blob: 61d61b1d234c752cd4b62dc3c8fa5585eb96dc5b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 C-SKY Microsystems Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file drv_tee.h
* @brief Header File for TEE
* @version V1.0
* @date 12 Sep 2017
#ifndef _CSI_AES_H_
#define _CSI_AES_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stdint.h>
/****** TEE AES mode *****/
typedef enum {
TEE_AES_MODE_MAX, ///< invaild mode
\brief TEE AES encrypt
\note Length should be a multiple of the block size (16 bytes)
After calling this function, the content of iv is updated.
\param[in] in Pointer to plaintext buffer
\param[in] in_len Plaintext buffer length
\param[in] key Pointer to secret key
\param[in] key_len Secret key size,must be 16 bytes for AES128,24 bytes for AES192 or 32byes for AES256
\param[out] out Pointer to ciphertext buffer
\param[in] mode \ref tee_aes_mode_e
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
int32_t csi_tee_aes_encrypt(const uint8_t *in, uint32_t in_len,
const uint8_t *key, uint32_t key_len,
uint8_t iv[16],
uint8_t *out,
tee_aes_mode_e mode);
\brief TEE AES decrypt
\note Length should be a multiple of the block size (16 bytes)
After calling this function, the content of iv is updated.
\param[in] in Pointer to ciphertext buffer
\param[in] in_len Ciphertext buffer length
\param[in] key Pointer to secret key
\param[in] key_len Secret key size,must be 16 bytes for AES128,24 bytes for AES192 or 32byes for AES256
\param[out] out Pointer to plaintext buffer
\param[in] mode \ref tee_aes_mode_e
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
int32_t csi_tee_aes_decrypt(const uint8_t *in, uint32_t in_len,
const uint8_t *key, uint32_t key_len,
uint8_t iv[16],
uint8_t *out,
uint32_t mode);
\brief TEE AES ECB encrypt
\note Length should be a multiple of the block size (16 bytes)
After calling this function, the content of iv is updated.
\param[in] in Pointer to plaintext buffer
\param[in] in_len Plaintext buffer length
\param[in] key Pointer to secret key
\param[in] key_len Secret key size,must be 16 bytes for AES128,24 bytes for AES192 or 32byes for AES256
\param[out] out Pointer to ciphertext buffer
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
#define csi_tee_aes_encrypt_ecb(in, in_len, key, key_len, out) \
csi_tee_aes_encrypt(in, in_len, key, key_len, NULL, out, TEE_AES_MODE_ECB)
\brief TEE AES ECB decrypt
\note Length should be a multiple of the block size (16 bytes)
After calling this function, the content of iv is updated.
\param[in] in Pointer to ciphertext buffer
\param[in] in_len Ciphertext buffer length
\param[in] key Pointer to secret key
\param[in] key_len Secret key size,must be 16 bytes for AES128,24 bytes for AES192 or 32byes for AES256
\param[out] out Pointer to plaintext buffer
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
#define csi_tee_aes_decrypt_ecb(in, in_len, key, key_len, out) \
csi_tee_aes_decrypt(in, in_len, key, key_len, NULL, out, TEE_AES_MODE_ECB)
\brief TEE AES CBC encrypt
\note Length should be a multiple of the block size (16 bytes)
After calling this function, the content of iv is updated.
\param[in] in Pointer to ciphertext buffer
\param[in] in_len Ciphertext buffer length
\param[in] key Pointer to secret key
\param[in] key_len Secret key size,must be 16 bytes for AES128,24 bytes for AES192 or 32byes for AES256
\param[out] out Pointer to plaintext buffer
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
#define csi_tee_aes_encrypt_cbc(in, in_len, key, key_len, iv, out) \
csi_tee_aes_encrypt(in, in_len, key, key_len, iv, out, TEE_AES_MODE_CBC)
\brief TEE AES CBC decrypt
\note Length should be a multiple of the block size (16 bytes)
After calling this function, the content of iv is updated.
\param[in] in Pointer to ciphertext buffer
\param[in] in_len Ciphertext buffer length
\param[in] key Pointer to secret key
\param[in] key_len Secret key size,must be 16 bytes for AES128,24 bytes for AES192 or 32byes for AES256
\param[out] out Pointer to plaintext buffer
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
#define csi_tee_aes_decrypt_cbc(in, in_len, key, key_len, iv, out) \
csi_tee_aes_decrypt(in, in_len, key, key_len, iv, out, TEE_AES_MODE_CBC)
\brief TEE BASE64 encode/decode
\param[in] in Pointer to input data buffer
\param[in] in_len input data buffer length
\param[out] out Pointer to output data buffer
\param[out] out_len output data buffer length
\param[in] is_encode 1 encode 0 decode
\param[in] wsafe base64 websafe feature,set 1, replace "+/" with "-_"
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
int32_t csi_tee_base64(const uint8_t *in, uint32_t in_len,
uint8_t *out, uint32_t *out_len,
uint32_t is_encode,
uint32_t wsafe);
\brief TEE BASE64 encode
\param[in] in Pointer to input data buffer
\param[in] in_len input data buffer length
\param[out] out Pointer to output data buffer
\param[out] out_len output data buffer length
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
#define csi_tee_base64_encode(in,in_len,out,out_len) \
\brief TEE BASE64 decode
\param[in] in Pointer to input data buffer
\param[in] in_len input data buffer length
\param[out] out Pointer to output data buffer
\param[out] out_len output data buffer length
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
#define csi_tee_base64_decode(in,in_len,out,out_len) \
\brief TEE BASE64 web safe encode
\param[in] in Pointer to input data buffer
\param[in] in_len input data buffer length
\param[out] out Pointer to output data buffer
\param[out] out_len output data buffer length
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
#define csi_tee_base64_websafe_encode(in,in_len,out,out_len) \
\brief TEE BASE64 web safe decode
\param[in] in Pointer to input data buffer
\param[in] in_len input data buffer length
\param[out] out Pointer to output data buffer
\param[out] out_len output data buffer length
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
#define csi_tee_base64_websafe_decode(in,in_len,out,out_len) \
\brief TEE obtain CID from Key Provisioning
\param[out] out Pointer to cid buffer
\param[out] out_len cid buffer length,if cid obtain successfully,
out_len is updated to actual cid sizes
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
int32_t csi_tee_get_cid(uint8_t *out, uint32_t *out_len);
/****** lpm mode *****/
typedef enum {
TEE_LPM_MODE_WAIT = 0, ///< lpm wait
TEE_LPM_MODE_DOZE = 1, ///< lpm doze
TEE_LPM_MODE_STOP = 2, ///< lpm stop
TEE_LPM_MODE_STANDBY = 3, ///< lpm standby
} tee_lpm_mode_e;
\brief TEE set low power mode
\param[in] gate not use for now
\param[in] irqid not use for now
\param[in] mode \ref tee_lpm_mode_e
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
int32_t csi_tee_enter_lpm(uint32_t gate, uint32_t irqid, tee_lpm_mode_e mode);
\brief TEE obtain manifest info from manifest table
\note call csi_tee_get_sys_img_info, csi_tee_get_sys_os_version or csi_tee_get_sys_partition is better
\param[out] out Pointer to info buffer
\param[out] out_len Info buffer length,if info obtain successfully,
out_len is updated to actual sizes
\param[in] name info name
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
int32_t csi_tee_get_manifest_info(uint8_t *out, uint32_t *out_len, char *name);
\brief TEE obtain image buffer from manifest table
\param[out] out Pointer to image buffer
\param[out] out_len Image buffer length,if info obtain successfully,
out_len is updated to actual image buffer sizes
\param[in] img_name image name
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
#define csi_tee_get_sys_img_info(out,out_len,img_name) \
\brief TEE obtain os version from manifest table
\param[out] out Pointer to os version buffer
\param[out] out_len OS version buffer length,if info obtain successfully,
out_len is updated to actual os version buffer sizes
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
#define csi_tee_get_sys_os_version(out,out_len) \
\brief TEE obtain partition buffer from manifest table
\param[out] out Pointer to partition buffer
\param[out] out_len Partition buffer length,if info obtain successfully,
out_len is updated to actual partition buffer sizes
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
#define csi_tee_get_sys_partition(out,out_len) \
\brief TEE set random seed
\param[in] Seed random sedd
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
int32_t csi_tee_rand_seed(uint32_t seed);
\brief TEE ramdom date generation
\param[out] out Pointer to random data buffer
\param[in] out_len Data buffer length
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
int32_t csi_tee_rand_generate(uint8_t *out, uint32_t out_len);
/****** TEE RSA sign type *****/
typedef enum {
TEE_RSA_MD5 = 0, ///< MD5
TEE_RSA_SHA1 = 1, ///< SHA1
TEE_RSA_SHA256 = 3, ///< SHA256
TEE_RSA_SIGN_TYPE_MAX, ///< invailed type
} tee_rsa_sign_type_e;
\brief TEE RSA sign with private key
\param[in] in Pointer to digest buffer
\param[in] in_len Digest buffer length
\param[in] key Pointer to private key,key contains n, e, d
\param[in] key_len Private key size,must be 128*3 = 384 bytes for RSA1024, 256*3 = 768 bytes for RSA2048
\param[out] sign Pointer to sign buffer
\param[out] sign_len Sign buffer length
\param[in] type \ref tee_rsa_sign_type_e
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
int32_t csi_tee_rsa_sign(const uint8_t *in, uint32_t in_len,
const uint8_t *key, uint32_t key_len,
uint8_t *sign, uint32_t *sign_len,
tee_rsa_sign_type_e type);
\brief TEE RSA verify with public key
\param[in] in Pointer to digest buffer
\param[in] in_len Digest buffer length
\param[in] key Pointer to public key,key contains n, e
\param[in] key_len Public key size,must be 128*2 = 256 bytes for RSA1024, 256*2 = 512 bytes for RSA2048
\param[in] sign Pointer to sign buffer
\param[in] sign_len Sign buffer length
\param[in] type \ref tee_rsa_sign_type_e
\return return 0 if verify successful,otherwise error code
int32_t csi_tee_rsa_verify(const uint8_t *in, uint32_t in_len,
const uint8_t *key, uint32_t key_len,
uint8_t *sign, uint32_t sign_len,
tee_rsa_sign_type_e type);
/****** TEE RSA padding mode *****/
typedef enum {
TEE_RSA_PKCS1_PADDING = 0x01, ///< RSA PKCS padding mode
TEE_RSA_NO_PADDING = 0x02, ///< RSA no padding mode
} tee_rsa_padding_mode_e;
\brief TEE RSA encrypt with public key
\param[in] in Pointer to plaintext buffer
\param[in] in_len Plaintext buffer length
\param[in] key Pointer to public key,key contains n, e
\param[in] key_len Public key size, must be 128*2 = 256 bytes for RSA1024, 256*2 = 512 bytes for RSA2048
\param[in] out Pointer to ciphertext buffer
\param[in] out_len Ciphertext buffer length
\param[in] padding \ref tee_rsa_padding_mode_e
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
int32_t csi_tee_rsa_encrypt(const uint8_t *in, uint32_t in_len,
const uint8_t *key, uint32_t key_len,
uint8_t *out, uint32_t *out_len,
tee_rsa_padding_mode_e padding);
\brief TEE RSA decrypt with private key
\param[in] in Pointer to ciphertext buffer
\param[in] in_len Ciphertext buffer length
\param[in] key Pointer to private key,key contains n, e, d
\param[in] key_len Private key size,must be 128*3 = 384 bytes for RSA1024, 256*3 = 768 bytes for RSA2048
\param[in] out Pointer to plaintext buffer
\param[in] out_len Plaintext buffer length
\param[in] padding \ref tee_rsa_padding_mode_e
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
int32_t csi_tee_rsa_decrypt(const uint8_t *in, uint32_t in_len,
const uint8_t *key, uint32_t key_len,
uint8_t *out, uint32_t *out_len,
tee_rsa_padding_mode_e padding);
\brief TEE RSA sign with internal private key
\note Only use if key provisioning exist
\param[in] in Pointer to digest buffer
\param[in] in_len Digest buffer length
\param[out] sign Pointer to sign buffer
\param[out] sign_len Sign buffer length
\param[in] type \ref tee_rsa_sign_type_e
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
#define csi_tee_cid_rsa_sign(in,in_len,sign,sign_len,type) \
\brief TEE RSA verify with internal public key
\note Only use if key provisioning exist
\param[in] in Pointer to digest buffer
\param[in] in_len Digest buffer length
\param[in] sign Pointer to sign buffer
\param[in] sign_len Sign buffer length
\param[in] type \ref tee_rsa_sign_type_e
\return return 0 if verify successful,otherwise error code
#define csi_tee_cid_rsa_verify(in,in_len,sign,sign_len,type) \
\brief TEE RSA encrypt with internal public key
\note Only use if key provisioning exist
\param[in] in Pointer to plaintext buffer
\param[in] in_len Plaintext buffer length
\param[in] out Pointer to ciphertext buffer
\param[in] out_len Ciphertext buffer length
\param[in] padding \ref tee_rsa_padding_mode_e
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
#define csi_tee_cid_rsa_encrypt(in,in_len,out,out_len,padding) \
\brief TEE RSA decrypt with internal private key
\note Only use if key provisioning exist
\param[in] in Pointer to ciphertext buffer
\param[in] in_len Ciphertext buffer length
\param[in] key Pointer to private key,key contains n, e, d
\param[in] key_len Private key size,must be 128*3 = 384 bytes for RSA1024, 256*3 = 768 bytes for RSA2048
\param[in] out Pointer to plaintext buffer
\param[in] out_len Plaintext buffer length
\param[in] padding \ref tee_rsa_padding_mode_e
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
#define csi_tee_cid_rsa_decrypt(in,in_len,out,out_len,padding) \
\brief verify boot image with boot public key
\note Only use if key provisioning exist
\param[in] in Pointer to digest buffer
\param[in] in_len Digest buffer length
\param[in] sign Pointer to sign buffer
\param[in] sign_len Sign buffer length
\param[in] type \ref tee_rsa_sign_type_e
\return return 0 if verify successful,otherwise error code
int32_t csi_tee_img_rsa_verify(const uint8_t *in, uint32_t in_len,
uint8_t *sign, uint32_t sign_len,
tee_rsa_sign_type_e type);
/****** TEE HASH operation mode *****/
typedef enum {
TEE_HASH_OP_NONE = 0, ///< No operation
TEE_HASH_OP_START = 1, ///< HASH init
TEE_HASH_OP_UPDATA = 2, ///< HASH update
TEE_HASH_OP_FINISH = 3, ///< HASH finish
TEE_HASH_OP_MAX, ///< invailed operation
} tee_hash_op_e;
/****** TEE HMAC type *****/
typedef enum {
TEE_HMAC_SHA1 = 1, ///< HMAC with SHA1
} tee_hmac_type_e;
\brief TEE HAMC
\note Call csi_tee_hmac_digest is better
out buffer size must be large enough according to type, eg. 20 bytes for TEE_HMAC_SHA1
\param[in] in Pointer to input data buffer
\param[in] in_len Input data buffer length
\param[in] key Pointer to key buffer
\param[in] key_len Key buffer size
\param[out] out Pointer to output date buffer
\param[in] type \ref tee_hmac_type_e
\param[in] hash_op \ref tee_hash_op_e
\param[in] ctx Pointer to context of hmac
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
int32_t csi_tee_hmac(const uint8_t *in, uint32_t in_len,
const uint8_t *key, uint32_t key_len,
uint8_t *out,
tee_hmac_type_e type,
tee_hash_op_e hash_op,
uint32_t *ctx);
\brief TEE HAMC digest
\note out buffer size must be large enough according to type, eg. 20 bytes for TEE_HMAC_SHA1
\param[in] in Pointer to input data buffer
\param[in] in_len Input data buffer length
\param[in] key Pointer to key buffer
\param[in] key_len Key buffer size
\param[out] out Pointer to output date buffer
\param[in] type \ref tee_hmac_type_e
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
#define csi_tee_hmac_digest(in,in_len,key,key_len,out,type) \
/****** TEE SHA type *****/
typedef enum {
TEE_SHA1 = 0, ///< SHA1
TEE_SHA256 = 1, ///< SHA256
TEE_SHA224 = 2, ///< SHA224
TEE_SHA384 = 3, ///< SHA384
TEE_SHA512 = 4, ///< SHA512
TEE_SHA_MAX, ///< invaild sha type
} tee_sha_type_t;
\brief TEE SHA
\note Call csi_tee_sha_digest, csi_tee_sha_start, csi_tee_sha_update or csi_tee_sha_finish is better
out buffer size must be large enough according to type, eg. 20 bytes for TEE_SHA1, 32 bytes for TEE_SHA256
\param[in] in Pointer to input data buffer
\param[in] in_len Input data buffer length
\param[out] out Pointer to output date buffer
\param[in] type \ref tee_sha_type_t
\param[in] hash_op \ref tee_hash_op_e
\param[in] ctx Pointer to context of sha
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
int32_t csi_tee_sha(const uint8_t *in, uint32_t in_len,
uint8_t *out,
tee_sha_type_t type,
tee_hash_op_e hash_op,
void *ctx);
\brief TEE SHA digest
\note out buffer size must be large enough according to type, eg. 20 bytes for TEE_SHA1, 32 bytes for TEE_SHA256
\param[in] in Pointer to input data buffer
\param[in] in_len Input data buffer length
\param[out] out Pointer to output date buffer
\param[in] type \ref tee_sha_type_t
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
#define csi_tee_sha_digest(in,in_len,out,type) \
\brief TEE SHA start, initial sha
\param[in] type \ref tee_sha_type_t
\param[in] ctx Pointer to context of sha
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
#define csi_tee_sha_start(type,ctx) \
\brief TEE SHA update, update data
\param[in] in Pointer to input data buffer
\param[in] in_len Input data buffer length
\param[in] ctx Pointer to context of sha
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
#define csi_tee_sha_update(in,in_len,ctx) \
\brief TEE SHA digest, get sha digest
\note out buffer size must be large enough according to type, eg. 20 bytes for TEE_SHA1, 32 bytes for TEE_SHA256
\param[out] out Pointer to output date buffer
\param[in] ctx Pointer to context of sha
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
#define csi_tee_sha_finish(out,ctx) \
\brief TEE get device name and product key
\param[in] name_encrypted Pointer to device name ciphertext
\param[in] name_encrypted_len device name ciphertext length
\param[in] product_key_encrypted Pointer to device product key ciphertext
\param[in] product_key_encrypted_len Device product key ciphertext length
\param[out] name Pointer to device name
\param[out] name_len Device name length
\param[out] product_key Pointer to device product key
\param[out] product_key_len Device product key length
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
int32_t csi_tee_dev_info_get(const uint8_t *name_encrypted, uint32_t name_encrypted_len,
const uint8_t *product_key_encrypted, uint32_t product_key_encrypted_len,
const uint8_t *name, uint32_t *name_len,
const uint8_t *product_key, uint32_t *product_key_len);
\brief TEE device info sign
\param[in] in Pointer to input date buffer
\param[in] in_len Input data buffer length
\param[in] device_secret Pointer to device secret ciphertext
\param[in] device_secret_len Device secret ciphertext length
\param[out] sign Pointer to signed buffer
\param[out] sign_len Signed buffer length
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
int32_t csi_tee_dev_info_sign(const uint8_t *in, uint32_t in_len,
const uint8_t *device_secret, uint32_t device_secret_len,
const uint8_t *sign, uint32_t *sign_len);
\brief TEE device info encrypt/decrypt
\param[in] in Pointer to input date buffer
\param[in] in_len Input data buffer length
\param[in] out Pointer to output date buffer
\param[in] out_len Onput data buffer length
\param[in] is_enc 1 incrypt 0 decrypt
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
int32_t csi_tee_dev_info_crypt(const uint8_t *in, uint32_t in_len,
uint8_t *out, uint32_t *out_len,
uint8_t is_enc);
\brief TEE device info encrypt
\param[in] in Pointer to input date buffer
\param[in] in_len Input data buffer length
\param[in] out Pointer to output date buffer
\param[in] out_len Onput data buffer length
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
#define csi_tee_dev_info_encrypt(in, in_len, out, out_len) \
csi_tee_dev_info_crypt(in, in_len, out, out_len, 1)
\brief TEE device info decrypt
\param[in] in Pointer to input date buffer
\param[in] in_len Input data buffer length
\param[in] out Pointer to output date buffer
\param[in] out_len Onput data buffer length
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
#define csi_tee_dev_info_decrypt(in, in_len, out, out_len) \
csi_tee_dev_info_crypt(in, in_len, out, out_len, 0)
/****** system clock source type *****/
typedef enum {
IHS_CLK = 0, ///< internel clock source
EHS_CLK = 1 ///< externel clock source
} clk_src_e;
/****** system clock value scope *****/
typedef enum {
OSR_8M_CLK_16M = 0x80204, ///< register value for clock 16M
OSR_8M_CLK_24M = 0x80206, ///< register value for clock 24M
OSR_8M_CLK_32M = 0x80208, ///< register value for clock 32M
OSR_8M_CLK_40M = 0x8020a, ///< register value for clock 40M
OSR_8M_CLK_48M = 0x8020c ///< register value for clock 48M
} clk_val_e;
\brief Set system frequence
\param[in] clk_src indicate clock source type
\param[in] clk_val system freqence to be set
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
int32_t csi_tee_set_sys_freq(uint32_t clk_src, uint32_t clk_val);
\brief Get system frequence
\param[in] clk_val value address to store system freqence
\return return 0 if successful,otherwise error code
int32_t csi_tee_get_sys_freq(uint32_t *clk_val);
int32_t csi_tee_xor(uint8_t *out, uint32_t *out_len);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _CSI_AES_H_ */