blob: aca6675d11952df3439d563e7ed6afc56ebe1295 [file] [log] [blame]
@echo off
set UVEXE=C:\Keil_v5\UV4\UV4.EXE
if .%1==. goto help
for %%a in (ARM GCC) do if %1==%%a goto startBuild
goto help
echo Building DSP Libraries %1
if %1==ARM goto buildARM
if %1==GCC goto buildGCC
goto err
cd ..\Projects\%1
echo Building DSP Library for Cortex-M0 Little Endian
%UVEXE% -rb -j0 arm_cortexM_math.uvprojx -t "cortexM0l" -o "DspLib_cortexM0l_build.log"
echo Building DSP Library for Cortex-M3 Little Endian
%UVEXE% -rb -j0 arm_cortexM_math.uvprojx -t "cortexM3l" -o "DspLib_cortexM3l_build.log"
echo Building DSP Library for Cortex-M4 Little Endian
%UVEXE% -rb -j0 arm_cortexM_math.uvprojx -t "cortexM4l" -o "DspLib_cortexM4l_build.log"
echo Building DSP Library for Cortex-M4 Little Endian with single precision FPU
%UVEXE% -rb -j0 arm_cortexM_math.uvprojx -t "cortexM4lf" -o "DspLib_cortexM4lf_build.log"
echo Building DSP Library for Cortex-M7 Little Endian
%UVEXE% -rb -j0 arm_cortexM_math.uvprojx -t "cortexM7l" -o "DspLib_cortexM7l_build.log"
echo Building DSP Library for Cortex-M7 Little Endian with single precision FPU
%UVEXE% -rb -j0 arm_cortexM_math.uvprojx -t "cortexM7lfsp" -o "DspLib_cortexM7lfsp_build.log"
echo Building DSP Library for Cortex-M7 Little Endian with double precision FPU
%UVEXE% -rb -j0 arm_cortexM_math.uvprojx -t "cortexM7lfdp" -o "DspLib_cortexM7lfdp_build.log"
echo Building DSP Library for ARMv8-M Baseline Little Endian
%UVEXE% -rb -j0 arm_cortexM_math.uvprojx -t "ARMv8MBLl" -o "DspLib_ARMv8MBLl_build.log"
echo Building DSP Library for ARMv8-M Mainline Little Endian
%UVEXE% -rb -j0 arm_cortexM_math.uvprojx -t "ARMv8MMLl" -o "DspLib_ARMv8MMLl_build.log"
echo Building DSP Library for ARMv8-M Mainline Little Endian with single precision FPU
%UVEXE% -rb -j0 arm_cortexM_math.uvprojx -t "ARMv8MMLlfsp" -o "DspLib_ARMv8MMLlfsp_build.log"
REM echo Building DSP Library for ARMv8-M Mainline Little Endian with double precision FPU
REM %UVEXE% -rb -j0 arm_cortexM_math.uvprojx -t "ARMv8MMLlfdp" -o "DspLib_ARMv8MMLlfdp_build.log"
echo Building DSP Library for ARMv8-M Mainline Little Endian with DSP instructions
%UVEXE% -rb -j0 arm_cortexM_math.uvprojx -t "ARMv8MMLld" -o "DspLib_ARMv8MMLld_build.log"
echo Building DSP Library for ARMv8-M Mainline Little Endian with DSP instructions, single precision FPU
%UVEXE% -rb -j0 arm_cortexM_math.uvprojx -t "ARMv8MMLldfsp" -o "DspLib_ARMv8MMLldfsp_build.log"
REM echo Building DSP Library for ARMv8-M Mainline Little Endian with DSP instructions, double precision FPU
REM %UVEXE% -rb -j0 arm_cortexM_math.uvprojx -t "ARMv8MMLldfdp" -o "DspLib_ARMv8MMLldfdp_build.log"
REM big endian libraries are skipped!
REM echo Building DSP Library for Cortex-M0 Big Endian
REM %UVEXE% -rb -j0 arm_cortexM_math.uvprojx -t "cortexM0b" -o "DspLib_cortexM0b_build.log"
REM echo Building DSP Library for Cortex-M3 Big Endian
REM %UVEXE% -rb -j0 arm_cortexM_math.uvprojx -t "cortexM3b" -o "DspLib_cortexM3b_build.log"
REM echo Building DSP Library for Cortex-M4 Big Endian
REM %UVEXE% -rb -j0 arm_cortexM_math.uvprojx -t "cortexM4b" -o "DspLib_cortexM4b_build.log"
REM echo Building DSP Library for Cortex-M4 Big Endian with single precision FPU
REM %UVEXE% -rb -j0 arm_cortexM_math.uvprojx -t "cortexM4bf" -o "DspLib_cortexM4bf_build.log"
REM echo Building DSP Library for Cortex-M7 Big Endian
REM %UVEXE% -rb -j0 arm_cortexM_math.uvprojx -t "cortexM7b" -o "DspLib_cortexM7b_build.log"
REM echo Building DSP Library for Cortex-M7 Big Endian with single precision FPU
REM %UVEXE% -rb -j0 arm_cortexM_math.uvprojx -t "cortexM7bfsp" -o "DspLib_cortexM7bfsp_build.log"
REM echo Building DSP Library for Cortex-M7 Big Endian with double precision FPU
REM %UVEXE% -rb -j0 arm_cortexM_math.uvprojx -t "cortexM7bfdp" -o "DspLib_cortexM7bfdp_build.log"
goto deleteIntermediateFiles
echo Deleting intermediate files
rmdir /S /Q IntermediateFiles
del /Q *.bak
del /Q *.dep
del /Q *.uvguix.*
del /Q ArInp.*
goto changeDir
goto end
echo Syntax: buildDspLibs toolchain
echo toolchain: ARM ^| GCC
echo e.g.: buildDspLibs ARM