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* (c) Copyright 2008-2015 Microsemi SoC Products Group. All rights reserved.
* CoreGPIO bare metal driver public API.
* SVN $Revision: 7964 $
* SVN $Date: 2015-10-09 18:26:53 +0530 (Fri, 09 Oct 2015) $
@mainpage CoreGPIO Bare Metal Driver.
@section intro_sec Introduction
The CoreGPIO hardware IP includes up to 32 general purpose input output GPIOs.
This driver provides a set of functions for controlling the GPIOs as part of a
bare metal system where no operating system is available. These drivers
can be adapted for use as part of an operating system but the implementation
of the adaptation layer between this driver and the operating system's driver
model is outside the scope of this driver.
@section driver_configuration Driver Configuration
The CoreGPIO individual IOs can be configured either in the hardware flow or
as part of the software application through calls to the GPIO_config() function.
GPIOs configured as as part of the hardware is fixed and cannot be modified
using a call to the GPI_config() function.
@section theory_op Theory of Operation
The CoreGPIO driver uses the Actel Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) to access
hardware registers. You must ensure that the Actel HAL is included as part of
your software project. The Actel HAL is available through the Actel Firmware
The CoreGPIO driver functions are logically grouped into the following groups:
- Initiliazation
- Configuration
- Reading and writing GPIO state
- Interrupt control
The CoreGPIO driver is initialized through a call to the GPIO_init() function.
The GPIO_init() function must be called before any other GPIO driver functions
can be called.
Each GPIO port is individually configured through a call to the
GPIO_config() function. Configuration includes deciding if a GPIO port
will be used as input, output or both. GPIO ports configured as inputs can be
further configured to generate interrupts based on the input's state.
Interrupts can be level or edge sensitive.
Please note that a CoreGPIO hardware instance can be generated, as part of the
hardware flow, with a fixed configuration for some or all of its IOs. Attempting
to modify the configuration of such a hardware configured IO using the
GPIO_config() function has no effect.
The state of the GPIO ports can be read and written using the following
- GPIO_get_inputs()
- GPIO_get_outputs()
- GPIO_set_outputs()
- GPIO_drive_inout()
Interrupts generated by GPIO ports configured as inputs are controlled using
the following functions:
- GPIO_enable_irq()
- GPIO_disable_irq()
- GPIO_clear_irq()
#ifndef CORE_GPIO_H_
#define CORE_GPIO_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#include "cpu_types.h"
The gpio_id_t enumeration is used to identify GPIOs as part of the
parameter to functions:
- GPIO_config(),
- GPIO_drive_inout(),
- GPIO_enable_int(),
- GPIO_disable_int(),
- GPIO_clear_int()
typedef enum __gpio_id_t
GPIO_0 = 0,
GPIO_1 = 1,
GPIO_2 = 2,
GPIO_3 = 3,
GPIO_4 = 4,
GPIO_5 = 5,
GPIO_6 = 6,
GPIO_7 = 7,
GPIO_8 = 8,
GPIO_9 = 9,
GPIO_10 = 10,
GPIO_11 = 11,
GPIO_12 = 12,
GPIO_13 = 13,
GPIO_14 = 14,
GPIO_15 = 15,
GPIO_16 = 16,
GPIO_17 = 17,
GPIO_18 = 18,
GPIO_19 = 19,
GPIO_20 = 20,
GPIO_21 = 21,
GPIO_22 = 22,
GPIO_23 = 23,
GPIO_24 = 24,
GPIO_25 = 25,
GPIO_26 = 26,
GPIO_27 = 27,
GPIO_28 = 28,
GPIO_29 = 29,
GPIO_30 = 30,
GPIO_31 = 31
} gpio_id_t;
typedef enum __gpio_apb_width_t
} gpio_apb_width_t;
typedef struct __gpio_instance_t
addr_t base_addr;
gpio_apb_width_t apb_bus_width;
} gpio_instance_t;
GPIO ports definitions used to identify GPIOs as part of the parameter to
function GPIO_set_outputs().
These definitions can also be used to identity GPIO through logical
operations on the return value of function GPIO_get_inputs().
#define GPIO_0_MASK 0x00000001UL
#define GPIO_1_MASK 0x00000002UL
#define GPIO_2_MASK 0x00000004UL
#define GPIO_3_MASK 0x00000008UL
#define GPIO_4_MASK 0x00000010UL
#define GPIO_5_MASK 0x00000020UL
#define GPIO_6_MASK 0x00000040UL
#define GPIO_7_MASK 0x00000080UL
#define GPIO_8_MASK 0x00000100UL
#define GPIO_9_MASK 0x00000200UL
#define GPIO_10_MASK 0x00000400UL
#define GPIO_11_MASK 0x00000800UL
#define GPIO_12_MASK 0x00001000UL
#define GPIO_13_MASK 0x00002000UL
#define GPIO_14_MASK 0x00004000UL
#define GPIO_15_MASK 0x00008000UL
#define GPIO_16_MASK 0x00010000UL
#define GPIO_17_MASK 0x00020000UL
#define GPIO_18_MASK 0x00040000UL
#define GPIO_19_MASK 0x00080000UL
#define GPIO_20_MASK 0x00100000UL
#define GPIO_21_MASK 0x00200000UL
#define GPIO_22_MASK 0x00400000UL
#define GPIO_23_MASK 0x00800000UL
#define GPIO_24_MASK 0x01000000UL
#define GPIO_25_MASK 0x02000000UL
#define GPIO_26_MASK 0x04000000UL
#define GPIO_27_MASK 0x08000000UL
#define GPIO_28_MASK 0x10000000UL
#define GPIO_29_MASK 0x20000000UL
#define GPIO_30_MASK 0x40000000UL
#define GPIO_31_MASK 0x80000000UL
* GPIO modes
#define GPIO_INPUT_MODE 0x0000000002UL
#define GPIO_OUTPUT_MODE 0x0000000005UL
#define GPIO_INOUT_MODE 0x0000000003UL
* Possible GPIO inputs interrupt configurations.
#define GPIO_IRQ_LEVEL_HIGH 0x0000000000UL
#define GPIO_IRQ_LEVEL_LOW 0x0000000020UL
#define GPIO_IRQ_EDGE_POSITIVE 0x0000000040UL
#define GPIO_IRQ_EDGE_NEGATIVE 0x0000000060UL
#define GPIO_IRQ_EDGE_BOTH 0x0000000080UL
* Possible states for GPIO configured as INOUT.
typedef enum gpio_inout_state
} gpio_inout_state_t;
The GPIO_init() function initialises a CoreGPIO hardware instance and the data
structure associated with the CoreGPIO hardware instance.
Please note that a CoreGPIO hardware instance can be generated with a fixed
configuration for some or all of its IOs as part of the hardware flow. Attempting
to modify the configuration of such a hardware configured IO using the
GPIO_config() function has no effect.
@param this_gpio
Pointer to the gpio_instance_t data structure instance holding all data
regarding the CoreGPIO hardware instance being initialized. A pointer to the
same data structure will be used in subsequent calls to the CoreGPIO driver
functions in order to identify the CoreGPIO instance that should perform the
operation implemented by the called driver function.
@param base_addr
The base_addr parameter is the base address in the processor's memory map for
the registers of the GPIO instance being initialized.
@param bus_width
The bus_width parameter informs the driver of the APB bus width selected during
the hardware flow configuration of the CoreGPIO hardware instance. It indicates
to the driver whether the CoreGPIO hardware registers will be visible as 8, 16
or 32 bits registers. Allowed value are:
#define COREGPIO_BASE_ADDR 0xC2000000
gpio_instance_t g_gpio;
void system_init( void )
void GPIO_init
gpio_instance_t * this_gpio,
addr_t base_addr,
gpio_apb_width_t bus_width
The GPIO_config() function is used to configure an individual GPIO port.
@param this_gpio
The this_gpio parameter is a pointer to the gpio_instance_t structure holding
all data regarding the CoreGPIO instance controlled through this function call.
@param port_id
The port_id parameter identifies the GPIO port to be configured.
An enumeration item of the form GPIO_n where n is the number of the GPIO
port is used to identify the GPIO port. For example GPIO_0 identifies the
first GPIO port and GPIO_31 the last one.
@param config
The config parameter specifies the configuration to be applied to the GPIO
port identified by the first parameter. It is a logical OR of GPIO mode and
the interrupt mode. The interrupt mode is only relevant if the GPIO is
configured as input.
Possible modes are:
Possible interrupt modes are:
For example the following call will configure GPIO 4 as an input generating
interrupts on a low to high transition of the input:
void GPIO_config
gpio_instance_t * this_gpio,
gpio_id_t port_id,
uint32_t config
The GPIO_set_outputs() function is used to set the state of the GPIO ports
configured as outputs.
@param this_gpio
The this_gpio parameter is a pointer to the gpio_instance_t structure holding
all data regarding the CoreGPIO instance controlled through this function call.
@param value
The value parameter specifies the state of the GPIO ports configured as
outputs. It is a bit mask of the form (GPIO_n_MASK | GPIO_m_MASK) where n
and m are numbers identifying GPIOs.
For example (GPIO_0_MASK | GPIO_1_MASK | GPIO_2_MASK ) specifies that the
first, second and third GPIOs' must be set high and all other outputs set
Example 1:
Set GPIOs outputs 0 and 8 high and all other GPIO outputs low.
GPIO_set_outputs( &g_gpio, GPIO_0_MASK | GPIO_8_MASK );
Example 2:
Set GPIOs outputs 2 and 4 low without affecting other GPIO outputs.
uint32_t gpio_outputs;
gpio_outputs = GPIO_get_outputs( &g_gpio );
gpio_outputs &= ~( GPIO_2_MASK | GPIO_4_MASK );
GPIO_set_outputs( &g_gpio, gpio_outputs );
@see GPIO_get_outputs()
void GPIO_set_outputs
gpio_instance_t * this_gpio,
uint32_t value
The GPIO_set_output() function is used to set the state of a single GPIO
port configured as output.
@param this_gpio
The this_gpio parameter is a pointer to the gpio_instance_t structure holding
all data regarding the CoreGPIO instance controlled through this function call.
@param port_id
The port_id parameter specifies the GPIO port that will have its output set
by a call to this function.
@param value
The value parameter specifies the desired state for the GPIO output. A value
of 0 will set the output low and a value of 1 will set the port high.
void GPIO_set_output
gpio_instance_t * this_gpio,
gpio_id_t port_id,
uint8_t value
The GPIO_get_inputs() function is used to read the state of all GPIOs
confgured as inputs.
@param this_gpio
The this_gpio parameter is a pointer to the gpio_instance_t structure holding
all data regarding the CoreGPIO instance controlled through this function call.
This function returns a 32 bit unsigned integer where each bit represents
the state of an input. The least significant bit representing the state of
GPIO 0 and the most significant bit the state of GPIO 31.
uint32_t GPIO_get_inputs
gpio_instance_t * this_gpio
The GPIO_get_outputs() function is used to read the current state of all
GPIO outputs.
@param this_gpio
The this_gpio parameter is a pointer to the gpio_instance_t structure holding
all data regarding the CoreGPIO instance controlled through this function call.
This function returns a 32 bit unsigned integer where each bit represents
the state of an output. The least significant bit representing the state
of GPIO 0 and the most significant bit the state of GPIO 31.
uint32_t GPIO_get_outputs
gpio_instance_t * this_gpio
The GPIO_drive_inout() function is used to set the output state of a
GPIO configured as INOUT. An INOUT GPIO can be in one of three states:
- high
- low
- high impedance
An INOUT output would typically be used where several devices can drive the
state of a signal. The high and low states are equivalent to the high and low
states of a GPIO configured as output. The high impedance state is used to
prevent the GPIO from driving the state of the output and therefore allow
reading the state of the GPIO as an input.
Please note that the GPIO port you wish to use as INOUT through this function
must be configurable through software. Therefore the GPIO ports used as INOUT
must not have a fixed configuration selected as part of the hardware flow.
@param this_gpio
The this_gpio parameter is a pointer to the gpio_instance_t structure holding
all data regarding the CoreGPIO instance controlled through this function call.
@param port_id
The port_id parameter identifies the GPIO for whcih this function will
change the output state.
An enumeration item of the form GPIO_n where n is the number of the GPIO
port is used to identify the GPIO port. For example GPIO_0 identifies the
first GPIO port and GPIO_31 the last one.
@param inout_state
The inout_state parameter specifies the state of the I/O identified by the
first parameter. Possible states are:
- GPIO_HIGH_Z (high impedance)
The call to GPIO_drive_inout() below will set the GPIO 7 output to
high impedance state.
GPIO_drive_inout( &g_gpio, GPIO_7, GPIO_HIGH_Z );
void GPIO_drive_inout
gpio_instance_t * this_gpio,
gpio_id_t port_id,
gpio_inout_state_t inout_state
The GPIO_enable_irq() function is used to enable an interrupt to be
generated based on the state of the input identified as parameter.
@param this_gpio
The this_gpio parameter is a pointer to the gpio_instance_t structure holding
all data regarding the CoreGPIO instance controlled through this function call.
@param port_id
The port_id parameter identifies the GPIO input the call to
GPIO_enable_irq() will enable to generate interrupts.
An enumeration item of the form GPIO_n where n is the number of the GPIO
port is used to identify the GPIO port. For example GPIO_0 identifies the
first GPIO port and GPIO_31 the last one.
The call to GPIO_enable_irq() below will allow GPIO 8 to generate
GPIO_enable_irq( &g_gpio, GPIO_8 );
void GPIO_enable_irq
gpio_instance_t * this_gpio,
gpio_id_t port_id
The GPIO_disable_irq() function is used to disable interrupt from being
generated based on the state of the input specified as parameter.
@param this_gpio
The this_gpio parameter is a pointer to the gpio_instance_t structure holding
all data regarding the CoreGPIO instance controlled through this function call.
@param port_id
The port_id parameter identifies the GPIO input the call to
GPIO_disable_irq() will disable from generating interrupts.
An enumeration item of the form GPIO_n where n is the number of the GPIO
port is used to identify the GPIO port. For example GPIO_0 identifies the
first GPIO port and GPIO_31 the last one.
The call to GPIO_disable_irq() below will prevent GPIO 8 from generating
GPIO_disable_irq( &g_gpio, GPIO_8 );
void GPIO_disable_irq
gpio_instance_t * this_gpio,
gpio_id_t port_id
The GPIO_clear_irq() function is used to clear the interrupt generated by
the GPIO specified as parameter. The GPIO_clear_irq() function must be
called as part of a GPIO interrupt service routine (ISR) in order to prevent
the same interrupt event retriggering a call to the GPIO ISR.
Please note that interrupts may also need to be cleared in the processor's
interrupt controller.
@param this_gpio
The this_gpio parameter is a pointer to the gpio_instance_t structure holding
all data regarding the CoreGPIO instance controlled through this function call.
@param port_id
The port_id parameter identifies the GPIO input for which to clear the
An enumeration item of the form GPIO_n where n is the number of the GPIO
port is used to identify the GPIO port. For example GPIO_0 identifies the
first GPIO port and GPIO_31 the last one.
The example below demonstrates the use of the GPIO_clear_irq() function as
part of the GPIO 9 interrupt service routine on a Cortex-M processor.
void GPIO9_IRQHandler( void )
GPIO_clear_irq( &g_gpio, GPIO_9 );
NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ( GPIO9_IRQn );
void GPIO_clear_irq
gpio_instance_t * this_gpio,
gpio_id_t port_id
#endif /* CORE_GPIO_H_ */