blob: 13dc78390e9d0012bcdda7c0d18f0047147fc67f [file] [log] [blame]
# Parameters:
# instance.parameter=value #(type, mode) default = 'def value' : description : [min..max]
armcortexm0ct.semihosting-enable=0 # (bool , init-time) default = '1' : Enable semihosting SVC traps. Applications that do not use semihosting must set this parameter to false.
armcortexm0ct.cpi_div=1 # (int , run-time ) default = '0x1' : divider for calculating CPI (Cycles Per Instruction)
armcortexm0ct.cpi_mul=1 # (int , run-time ) default = '0x1' : multiplier for calculating CPI (Cycles Per Instruction)
armcortexm0ct.min_sync_level=3 # (int , run-time ) default = '0x0' : force minimum syncLevel (0=off=default,1=syncState,2=postInsnIO,3=postInsnAll)