Update comment in the A2F main-full.c file for the SoftConsole demo.
diff --git a/Demo/CORTEX_A2F200_SoftConsole/main-full.c b/Demo/CORTEX_A2F200_SoftConsole/main-full.c
index d412c41..6c9281b 100644
--- a/Demo/CORTEX_A2F200_SoftConsole/main-full.c
+++ b/Demo/CORTEX_A2F200_SoftConsole/main-full.c
@@ -456,10 +456,9 @@

 	/* The timer command queue will have been filled when the timer test tasks

 	were created in main() (this is part of the test they perform).  Therefore,

-	while the check and OLED timers can be created in main(), they cannot be

-	started from main().  Once the scheduler has started, the timer service

-	task will drain the command queue, and now the check and OLED timers can be

-	started successfully. */

+	while the check timer can be created in main(), it cannot be started from 

+	main().  Once the scheduler has started, the timer service task will drain 

+	the command queue, and now the check timer can be started successfully. */

 	xTimerStart( xCheckTimer, portMAX_DELAY );


 	/* Initialise xNextWakeTime - this only needs to be done once. */