Add back croutines by reverting PR#590 (#685)

* Add croutines to the code base

* Add croutine changes to cmake, lexicon and readme

* Add croutine file to portable cmake file

* Add back more references from PR 591
diff --git a/.github/lexicon.txt b/.github/lexicon.txt
index a4c0237..1a7d485 100644
--- a/.github/lexicon.txt
+++ b/.github/lexicon.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+  GNU nano 5.9                     .github/lexicon.txt                     Modified
@@ -317,6 +318,7 @@
@@ -338,15 +340,32 @@
@@ -1523,11 +1542,17 @@
@@ -1642,11 +1667,18 @@
@@ -1681,6 +1713,7 @@
@@ -1690,6 +1723,7 @@
@@ -2463,6 +2497,7 @@
@@ -2492,6 +2527,7 @@
@@ -2501,6 +2537,7 @@
@@ -2563,12 +2600,14 @@
@@ -2702,6 +2741,9 @@
@@ -2711,6 +2753,7 @@
@@ -2859,6 +2902,7 @@
@@ -3100,4 +3144,3 @@
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index d45de64..46a9e18 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -267,6 +267,7 @@
 add_library(freertos_kernel STATIC
+    croutine.c
diff --git a/ b/
index 952914d..dd79eee 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -70,7 +70,8 @@
 ## Repository structure
 - The root of this repository contains the three files that are common to
 every port - list.c, queue.c and tasks.c.  The kernel is contained within these
-three files.
+three files.  croutine.c implements the optional co-routine functionality - which
+is normally only used on very memory limited systems.
 - The ```./portable``` directory contains the files that are specific to a particular microcontroller and/or compiler.
 See the readme file in the ```./portable``` directory for more information.
diff --git a/croutine.c b/croutine.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02b99de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/croutine.c
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2021, Inc. or its affiliates.  All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+ * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
+ * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
+ * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
+ * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
+ * subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+ * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "FreeRTOS.h"
+#include "task.h"
+#include "croutine.h"
+/* Remove the whole file is co-routines are not being used. */
+#if ( configUSE_CO_ROUTINES != 0 )
+ * Some kernel aware debuggers require data to be viewed to be global, rather
+ * than file scope.
+ */
+        #define static
+    #endif
+/* Lists for ready and blocked co-routines. --------------------*/
+    static List_t pxReadyCoRoutineLists[ configMAX_CO_ROUTINE_PRIORITIES ]; /*< Prioritised ready co-routines. */
+    static List_t xDelayedCoRoutineList1;                                   /*< Delayed co-routines. */
+    static List_t xDelayedCoRoutineList2;                                   /*< Delayed co-routines (two lists are used - one for delays that have overflowed the current tick count. */
+    static List_t * pxDelayedCoRoutineList = NULL;                          /*< Points to the delayed co-routine list currently being used. */
+    static List_t * pxOverflowDelayedCoRoutineList = NULL;                  /*< Points to the delayed co-routine list currently being used to hold co-routines that have overflowed the current tick count. */
+    static List_t xPendingReadyCoRoutineList;                               /*< Holds co-routines that have been readied by an external event.  They cannot be added directly to the ready lists as the ready lists cannot be accessed by interrupts. */
+/* Other file private variables. --------------------------------*/
+    CRCB_t * pxCurrentCoRoutine = NULL;
+    static UBaseType_t uxTopCoRoutineReadyPriority = 0;
+    static TickType_t xCoRoutineTickCount = 0, xLastTickCount = 0, xPassedTicks = 0;
+/* The initial state of the co-routine when it is created. */
+    #define corINITIAL_STATE    ( 0 )
+ * Place the co-routine represented by pxCRCB into the appropriate ready queue
+ * for the priority.  It is inserted at the end of the list.
+ *
+ * This macro accesses the co-routine ready lists and therefore must not be
+ * used from within an ISR.
+ */
+    #define prvAddCoRoutineToReadyQueue( pxCRCB )                                                                               \
+    {                                                                                                                           \
+        if( ( pxCRCB )->uxPriority > uxTopCoRoutineReadyPriority )                                                              \
+        {                                                                                                                       \
+            uxTopCoRoutineReadyPriority = ( pxCRCB )->uxPriority;                                                               \
+        }                                                                                                                       \
+        vListInsertEnd( ( List_t * ) &( pxReadyCoRoutineLists[ ( pxCRCB )->uxPriority ] ), &( ( pxCRCB )->xGenericListItem ) ); \
+    }
+ * Utility to ready all the lists used by the scheduler.  This is called
+ * automatically upon the creation of the first co-routine.
+ */
+    static void prvInitialiseCoRoutineLists( void );
+ * Co-routines that are readied by an interrupt cannot be placed directly into
+ * the ready lists (there is no mutual exclusion).  Instead they are placed in
+ * in the pending ready list in order that they can later be moved to the ready
+ * list by the co-routine scheduler.
+ */
+    static void prvCheckPendingReadyList( void );
+ * Macro that looks at the list of co-routines that are currently delayed to
+ * see if any require waking.
+ *
+ * Co-routines are stored in the queue in the order of their wake time -
+ * meaning once one co-routine has been found whose timer has not expired
+ * we need not look any further down the list.
+ */
+    static void prvCheckDelayedList( void );
+    BaseType_t xCoRoutineCreate( crCOROUTINE_CODE pxCoRoutineCode,
+                                 UBaseType_t uxPriority,
+                                 UBaseType_t uxIndex )
+    {
+        BaseType_t xReturn;
+        CRCB_t * pxCoRoutine;
+        /* Allocate the memory that will store the co-routine control block. */
+        pxCoRoutine = ( CRCB_t * ) pvPortMalloc( sizeof( CRCB_t ) );
+        if( pxCoRoutine )
+        {
+            /* If pxCurrentCoRoutine is NULL then this is the first co-routine to
+            * be created and the co-routine data structures need initialising. */
+            if( pxCurrentCoRoutine == NULL )
+            {
+                pxCurrentCoRoutine = pxCoRoutine;
+                prvInitialiseCoRoutineLists();
+            }
+            /* Check the priority is within limits. */
+            if( uxPriority >= configMAX_CO_ROUTINE_PRIORITIES )
+            {
+                uxPriority = configMAX_CO_ROUTINE_PRIORITIES - 1;
+            }
+            /* Fill out the co-routine control block from the function parameters. */
+            pxCoRoutine->uxState = corINITIAL_STATE;
+            pxCoRoutine->uxPriority = uxPriority;
+            pxCoRoutine->uxIndex = uxIndex;
+            pxCoRoutine->pxCoRoutineFunction = pxCoRoutineCode;
+            /* Initialise all the other co-routine control block parameters. */
+            vListInitialiseItem( &( pxCoRoutine->xGenericListItem ) );
+            vListInitialiseItem( &( pxCoRoutine->xEventListItem ) );
+            /* Set the co-routine control block as a link back from the ListItem_t.
+             * This is so we can get back to the containing CRCB from a generic item
+             * in a list. */
+            listSET_LIST_ITEM_OWNER( &( pxCoRoutine->xGenericListItem ), pxCoRoutine );
+            listSET_LIST_ITEM_OWNER( &( pxCoRoutine->xEventListItem ), pxCoRoutine );
+            /* Event lists are always in priority order. */
+            listSET_LIST_ITEM_VALUE( &( pxCoRoutine->xEventListItem ), ( ( TickType_t ) configMAX_CO_ROUTINE_PRIORITIES - ( TickType_t ) uxPriority ) );
+            /* Now the co-routine has been initialised it can be added to the ready
+             * list at the correct priority. */
+            prvAddCoRoutineToReadyQueue( pxCoRoutine );
+            xReturn = pdPASS;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+        }
+        return xReturn;
+    }
+    void vCoRoutineAddToDelayedList( TickType_t xTicksToDelay,
+                                     List_t * pxEventList )
+    {
+        TickType_t xTimeToWake;
+        /* Calculate the time to wake - this may overflow but this is
+         * not a problem. */
+        xTimeToWake = xCoRoutineTickCount + xTicksToDelay;
+        /* We must remove ourselves from the ready list before adding
+         * ourselves to the blocked list as the same list item is used for
+         * both lists. */
+        ( void ) uxListRemove( ( ListItem_t * ) &( pxCurrentCoRoutine->xGenericListItem ) );
+        /* The list item will be inserted in wake time order. */
+        listSET_LIST_ITEM_VALUE( &( pxCurrentCoRoutine->xGenericListItem ), xTimeToWake );
+        if( xTimeToWake < xCoRoutineTickCount )
+        {
+            /* Wake time has overflowed.  Place this item in the
+             * overflow list. */
+            vListInsert( ( List_t * ) pxOverflowDelayedCoRoutineList, ( ListItem_t * ) &( pxCurrentCoRoutine->xGenericListItem ) );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* The wake time has not overflowed, so we can use the
+             * current block list. */
+            vListInsert( ( List_t * ) pxDelayedCoRoutineList, ( ListItem_t * ) &( pxCurrentCoRoutine->xGenericListItem ) );
+        }
+        if( pxEventList )
+        {
+            /* Also add the co-routine to an event list.  If this is done then the
+             * function must be called with interrupts disabled. */
+            vListInsert( pxEventList, &( pxCurrentCoRoutine->xEventListItem ) );
+        }
+    }
+    static void prvCheckPendingReadyList( void )
+    {
+        /* Are there any co-routines waiting to get moved to the ready list?  These
+         * are co-routines that have been readied by an ISR.  The ISR cannot access
+         * the ready lists itself. */
+        while( listLIST_IS_EMPTY( &xPendingReadyCoRoutineList ) == pdFALSE )
+        {
+            CRCB_t * pxUnblockedCRCB;
+            /* The pending ready list can be accessed by an ISR. */
+            portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS();
+            {
+                pxUnblockedCRCB = ( CRCB_t * ) listGET_OWNER_OF_HEAD_ENTRY( ( &xPendingReadyCoRoutineList ) );
+                ( void ) uxListRemove( &( pxUnblockedCRCB->xEventListItem ) );
+            }
+            portENABLE_INTERRUPTS();
+            ( void ) uxListRemove( &( pxUnblockedCRCB->xGenericListItem ) );
+            prvAddCoRoutineToReadyQueue( pxUnblockedCRCB );
+        }
+    }
+    static void prvCheckDelayedList( void )
+    {
+        CRCB_t * pxCRCB;
+        xPassedTicks = xTaskGetTickCount() - xLastTickCount;
+        while( xPassedTicks )
+        {
+            xCoRoutineTickCount++;
+            xPassedTicks--;
+            /* If the tick count has overflowed we need to swap the ready lists. */
+            if( xCoRoutineTickCount == 0 )
+            {
+                List_t * pxTemp;
+                /* Tick count has overflowed so we need to swap the delay lists.  If there are
+                 * any items in pxDelayedCoRoutineList here then there is an error! */
+                pxTemp = pxDelayedCoRoutineList;
+                pxDelayedCoRoutineList = pxOverflowDelayedCoRoutineList;
+                pxOverflowDelayedCoRoutineList = pxTemp;
+            }
+            /* See if this tick has made a timeout expire. */
+            while( listLIST_IS_EMPTY( pxDelayedCoRoutineList ) == pdFALSE )
+            {
+                pxCRCB = ( CRCB_t * ) listGET_OWNER_OF_HEAD_ENTRY( pxDelayedCoRoutineList );
+                if( xCoRoutineTickCount < listGET_LIST_ITEM_VALUE( &( pxCRCB->xGenericListItem ) ) )
+                {
+                    /* Timeout not yet expired. */
+                    break;
+                }
+                portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS();
+                {
+                    /* The event could have occurred just before this critical
+                     *  section.  If this is the case then the generic list item will
+                     *  have been moved to the pending ready list and the following
+                     *  line is still valid.  Also the pvContainer parameter will have
+                     *  been set to NULL so the following lines are also valid. */
+                    ( void ) uxListRemove( &( pxCRCB->xGenericListItem ) );
+                    /* Is the co-routine waiting on an event also? */
+                    if( pxCRCB->xEventListItem.pxContainer )
+                    {
+                        ( void ) uxListRemove( &( pxCRCB->xEventListItem ) );
+                    }
+                }
+                portENABLE_INTERRUPTS();
+                prvAddCoRoutineToReadyQueue( pxCRCB );
+            }
+        }
+        xLastTickCount = xCoRoutineTickCount;
+    }
+    void vCoRoutineSchedule( void )
+    {
+        /* Only run a co-routine after prvInitialiseCoRoutineLists() has been
+         * called.  prvInitialiseCoRoutineLists() is called automatically when a
+         * co-routine is created. */
+        if( pxDelayedCoRoutineList != NULL )
+        {
+            /* See if any co-routines readied by events need moving to the ready lists. */
+            prvCheckPendingReadyList();
+            /* See if any delayed co-routines have timed out. */
+            prvCheckDelayedList();
+            /* Find the highest priority queue that contains ready co-routines. */
+            while( listLIST_IS_EMPTY( &( pxReadyCoRoutineLists[ uxTopCoRoutineReadyPriority ] ) ) )
+            {
+                if( uxTopCoRoutineReadyPriority == 0 )
+                {
+                    /* No more co-routines to check. */
+                    return;
+                }
+                --uxTopCoRoutineReadyPriority;
+            }
+            /* listGET_OWNER_OF_NEXT_ENTRY walks through the list, so the co-routines
+             * of the same priority get an equal share of the processor time. */
+            listGET_OWNER_OF_NEXT_ENTRY( pxCurrentCoRoutine, &( pxReadyCoRoutineLists[ uxTopCoRoutineReadyPriority ] ) );
+            /* Call the co-routine. */
+            ( pxCurrentCoRoutine->pxCoRoutineFunction )( pxCurrentCoRoutine, pxCurrentCoRoutine->uxIndex );
+        }
+    }
+    static void prvInitialiseCoRoutineLists( void )
+    {
+        UBaseType_t uxPriority;
+        for( uxPriority = 0; uxPriority < configMAX_CO_ROUTINE_PRIORITIES; uxPriority++ )
+        {
+            vListInitialise( ( List_t * ) &( pxReadyCoRoutineLists[ uxPriority ] ) );
+        }
+        vListInitialise( ( List_t * ) &xDelayedCoRoutineList1 );
+        vListInitialise( ( List_t * ) &xDelayedCoRoutineList2 );
+        vListInitialise( ( List_t * ) &xPendingReadyCoRoutineList );
+        /* Start with pxDelayedCoRoutineList using list1 and the
+         * pxOverflowDelayedCoRoutineList using list2. */
+        pxDelayedCoRoutineList = &xDelayedCoRoutineList1;
+        pxOverflowDelayedCoRoutineList = &xDelayedCoRoutineList2;
+    }
+    BaseType_t xCoRoutineRemoveFromEventList( const List_t * pxEventList )
+    {
+        CRCB_t * pxUnblockedCRCB;
+        BaseType_t xReturn;
+        /* This function is called from within an interrupt.  It can only access
+         * event lists and the pending ready list.  This function assumes that a
+         * check has already been made to ensure pxEventList is not empty. */
+        pxUnblockedCRCB = ( CRCB_t * ) listGET_OWNER_OF_HEAD_ENTRY( pxEventList );
+        ( void ) uxListRemove( &( pxUnblockedCRCB->xEventListItem ) );
+        vListInsertEnd( ( List_t * ) &( xPendingReadyCoRoutineList ), &( pxUnblockedCRCB->xEventListItem ) );
+        if( pxUnblockedCRCB->uxPriority >= pxCurrentCoRoutine->uxPriority )
+        {
+            xReturn = pdTRUE;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            xReturn = pdFALSE;
+        }
+        return xReturn;
+    }
+#endif /* configUSE_CO_ROUTINES == 0 */
diff --git a/include/FreeRTOS.h b/include/FreeRTOS.h
index f1ab32c..44d5efd 100644
--- a/include/FreeRTOS.h
+++ b/include/FreeRTOS.h
@@ -169,6 +169,10 @@
     #error Macro configTICK_TYPE_WIDTH_IN_BITS is defined to incorrect value.  See the Configuration section of the FreeRTOS API documentation for details.
+#ifndef configUSE_CO_ROUTINES
+    #define configUSE_CO_ROUTINES    0
 #ifndef INCLUDE_vTaskPrioritySet
     #define INCLUDE_vTaskPrioritySet    0
@@ -263,8 +267,10 @@
     #define INCLUDE_xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle    1
-#if ( defined( configUSE_CO_ROUTINES ) && configUSE_CO_ROUTINES != 0 )
-    #warning Co-routines have been removed from FreeRTOS-Kernel versions released after V10.5.1. You can view previous versions of the FreeRTOS Kernel at .
+#if configUSE_CO_ROUTINES != 0
+    #ifndef configMAX_CO_ROUTINE_PRIORITIES
+        #error configMAX_CO_ROUTINE_PRIORITIES must be greater than or equal to 1.
+    #endif
@@ -1082,6 +1088,7 @@
     #define xTaskParameters               TaskParameters_t
     #define xTaskStatusType               TaskStatus_t
     #define xTimerHandle                  TimerHandle_t
+    #define xCoRoutineHandle              CoRoutineHandle_t
     #define pdTASK_HOOK_CODE              TaskHookFunction_t
     #define portTICK_RATE_MS              portTICK_PERIOD_MS
     #define pcTaskGetTaskName             pcTaskGetName
diff --git a/include/croutine.h b/include/croutine.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ac4aa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/croutine.h
@@ -0,0 +1,753 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2021, Inc. or its affiliates.  All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+ * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
+ * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
+ * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
+ * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
+ * subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+ * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef CO_ROUTINE_H
+#define CO_ROUTINE_H
+    #error "include FreeRTOS.h must appear in source files before include croutine.h"
+#include "list.h"
+/* *INDENT-OFF* */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+/* *INDENT-ON* */
+/* Used to hide the implementation of the co-routine control block.  The
+ * control block structure however has to be included in the header due to
+ * the macro implementation of the co-routine functionality. */
+typedef void * CoRoutineHandle_t;
+/* Defines the prototype to which co-routine functions must conform. */
+typedef void (* crCOROUTINE_CODE)( CoRoutineHandle_t,
+                                   UBaseType_t );
+typedef struct corCoRoutineControlBlock
+    crCOROUTINE_CODE pxCoRoutineFunction;
+    ListItem_t xGenericListItem; /*< List item used to place the CRCB in ready and blocked queues. */
+    ListItem_t xEventListItem;   /*< List item used to place the CRCB in event lists. */
+    UBaseType_t uxPriority;      /*< The priority of the co-routine in relation to other co-routines. */
+    UBaseType_t uxIndex;         /*< Used to distinguish between co-routines when multiple co-routines use the same co-routine function. */
+    uint16_t uxState;            /*< Used internally by the co-routine implementation. */
+} CRCB_t;                        /* Co-routine control block.  Note must be identical in size down to uxPriority with TCB_t. */
+ * croutine. h
+ * @code{c}
+ * BaseType_t xCoRoutineCreate(
+ *                               crCOROUTINE_CODE pxCoRoutineCode,
+ *                               UBaseType_t uxPriority,
+ *                               UBaseType_t uxIndex
+ *                             );
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * Create a new co-routine and add it to the list of co-routines that are
+ * ready to run.
+ *
+ * @param pxCoRoutineCode Pointer to the co-routine function.  Co-routine
+ * functions require special syntax - see the co-routine section of the WEB
+ * documentation for more information.
+ *
+ * @param uxPriority The priority with respect to other co-routines at which
+ *  the co-routine will run.
+ *
+ * @param uxIndex Used to distinguish between different co-routines that
+ * execute the same function.  See the example below and the co-routine section
+ * of the WEB documentation for further information.
+ *
+ * @return pdPASS if the co-routine was successfully created and added to a ready
+ * list, otherwise an error code defined with ProjDefs.h.
+ *
+ * Example usage:
+ * @code{c}
+ * // Co-routine to be created.
+ * void vFlashCoRoutine( CoRoutineHandle_t xHandle, UBaseType_t uxIndex )
+ * {
+ * // Variables in co-routines must be declared static if they must maintain value across a blocking call.
+ * // This may not be necessary for const variables.
+ * static const char cLedToFlash[ 2 ] = { 5, 6 };
+ * static const TickType_t uxFlashRates[ 2 ] = { 200, 400 };
+ *
+ *   // Must start every co-routine with a call to crSTART();
+ *   crSTART( xHandle );
+ *
+ *   for( ;; )
+ *   {
+ *       // This co-routine just delays for a fixed period, then toggles
+ *       // an LED.  Two co-routines are created using this function, so
+ *       // the uxIndex parameter is used to tell the co-routine which
+ *       // LED to flash and how int32_t to delay.  This assumes xQueue has
+ *       // already been created.
+ *       vParTestToggleLED( cLedToFlash[ uxIndex ] );
+ *       crDELAY( xHandle, uxFlashRates[ uxIndex ] );
+ *   }
+ *
+ *   // Must end every co-routine with a call to crEND();
+ *   crEND();
+ * }
+ *
+ * // Function that creates two co-routines.
+ * void vOtherFunction( void )
+ * {
+ * uint8_t ucParameterToPass;
+ * TaskHandle_t xHandle;
+ *
+ *   // Create two co-routines at priority 0.  The first is given index 0
+ *   // so (from the code above) toggles LED 5 every 200 ticks.  The second
+ *   // is given index 1 so toggles LED 6 every 400 ticks.
+ *   for( uxIndex = 0; uxIndex < 2; uxIndex++ )
+ *   {
+ *       xCoRoutineCreate( vFlashCoRoutine, 0, uxIndex );
+ *   }
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ * \defgroup xCoRoutineCreate xCoRoutineCreate
+ * \ingroup Tasks
+ */
+BaseType_t xCoRoutineCreate( crCOROUTINE_CODE pxCoRoutineCode,
+                             UBaseType_t uxPriority,
+                             UBaseType_t uxIndex );
+ * croutine. h
+ * @code{c}
+ * void vCoRoutineSchedule( void );
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * Run a co-routine.
+ *
+ * vCoRoutineSchedule() executes the highest priority co-routine that is able
+ * to run.  The co-routine will execute until it either blocks, yields or is
+ * preempted by a task.  Co-routines execute cooperatively so one
+ * co-routine cannot be preempted by another, but can be preempted by a task.
+ *
+ * If an application comprises of both tasks and co-routines then
+ * vCoRoutineSchedule should be called from the idle task (in an idle task
+ * hook).
+ *
+ * Example usage:
+ * @code{c}
+ * // This idle task hook will schedule a co-routine each time it is called.
+ * // The rest of the idle task will execute between co-routine calls.
+ * void vApplicationIdleHook( void )
+ * {
+ *  vCoRoutineSchedule();
+ * }
+ *
+ * // Alternatively, if you do not require any other part of the idle task to
+ * // execute, the idle task hook can call vCoRoutineSchedule() within an
+ * // infinite loop.
+ * void vApplicationIdleHook( void )
+ * {
+ *  for( ;; )
+ *  {
+ *      vCoRoutineSchedule();
+ *  }
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ * \defgroup vCoRoutineSchedule vCoRoutineSchedule
+ * \ingroup Tasks
+ */
+void vCoRoutineSchedule( void );
+ * croutine. h
+ * @code{c}
+ * crSTART( CoRoutineHandle_t xHandle );
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * This macro MUST always be called at the start of a co-routine function.
+ *
+ * Example usage:
+ * @code{c}
+ * // Co-routine to be created.
+ * void vACoRoutine( CoRoutineHandle_t xHandle, UBaseType_t uxIndex )
+ * {
+ * // Variables in co-routines must be declared static if they must maintain value across a blocking call.
+ * static int32_t ulAVariable;
+ *
+ *   // Must start every co-routine with a call to crSTART();
+ *   crSTART( xHandle );
+ *
+ *   for( ;; )
+ *   {
+ *        // Co-routine functionality goes here.
+ *   }
+ *
+ *   // Must end every co-routine with a call to crEND();
+ *   crEND();
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ * \defgroup crSTART crSTART
+ * \ingroup Tasks
+ */
+#define crSTART( pxCRCB )                            \
+    switch( ( ( CRCB_t * ) ( pxCRCB ) )->uxState ) { \
+        case 0:
+ * croutine. h
+ * @code{c}
+ * crEND();
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * This macro MUST always be called at the end of a co-routine function.
+ *
+ * Example usage:
+ * @code{c}
+ * // Co-routine to be created.
+ * void vACoRoutine( CoRoutineHandle_t xHandle, UBaseType_t uxIndex )
+ * {
+ * // Variables in co-routines must be declared static if they must maintain value across a blocking call.
+ * static int32_t ulAVariable;
+ *
+ *   // Must start every co-routine with a call to crSTART();
+ *   crSTART( xHandle );
+ *
+ *   for( ;; )
+ *   {
+ *        // Co-routine functionality goes here.
+ *   }
+ *
+ *   // Must end every co-routine with a call to crEND();
+ *   crEND();
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ * \defgroup crSTART crSTART
+ * \ingroup Tasks
+ */
+#define crEND()    }
+ * These macros are intended for internal use by the co-routine implementation
+ * only.  The macros should not be used directly by application writers.
+ */
+#define crSET_STATE0( xHandle )                                       \
+    ( ( CRCB_t * ) ( xHandle ) )->uxState = ( __LINE__ * 2 ); return; \
+    case ( __LINE__ * 2 ):
+#define crSET_STATE1( xHandle )                                               \
+    ( ( CRCB_t * ) ( xHandle ) )->uxState = ( ( __LINE__ * 2 ) + 1 ); return; \
+    case ( ( __LINE__ * 2 ) + 1 ):
+ * croutine. h
+ * @code{c}
+ * crDELAY( CoRoutineHandle_t xHandle, TickType_t xTicksToDelay );
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * Delay a co-routine for a fixed period of time.
+ *
+ * crDELAY can only be called from the co-routine function itself - not
+ * from within a function called by the co-routine function.  This is because
+ * co-routines do not maintain their own stack.
+ *
+ * @param xHandle The handle of the co-routine to delay.  This is the xHandle
+ * parameter of the co-routine function.
+ *
+ * @param xTickToDelay The number of ticks that the co-routine should delay
+ * for.  The actual amount of time this equates to is defined by
+ * configTICK_RATE_HZ (set in FreeRTOSConfig.h).  The constant portTICK_PERIOD_MS
+ * can be used to convert ticks to milliseconds.
+ *
+ * Example usage:
+ * @code{c}
+ * // Co-routine to be created.
+ * void vACoRoutine( CoRoutineHandle_t xHandle, UBaseType_t uxIndex )
+ * {
+ * // Variables in co-routines must be declared static if they must maintain value across a blocking call.
+ * // This may not be necessary for const variables.
+ * // We are to delay for 200ms.
+ * static const xTickType xDelayTime = 200 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS;
+ *
+ *   // Must start every co-routine with a call to crSTART();
+ *   crSTART( xHandle );
+ *
+ *   for( ;; )
+ *   {
+ *      // Delay for 200ms.
+ *      crDELAY( xHandle, xDelayTime );
+ *
+ *      // Do something here.
+ *   }
+ *
+ *   // Must end every co-routine with a call to crEND();
+ *   crEND();
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ * \defgroup crDELAY crDELAY
+ * \ingroup Tasks
+ */
+#define crDELAY( xHandle, xTicksToDelay )                      \
+    if( ( xTicksToDelay ) > 0 )                                \
+    {                                                          \
+        vCoRoutineAddToDelayedList( ( xTicksToDelay ), NULL ); \
+    }                                                          \
+    crSET_STATE0( ( xHandle ) );
+ * @code{c}
+ *                CoRoutineHandle_t xHandle,
+ *                QueueHandle_t pxQueue,
+ *                void *pvItemToQueue,
+ *                TickType_t xTicksToWait,
+ *                BaseType_t *pxResult
+ *           )
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * The macro's crQUEUE_SEND() and crQUEUE_RECEIVE() are the co-routine
+ * equivalent to the xQueueSend() and xQueueReceive() functions used by tasks.
+ *
+ * crQUEUE_SEND and crQUEUE_RECEIVE can only be used from a co-routine whereas
+ * xQueueSend() and xQueueReceive() can only be used from tasks.
+ *
+ * crQUEUE_SEND can only be called from the co-routine function itself - not
+ * from within a function called by the co-routine function.  This is because
+ * co-routines do not maintain their own stack.
+ *
+ * See the co-routine section of the WEB documentation for information on
+ * passing data between tasks and co-routines and between ISR's and
+ * co-routines.
+ *
+ * @param xHandle The handle of the calling co-routine.  This is the xHandle
+ * parameter of the co-routine function.
+ *
+ * @param pxQueue The handle of the queue on which the data will be posted.
+ * The handle is obtained as the return value when the queue is created using
+ * the xQueueCreate() API function.
+ *
+ * @param pvItemToQueue A pointer to the data being posted onto the queue.
+ * The number of bytes of each queued item is specified when the queue is
+ * created.  This number of bytes is copied from pvItemToQueue into the queue
+ * itself.
+ *
+ * @param xTickToDelay The number of ticks that the co-routine should block
+ * to wait for space to become available on the queue, should space not be
+ * available immediately. The actual amount of time this equates to is defined
+ * by configTICK_RATE_HZ (set in FreeRTOSConfig.h).  The constant
+ * portTICK_PERIOD_MS can be used to convert ticks to milliseconds (see example
+ * below).
+ *
+ * @param pxResult The variable pointed to by pxResult will be set to pdPASS if
+ * data was successfully posted onto the queue, otherwise it will be set to an
+ * error defined within ProjDefs.h.
+ *
+ * Example usage:
+ * @code{c}
+ * // Co-routine function that blocks for a fixed period then posts a number onto
+ * // a queue.
+ * static void prvCoRoutineFlashTask( CoRoutineHandle_t xHandle, UBaseType_t uxIndex )
+ * {
+ * // Variables in co-routines must be declared static if they must maintain value across a blocking call.
+ * static BaseType_t xNumberToPost = 0;
+ * static BaseType_t xResult;
+ *
+ *  // Co-routines must begin with a call to crSTART().
+ *  crSTART( xHandle );
+ *
+ *  for( ;; )
+ *  {
+ *      // This assumes the queue has already been created.
+ *      crQUEUE_SEND( xHandle, xCoRoutineQueue, &xNumberToPost, NO_DELAY, &xResult );
+ *
+ *      if( xResult != pdPASS )
+ *      {
+ *          // The message was not posted!
+ *      }
+ *
+ *      // Increment the number to be posted onto the queue.
+ *      xNumberToPost++;
+ *
+ *      // Delay for 100 ticks.
+ *      crDELAY( xHandle, 100 );
+ *  }
+ *
+ *  // Co-routines must end with a call to crEND().
+ *  crEND();
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ * \defgroup crQUEUE_SEND crQUEUE_SEND
+ * \ingroup Tasks
+ */
+#define crQUEUE_SEND( xHandle, pxQueue, pvItemToQueue, xTicksToWait, pxResult )           \
+    {                                                                                     \
+        *( pxResult ) = xQueueCRSend( ( pxQueue ), ( pvItemToQueue ), ( xTicksToWait ) ); \
+        if( *( pxResult ) == errQUEUE_BLOCKED )                                           \
+        {                                                                                 \
+            crSET_STATE0( ( xHandle ) );                                                  \
+            *pxResult = xQueueCRSend( ( pxQueue ), ( pvItemToQueue ), 0 );                \
+        }                                                                                 \
+        if( *pxResult == errQUEUE_YIELD )                                                 \
+        {                                                                                 \
+            crSET_STATE1( ( xHandle ) );                                                  \
+            *pxResult = pdPASS;                                                           \
+        }                                                                                 \
+    }
+ * croutine. h
+ * @code{c}
+ *                   CoRoutineHandle_t xHandle,
+ *                   QueueHandle_t pxQueue,
+ *                   void *pvBuffer,
+ *                   TickType_t xTicksToWait,
+ *                   BaseType_t *pxResult
+ *               )
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * The macro's crQUEUE_SEND() and crQUEUE_RECEIVE() are the co-routine
+ * equivalent to the xQueueSend() and xQueueReceive() functions used by tasks.
+ *
+ * crQUEUE_SEND and crQUEUE_RECEIVE can only be used from a co-routine whereas
+ * xQueueSend() and xQueueReceive() can only be used from tasks.
+ *
+ * crQUEUE_RECEIVE can only be called from the co-routine function itself - not
+ * from within a function called by the co-routine function.  This is because
+ * co-routines do not maintain their own stack.
+ *
+ * See the co-routine section of the WEB documentation for information on
+ * passing data between tasks and co-routines and between ISR's and
+ * co-routines.
+ *
+ * @param xHandle The handle of the calling co-routine.  This is the xHandle
+ * parameter of the co-routine function.
+ *
+ * @param pxQueue The handle of the queue from which the data will be received.
+ * The handle is obtained as the return value when the queue is created using
+ * the xQueueCreate() API function.
+ *
+ * @param pvBuffer The buffer into which the received item is to be copied.
+ * The number of bytes of each queued item is specified when the queue is
+ * created.  This number of bytes is copied into pvBuffer.
+ *
+ * @param xTickToDelay The number of ticks that the co-routine should block
+ * to wait for data to become available from the queue, should data not be
+ * available immediately. The actual amount of time this equates to is defined
+ * by configTICK_RATE_HZ (set in FreeRTOSConfig.h).  The constant
+ * portTICK_PERIOD_MS can be used to convert ticks to milliseconds (see the
+ * crQUEUE_SEND example).
+ *
+ * @param pxResult The variable pointed to by pxResult will be set to pdPASS if
+ * data was successfully retrieved from the queue, otherwise it will be set to
+ * an error code as defined within ProjDefs.h.
+ *
+ * Example usage:
+ * @code{c}
+ * // A co-routine receives the number of an LED to flash from a queue.  It
+ * // blocks on the queue until the number is received.
+ * static void prvCoRoutineFlashWorkTask( CoRoutineHandle_t xHandle, UBaseType_t uxIndex )
+ * {
+ * // Variables in co-routines must be declared static if they must maintain value across a blocking call.
+ * static BaseType_t xResult;
+ * static UBaseType_t uxLEDToFlash;
+ *
+ *  // All co-routines must start with a call to crSTART().
+ *  crSTART( xHandle );
+ *
+ *  for( ;; )
+ *  {
+ *      // Wait for data to become available on the queue.
+ *      crQUEUE_RECEIVE( xHandle, xCoRoutineQueue, &uxLEDToFlash, portMAX_DELAY, &xResult );
+ *
+ *      if( xResult == pdPASS )
+ *      {
+ *          // We received the LED to flash - flash it!
+ *          vParTestToggleLED( uxLEDToFlash );
+ *      }
+ *  }
+ *
+ *  crEND();
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ * \ingroup Tasks
+ */
+#define crQUEUE_RECEIVE( xHandle, pxQueue, pvBuffer, xTicksToWait, pxResult )           \
+    {                                                                                   \
+        *( pxResult ) = xQueueCRReceive( ( pxQueue ), ( pvBuffer ), ( xTicksToWait ) ); \
+        if( *( pxResult ) == errQUEUE_BLOCKED )                                         \
+        {                                                                               \
+            crSET_STATE0( ( xHandle ) );                                                \
+            *( pxResult ) = xQueueCRReceive( ( pxQueue ), ( pvBuffer ), 0 );            \
+        }                                                                               \
+        if( *( pxResult ) == errQUEUE_YIELD )                                           \
+        {                                                                               \
+            crSET_STATE1( ( xHandle ) );                                                \
+            *( pxResult ) = pdPASS;                                                     \
+        }                                                                               \
+    }
+ * croutine. h
+ * @code{c}
+ *                          QueueHandle_t pxQueue,
+ *                          void *pvItemToQueue,
+ *                          BaseType_t xCoRoutinePreviouslyWoken
+ *                     )
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * The macro's crQUEUE_SEND_FROM_ISR() and crQUEUE_RECEIVE_FROM_ISR() are the
+ * co-routine equivalent to the xQueueSendFromISR() and xQueueReceiveFromISR()
+ * functions used by tasks.
+ *
+ * crQUEUE_SEND_FROM_ISR() and crQUEUE_RECEIVE_FROM_ISR() can only be used to
+ * pass data between a co-routine and and ISR, whereas xQueueSendFromISR() and
+ * xQueueReceiveFromISR() can only be used to pass data between a task and and
+ * ISR.
+ *
+ * crQUEUE_SEND_FROM_ISR can only be called from an ISR to send data to a queue
+ * that is being used from within a co-routine.
+ *
+ * See the co-routine section of the WEB documentation for information on
+ * passing data between tasks and co-routines and between ISR's and
+ * co-routines.
+ *
+ * @param xQueue The handle to the queue on which the item is to be posted.
+ *
+ * @param pvItemToQueue A pointer to the item that is to be placed on the
+ * queue.  The size of the items the queue will hold was defined when the
+ * queue was created, so this many bytes will be copied from pvItemToQueue
+ * into the queue storage area.
+ *
+ * @param xCoRoutinePreviouslyWoken This is included so an ISR can post onto
+ * the same queue multiple times from a single interrupt.  The first call
+ * should always pass in pdFALSE.  Subsequent calls should pass in
+ * the value returned from the previous call.
+ *
+ * @return pdTRUE if a co-routine was woken by posting onto the queue.  This is
+ * used by the ISR to determine if a context switch may be required following
+ * the ISR.
+ *
+ * Example usage:
+ * @code{c}
+ * // A co-routine that blocks on a queue waiting for characters to be received.
+ * static void vReceivingCoRoutine( CoRoutineHandle_t xHandle, UBaseType_t uxIndex )
+ * {
+ * char cRxedChar;
+ * BaseType_t xResult;
+ *
+ *   // All co-routines must start with a call to crSTART().
+ *   crSTART( xHandle );
+ *
+ *   for( ;; )
+ *   {
+ *       // Wait for data to become available on the queue.  This assumes the
+ *       // queue xCommsRxQueue has already been created!
+ *       crQUEUE_RECEIVE( xHandle, xCommsRxQueue, &uxLEDToFlash, portMAX_DELAY, &xResult );
+ *
+ *       // Was a character received?
+ *       if( xResult == pdPASS )
+ *       {
+ *           // Process the character here.
+ *       }
+ *   }
+ *
+ *   // All co-routines must end with a call to crEND().
+ *   crEND();
+ * }
+ *
+ * // An ISR that uses a queue to send characters received on a serial port to
+ * // a co-routine.
+ * void vUART_ISR( void )
+ * {
+ * char cRxedChar;
+ * BaseType_t xCRWokenByPost = pdFALSE;
+ *
+ *   // We loop around reading characters until there are none left in the UART.
+ *   while( UART_RX_REG_NOT_EMPTY() )
+ *   {
+ *       // Obtain the character from the UART.
+ *       cRxedChar = UART_RX_REG;
+ *
+ *       // Post the character onto a queue.  xCRWokenByPost will be pdFALSE
+ *       // the first time around the loop.  If the post causes a co-routine
+ *       // to be woken (unblocked) then xCRWokenByPost will be set to pdTRUE.
+ *       // In this manner we can ensure that if more than one co-routine is
+ *       // blocked on the queue only one is woken by this ISR no matter how
+ *       // many characters are posted to the queue.
+ *       xCRWokenByPost = crQUEUE_SEND_FROM_ISR( xCommsRxQueue, &cRxedChar, xCRWokenByPost );
+ *   }
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ * \ingroup Tasks
+ */
+#define crQUEUE_SEND_FROM_ISR( pxQueue, pvItemToQueue, xCoRoutinePreviouslyWoken ) \
+    xQueueCRSendFromISR( ( pxQueue ), ( pvItemToQueue ), ( xCoRoutinePreviouslyWoken ) )
+ * croutine. h
+ * @code{c}
+ *                          QueueHandle_t pxQueue,
+ *                          void *pvBuffer,
+ *                          BaseType_t * pxCoRoutineWoken
+ *                     )
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * The macro's crQUEUE_SEND_FROM_ISR() and crQUEUE_RECEIVE_FROM_ISR() are the
+ * co-routine equivalent to the xQueueSendFromISR() and xQueueReceiveFromISR()
+ * functions used by tasks.
+ *
+ * crQUEUE_SEND_FROM_ISR() and crQUEUE_RECEIVE_FROM_ISR() can only be used to
+ * pass data between a co-routine and and ISR, whereas xQueueSendFromISR() and
+ * xQueueReceiveFromISR() can only be used to pass data between a task and and
+ * ISR.
+ *
+ * crQUEUE_RECEIVE_FROM_ISR can only be called from an ISR to receive data
+ * from a queue that is being used from within a co-routine (a co-routine
+ * posted to the queue).
+ *
+ * See the co-routine section of the WEB documentation for information on
+ * passing data between tasks and co-routines and between ISR's and
+ * co-routines.
+ *
+ * @param xQueue The handle to the queue on which the item is to be posted.
+ *
+ * @param pvBuffer A pointer to a buffer into which the received item will be
+ * placed.  The size of the items the queue will hold was defined when the
+ * queue was created, so this many bytes will be copied from the queue into
+ * pvBuffer.
+ *
+ * @param pxCoRoutineWoken A co-routine may be blocked waiting for space to become
+ * available on the queue.  If crQUEUE_RECEIVE_FROM_ISR causes such a
+ * co-routine to unblock *pxCoRoutineWoken will get set to pdTRUE, otherwise
+ * *pxCoRoutineWoken will remain unchanged.
+ *
+ * @return pdTRUE an item was successfully received from the queue, otherwise
+ * pdFALSE.
+ *
+ * Example usage:
+ * @code{c}
+ * // A co-routine that posts a character to a queue then blocks for a fixed
+ * // period.  The character is incremented each time.
+ * static void vSendingCoRoutine( CoRoutineHandle_t xHandle, UBaseType_t uxIndex )
+ * {
+ * // cChar holds its value while this co-routine is blocked and must therefore
+ * // be declared static.
+ * static char cCharToTx = 'a';
+ * BaseType_t xResult;
+ *
+ *   // All co-routines must start with a call to crSTART().
+ *   crSTART( xHandle );
+ *
+ *   for( ;; )
+ *   {
+ *       // Send the next character to the queue.
+ *       crQUEUE_SEND( xHandle, xCoRoutineQueue, &cCharToTx, NO_DELAY, &xResult );
+ *
+ *       if( xResult == pdPASS )
+ *       {
+ *           // The character was successfully posted to the queue.
+ *       }
+ *       else
+ *       {
+ *          // Could not post the character to the queue.
+ *       }
+ *
+ *       // Enable the UART Tx interrupt to cause an interrupt in this
+ *       // hypothetical UART.  The interrupt will obtain the character
+ *       // from the queue and send it.
+ *
+ *       // Increment to the next character then block for a fixed period.
+ *       // cCharToTx will maintain its value across the delay as it is
+ *       // declared static.
+ *       cCharToTx++;
+ *       if( cCharToTx > 'x' )
+ *       {
+ *          cCharToTx = 'a';
+ *       }
+ *       crDELAY( 100 );
+ *   }
+ *
+ *   // All co-routines must end with a call to crEND().
+ *   crEND();
+ * }
+ *
+ * // An ISR that uses a queue to receive characters to send on a UART.
+ * void vUART_ISR( void )
+ * {
+ * char cCharToTx;
+ * BaseType_t xCRWokenByPost = pdFALSE;
+ *
+ *   while( UART_TX_REG_EMPTY() )
+ *   {
+ *       // Are there any characters in the queue waiting to be sent?
+ *       // xCRWokenByPost will automatically be set to pdTRUE if a co-routine
+ *       // is woken by the post - ensuring that only a single co-routine is
+ *       // woken no matter how many times we go around this loop.
+ *       if( crQUEUE_RECEIVE_FROM_ISR( pxQueue, &cCharToTx, &xCRWokenByPost ) )
+ *       {
+ *           SEND_CHARACTER( cCharToTx );
+ *       }
+ *   }
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ * \ingroup Tasks
+ */
+#define crQUEUE_RECEIVE_FROM_ISR( pxQueue, pvBuffer, pxCoRoutineWoken ) \
+    xQueueCRReceiveFromISR( ( pxQueue ), ( pvBuffer ), ( pxCoRoutineWoken ) )
+ * This function is intended for internal use by the co-routine macros only.
+ * The macro nature of the co-routine implementation requires that the
+ * prototype appears here.  The function should not be used by application
+ * writers.
+ *
+ * Removes the current co-routine from its ready list and places it in the
+ * appropriate delayed list.
+ */
+void vCoRoutineAddToDelayedList( TickType_t xTicksToDelay,
+                                 List_t * pxEventList );
+ * This function is intended for internal use by the queue implementation only.
+ * The function should not be used by application writers.
+ *
+ * Removes the highest priority co-routine from the event list and places it in
+ * the pending ready list.
+ */
+BaseType_t xCoRoutineRemoveFromEventList( const List_t * pxEventList );
+/* *INDENT-OFF* */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    }
+/* *INDENT-ON* */
+#endif /* CO_ROUTINE_H */
diff --git a/include/queue.h b/include/queue.h
index 66c8286..e5092ac 100644
--- a/include/queue.h
+++ b/include/queue.h
@@ -1456,6 +1456,28 @@
 UBaseType_t uxQueueMessagesWaitingFromISR( const QueueHandle_t xQueue ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
+ * The functions defined above are for passing data to and from tasks.  The
+ * functions below are the equivalents for passing data to and from
+ * co-routines.
+ *
+ * These functions are called from the co-routine macro implementation and
+ * should not be called directly from application code.  Instead use the macro
+ * wrappers defined within croutine.h.
+ */
+BaseType_t xQueueCRSendFromISR( QueueHandle_t xQueue,
+                                const void * pvItemToQueue,
+                                BaseType_t xCoRoutinePreviouslyWoken );
+BaseType_t xQueueCRReceiveFromISR( QueueHandle_t xQueue,
+                                   void * pvBuffer,
+                                   BaseType_t * pxTaskWoken );
+BaseType_t xQueueCRSend( QueueHandle_t xQueue,
+                         const void * pvItemToQueue,
+                         TickType_t xTicksToWait );
+BaseType_t xQueueCRReceive( QueueHandle_t xQueue,
+                            void * pvBuffer,
+                            TickType_t xTicksToWait );
  * For internal use only.  Use xSemaphoreCreateMutex(),
  * xSemaphoreCreateCounting() or xSemaphoreGetMutexHolder() instead of calling
  * these functions directly.
diff --git a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/RP2040/library.cmake b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/RP2040/library.cmake
index e730e6f..902a217 100644
--- a/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/RP2040/library.cmake
+++ b/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/RP2040/library.cmake
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 add_library(FreeRTOS-Kernel-Core INTERFACE)
 target_sources(FreeRTOS-Kernel-Core INTERFACE
+        ${FREERTOS_KERNEL_PATH}/croutine.c
diff --git a/queue.c b/queue.c
index 662052f..27776f0 100644
--- a/queue.c
+++ b/queue.c
@@ -38,6 +38,10 @@
 #include "task.h"
 #include "queue.h"
+#if ( configUSE_CO_ROUTINES == 1 )
+    #include "croutine.h"
 /* Lint e9021, e961 and e750 are suppressed as a MISRA exception justified
  * because the MPU ports require MPU_WRAPPERS_INCLUDED_FROM_API_FILE to be defined
  * for the header files above, but not in this file, in order to generate the
@@ -2523,6 +2527,293 @@
 } /*lint !e818 xQueue could not be pointer to const because it is a typedef. */
+#if ( configUSE_CO_ROUTINES == 1 )
+    BaseType_t xQueueCRSend( QueueHandle_t xQueue,
+                             const void * pvItemToQueue,
+                             TickType_t xTicksToWait )
+    {
+        BaseType_t xReturn;
+        Queue_t * const pxQueue = xQueue;
+        /* If the queue is already full we may have to block.  A critical section
+         * is required to prevent an interrupt removing something from the queue
+         * between the check to see if the queue is full and blocking on the queue. */
+        portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS();
+        {
+            if( prvIsQueueFull( pxQueue ) != pdFALSE )
+            {
+                /* The queue is full - do we want to block or just leave without
+                 * posting? */
+                if( xTicksToWait > ( TickType_t ) 0 )
+                {
+                    /* As this is called from a coroutine we cannot block directly, but
+                     * return indicating that we need to block. */
+                    vCoRoutineAddToDelayedList( xTicksToWait, &( pxQueue->xTasksWaitingToSend ) );
+                    portENABLE_INTERRUPTS();
+                    return errQUEUE_BLOCKED;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    portENABLE_INTERRUPTS();
+                    return errQUEUE_FULL;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        portENABLE_INTERRUPTS();
+        portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS();
+        {
+            if( pxQueue->uxMessagesWaiting < pxQueue->uxLength )
+            {
+                /* There is room in the queue, copy the data into the queue. */
+                prvCopyDataToQueue( pxQueue, pvItemToQueue, queueSEND_TO_BACK );
+                xReturn = pdPASS;
+                /* Were any co-routines waiting for data to become available? */
+                if( listLIST_IS_EMPTY( &( pxQueue->xTasksWaitingToReceive ) ) == pdFALSE )
+                {
+                    /* In this instance the co-routine could be placed directly
+                     * into the ready list as we are within a critical section.
+                     * Instead the same pending ready list mechanism is used as if
+                     * the event were caused from within an interrupt. */
+                    if( xCoRoutineRemoveFromEventList( &( pxQueue->xTasksWaitingToReceive ) ) != pdFALSE )
+                    {
+                        /* The co-routine waiting has a higher priority so record
+                         * that a yield might be appropriate. */
+                        xReturn = errQUEUE_YIELD;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        mtCOVERAGE_TEST_MARKER();
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    mtCOVERAGE_TEST_MARKER();
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                xReturn = errQUEUE_FULL;
+            }
+        }
+        portENABLE_INTERRUPTS();
+        return xReturn;
+    }
+#endif /* configUSE_CO_ROUTINES */
+#if ( configUSE_CO_ROUTINES == 1 )
+    BaseType_t xQueueCRReceive( QueueHandle_t xQueue,
+                                void * pvBuffer,
+                                TickType_t xTicksToWait )
+    {
+        BaseType_t xReturn;
+        Queue_t * const pxQueue = xQueue;
+        /* If the queue is already empty we may have to block.  A critical section
+         * is required to prevent an interrupt adding something to the queue
+         * between the check to see if the queue is empty and blocking on the queue. */
+        portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS();
+        {
+            if( pxQueue->uxMessagesWaiting == ( UBaseType_t ) 0 )
+            {
+                /* There are no messages in the queue, do we want to block or just
+                 * leave with nothing? */
+                if( xTicksToWait > ( TickType_t ) 0 )
+                {
+                    /* As this is a co-routine we cannot block directly, but return
+                     * indicating that we need to block. */
+                    vCoRoutineAddToDelayedList( xTicksToWait, &( pxQueue->xTasksWaitingToReceive ) );
+                    portENABLE_INTERRUPTS();
+                    return errQUEUE_BLOCKED;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    portENABLE_INTERRUPTS();
+                    return errQUEUE_FULL;
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                mtCOVERAGE_TEST_MARKER();
+            }
+        }
+        portENABLE_INTERRUPTS();
+        portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS();
+        {
+            if( pxQueue->uxMessagesWaiting > ( UBaseType_t ) 0 )
+            {
+                /* Data is available from the queue. */
+                pxQueue->u.xQueue.pcReadFrom += pxQueue->uxItemSize;
+                if( pxQueue->u.xQueue.pcReadFrom >= pxQueue->u.xQueue.pcTail )
+                {
+                    pxQueue->u.xQueue.pcReadFrom = pxQueue->pcHead;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    mtCOVERAGE_TEST_MARKER();
+                }
+                --( pxQueue->uxMessagesWaiting );
+                ( void ) memcpy( ( void * ) pvBuffer, ( void * ) pxQueue->u.xQueue.pcReadFrom, ( unsigned ) pxQueue->uxItemSize );
+                xReturn = pdPASS;
+                /* Were any co-routines waiting for space to become available? */
+                if( listLIST_IS_EMPTY( &( pxQueue->xTasksWaitingToSend ) ) == pdFALSE )
+                {
+                    /* In this instance the co-routine could be placed directly
+                     * into the ready list as we are within a critical section.
+                     * Instead the same pending ready list mechanism is used as if
+                     * the event were caused from within an interrupt. */
+                    if( xCoRoutineRemoveFromEventList( &( pxQueue->xTasksWaitingToSend ) ) != pdFALSE )
+                    {
+                        xReturn = errQUEUE_YIELD;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        mtCOVERAGE_TEST_MARKER();
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    mtCOVERAGE_TEST_MARKER();
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                xReturn = pdFAIL;
+            }
+        }
+        portENABLE_INTERRUPTS();
+        return xReturn;
+    }
+#endif /* configUSE_CO_ROUTINES */
+#if ( configUSE_CO_ROUTINES == 1 )
+    BaseType_t xQueueCRSendFromISR( QueueHandle_t xQueue,
+                                    const void * pvItemToQueue,
+                                    BaseType_t xCoRoutinePreviouslyWoken )
+    {
+        Queue_t * const pxQueue = xQueue;
+        /* Cannot block within an ISR so if there is no space on the queue then
+         * exit without doing anything. */
+        if( pxQueue->uxMessagesWaiting < pxQueue->uxLength )
+        {
+            prvCopyDataToQueue( pxQueue, pvItemToQueue, queueSEND_TO_BACK );
+            /* We only want to wake one co-routine per ISR, so check that a
+             * co-routine has not already been woken. */
+            if( xCoRoutinePreviouslyWoken == pdFALSE )
+            {
+                if( listLIST_IS_EMPTY( &( pxQueue->xTasksWaitingToReceive ) ) == pdFALSE )
+                {
+                    if( xCoRoutineRemoveFromEventList( &( pxQueue->xTasksWaitingToReceive ) ) != pdFALSE )
+                    {
+                        return pdTRUE;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        mtCOVERAGE_TEST_MARKER();
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    mtCOVERAGE_TEST_MARKER();
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                mtCOVERAGE_TEST_MARKER();
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            mtCOVERAGE_TEST_MARKER();
+        }
+        return xCoRoutinePreviouslyWoken;
+    }
+#endif /* configUSE_CO_ROUTINES */
+#if ( configUSE_CO_ROUTINES == 1 )
+    BaseType_t xQueueCRReceiveFromISR( QueueHandle_t xQueue,
+                                       void * pvBuffer,
+                                       BaseType_t * pxCoRoutineWoken )
+    {
+        BaseType_t xReturn;
+        Queue_t * const pxQueue = xQueue;
+        /* We cannot block from an ISR, so check there is data available. If
+         * not then just leave without doing anything. */
+        if( pxQueue->uxMessagesWaiting > ( UBaseType_t ) 0 )
+        {
+            /* Copy the data from the queue. */
+            pxQueue->u.xQueue.pcReadFrom += pxQueue->uxItemSize;
+            if( pxQueue->u.xQueue.pcReadFrom >= pxQueue->u.xQueue.pcTail )
+            {
+                pxQueue->u.xQueue.pcReadFrom = pxQueue->pcHead;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                mtCOVERAGE_TEST_MARKER();
+            }
+            --( pxQueue->uxMessagesWaiting );
+            ( void ) memcpy( ( void * ) pvBuffer, ( void * ) pxQueue->u.xQueue.pcReadFrom, ( unsigned ) pxQueue->uxItemSize );
+            if( ( *pxCoRoutineWoken ) == pdFALSE )
+            {
+                if( listLIST_IS_EMPTY( &( pxQueue->xTasksWaitingToSend ) ) == pdFALSE )
+                {
+                    if( xCoRoutineRemoveFromEventList( &( pxQueue->xTasksWaitingToSend ) ) != pdFALSE )
+                    {
+                        *pxCoRoutineWoken = pdTRUE;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        mtCOVERAGE_TEST_MARKER();
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    mtCOVERAGE_TEST_MARKER();
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                mtCOVERAGE_TEST_MARKER();
+            }
+            xReturn = pdPASS;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            xReturn = pdFAIL;
+        }
+        return xReturn;
+    }
+#endif /* configUSE_CO_ROUTINES */
 #if ( configQUEUE_REGISTRY_SIZE > 0 )
     void vQueueAddToRegistry( QueueHandle_t xQueue,
diff --git a/tasks.c b/tasks.c
index 97539d7..f2d6a40 100644
--- a/tasks.c
+++ b/tasks.c
@@ -2211,7 +2211,7 @@
                  * appropriate ready list. */
                 while( listLIST_IS_EMPTY( &xPendingReadyList ) == pdFALSE )
-                    pxTCB = listGET_OWNER_OF_HEAD_ENTRY( ( &xPendingReadyList ) ); /*lint !e9079 void * is used as this macro is used with timers too.  Alignment is known to be fine as the type of the pointer stored and retrieved is the same. */
+                    pxTCB = listGET_OWNER_OF_HEAD_ENTRY( ( &xPendingReadyList ) ); /*lint !e9079 void * is used as this macro is used with timers and co-routines too.  Alignment is known to be fine as the type of the pointer stored and retrieved is the same. */
                     listREMOVE_ITEM( &( pxTCB->xEventListItem ) );
                     listREMOVE_ITEM( &( pxTCB->xStateListItem ) );
@@ -2379,11 +2379,11 @@
         if( listCURRENT_LIST_LENGTH( pxList ) > ( UBaseType_t ) 0 )
-            listGET_OWNER_OF_NEXT_ENTRY( pxFirstTCB, pxList ); /*lint !e9079 void * is used as this macro is used with timers too.  Alignment is known to be fine as the type of the pointer stored and retrieved is the same. */
+            listGET_OWNER_OF_NEXT_ENTRY( pxFirstTCB, pxList ); /*lint !e9079 void * is used as this macro is used with timers and co-routines too.  Alignment is known to be fine as the type of the pointer stored and retrieved is the same. */
-                listGET_OWNER_OF_NEXT_ENTRY( pxNextTCB, pxList ); /*lint !e9079 void * is used as this macro is used with timers too.  Alignment is known to be fine as the type of the pointer stored and retrieved is the same. */
+                listGET_OWNER_OF_NEXT_ENTRY( pxNextTCB, pxList ); /*lint !e9079 void * is used as this macro is used with timers and co-routines too.  Alignment is known to be fine as the type of the pointer stored and retrieved is the same. */
                 /* Check each character in the name looking for a match or
                  * mismatch. */
@@ -2832,7 +2832,7 @@
                      * item at the head of the delayed list.  This is the time
                      * at which the task at the head of the delayed list must
                      * be removed from the Blocked state. */
-                    pxTCB = listGET_OWNER_OF_HEAD_ENTRY( pxDelayedTaskList ); /*lint !e9079 void * is used as this macro is used with timers too.  Alignment is known to be fine as the type of the pointer stored and retrieved is the same. */
+                    pxTCB = listGET_OWNER_OF_HEAD_ENTRY( pxDelayedTaskList ); /*lint !e9079 void * is used as this macro is used with timers and co-routines too.  Alignment is known to be fine as the type of the pointer stored and retrieved is the same. */
                     xItemValue = listGET_LIST_ITEM_VALUE( &( pxTCB->xStateListItem ) );
                     if( xConstTickCount < xItemValue )
@@ -3120,7 +3120,7 @@
         /* Select a new task to run using either the generic C or port
          * optimised asm code. */
-        taskSELECT_HIGHEST_PRIORITY_TASK(); /*lint !e9079 void * is used as this macro is used with timers too.  Alignment is known to be fine as the type of the pointer stored and retrieved is the same. */
+        taskSELECT_HIGHEST_PRIORITY_TASK(); /*lint !e9079 void * is used as this macro is used with timers and co-routines too.  Alignment is known to be fine as the type of the pointer stored and retrieved is the same. */
         /* After the new task is switched in, update the global errno. */
@@ -3245,7 +3245,7 @@
      * This function assumes that a check has already been made to ensure that
      * pxEventList is not empty. */
-    pxUnblockedTCB = listGET_OWNER_OF_HEAD_ENTRY( pxEventList ); /*lint !e9079 void * is used as this macro is used with timers too.  Alignment is known to be fine as the type of the pointer stored and retrieved is the same. */
+    pxUnblockedTCB = listGET_OWNER_OF_HEAD_ENTRY( pxEventList ); /*lint !e9079 void * is used as this macro is used with timers and co-routines too.  Alignment is known to be fine as the type of the pointer stored and retrieved is the same. */
     configASSERT( pxUnblockedTCB );
     listREMOVE_ITEM( &( pxUnblockedTCB->xEventListItem ) );
@@ -3309,7 +3309,7 @@
     /* Remove the event list form the event flag.  Interrupts do not access
      * event flags. */
-    pxUnblockedTCB = listGET_LIST_ITEM_OWNER( pxEventListItem ); /*lint !e9079 void * is used as this macro is used with timers too.  Alignment is known to be fine as the type of the pointer stored and retrieved is the same. */
+    pxUnblockedTCB = listGET_LIST_ITEM_OWNER( pxEventListItem ); /*lint !e9079 void * is used as this macro is used with timers and co-routines too.  Alignment is known to be fine as the type of the pointer stored and retrieved is the same. */
     configASSERT( pxUnblockedTCB );
     listREMOVE_ITEM( pxEventListItem );
@@ -3756,7 +3756,7 @@
-                pxTCB = listGET_OWNER_OF_HEAD_ENTRY( ( &xTasksWaitingTermination ) ); /*lint !e9079 void * is used as this macro is used with timers too.  Alignment is known to be fine as the type of the pointer stored and retrieved is the same. */
+                pxTCB = listGET_OWNER_OF_HEAD_ENTRY( ( &xTasksWaitingTermination ) ); /*lint !e9079 void * is used as this macro is used with timers and co-routines too.  Alignment is known to be fine as the type of the pointer stored and retrieved is the same. */
                 ( void ) uxListRemove( &( pxTCB->xStateListItem ) );
@@ -3885,7 +3885,7 @@
         if( listCURRENT_LIST_LENGTH( pxList ) > ( UBaseType_t ) 0 )
-            listGET_OWNER_OF_NEXT_ENTRY( pxFirstTCB, pxList ); /*lint !e9079 void * is used as this macro is used with timers too.  Alignment is known to be fine as the type of the pointer stored and retrieved is the same. */
+            listGET_OWNER_OF_NEXT_ENTRY( pxFirstTCB, pxList ); /*lint !e9079 void * is used as this macro is used with timers and co-routines too.  Alignment is known to be fine as the type of the pointer stored and retrieved is the same. */
             /* Populate an TaskStatus_t structure within the
              * pxTaskStatusArray array for each task that is referenced from
@@ -3893,7 +3893,7 @@
              * meaning of each TaskStatus_t structure member. */
-                listGET_OWNER_OF_NEXT_ENTRY( pxNextTCB, pxList ); /*lint !e9079 void * is used as this macro is used with timers too.  Alignment is known to be fine as the type of the pointer stored and retrieved is the same. */
+                listGET_OWNER_OF_NEXT_ENTRY( pxNextTCB, pxList ); /*lint !e9079 void * is used as this macro is used with timers and co-routines too.  Alignment is known to be fine as the type of the pointer stored and retrieved is the same. */
                 vTaskGetInfo( ( TaskHandle_t ) pxNextTCB, &( pxTaskStatusArray[ uxTask ] ), pdTRUE, eState );
             } while( pxNextTCB != pxFirstTCB );
diff --git a/timers.c b/timers.c
index 76a59a8..2c08db0 100644
--- a/timers.c
+++ b/timers.c
@@ -565,7 +565,7 @@
     static void prvProcessExpiredTimer( const TickType_t xNextExpireTime,
                                         const TickType_t xTimeNow )
-        Timer_t * const pxTimer = ( Timer_t * ) listGET_OWNER_OF_HEAD_ENTRY( pxCurrentTimerList ); /*lint !e9087 !e9079 void * is used as this macro is used with tasks too.  Alignment is known to be fine as the type of the pointer stored and retrieved is the same. */
+        Timer_t * const pxTimer = ( Timer_t * ) listGET_OWNER_OF_HEAD_ENTRY( pxCurrentTimerList ); /*lint !e9087 !e9079 void * is used as this macro is used with tasks and co-routines too.  Alignment is known to be fine as the type of the pointer stored and retrieved is the same. */
         /* Remove the timer from the list of active timers.  A check has already
          * been performed to ensure the list is not empty. */