tree: f935442f42457505bef573d685b9222e9ef15fa8 [path history] [tgz]
  1. CMakeLists.txt
  2. coverity_misra.config
  3. FreeRTOSConfig.h

MISRA Compliance for FreeRTOS-Kernel

FreeRTOS-Kernel is MISRA C:2012 compliant. This directory contains a project to run Synopsys Coverity for checking MISRA compliance.

Note Coverity version 2022.6.1 incorrectly infers the type of pdTRUE and pdFALSE as boolean because of their names, resulting in multiple false positive warnings about type mismatch. We replace pdTRUE with pdPASS and pdFALSE with pdFAIL to avoid these false positive warnings. This workaround will not be needed after Coverity fixes the issue of incorrectly inferring the type of pdTRUE and pdFALSE as boolean.

Deviations from the MISRA C:2012 guidelines are documented in and coverity_misra.config files.

Getting Started


Coverity can be run on any platform mentioned here. The following are the prerequisites to generate coverity report:

  1. CMake version > 3.13.0 (You can check whether you have this by typing cmake --version).
  2. GCC compiler.
    • See download and installation instructions here.
  3. Clone the repo using the following command:
    • git clone ./FreeRTOS-Kernel

Generating Report

Go to the root directory of the FreeRTOS-Kernel repo and run the following commands in a terminal:

  1. Update the compiler configuration in Coverity:
cov-configure --force --compiler cc --comptype gcc
  1. Create the build files using CMake in a build directory:
cmake -B build -S examples/coverity
  1. Build the (pseudo) application:
cd build/
cov-build --emit-complementary-info --dir cov-out make
  1. Go to the Coverity output directory (cov-out) and begin Coverity static analysis:
cd cov-out/
cov-analyze --dir ./cov-out \
  --coding-standard-config ../examples/coverity/coverity_misra.config \
  --tu-pattern "file('.*/FreeRTOS/Source/[A-Za-z_]*\.c')
  1. Generate the HTML report:
cov-format-errors --dir ./cov-out --html-output html-output

HTML report should now be generated in a directory named html-output.