL /*!< ISP Command: Read Company ID */
#define FMC_ISPCMD_READ_DID 0x0CUL /*!< ISP Command: Read Device ID */
#define FMC_ISPCMD_READ_CKS 0x0DUL /*!< ISP Command: Read Checksum */
#define FMC_ISPCMD_PROGRAM 0x21UL /*!< ISP Command: 32-bit Program Flash */
#define FMC_ISPCMD_PAGE_ERASE 0x22UL /*!< ISP Command: Page Erase Flash */
#define FMC_ISPCMD_BANK_ERASE 0x23UL /*!< ISP Command: Erase Flash bank 0 or 1 */
#define FMC_ISPCMD_BLOCK_ERASE 0x25UL /*!< ISP Command: Erase 4 pages alignment of APROM in bank 0 or 1 */
#define FMC_ISPCMD_PROGRAM_MUL 0x27UL /*!< ISP Command: Flash Multi-Word Program */
#define FMC_ISPCMD_RUN_ALL1 0x28UL /*!< ISP Command: Run all-one verification*/
#define FMC_ISPCMD_RUN_CKS 0x2DUL /*!< ISP Command: Run Check Calculation */
#define FMC_ISPCMD_VECMAP 0x2EUL /*!< ISP Command: Set vector mapping */
#define FMC_ISPCMD_READ_64 0x40UL /*!< ISP Command: 64-bit read Flash */
#define FMC_ISPCMD_PROGRAM_64 0x61UL /*!< ISP Command: 64-bit program Flash */
#define READ_ALLONE_YES 0xA11FFFFFUL /*!< Check-all-one result is all one. */
#define READ_ALLONE_NOT 0xA1100000UL /*!< Check-all-one result is not all one. */
#define READ_ALLONE_CMD_FAIL 0xFFFFFFFFUL /*!< Check-all-one command failed. */
/*@}*/ /* end of group FMC_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS */
/** @addtogroup FMC_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS FMC Exported Functions
/* FMC Macro Definitions */
* @brief Enable ISP Function
* @param None
* @return None
* @details This function will set ISPEN bit of ISPCTL control register to enable ISP function.
#define FMC_ENABLE_ISP() (FMC->ISPCTL |= FMC_ISPCTL_ISPEN_Msk) /*!< Enable ISP Function */
* @brief Disable ISP Function
* @param None
* @return None
* @details This function will clear ISPEN bit of ISPCTL control register to disable ISP function.
#define FMC_DISABLE_ISP() (FMC->ISPCTL &= ~FMC_ISPCTL_ISPEN_Msk) /*!< Disable ISP Function */
* @brief Enable LDROM Update Function
* @param None
* @return None
* @details This function will set LDUEN bit of ISPCTL control register to enable LDROM update function.
* User needs to set LDUEN bit before they can update LDROM.
#define FMC_ENABLE_LD_UPDATE() (FMC->ISPCTL |= FMC_ISPCTL_LDUEN_Msk) /*!< Enable LDROM Update Function */
* @brief Disable LDROM Update Function
* @param None
* @return None
* @details This function will set ISPEN bit of ISPCTL control register to disable LDROM update function.
#define FMC_DISABLE_LD_UPDATE() (FMC->ISPCTL &= ~FMC_ISPCTL_LDUEN_Msk) /*!< Disable LDROM Update Function */
* @brief Enable User Configuration Update Function
* @param None
* @return None
* @details This function will set CFGUEN bit of ISPCTL control register to enable User Configuration update function.
* User needs to set CFGUEN bit before they can update User Configuration area.
#define FMC_ENABLE_CFG_UPDATE() (FMC->ISPCTL |= FMC_ISPCTL_CFGUEN_Msk) /*!< Enable CONFIG Update Function */
* @brief Disable User Configuration Update Function
* @param None
* @return None
* @details This function will clear CFGUEN bit of ISPCTL control register to disable User Configuration update function.
#define FMC_DISABLE_CFG_UPDATE() (FMC->ISPCTL &= ~FMC_ISPCTL_CFGUEN_Msk) /*!< Disable CONFIG Update Function */
* @brief Enable APROM Update Function
* @param None
* @return None
* @details This function will set APUEN bit of ISPCTL control register to enable APROM update function.
* User needs to set APUEN bit before they can update APROM in APROM boot mode.
#define FMC_ENABLE_AP_UPDATE() (FMC->ISPCTL |= FMC_ISPCTL_APUEN_Msk) /*!< Enable APROM Update Function */
* @brief Disable APROM Update Function
* @param None
* @return None
* @details This function will clear APUEN bit of ISPCTL control register to disable APROM update function.
#define FMC_DISABLE_AP_UPDATE() (FMC->ISPCTL &= ~FMC_ISPCTL_APUEN_Msk) /*!< Disable APROM Update Function */
* @brief Set Boot from APROM
* @param None
* @return None
* @details This function is select booting from APROM.
#define FMC_SET_APROM_BOOT() (FMC->ISPCTL &= ~FMC_ISPCTL_BS_Msk) /*!< Select booting from APROM */
* @brief Set Boot from LDROM
* @param None
* @return None
* @details This function is select booting from LDROM.
#define FMC_SET_LDROM_BOOT() (FMC->ISPCTL |= FMC_ISPCTL_BS_Msk) /*!< Select booting from LDROM */
* @brief Get ISP Fail Flag
* @param None
* @return None
* @details This function is used to get ISP fail flag when do ISP actoin.
#define FMC_GET_FAIL_FLAG() ((FMC->ISPCTL & FMC_ISPCTL_ISPFF_Msk) ? 1UL : 0UL) /*!< Get ISP fail flag */
* @brief Clear ISP Fail Flag
* @param None
* @return None
* @details This function is used to clear ISP fail flag when ISP fail flag set.
#define FMC_CLR_FAIL_FLAG() (FMC->ISPCTL |= FMC_ISPCTL_ISPFF_Msk) /*!< Clear ISP fail flag */
* @brief Enable ISP Interrupt
* @param None
* @return None
* @details This function will enable ISP action interrupt.
#define FMC_ENABLE_ISP_INT() (FMC->ISPCTL |= FMC_ISPCTL_INTEN_Msk) /*!< Enable ISP interrupt */
* @brief Disable ISP Interrupt
* @param None
* @return None
* @details This function will disable ISP action interrupt.
#define FMC_DISABLE_ISP_INT() (FMC->ISPCTL &= ~FMC_ISPCTL_INTEN_Msk) /*!< Disable ISP interrupt */
* @brief Get ISP Interrupt Flag
* @param None
* @return None
* @details This function will get ISP action interrupt status
#define FMC_GET_ISP_INT_FLAG() ((FMC->ISPSTS & FMC_ISPSTS_INTFLAG_Msk) ? 1UL : 0UL) /*!< Get ISP interrupt flag Status */
* @brief Clear ISP Interrupt Flag
* @param None
* @return None
* @details This function will clear ISP interrupt flag
#define FMC_CLEAR_ISP_INT_FLAG() (FMC->ISPSTS = FMC_ISPSTS_INTFLAG_Msk) /*!< Clear ISP interrupt flag*/
/* inline functions */
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t FMC_ReadCID(void);
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t FMC_ReadPID(void);
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t FMC_ReadUID(uint8_t u8Index);
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t FMC_ReadUCID(uint32_t u32Index);
__STATIC_INLINE void FMC_SetVectorPageAddr(uint32_t u32PageAddr);
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t FMC_GetVECMAP(void);
* @brief Get current vector mapping address.
* @param None
* @return The current vector mapping address.
* @details To get VECMAP value which is the page address for remapping to vector page (0x0).
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t FMC_GetVECMAP(void)
* @brief Read company ID
* @param None
* @return The company ID (32-bit)
* @details The company ID of Nuvoton is fixed to be 0xDA
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t FMC_ReadCID(void)
FMC->ISPADDR = 0x0u; /* Must keep 0x0 when read CID */
FMC->ISPTRG = FMC_ISPTRG_ISPGO_Msk; /* Trigger to start ISP procedure */
#endif /* To make sure ISP/CPU be Synchronized */
while(FMC->ISPTRG & FMC_ISPTRG_ISPGO_Msk) {} /* Waiting for ISP Done */
return FMC->ISPDAT;
* @brief Read product ID
* @param None
* @return The product ID (32-bit)
* @details This function is used to read product ID.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t FMC_ReadPID(void)
FMC->ISPADDR = 0x04u; /* Must keep 0x4 when read PID */
FMC->ISPTRG = FMC_ISPTRG_ISPGO_Msk; /* Trigger to start ISP procedure */
#endif /* To make sure ISP/CPU be Synchronized */
while(FMC->ISPTRG & FMC_ISPTRG_ISPGO_Msk) {} /* Waiting for ISP Done */
return FMC->ISPDAT;
* @brief Read Unique ID
* @param[in] u8Index UID index. 0 = UID[31:0], 1 = UID[63:32], 2 = UID[95:64]
* @return The 32-bit unique ID data of specified UID index.
* @details To read out 96-bit Unique ID.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t FMC_ReadUID(uint8_t u8Index)
FMC->ISPADDR = ((uint32_t)u8Index << 2u);
FMC->ISPTRG = 0x1u;
while(FMC->ISPTRG) {}
return FMC->ISPDAT;
* @brief To read UCID
* @param[in] u32Index Index of the UCID to read. u32Index must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.
* @return The UCID of specified index
* @details This function is used to read unique chip ID (UCID).
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t FMC_ReadUCID(uint32_t u32Index)
FMC->ISPADDR = (0x04u * u32Index) + 0x10u; /* The UCID is at offset 0x10 with word alignment. */
FMC->ISPTRG = FMC_ISPTRG_ISPGO_Msk; /* Trigger to start ISP procedure */
#endif /* To make sure ISP/CPU be Synchronized */
while(FMC->ISPTRG & FMC_ISPTRG_ISPGO_Msk) {} /* Waiting for ISP Done */
return FMC->ISPDAT;
* @brief Set vector mapping address
* @param[in] u32PageAddr The page address to remap to address 0x0. The address must be page alignment.
* @return To set VECMAP to remap specified page address to 0x0.
* @details This function is used to set VECMAP to map specified page to vector page (0x0).
__STATIC_INLINE void FMC_SetVectorPageAddr(uint32_t u32PageAddr)
FMC->ISPADDR = u32PageAddr; /* The address of specified page which will be map to address 0x0. It must be page alignment. */
FMC->ISPTRG = 0x1u; /* Trigger to start ISP procedure */
#endif /* To make sure ISP/CPU be Synchronized */
while(FMC->ISPTRG) {} /* Waiting for ISP Done */
/* Functions */
extern uint32_t FMC_CheckAllOne(uint32_t u32addr, uint32_t u32count);
extern void FMC_Close(void);
extern int32_t FMC_ConfigXOM(uint32_t xom_num, uint32_t xom_base, uint8_t xom_page);
extern int32_t FMC_Erase(uint32_t u32PageAddr);
extern int32_t FMC_Erase_Bank(uint32_t u32BankAddr);
extern int32_t FMC_Erase_Block(uint32_t u32BlockAddr);
extern int32_t FMC_EraseXOM(uint32_t xom_num);
extern int32_t FMC_GetBootSource(void);
extern uint32_t FMC_GetChkSum(uint32_t u32addr, uint32_t u32count);
extern int32_t FMC_Is_OTP_Locked(uint32_t otp_num);
extern int32_t FMC_GetXOMState(uint32_t xom_num);
extern int32_t FMC_Lock_OTP(uint32_t otp_num);
extern void FMC_Open(void);
extern uint32_t FMC_Read(uint32_t u32Addr);
extern int32_t FMC_Read_64(uint32_t u32addr, uint32_t * u32data0, uint32_t * u32data1);
extern int32_t FMC_Read_OTP(uint32_t otp_num, uint32_t *low_word, uint32_t *high_word);
extern int32_t FMC_ReadConfig(uint32_t u32Config[], uint32_t u32Count);
extern void FMC_SetBootSource(int32_t i32BootSrc);
extern int32_t FMC_CompareSPKey(uint32_t key[3]);
extern int32_t FMC_SetSPKey(uint32_t key[3], uint32_t kpmax, uint32_t kemax, const int32_t lock_CONFIG, const int32_t lock_SPROM);
extern void FMC_Write(uint32_t u32Addr, uint32_t u32Data);
extern int32_t FMC_Write8Bytes(uint32_t u32addr, uint32_t u32data0, uint32_t u32data1);
extern int32_t FMC_WriteConfig(uint32_t au32Config[], uint32_t u32Count);
extern int32_t FMC_WriteMultiple(uint32_t u32Addr, uint32_t pu32Buf[], uint32_t u32Len);
extern int32_t FMC_Write_OTP(uint32_t otp_num, uint32_t low_word, uint32_t high_word);
extern int32_t FMC_WriteMultipleA(uint32_t u32Addr, uint32_t pu32Buf[], uint32_t u32Len);
/*@}*/ /* end of group FMC_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS */
/*@}*/ /* end of group FMC_Driver */
/*@}*/ /* end of group Standard_Driver */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __FMC_H__ */
/*** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 Nuvoton Technology Corp. ***/