blob: 96b65fcb60508fda1366bc5b23bc7cbfb18bf84a [file] [log] [blame]
* @file MKROMLib.h
* @version V2.00
* @brief MaskROM library header file
* @copyright (C) 2018 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
#ifndef __MKROM_LIB_H__
#define __MKROM_LIB_H__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
/** @addtogroup Standard_Driver Standard Driver
/** @addtogroup MKROM_Driver MKROM Driver
/** @addtogroup MKROM_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS MKROM Exported Constants
/* Status and Error Code Constant Definitions */
#define BL_ERR_TT_CHECK 0xF0F00000UL /*!< Not a Non-secure parameter */
#define BL_ERR_PARAMETER 0xF0F00001UL /*!< Invalid parameter */
#define BL_PARAM_ALIGN 0xF0F00002UL /*!< Parameter alignment error */
#define BL_NOT_FLASH_ADDR 0xF0F00003UL /*!< Invalid flash address */
#define BL_NOT_SRAM_ADDR 0xF0F00004UL /*!< Invalid sram address */
#define BL_XOM_NOT_CONFIG 0xF0F00005UL /*!< XOM is not configure yet */
#define BL_XOM_HAS_CONFIG 0xF0F00006UL /*!< XOM has beeen configured */
#define BL_XOM_HAS_ACTIVE 0xF0F00007UL /*!< XOM is actived */
#define BL_XOM_BASE_ERROR 0xF0F00008UL /*!< Invalid XOM base address */
#define BL_KPROM_NOT_ENABLE 0xF0F00009UL /*!< KPROM is not enabled yet */
#define BL_KPROM_KEY_FORBID 0xF0F0000AUL /*!< KPROM comparison is forbidden */
#define BL_KPROM_KEY_UNMATCH 0xF0F0000BUL /*!< KPROM comparison is unmatched */
#define BL_KPROM_KEY_LOCKED 0xF0F0000CUL /*!< KPROM write-protect is enabled */
#define BL_KPROM_SET_FAIL 0xF0F0000EUL /*!< Set KPROM key fail */
#define BL_ISP_CMD_FAIL (-1) /*!< FMC command fail */
#define BL_FLASH_ALLONE 0xA11FFFFFUL /*!< Check-all-one result is all one */
#define BL_FLASH_NOT_ALLONE 0xA1100000UL /*!< Check-all-one result is not all one*/
/* Random Number Generator Constant Definitions */
#define BL_RNG_PRNG (0UL) /*!<Use H/W random number generator */
#define BL_RNG_SWRNG (1UL) /*!<Use S/W random number generator */
#define BL_RNG_LIRC32K (0UL) /*!<Use LIRC32 for random number generator */
#define BL_RNG_LXT (2UL) /*!<Use LXT for random number generator */
#define XTRNG_PRNG (0UL) /*!<Use H/W random number generator */
#define XTRNG_SWRNG (1UL) /*!<Use S/W random number generator */
#define XTRNG_LIRC32K (0UL) /*!<Use LIRC32 for random number generator */
#define XTRNG_LXT (2UL) /*!<Use LXT for random number generator */
/* Maximum SecureISP Mode Transmit/Receive Packet Size Constant Definitions */
#define MAX_PKT_SIZE 64
/*@}*/ /* end of group MKROM_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS */
/** @addtogroup MKROM_EXPORTED_STRUCTS MKROM Exported Structs
* @details Random number generator structure
typedef struct
uint32_t opt; /*!< Operation mode */
int32_t data_len; /*!< Internal use for random number generator */
uint8_t buf[32]; /*!< Internal use for random number generator */
uint8_t buf2[20]; /*!< Internal use for random number generator */
typedef struct
uint32_t opt; /*!< Operation mode */
int32_t data_len; /*!< Internal use for random number generator */
uint8_t buf[32]; /*!< Internal use for random number generator */
uint8_t buf2[20]; /*!< Internal use for random number generator */
* @details XCRPT_T is structure for access MKROM Crypto library
typedef struct
CRPT_T *crpt; /*!< The pointer of the CRYPTO module */
ECC_CURVE *pCurve; /*!< Internal use for ECC */
ECC_CURVE Curve_Copy; /*!< Internal use for ECC */
uint32_t AES_CTL[4]; /*!< AES channel selection */
uint32_t TDES_CTL[4]; /*!< TDES channel selection */
/* Define a global constant XCRPT as the access address of g_xcrpta for using MKROM Crypto library. */
extern XCRPT_T g_xcrpt;
#define XCRPT (&g_xcrpt)
* @details Command packet structure for transmit/receive data in SecureISP function
typedef struct
/* Word-0 */
uint16_t u16CRC16; /* CRC16 checksum of from u8CmdID to Word-13 */
uint16_t u16CmdID; /* Command ID */
/* Word-1 */
uint16_t u16PacketID; /* Packet ID */
uint16_t u16Len; /* Valid data length in command data field */
/* Word-2 ~ 13 */
uint32_t au32Data[12]; /* Data fields */
/* Word-14 */
uint32_t u32CRC32; /* CRC32 from Word-0 to Word-13 for check cmd integrity */
/* Word-15 */
uint32_t RSVD; /* Reserved */
* @details ECC public key structure
typedef struct
uint32_t au32Key0[8]; /* 256-bits */
uint32_t au32Key1[8]; /* 256-bits */
} __attribute__((packed)) ECC_PUBKEY_T;
* @details ECC ECDSA signature structure
typedef struct
uint32_t au32R[8]; /* 256-bits */
uint32_t au32S[8]; /* 256-bits */
} __attribute__((packed)) ECDSA_SIGN_T;
* @details SecureISP operation mode enumerate
typedef enum
USB_MODE = 0x1,
UART_MODE = 0x2,
RESYNC_ISP = 0x80, /* To set SecureISP in waiting connection state */
* @details Global ISP information data for perform SecureISP function
typedef void (*ISPCallback)(uint32_t *pu32Buf, uint32_t u32Data);
typedef void (*USBDEPFunc)(void);
typedef struct
uint32_t u32CmdMask; /* Disable the specify command in SecureISP */
uint32_t au32AESKey[8]; /* AES-256 keys */
uint32_t au32AESIV[4]; /* AES IV, 128-bits */
ECC_PUBKEY_T ClientPubKey; /* Client's ECC public key, 64-bytes (256-bits + 256-bits) */
ECC_PUBKEY_T ServerPubKey; /* Server's ECC public key, 64-bytes (256-bits + 256-bits) */
ECDSA_SIGN_T sign; /* 64-bytes (256-bits R + 256-bits S) */
uint32_t IsConnectOK; /* Internal use in SecureISP */
uint32_t timeout; /* Timeout period for connecting to SecureISP Tool */
__attribute__((aligned(4))) uint8_t rcvbuf[MAX_PKT_SIZE]; /* Internal use in SecureISP */
__attribute__((aligned(4))) uint8_t rspbuf[MAX_PKT_SIZE]; /* Internal use in SecureISP */
USBDEPFunc pfnUSBDEP[USBD_MAX_EP]; /* Internal use in SecureISP */
uint32_t IsUSBDataReady; /* Internal use in SecureISP */
uint32_t UARTClockFreq; /* UART clock frequency */
uint32_t UARTDataIdx; /* Internal use in SecureISP */
uint32_t IsUARTDataReady; /* Internal use in SecureISP */
ISPCallback pfnVendorFunc; /* Vendor function address */
uint32_t tmp0[8]; /* Internal use in SecureISP */
uint32_t tmp1[8]; /* Internal use in SecureISP */
* @details Global USBD data for SecureISP USB
* @note This data is internal use in SecureISP operation
typedef struct
uint8_t g_usbd_SetupPacket[8];
volatile uint8_t g_usbd_RemoteWakeupEn;
volatile uint8_t g_usbd_u8ZeroFlag;
volatile uint8_t *g_usbd_CtrlInPointer;
volatile uint8_t *g_usbd_CtrlOutPointer;
volatile uint32_t g_usbd_CtrlInSize;
volatile uint32_t g_usbd_CtrlOutSize;
volatile uint32_t g_usbd_CtrlOutSizeLimit;
volatile uint32_t g_usbd_UsbAddr;
volatile uint32_t g_usbd_UsbConfig;
volatile uint32_t g_usbd_CtrlMaxPktSize;
volatile uint32_t g_usbd_UsbAltInterface;
S_USBD_INFO_T *g_usbd_sInfo;
VENDOR_REQ g_usbd_pfnVendorRequest;
CLASS_REQ g_usbd_pfnClassRequest;
SET_INTERFACE_REQ g_usbd_pfnSetInterface;
SET_CONFIG_CB g_usbd_pfnSetConfigCallback;
uint32_t g_u32EpStallLock;
/*@}*/ /* end of group MKROM_EXPORTED_STRUCTS */
/** @addtogroup MKROM_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS Bootloader Exported Functions
* @brief Get MKROM Version Number
* @param None
* @return Version number of MKROM
* @details This API will return the MKROM version number.
uint32_t BL_GetVersion(void);
* @brief Enable FMC ISP Function and return maximum APROM size
* @param None
* @return Maximum APROM size
* @details This API will unlock register write-protect, enable relative settings for access FMC ISP commands
* and return maximum APROM by chip package.
uint32_t BL_EnableFMC(void);
* @brief Disable FMC ISP Function
* @param None
* @return None
* @details This API will disable relative settings for disable FMC ISP function and lock register write-protect
* until last ISP operation is finished.
void BL_DisableFMC(void);
* @brief Get FMC ISP Busy Status
* @param None
* @retval 0 ISP operation is finished
* @retval 1 ISP operation is in processing
* @details This API indicates ISP operation in in processing or finished.
uint32_t BL_GetISPStatus(void);
* @brief Get Non-secure Boundary
* @param None
* @return Current Non-secure boundary
* @details This API can get current Non-secure boundary address.
uint32_t BL_GetNSBoundary(void);
* @brief Set All Flash Region Lock
* @param None
* @retval -1 Set flash all lock failed
* @retval 0 Set flash all lock operation is success
* @details This API will protect all flash region read/write operate by ICE interface.
int32_t BL_SetFlashAllLock(void);
* @brief Read Non-secure Flash Address Data (for Non-secure region)
* @param[in] u32NSAddr Non-secure flash address
* @retval 0xF0F00000 u32NSAddr isn't in Non-secure area
* @retval 0xF0F00001 u32NSAddr isn't word aligned
* @retval 0xF0F00003 u32NSAddr isn't valid flash address
* @retval -1 Flash read failed
* @retval The data of specified Non-secure address
* @details To read word data from specified Non-secure flash address.
uint32_t BL_FlashRead(uint32_t u32NSAddr);
* @brief Read Multi-Word Data from Non-secure Flash Address (for Non-secure region)
* @param[in] u32NSAddr Starting Non-secure flash address
* @param[out] pu32NSRamBuf Non-secure sram address to store reading data
* @param[in] u32Size Total read byte counts, it should be word aligned and maximum size is one page size.
* @retval 0xF0F00000 u32NSAddr or pu32NSRamBuf region isn't in Non-secure area
* @retval 0xF0F00001 Wrong u32NSAddr, pu32NSRamBuf or u32Size parameter
* @retval 0xF0F00003 u32NSAddr isn't valid flash address
* @retval 0xF0F00004 pu32NSRamBuf isn't valid sram address
* @retval -1 Multi-words read failed
* @retval 0 Read operation is success
* @details To read multi-words data start from specified Non-secure flash address.
* And maximum read size is one page size, 2048 bytes.
int32_t BL_FlashMultiRead(uint32_t u32NSAddr, uint32_t *pu32NSRamBuf, uint32_t u32Size);
* @brief Program Data into Non-secure Flash Address (for Non-secure region)
* @param[in] u32NSAddr Non-secure flash address
* @param[in] u32Data 32-bit Data to program
* @retval 0xF0F00000 u32NSAddr isn't in Non-secure area
* @retval 0xF0F00001 u32NSAddr isn't word aligned
* @retval 0xF0F00003 u32NSAddr isn't valid flash address
* @retval -1 Flash write failed
* @retval 0 Program command is finished
* @details To program word data into specified Non-secure flash address.
int32_t BL_FlashWrite(uint32_t u32NSAddr, uint32_t u32Data);
* @brief Program Multi-Word Data into Non-secure Flash Address (for Non-secure region)
* @param[in] u32NSAddr Starting Non-secure flash address
* @param[in] pu32NSRamBuf Non-secure sram buffer address to store program data
* @param[in] u32Size Total program byte counts, it should be word aligned and maximum size is one page size.
* @retval 0xF0F00000 u32NSAddr or pu32NSRamBuf region isn't in Non-secure area
* @retval 0xF0F00001 Wrong u32NSAddr, pu32NSRamBuf or u32Size parameter
* @retval 0xF0F00003 u32NSAddr isn't valid flash address
* @retval 0xF0F00004 pu32NSRamBuf isn't valid sram address
* @retval -1 Multi-words write failed
* @retval 0 Program operation is finished
* @details To program multi-words data start from specified Non-secure flash address.
* And maximum program size is one page size, 2048 bytes.
int32_t BL_FlashMultiWrite(uint32_t u32NSAddr, uint32_t *pu32NSRamBuf, uint32_t u32Size);
* @brief Non-secure Flash Page Erase (for Non-secure region)
* @param[in] u32NSAddr Non-secure flash region to be erased and must be a page size aligned address.
* @retval 0xF0F00000 u32NSAddr region isn't in Non-secure area
* @retval 0xF0F00001 u32NSAddr isn't page size aligned
* @retval 0xF0F00003 u32NSAddr isn't valid flash address
* @retval -1 Page erase failed
* @retval 0 Page erase success
* @details This API is used to perform page erase command on specified Non-secure flash address.
* And this address must be a page size aligned address.
int32_t BL_FlashPageErase(uint32_t u32NSAddr);
* @brief Get Non-secure Flash Area CRC32 Checksum (for Non-secure region)
* @param[in] u32NSAddr Non-secure flash region to be calculated. u32NSAddr must be a page size aligned address.
* @param[in] u32ByteCount Byte counts of Non-secure flash area to be calculated. It must be multiple of 2048 bytes.
* @retval 0xF0F00000 u32NSAddr region isn't in Non-secure area
* @retval 0xF0F00001 Wrong u32NSAddr or u32ByteCount parameter
* @retval 0xF0F00003 u32NSAddr isn't valid flash address
* @retval -1 Execute CRC32 operation failed
* @retval Result of CRC32 checksum
* @details This API will calculate the CRC32 checksum result of specified non-secure flash area.
* The starting address and calculated size must be all 2048 bytes page size aligned.
uint32_t BL_FlashChecksum(uint32_t u32NSAddr, uint32_t u32ByteCount);
* @brief Check Non-secure Flash Area Data are all ONE or not (for Non-secure region)
* @param[in] u32NSAddr Non-secure flash region to be calculated. u32NSAddr must be a page size aligned address.
* @param[in] u32ByteCount Byte counts of Non-secure flash area to be calculated. It must be multiple of 2048 bytes.
* @retval 0xF0F00000 u32NSAddr region isn't in Non-secure area
* @retval 0xF0F00001 Wrong u32NSAddr or u32ByteCount parameter
* @retval 0xF0F00003 u32NSAddr isn't valid flash address
* @retval -1 Execute Check Flash All One operation failed
* @retval 0xA11FFFFF The contents of verified Non-secure flash area are 0xFFFFFFFF
* @retval 0xA1100000 Some contents of verified Non-secure flash area are not 0xFFFFFFFF
* @details This API is used to check specified Non-secure flash area are all 0xFFFFFFFF or not.
uint32_t BL_CheckFlashAllOne(uint32_t u32NSAddr, uint32_t u32ByteCount);
* @brief Read Company ID
* @param None
* @return The company ID (32-bit)
* @details The company ID of Nuvoton is fixed to be 0xDA.
uint32_t BL_ReadCID(void);
* @brief Read Device ID
* @param None
* @return The device ID (32-bit)
* @details This function is used to read device ID.
uint32_t BL_ReadDID(void);
* @brief Read Product ID
* @param None
* @return The product ID (32-bit)
* @details This function is used to read product ID.
uint32_t BL_ReadPID(void);
* @brief Read UCID
* @param[in] u32Index Index of the UCID to read and u32Index must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.
* @return The UCID of specified index
* @details This function is used to read unique chip ID (UCID).
uint32_t BL_ReadUCID(uint32_t u32Index);
* @brief Read UID
* @param[in] u32Index UID index. 0 = UID[31:0], 1 = UID[63:32], 2 = UID[95:64]
* @return The 32-bit unique ID data of specified UID index
* @details To read out specified 32-bit unique ID.
uint32_t BL_ReadUID(uint32_t u32Index);
* @brief Get XOM Active Status
* @param[in] u32XOM Specified XOM region, it must be between 0~3.
* @retval 0xF0F00001 Invalid u32XOM number
* @retval 0 Current XOM region isn't active yet
* @retval 1 Current XOM region is active
* @details This API will return specified XOM region active status.
uint32_t BL_GetXOMActiveStatus(uint32_t u32XOM);
* @brief Read XOM Setting (for Non-secure region)
* @param[in] u32XOM Specified XOM region, it must be between 0~3
* @param[out] pu32Base Return specified XOM base address
* @param[out] pu32PageCnt Return specified XOM page count
* @retval 0xF0F00000 pu32Base, pu32PageCnt or XOM base address isn't in Non-secure area
* @retval 0xF0F00001 Wrong u32XOM, pu32Base or pu32PageCnt parameter
* @retval 0xF0F00003 XOM base address isn't valid flash address
* @retval 0xF0F00004 pu32Base or pu32PageCnt isn't valid sram address
* @retval 0xF0F00005 XOM region isn't configured
* @retval 0 Read specified XOM setting success
* @details This API will read specified XOM relative settings.
int32_t BL_ReadXOMRegion(uint32_t u32XOM, uint32_t *pu32Base, uint32_t *pu32PageCnt);
* @brief Set XOM Region and Active (for Non-secure region)
* @param[in] u32XOM Specified XOM region, it must be between 0~3
* @param[in] u32Base Base address of XOM region
* @param[in] u32PageCnt Page count of XOM region
* @param[in] u32IsDebugMode 1: Enable XOM debug mode; others will disable XOM debug mode.
* @retval 0xF0F00000 XOM region isn't in Non-secure area
* @retval 0xF0F00001 Wrong u32XOM, u32Base or u32PageCnt parameter
* @retval 0xF0F00003 u32Base isn't valid flash address
* @retval 0xF0F00006 XOM region has configured
* @retval 0xF0F00007 XOM region has active
* @retval -1 Set XOM failed
* @retval 0 Set specified XOM success
* @details This API will set specified XOM active.
int32_t BL_SetXOMRegion(uint32_t u32XOM, uint32_t u32Base, uint32_t u32PageCnt, uint32_t u32IsDebugMode);
* @brief Erase XOM Setting (for Non-secure region)
* @param[in] u32XOMBase Specified XOM region to be erase
* @retval 0xF0F00000 u32XOMBase or erase XOM region isn't in Non-secure area
* @retval 0xF0F00001 u32XOMBase isn't page size aligned
* @retval 0xF0F00003 u32XOMBase isn't valid flash address
* @retval 0xF0F00008 Invalid u32XOMBase address
* @retval -1 Erase XOM region failed
* @retval 0 Erase XOM region success
* @details This API will erase specified XOM region data and relative XOM setting.
int32_t BL_EraseXOMRegion(uint32_t u32XOMBase);
* @brief Get XOM Erased Status
* @param None
* @retval -1 Erase XOM operation failed
* @retval 0 Erase XOM operation success
* @details This API will return the XOM erase operation is success or not.
int32_t BL_GetXOMEraseStatus(void);
* @brief Read KPKEYSTS Status
* @param None
* @return KPKEYSTS register status
* @details This API can read KPROM KPKEYSTS register status.
uint32_t BL_GetKPROMStatus(void);
* @brief Read KPKEYCNT Status
* @param None
* @return KPKEYCNT register status
* @details This API can read KPROM KPKEYCNT register status.
uint32_t BL_GetKPROMCounter(void);
* @brief Read KPCNT Status
* @param None
* @return KPCNT register status
* @details This API can read KPROM KPCNT register status.
uint32_t BL_GetKPROMPowerOnCounter(void);
* @brief Execute KPROM Key Comparison
* @param[in] key0 KPROM key0
* @param[in] key1 KPROM key1
* @param[in] key2 KPROM key2
* @retval 0xF0F00009 KPROM function isn't enabled
* @retval 0xF0F0000A Trigger KPROM key comparison is FORBID
* @retval 0xF0F0000B KPROM Key is mismatch
* @retval 0xF0F0000C KPROM key still locked
* @retval 0 KPROM Key are matched
* @details With this API, user can unlock KPROM write-protection and then execute FMC program command well.
int32_t BL_TrgKPROMCompare(uint32_t key0, uint32_t key1, uint32_t key2);
* @brief Execute CHIP Reset
* @param None
* @return None
* @details This API will perform reset CHIP command to reset chip.
void BL_ResetChip(void);
/* The following functions are for Secure code only */
* @brief Check if ECC Private Key Valid
* @param[in] xcrpt The pointer of the global XCRPT data
* @param[in] ecc_curve The pre-defined ECC curve.
* @param[in] private_k The input private key.
* @return 1 Is valid.
* @return 0 Is not valid.
* @return -1 Invalid curve.
* @details This API is used to check if the private key is placed in valid range of curve.
int32_t XECC_IsPrivateKeyValid(XCRPT_T *xcrpt, E_ECC_CURVE ecc_curve, char private_k[]);
* @brief Generate ECC Public Key
* @param[in] xcrpt The pointer of the global XCRPT data
* @param[in] ecc_curve The pre-defined ECC curve.
* @param[in] private_k The input private key.
* @param[out] public_k1 The output public key 1.
* @param[out] public_k2 The output public key 2.
* @return 0 Success.
* @return -1 "ecc_curve" value is invalid.
* @details This API is used to generate a public key pair by a specified ECC private key and ECC curve.
int32_t XECC_GeneratePublicKey(XCRPT_T *xcrpt, E_ECC_CURVE ecc_curve, char *private_k, char public_k1[], char public_k2[]);
* @brief Generate ECDSA Signature
* @param[in] xcrpt The pointer of the global XCRPT data
* @param[in] ecc_curve The pre-defined ECC curve.
* @param[in] message The hash value of source context.
* @param[in] d The private key.
* @param[in] k The selected random integer.
* @param[out] R R of the (R,S) pair digital signature
* @param[out] S S of the (R,S) pair digital signature
* @return 0 Success.
* @return -1 "ecc_curve" value is invalid.
* @details This API is used to generate an ECDSA digital signature.
int32_t XECC_GenerateSignature(XCRPT_T *xcrpt, E_ECC_CURVE ecc_curve, char *message, char *d, char *k, char *R, char *S);
* @brief Verify ECDSA Signature
* @param[in] xcrpt The pointer of the global XCRPT data
* @param[in] ecc_curve The pre-defined ECC curve.
* @param[in] message The hash value of source context.
* @param[in] public_k1 The public key 1.
* @param[in] public_k2 The public key 2.
* @param[in] R R of the (R,S) pair digital signature
* @param[in] S S of the (R,S) pair digital signature
* @return 0 Success.
* @return -1 "ecc_curve" value is invalid.
* @return -2 Verification failed.
* @details This API is used to perform the ECDSA digital signature verification.
int32_t XECC_VerifySignature(XCRPT_T *xcrpt, E_ECC_CURVE ecc_curve, char *message, char *public_k1, char *public_k2, char *R, char *S);
* @brief Generate ECDH Secret Shared Key
* @param[in] xcrpt The pointer of the global XCRPT data
* @param[in] ecc_curve The pre-defined ECC curve.
* @param[in] private_k One's own private key.
* @param[in] public_k1 The other party's public key 1.
* @param[in] public_k2 The other party's public key 2.
* @param[out] secret_z The ECC CDH secret Z.
* @return 0 Success.
* @return -1 "ecc_curve" value is invalid.
* @details This API is used to generate an ECDH shared key.
int32_t XECC_GenerateSecretZ(XCRPT_T *xcrpt, E_ECC_CURVE ecc_curve, char *private_k, char public_k1[], char public_k2[], char secret_z[]);
* @brief Convert Data to Hex Format
* @param[in] count Byte counts for convert.
* @param[in] reg The input data buffer.
* @param[out] output The output data buffer.
* @return None
* @details This API is used to convert the data to hex format.
void XECC_Reg2Hex(int32_t count, uint32_t volatile reg[], char output[]);
* @brief Convert Data to Register Format
* @param[in] input The input data buffer.
* @param[out] reg The output data buffer.
* @return None
* @details This API is used to convert the data in a register data format.
void XECC_Hex2Reg(char input[], uint32_t volatile reg[]);
* @brief Get ID ECC R, S digital signature (for Secure code)
* @param[out] R R of the (R,S) pair digital signature
* @param[out] S S of the (R,S) pair digital signature
* @retval -1 Get R, S digital signature fail
* @retval 0 Success
* @details This API will return ECC R, S digital signature of chip ID, include PDID, UID0~2 and UCID0~3.
int32_t XECC_GetIDECCSignature(uint32_t *R, uint32_t *S);
* @brief Open TDES Encrypt/Decrypt
* @param[in] xcrpt The pointer of the global XCRPT data
* @param[in] u32Channel TDES channel. Must be 0~3.
* @param[in] u32EncDec 1: TDES encode; 0: TDES decode
* @param[in] Is3DES 1: TDES; 0: DES
* @param[in] Is3Key 1: TDES 3 key mode; 0: TDES 2 key mode
* @param[in] u32OpMode TDES operation mode, including:
* - \ref TDES_MODE_ECB
* - \ref TDES_MODE_CBC
* - \ref TDES_MODE_CFB
* - \ref TDES_MODE_OFB
* - \ref TDES_MODE_CTR
* @param[in] u32SwapType is TDES input/output data swap control and word swap control, including:
* - \ref TDES_NO_SWAP
* - \ref TDES_WHL_SWAP
* - \ref TDES_OUT_SWAP
* - \ref TDES_IN_SWAP
* @return None
* @details This API is used to enable TDES encrypt/decrypt function.
void XTDES_Open(XCRPT_T *xcrpt, uint32_t u32Channel, uint32_t u32EncDec, int32_t Is3DES, int32_t Is3Key, uint32_t u32OpMode, uint32_t u32SwapType);
* @brief Start TDES Encrypt/Decrypt
* @param[in] xcrpt The pointer of the global XCRPT data
* @param[in] u32Channel TDES channel. Must be 0~3.
* @param[in] u32DMAMode TDES DMA control, including:
* - \ref CRYPTO_DMA_ONE_SHOT One shot TDES encrypt/decrypt.
* - \ref CRYPTO_DMA_CONTINUE Continuous TDES encrypt/decrypt.
* - \ref CRYPTO_DMA_LAST Last TDES encrypt/decrypt of a series of XTDES_Start.
* @return None
* @details This API is used to start TDES encrypt/decrypt.
void XTDES_Start(XCRPT_T *xcrpt, int32_t u32Channel, uint32_t u32DMAMode);
* @brief Set TDES Keys
* @param[in] xcrpt The pointer of the global XCRPT data
* @param[in] u32Channel TDES channel. Must be 0~3.
* @param[in] au32Keys The TDES keys. au32Keys[0][0] is Key0 high word and au32Keys[0][1] is key0 low word.
* @return None
* @details This API is used to set TDES keys.
void XTDES_SetKey(XCRPT_T *xcrpt, uint32_t u32Channel, uint32_t au32Keys[3][2]);
* @brief Set TDES Initial Vectors
* @param[in] xcrpt The pointer of the global XCRPT data
* @param[in] u32Channel TDES channel. Must be 0~3.
* @param[in] u32IVH TDES initial vector high word.
* @param[in] u32IVL TDES initial vector low word.
* @return None
* @details This API is used to set TDES initial vectors.
void XTDES_SetInitVect(XCRPT_T *xcrpt, uint32_t u32Channel, uint32_t u32IVH, uint32_t u32IVL);
* @brief Set TDES DMA Transfer Configuration
* @param[in] xcrpt The pointer of the global XCRPT data
* @param[in] u32Channel TDES channel. Must be 0~3.
* @param[in] u32SrcAddr TDES DMA source address
* @param[in] u32DstAddr TDES DMA destination address
* @param[in] u32TransCnt TDES DMA transfer byte count
* @return None
* @details This API is used to configure the TDES DMA transfer.
void XTDES_SetDMATransfer(XCRPT_T *xcrpt, uint32_t u32Channel, uint32_t u32SrcAddr, uint32_t u32DstAddr, uint32_t u32TransCnt);
* @brief Open SHA Encrypt
* @param[in] xcrpt The pointer of the global XCRPT data
* @param[in] u32OpMode SHA operation mode, including:
* - \ref SHA_MODE_SHA1
* - \ref SHA_MODE_SHA224
* - \ref SHA_MODE_SHA256
* - \ref SHA_MODE_SHA384
* - \ref SHA_MODE_SHA512
* @param[in] u32SwapType is the SHA input/output data swap control, including:
* - \ref SHA_NO_SWAP
* - \ref SHA_OUT_SWAP
* - \ref SHA_IN_SWAP
* - \ref SHA_IN_OUT_SWAP
* @param[in] hmac_key_len HMAC key byte count
* @return None
* @details This API is used to enable SHA encrypt function.
void XSHA_Open(XCRPT_T *xcrpt, uint32_t u32OpMode, uint32_t u32SwapType, uint32_t hmac_key_len);
* @brief Start SHA Encrypt
* @param[in] xcrpt The pointer of the global XCRPT data
* @param[in] u32DMAMode SHA DMA control, including:
* - \ref CRYPTO_DMA_ONE_SHOT One shot SHA encrypt.
* - \ref CRYPTO_DMA_CONTINUE Continuous SHA encrypt.
* - \ref CRYPTO_DMA_LAST Last SHA encrypt of a series of XSHA_Start.
* @return None
* @details This API is used to start SHA encrypt.
void XSHA_Start(XCRPT_T *xcrpt, uint32_t u32DMAMode);
* @brief Set SHA DMA Transfer Configuration
* @param[in] xcrpt The pointer of the global XCRPT data
* @param[in] u32SrcAddr SHA DMA source address
* @param[in] u32TransCnt SHA DMA transfer byte count
* @return None
* @details This API is used to configure the SHA DMA transfer.
void XSHA_SetDMATransfer(XCRPT_T *xcrpt, uint32_t u32SrcAddr, uint32_t u32TransCnt);
* @brief Read SHA Digest
* @param[in] xcrpt The pointer of the global XCRPT data
* @param[out] u32Digest The SHA encrypt output digest.
* @return None
* @details This API is used to read the SHA digest.
void XSHA_Read(XCRPT_T *xcrpt, uint32_t u32Digest[]);
* @brief Open AES Encrypt/Decrypt
* @param[in] xcrpt The pointer of the global XCRPT data
* @param[in] u32Channel AES channel. Must be 0~3.
* @param[in] u32EncDec 1: AES encode; 0: AES decode
* @param[in] u32OpMode AES operation mode, including:
* - \ref AES_MODE_ECB
* - \ref AES_MODE_CBC
* - \ref AES_MODE_CFB
* - \ref AES_MODE_OFB
* - \ref AES_MODE_CTR
* - \ref AES_MODE_CBC_CS1
* - \ref AES_MODE_CBC_CS2
* - \ref AES_MODE_CBC_CS3
* @param[in] u32KeySize is AES key size, including:
* - \ref AES_KEY_SIZE_128
* - \ref AES_KEY_SIZE_192
* - \ref AES_KEY_SIZE_256
* @param[in] u32SwapType is AES input/output data swap control, including:
* - \ref AES_NO_SWAP
* - \ref AES_OUT_SWAP
* - \ref AES_IN_SWAP
* - \ref AES_IN_OUT_SWAP
* @return None
* @details This API is used to enable AES encrypt/decrypt function.
void XAES_Open(XCRPT_T *xcrpt, uint32_t u32Channel, uint32_t u32EncDec, uint32_t u32OpMode, uint32_t u32KeySize, uint32_t u32SwapType);
* @brief Start AES Encrypt/Decrypt
* @param[in] xcrpt The pointer of the global XCRPT data
* @param[in] u32Channel AES channel. Must be 0~3.
* @param[in] u32DMAMode AES DMA control, including:
* - \ref CRYPTO_DMA_ONE_SHOT One shot AES encrypt/decrypt.
* - \ref CRYPTO_DMA_CONTINUE Continuous AES encrypt/decrypt.
* - \ref CRYPTO_DMA_LAST Last AES encrypt/decrypt of a series of XAES_Start.
* @return None
* @details This API is used to start AES encrypt/decrypt.
void XAES_Start(XCRPT_T *xcrpt, int32_t u32Channel, uint32_t u32DMAMode);
* @brief Set AES Keys
* @param[in] xcrpt The pointer of the global XCRPT data
* @param[in] u32Channel AES channel. Must be 0~3.
* @param[in] au32Keys An word array contains AES keys.
* @param[in] u32KeySize is AES key size, including:
* - \ref AES_KEY_SIZE_128
* - \ref AES_KEY_SIZE_192
* - \ref AES_KEY_SIZE_256
* @return None
* @details This API is used to set AES keys.
void XAES_SetKey(XCRPT_T *xcrpt, uint32_t u32Channel, uint32_t au32Keys[], uint32_t u32KeySize);
* @brief Set AES Initial Vectors
* @param[in] xcrpt The pointer of the global XCRPT data
* @param[in] u32Channel AES channel. Must be 0~3.
* @param[in] au32IV A four entry word array contains AES initial vectors.
* @return None
* @details This API is used to set AES initial vectors.
void XAES_SetInitVect(XCRPT_T *xcrpt, uint32_t u32Channel, uint32_t au32IV[]);
* @brief Set AES DMA Transfer Configuration
* @param[in] xcrpt The pointer of the global XCRPT data
* @param[in] u32Channel AES channel. Must be 0~3.
* @param[in] u32SrcAddr AES DMA source address
* @param[in] u32DstAddr AES DMA destination address
* @param[in] u32TransCnt AES DMA transfer byte count
* @return None
* @details This API is used to configure the AES DMA transfer.
void XAES_SetDMATransfer(XCRPT_T *xcrpt, uint32_t u32Channel, uint32_t u32SrcAddr, uint32_t u32DstAddr, uint32_t u32TransCnt);
* @brief Initial Random Number Generator (for Secure code)
* @param[in] rng The structure of random number generator
* @param[in] opt Operation modes. Possible options are,
* @retval -1 Fail
* @retval 0 Success
* @details This API is used to initial random number generator.
* After initial this API success, user can call XTRNG_Random API to generate the random number.
int32_t XTRNG_RandomInit(XTRNG_T *rng, uint32_t opt);
* @brief Generate Random Number (for Secure code)
* @param[in] rng The structure of random number generator
* @param[out] p Starting buffer address to store random number
* @param[in] size Total byte counts of random number
* @retval -1 Fail
* @retval 0 Success
* @details This API is used to generate random number.
int32_t XTRNG_Random(XTRNG_T *rng, uint8_t *p, uint32_t size);
* @brief Get ID ECC R, S Digital Signature (for Secure code)
* @param[out] R R of the (R,S) pair digital signature
* @param[out] S S of the (R,S) pair digital signature
* @retval -1 Get R, S digital signature fail
* @retval 0 Success
* @details This API will return ECC R, S digital signature of chip ID, include PDID, UID0~2 and UCID0~3.
int32_t BL_GetIDECCSignature(uint32_t *R, uint32_t *S);
* @brief Initial Random Number Generator (for Secure code)
* @param[in] rng The structure of random number generator
* @param[in] opt Operation modes. Possible options are,
* @retval -1 Fail
* @retval 0 Success
* @details This API is used to initial random number generator.
* After initial this API success, user can perform BL_Random API to generate the random number.
int32_t BL_RandomInit(BL_RNG_T *rng, uint32_t opt);
* @brief Generate Random Number (for Secure code)
* @param[in] rng The structure of random number generator
* @param[out] p Starting buffer address to store random number
* @param[in] size Total byte counts of random number
* @retval -1 Fail
* @retval 0 Success
* @details This API is used to generate random number.
int32_t BL_Random(BL_RNG_T *rng, uint8_t *p, uint32_t size);
* @brief Initialize SecureISP Function (for Secure code)
* @param[in] pISPInfo The ISP information data buffer address
* @param[in] pUSBDInfo USB data buffer for SecureISP USB
* @param[in] mode Operation mode. Possible options are
* - \ref USB_MODE
* - \ref UART_MODE
* - \ref USB_UART_MODE
* - \ref RESYNC_ISP
* @return Return process status and exit SecureISP mode.
* @details Executing this API will initialize USB or UART1 SecureISP function.
* User can use SecureISP Tool to communicate with target chip.
* @note Configure relate USB and UART1 settings are necessary before executing this API.
int32_t BL_SecureISPInit(ISP_INFO_T *pISPInfo, BL_USBD_INFO_T *pUSBDInfo, E_ISP_MODE mode);
* @brief Process USBD Interrupt (for Secure code)
* @param[in] pfnEPTable Starting address to store EP callback function
* @param[in] pInfo The ISP information data buffer address
* @param[in] pUSBDInfo USB data buffer for SecureISP USB
* @retval -1 Execute API in Non-secure code
* @retval 0 Process USBD interrupt event success
* @details This API is used to process USBD command and should be called in USBD_IRQHandler().
int32_t BL_ProcessUSBDInterrupt(uint32_t *pfnEPTable, uint32_t *pInfo, uint32_t *pUSBDInfo);
* @brief Process UART1 Interrupt (for Secure code)
* @param[in] pInfo The ISP information data buffer address
* @retval -1 Execute API in Non-secure code
* @retval 0 Process UART1 interrupt event success
* @details This API is used to process UART1 command and should be called in UART1_IRQHandler().
int32_t BL_ProcessUART1Interrupt(uint32_t *pInfo);
* @brief Get Vendor Data (for Secure code)
* @param[in] pInfo The ISP information data buffer address
* @param[out] pu32Data Data buffer to store vendor data. Maximum buffer size is 44 bytes.
* @param[in] pu32Buf Internal used data buffer address
* @retval 0 Success
* @retval -1 Invalid command packet
* @retval -2 Not in vendor function
* @details This API is used to get the vendor data and should be called in the vendor function.
int32_t BL_GetVendorData(uint32_t *pInfo, uint32_t *pu32Data, uint32_t *pu32Buf);
* @brief Return Vendor Data (for Secure code)
* @param[in] pu32Data Data buffer to store response data
* @param[in] u32Len Data buffer length, maximum size is 40 bytes.
* @param[in] pu32Buf Internal used data buffer address
* @retval 0 Success
* @retval -1 Invalid buffer length
* @retval -2 Not in vendor function
* @details This API is used to return vendor data to server and should be called in the vendor function.
int32_t BL_ReturnVendorData(uint32_t *pu32Data, uint32_t u32Len, uint32_t *pu32Buf);
* @brief Generate Command Response Data (for Secure code)
* @param[in] pCMD Buffer address to store command data
* @param[in] pISPInfo The ISP information data buffer address
* @retval 0 Command success
* @retval Other Command fail
* @details This API is used to generate response data to server.
int32_t Cmd_GenRspPacket(CMD_PACKET_T *pCMD, ISP_INFO_T *pISPInfo);
* @brief Parse Command (for Secure code)
* @param[in] pCMD Buffer address to store command
* @param[in] pISPInfo The ISP information data buffer address
* @retval 0 Command success
* @retval Other Command fail
* @details This API is used to parse data from server.
int32_t Cmd_ParseReqPacket(CMD_PACKET_T *pCMD, ISP_INFO_T *pISPInfo);
* @brief Parse CONNECT Command (for Secure code)
* @param[in] pISPInfo The ISP information data buffer address
* @retval 0 Success
* @retval Other Command fail
* @details This API is used for parse CONNECT command only.
int32_t ParseCONNECT(ISP_INFO_T *pISPInfo);
* @brief Parse related ECDH Commands (for Secure code)
* @param[in] pISPInfo The ISP information data buffer address
* @retval 0 Success
* @retval Other Command fail
* @details This API is used for parse related ECDH commands.
int32_t ParseECDH(ISP_INFO_T *pISPInfo);
* @brief Parse Commands (for Secure code)
* @param[in] pISPInfo The ISP information data buffer address
* @retval 0 Success
* @retval Other Command fail
* @details This API is used for parse all commands except CONNECT and related ECDH commands.
int32_t ParseCommands(ISP_INFO_T *pISPInfo);
* @brief Initialize USBD Module (for Secure code)
* @param[in] param The structure of USBD information
* @param[in] pfnClassReq USB Class request callback function
* @param[in] pfnSetInterface USB Set Interface request callback function
* @param[in] pUSBDInfo USB data buffer for SecureISP USB mode
* @retval -1 Execute API in Non-secure code
* @retval 0 Success
* @details This function will enable USB controller, USB PHY transceiver and pull-up resistor of USB_D+ pin. USB PHY will drive SE0 to bus.
int32_t BL_USBDOpen(const S_USBD_INFO_T *param, CLASS_REQ pfnClassReq, SET_INTERFACE_REQ pfnSetInterface, uint32_t *pUSBDInfo);
* @brief Install EP Callback Function (for Secure code)
* @param[in] ep EP number
* @param[in] pfnEPHandler EP callback function
* @param[in] pfnEPTable Starting address to store EP callback function
* @retval -1 Fail
* @retval 0 Success
* @details This function is used to set specific EP callback function
int32_t BL_USBDInstallEPHandler(uint32_t ep, void *pfnEPHandler, uint32_t *pfnEPTable);
* @brief Start USBD Function (for Secure code)
* @param None
* @retval -1 Execute API in Non-secure code
* @retval 0 Success
* @details Enable WAKEUP, FLDET, USB and BUS interrupts. Disable software-disconnect function after 100ms delay with SysTick timer.
int32_t BL_USBDStart(void);
/*@}*/ /* end of group MKROM_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS */
/*@}*/ /* end of group MKROM_Driver */
/*@}*/ /* end of group Standard_Driver */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __MKROM_LIB_H__ */
/*** (C) COPYRIGHT 2018 Nuvoton Technology Corp. ***/