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| <div class="textblock"><pre class="fragment">1 Introduction |
| |
| This document describes some guidelines for people participating |
| in lwIP development. |
| |
| 2 How to contribute to lwIP |
| |
| Here is a short list of suggestions to anybody working with lwIP and |
| trying to contribute bug reports, fixes, enhancements, platform ports etc. |
| First of all as you may already know lwIP is a volunteer project so feedback |
| to fixes or questions might often come late. Hopefully the bug and patch tracking |
| features of Savannah help us not lose users' input. |
| |
| 2.1 Source code style: |
| |
| 1. do not use tabs. |
| 2. indentation is two spaces per level (i.e. per tab). |
| 3. end debug messages with a trailing newline (\n). |
| 4. one space between keyword and opening bracket. |
| 5. no space between function and opening bracket. |
| 6. one space and no newline before opening curly braces of a block. |
| 7. closing curly brace on a single line. |
| 8. spaces surrounding assignment and comparisons. |
| 9. don't initialize static and/or global variables to zero, the compiler takes care of that. |
| 10. use current source code style as further reference. |
| |
| 2.2 Source code documentation style: |
| |
| 1. JavaDoc compliant and Doxygen compatible. |
| 2. Function documentation above functions in .c files, not .h files. |
| (This forces you to synchronize documentation and implementation.) |
| 3. Use current documentation style as further reference. |
| |
| 2.3 Bug reports and patches: |
| |
| 1. Make sure you are reporting bugs or send patches against the latest |
| sources. (From the latest release and/or the current Git sources.) |
| 2. If you think you found a bug make sure it's not already filed in the |
| bugtracker at Savannah. |
| 3. If you have a fix put the patch on Savannah. If it is a patch that affects |
| both core and arch specific stuff please separate them so that the core can |
| be applied separately while leaving the other patch 'open'. The preferred way |
| is to NOT touch archs you can't test and let maintainers take care of them. |
| This is a good way to see if they are used at all - the same goes for unix |
| netifs except tapif. |
| 4. Do not file a bug and post a fix to it to the patch area. Either a bug report |
| or a patch will be enough. |
| If you correct an existing bug then attach the patch to the bug rather than creating a new entry in the patch area. |
| 5. Patches should be specific to a single change or to related changes. Do not mix bugfixes with spelling and other |
| trivial fixes unless the bugfix is trivial too. Do not reorganize code and rename identifiers in the same patch you |
| change behaviour if not necessary. A patch is easier to read and understand if it's to the point and short than |
| if it's not to the point and long :) so the chances for it to be applied are greater. |
| |
| 2.4 Platform porters: |
| |
| 1. If you have ported lwIP to a platform (an OS, a uC/processor or a combination of these) and |
| you think it could benefit others[1] you might want discuss this on the mailing list. You |
| can also ask for Git access to submit and maintain your port in the contrib Git module. |
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