Added Keil Blinky build configuration for the MB9B500 FM3.
diff --git a/Demo/CORTEX_MB9B500_IAR_Keil/Fujitu_source/startup_keil/startup_mb9bf50x.s b/Demo/CORTEX_MB9B500_IAR_Keil/Fujitu_source/startup_keil/startup_mb9bf50x.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5001b9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/CORTEX_MB9B500_IAR_Keil/Fujitu_source/startup_keil/startup_mb9bf50x.s
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@

+;/*               (C) Fujitsu Semiconductor Europe GmbH                  */

+;/*                                                                      */

+;/* The following software deliverable is intended for and must only be  */

+;/* used for reference and in an evaluation laboratory environment.      */

+;/* It is provided on an as-is basis without charge and is subject to    */

+;/* alterations.                                                         */

+;/* It is the user’s obligation to fully test the software in its        */

+;/* environment and to ensure proper functionality, qualification and    */

+;/* compliance with component specifications.                            */

+;/*                                                                      */

+;/* In the event the software deliverable includes the use of open       */

+;/* source components, the provisions of the governing open source       */

+;/* license agreement shall apply with respect to such software          */

+;/* deliverable.                                                         */

+;/* FSEU does not warrant that the deliverables do not infringe any      */

+;/* third party intellectual property right (IPR). In the event that     */

+;/* the deliverables infringe a third party IPR it is the sole           */

+;/* responsibility of the customer to obtain necessary licenses to       */

+;/* continue the usage of the deliverable.                               */

+;/*                                                                      */

+;/* To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law FSEU disclaims all */

+;/* warranties, whether express or implied, in particular, but not       */

+;/* limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a          */

+;/* particular purpose for which the deliverable is not designated.      */

+;/*                                                                      */

+;/* To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, FSEU's liability  */

+;/* is restricted to intention and gross negligence.                     */

+;/* FSEU is not liable for consequential damages.                        */

+;/*                                                                      */

+;/* (V1.4)                                                               */


+;/*  Startup for ARM                                                     */

+;/*  Version     V1.02                                                   */

+;/*  Date        2011-01-12                                              */

+;/*  Target-mcu  MB9B5xx                                                 */



+; Stack Configuration

+;  Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>


+Stack_Size      EQU     0x00000200


+                AREA    STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3

+Stack_Mem       SPACE   Stack_Size




+; Heap Configuration

+;  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>


+Heap_Size       EQU     0x00000000


+                AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3


+Heap_Mem        SPACE   Heap_Size




+                PRESERVE8

+                THUMB



+; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset


+                AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY

+                EXPORT  __Vectors

+                EXPORT  __Vectors_End

+                EXPORT  __Vectors_Size


+__Vectors       DCD     __initial_sp              ; Top of Stack

+                DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler

+                DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler

+                DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler

+                DCD     MemManage_Handler         ; MPU Fault Handler

+                DCD     BusFault_Handler          ; Bus Fault Handler

+                DCD     UsageFault_Handler        ; Usage Fault Handler

+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved

+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved

+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved

+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved

+                DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler

+                DCD     DebugMon_Handler          ; Debug Monitor Handler

+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved

+                DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler

+                DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler


+                DCD     CSV_Handler               ; 0: Clock Super Visor

+                DCD     SWDT_Handler              ; 1: Software Watchdog Timer

+                DCD     LVD_Handler               ; 2: Low Voltage Detector

+                DCD     MFT_WG_IRQHandler         ; 3: Wave Form Generator / DTIF

+                DCD     INT0_7_Handler            ; 4: External Interrupt Request ch.0 to ch.7

+                DCD     INT8_15_Handler           ; 5: External Interrupt Request ch.8 to ch.15

+                DCD     DT_Handler                ; 6: Dual Timer / Quad Decoder

+                DCD     MFS0RX_IRQHandler         ; 7: MultiFunction Serial ch.0

+                DCD     MFS0TX_IRQHandler         ; 8: MultiFunction Serial ch.0

+                DCD     MFS1RX_IRQHandler         ; 9: MultiFunction Serial ch.1

+                DCD     MFS1TX_IRQHandler         ; 10: MultiFunction Serial ch.1

+                DCD     MFS2RX_IRQHandler         ; 11: MultiFunction Serial ch.2

+                DCD     MFS2TX_IRQHandler         ; 12: MultiFunction Serial ch.2

+                DCD     MFS3RX_IRQHandler         ; 13: MultiFunction Serial ch.3

+                DCD     MFS3TX_IRQHandler         ; 14: MultiFunction Serial ch.3

+                DCD     MFS4RX_IRQHandler         ; 15: MultiFunction Serial ch.4

+                DCD     MFS4TX_IRQHandler         ; 16: MultiFunction Serial ch.4

+                DCD     MFS5RX_IRQHandler         ; 17: MultiFunction Serial ch.5

+                DCD     MFS5TX_IRQHandler         ; 18: MultiFunction Serial ch.5

+                DCD     MFS6RX_IRQHandler         ; 19: MultiFunction Serial ch.6

+                DCD     MFS6TX_IRQHandler         ; 20: MultiFunction Serial ch.6

+                DCD     MFS7RX_IRQHandler         ; 21: MultiFunction Serial ch.7

+                DCD     MFS7TX_IRQHandler         ; 22: MultiFunction Serial ch.7

+                DCD     PPG_Handler               ; 23: PPG

+                DCD     TIM_IRQHandler            ; 24: OSC / PLL / Watch Counter

+                DCD     ADC0_IRQHandler           ; 25: ADC0

+                DCD     ADC1_IRQHandler           ; 26: ADC1

+                DCD     ADC2_IRQHandler           ; 27: ADC2

+                DCD     MFT_FRT_IRQHandler        ; 28: Free-run Timer

+                DCD     MFT_IPC_IRQHandler        ; 29: Input Capture

+                DCD     MFT_OPC_IRQHandler        ; 30: Output Compare

+                DCD     BT_IRQHandler             ; 31: Base Timer ch.0 to ch.7

+                DCD     CAN0_IRQHandler           ; 32: CAN ch.0

+                DCD     CAN1_IRQHandler           ; 33: CAN ch.1

+                DCD     USBF_Handler              ; 34: USB Function

+                DCD     USB_Handler               ; 35: USB Function / USB HOST

+                DCD     DummyHandler              ; 36: Reserved

+                DCD     DummyHandler              ; 37: Reserved

+                DCD     DMAC0_Handler             ; 38: DMAC ch.0

+                DCD     DMAC1_Handler             ; 39: DMAC ch.1

+                DCD     DMAC2_Handler             ; 40: DMAC ch.2

+                DCD     DMAC3_Handler             ; 41: DMAC ch.3

+                DCD     DMAC4_Handler             ; 42: DMAC ch.4

+                DCD     DMAC5_Handler             ; 43: DMAC ch.5

+                DCD     DMAC6_Handler             ; 44: DMAC ch.6

+                DCD     DMAC7_Handler             ; 45: DMAC ch.7

+                DCD     DummyHandler              ; 46: Reserved

+                DCD     DummyHandler              ; 47: Reserved



+__Vectors_Size 	EQU 	__Vectors_End - __Vectors


+                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY



+; Reset Handler


+Reset_Handler   PROC

+                EXPORT  Reset_Handler             [WEAK]

+                IMPORT  SystemInit

+                IMPORT  __main

+                LDR     R0, =SystemInit

+                BLX     R0

+                LDR     R0, =__main

+                BX      R0

+                ENDP



+; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)


+NMI_Handler     PROC

+                EXPORT  NMI_Handler               [WEAK]

+                B       .

+                ENDP


+                PROC

+                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler         [WEAK]

+                B       .

+                ENDP


+                PROC

+                EXPORT  MemManage_Handler         [WEAK]

+                B       .

+                ENDP


+                PROC

+                EXPORT  BusFault_Handler          [WEAK]

+                B       .

+                ENDP


+                PROC

+                EXPORT  UsageFault_Handler        [WEAK]

+                B       .

+                ENDP

+SVC_Handler     PROC

+                EXPORT  SVC_Handler               [WEAK]

+                B       .

+                ENDP


+                PROC

+                EXPORT  DebugMon_Handler          [WEAK]

+                B       .

+                ENDP

+PendSV_Handler  PROC

+                EXPORT  PendSV_Handler            [WEAK]

+                B       .

+                ENDP

+SysTick_Handler PROC

+                EXPORT  SysTick_Handler           [WEAK]

+                B       .

+                ENDP


+Default_Handler PROC


+                EXPORT  CSV_Handler	              [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  SWDT_Handler              [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  LVD_Handler               [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  MFT_WG_IRQHandler         [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  INT0_7_Handler            [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  INT8_15_Handler           [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  DT_Handler                [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  MFS0RX_IRQHandler         [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  MFS0TX_IRQHandler         [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  MFS1RX_IRQHandler         [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  MFS1TX_IRQHandler         [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  MFS2RX_IRQHandler         [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  MFS2TX_IRQHandler         [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  MFS3RX_IRQHandler         [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  MFS3TX_IRQHandler         [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  MFS4RX_IRQHandler         [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  MFS4TX_IRQHandler         [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  MFS5RX_IRQHandler         [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  MFS5TX_IRQHandler         [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  MFS6RX_IRQHandler         [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  MFS6TX_IRQHandler         [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  MFS7RX_IRQHandler         [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  MFS7TX_IRQHandler         [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  PPG_Handler               [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  TIM_IRQHandler            [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  ADC0_IRQHandler           [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  ADC1_IRQHandler           [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  ADC2_IRQHandler           [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  MFT_FRT_IRQHandler        [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  MFT_IPC_IRQHandler        [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  MFT_OPC_IRQHandler        [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  BT_IRQHandler             [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  CAN0_IRQHandler           [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  CAN1_IRQHandler           [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  USBF_Handler              [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  USB_Handler               [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  DMAC0_Handler             [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  DMAC1_Handler             [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  DMAC2_Handler             [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  DMAC3_Handler             [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  DMAC4_Handler             [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  DMAC5_Handler             [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  DMAC6_Handler             [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  DMAC7_Handler             [WEAK]

+                EXPORT  DummyHandler              [WEAK]
















































+                B       .


+                ENDP



+                ALIGN



+; User Initial Stack & Heap


+                IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB


+                EXPORT  __initial_sp

+                EXPORT  __heap_base

+                EXPORT  __heap_limit


+                ELSE


+                IMPORT  __use_two_region_memory

+                EXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap



+                LDR     R0, =  Heap_Mem

+                LDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + Stack_Size)

+                LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +  Heap_Size)

+                LDR     R3, = Stack_Mem

+                BX      LR


+                ALIGN


+                ENDIF



+                END

diff --git a/Demo/CORTEX_MB9B500_IAR_Keil/RTOSDemo_Keil.uvopt b/Demo/CORTEX_MB9B500_IAR_Keil/RTOSDemo_Keil.uvopt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31aec00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/CORTEX_MB9B500_IAR_Keil/RTOSDemo_Keil.uvopt
@@ -0,0 +1,629 @@
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+        </Book>
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+          <Number>1</Number>
+          <Title>User Manual</Title>
+          <Path>DATASHTS\FUJITSU\MB9Bxxx-MN.pdf</Path>
+        </Book>
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diff --git a/Demo/CORTEX_MB9B500_IAR_Keil/RTOSDemo_Keil.uvproj b/Demo/CORTEX_MB9B500_IAR_Keil/RTOSDemo_Keil.uvproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a54535
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/CORTEX_MB9B500_IAR_Keil/RTOSDemo_Keil.uvproj
@@ -0,0 +1,711 @@
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+  <Header>### uVision Project, (C) Keil Software</Header>
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+      <TargetName>Blinky</TargetName>
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+      <ToolsetName>ARM-ADS</ToolsetName>
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+          <StartupFile>"Startup\Fujitsu\MB9B500\startup_MB9BF50x.s" ("Fujitsu MB9BF50x Startup Code")</StartupFile>
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+            <NotGenerated>0</NotGenerated>
+            <InvalidFlash>1</InvalidFlash>
+          </TargetStatus>
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+          <Flash3>"" ()</Flash3>
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+              </IRAM>
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+                <Type>1</Type>
+                <StartAddress>0x0</StartAddress>
+                <Size>0x80000</Size>
+              </IROM>
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+                <Type>0</Type>
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+                <Size>0x0</Size>
+              </XRAM>
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+              </OCR_RVCT1>
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+                <Size>0x0</Size>
+              </OCR_RVCT2>
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+              </OCR_RVCT3>
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+              </OCR_RVCT4>
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+              </OCR_RVCT5>
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+              </OCR_RVCT6>
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+                <Type>0</Type>
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+                <Size>0x0</Size>
+              </OCR_RVCT7>
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+                <Size>0x0</Size>
+              </OCR_RVCT8>
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+              </OCR_RVCT9>
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+                <Size>0x0</Size>
+              </OCR_RVCT10>
+            </OnChipMemories>
+            <RvctStartVector></RvctStartVector>
+          </ArmAdsMisc>
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+              <Define></Define>
+              <Undefine></Undefine>
+              <IncludePath>..\CORTEX_MB9B500_IAR_Keil;.\Fujitu_source;..\Common\include;..\..\Source\include;..\..\Source\portable\RVDS\ARM_CM3</IncludePath>
+            </VariousControls>
+          </Cads>
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+            <LinkerInputFile></LinkerInputFile>
+            <DisabledWarnings></DisabledWarnings>
+          </LDads>
+        </TargetArmAds>
+      </TargetOption>
+      <Groups>
+        <Group>
+          <GroupName>Fujitsu Source</GroupName>
+          <Files>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>system_mb9bf50x.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>.\Fujitu_source\system_mb9bf50x.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>core_cm3.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>.\Fujitu_source\core_cm3.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>startup_mb9bf50x.s</FileName>
+              <FileType>2</FileType>
+              <FilePath>.\Fujitu_source\startup_keil\startup_mb9bf50x.s</FilePath>
+            </File>
+          </Files>
+        </Group>
+        <Group>
+          <GroupName>Common_Demo_Source</GroupName>
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+                <Rwpi>2</Rwpi>
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+                  <MiscControls></MiscControls>
+                  <Define></Define>
+                  <Undefine></Undefine>
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+                </VariousControls>
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+                  <Define></Define>
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+                </VariousControls>
+              </Aads>
+            </GroupArmAds>
+          </GroupOption>
+          <Files>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>TimerDemo.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\Common\Minimal\TimerDemo.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>BlockQ.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\Common\Minimal\BlockQ.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>blocktim.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\Common\Minimal\blocktim.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>comtest.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\Common\Minimal\comtest.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>countsem.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\Common\Minimal\countsem.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>death.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\Common\Minimal\death.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>dynamic.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\Common\Minimal\dynamic.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>flash.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\Common\Minimal\flash.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>GenQTest.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\Common\Minimal\GenQTest.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>PollQ.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\Common\Minimal\PollQ.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>QPeek.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\Common\Minimal\QPeek.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>recmutex.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\Common\Minimal\recmutex.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>semtest.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\Common\Minimal\semtest.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+          </Files>
+        </Group>
+        <Group>
+          <GroupName>FreeRTOS_Source</GroupName>
+          <Files>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>timers.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\..\Source\timers.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>list.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\..\Source\list.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>queue.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\..\Source\queue.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>tasks.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\..\Source\tasks.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>port.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\..\Source\portable\RVDS\ARM_CM3\port.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>heap_2.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\..\Source\portable\MemMang\heap_2.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+          </Files>
+        </Group>
+        <Group>
+          <GroupName>Demo_Source</GroupName>
+          <Files>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>serial.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>.\serial.c</FilePath>
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+                    <Rwpi>2</Rwpi>
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+                      <MiscControls></MiscControls>
+                      <Define></Define>
+                      <Undefine></Undefine>
+                      <IncludePath></IncludePath>
+                    </VariousControls>
+                  </Cads>
+                </FileArmAds>
+              </FileOption>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>main_blinky.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>.\main_blinky.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>main-full.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>.\main-full.c</FilePath>
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+                    </VariousControls>
+                  </Cads>
+                </FileArmAds>
+              </FileOption>
+            </File>
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+              <FilePath>.\ParTest.c</FilePath>
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+                      <Undefine></Undefine>
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+                    </VariousControls>
+                  </Cads>
+                </FileArmAds>
+              </FileOption>
+            </File>
+          </Files>
+        </Group>
+      </Groups>
+    </Target>
+  </Targets>