| /** |
| ****************************************************************************** |
| * @file stm32f4xx_hal_pwr.c |
| * @author MCD Application Team |
| * @brief PWR HAL module driver. |
| * This file provides firmware functions to manage the following |
| * functionalities of the Power Controller (PWR) peripheral: |
| * + Initialization and de-initialization functions |
| * + Peripheral Control functions |
| * |
| ****************************************************************************** |
| * @attention |
| * |
| * Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics. |
| * All rights reserved. |
| * |
| * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file in |
| * the root directory of this software component. |
| * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS. |
| ****************************************************************************** |
| */ |
| |
| /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| #include "stm32f4xx_hal.h" |
| |
| /** @addtogroup STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| /** @defgroup PWR PWR |
| * @brief PWR HAL module driver |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| |
| /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| /** @addtogroup PWR_Private_Constants |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| /** @defgroup PWR_PVD_Mode_Mask PWR PVD Mode Mask |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| #define PVD_MODE_IT 0x00010000U |
| #define PVD_MODE_EVT 0x00020000U |
| #define PVD_RISING_EDGE 0x00000001U |
| #define PVD_FALLING_EDGE 0x00000002U |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ |
| /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /** @defgroup PWR_Exported_Functions PWR Exported Functions |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| /** @defgroup PWR_Exported_Functions_Group1 Initialization and de-initialization functions |
| * @brief Initialization and de-initialization functions |
| * |
| @verbatim |
| =============================================================================== |
| ##### Initialization and de-initialization functions ##### |
| =============================================================================== |
| [..] |
| After reset, the backup domain (RTC registers, RTC backup data |
| registers and backup SRAM) is protected against possible unwanted |
| write accesses. |
| To enable access to the RTC Domain and RTC registers, proceed as follows: |
| (+) Enable the Power Controller (PWR) APB1 interface clock using the |
| __HAL_RCC_PWR_CLK_ENABLE() macro. |
| (+) Enable access to RTC domain using the HAL_PWR_EnableBkUpAccess() function. |
| |
| @endverbatim |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Deinitializes the HAL PWR peripheral registers to their default reset values. |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| void HAL_PWR_DeInit(void) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Enables access to the backup domain (RTC registers, RTC |
| * backup data registers and backup SRAM). |
| * @note If the HSE divided by 2, 3, ..31 is used as the RTC clock, the |
| * Backup Domain Access should be kept enabled. |
| * @note The following sequence is required to bypass the delay between |
| * DBP bit programming and the effective enabling of the backup domain. |
| * Please check the Errata Sheet for more details under "Possible delay |
| * in backup domain protection disabling/enabling after programming the |
| * DBP bit" section. |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| void HAL_PWR_EnableBkUpAccess(void) |
| { |
| __IO uint32_t dummyread; |
| *(__IO uint32_t *) CR_DBP_BB = (uint32_t)ENABLE; |
| dummyread = PWR->CR; |
| UNUSED(dummyread); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Disables access to the backup domain (RTC registers, RTC |
| * backup data registers and backup SRAM). |
| * @note If the HSE divided by 2, 3, ..31 is used as the RTC clock, the |
| * Backup Domain Access should be kept enabled. |
| * @note The following sequence is required to bypass the delay between |
| * DBP bit programming and the effective disabling of the backup domain. |
| * Please check the Errata Sheet for more details under "Possible delay |
| * in backup domain protection disabling/enabling after programming the |
| * DBP bit" section. |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| void HAL_PWR_DisableBkUpAccess(void) |
| { |
| __IO uint32_t dummyread; |
| *(__IO uint32_t *) CR_DBP_BB = (uint32_t)DISABLE; |
| dummyread = PWR->CR; |
| UNUSED(dummyread); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /** @defgroup PWR_Exported_Functions_Group2 Peripheral Control functions |
| * @brief Low Power modes configuration functions |
| * |
| @verbatim |
| |
| =============================================================================== |
| ##### Peripheral Control functions ##### |
| =============================================================================== |
| |
| *** PVD configuration *** |
| ========================= |
| [..] |
| (+) The PVD is used to monitor the VDD power supply by comparing it to a |
| threshold selected by the PVD Level (PLS[2:0] bits in the PWR_CR). |
| (+) A PVDO flag is available to indicate if VDD/VDDA is higher or lower |
| than the PVD threshold. This event is internally connected to the EXTI |
| line16 and can generate an interrupt if enabled. This is done through |
| (+) The PVD is stopped in Standby mode. |
| |
| *** Wake-up pin configuration *** |
| ================================ |
| [..] |
| (+) Wake-up pin is used to wake up the system from Standby mode. This pin is |
| forced in input pull-down configuration and is active on rising edges. |
| (+) There is one Wake-up pin: Wake-up Pin 1 on PA.00. |
| (++) For STM32F446xx there are two Wake-Up pins: Pin1 on PA.00 and Pin2 on PC.13 |
| (++) For STM32F410xx/STM32F412xx/STM32F413xx/STM32F423xx there are three Wake-Up pins: Pin1 on PA.00, Pin2 on PC.00 and Pin3 on PC.01 |
| |
| *** Low Power modes configuration *** |
| ===================================== |
| [..] |
| The devices feature 3 low-power modes: |
| (+) Sleep mode: Cortex-M4 core stopped, peripherals kept running. |
| (+) Stop mode: all clocks are stopped, regulator running, regulator |
| in low power mode |
| (+) Standby mode: 1.2V domain powered off. |
| |
| *** Sleep mode *** |
| ================== |
| [..] |
| (+) Entry: |
| The Sleep mode is entered by using the HAL_PWR_EnterSLEEPMode(PWR_MAINREGULATOR_ON, PWR_SLEEPENTRY_WFI) |
| functions with |
| (++) PWR_SLEEPENTRY_WFI: enter SLEEP mode with WFI instruction |
| (++) PWR_SLEEPENTRY_WFE: enter SLEEP mode with WFE instruction |
| |
| -@@- The Regulator parameter is not used for the STM32F4 family |
| and is kept as parameter just to maintain compatibility with the |
| lower power families (STM32L). |
| (+) Exit: |
| Any peripheral interrupt acknowledged by the nested vectored interrupt |
| controller (NVIC) can wake up the device from Sleep mode. |
| |
| *** Stop mode *** |
| ================= |
| [..] |
| In Stop mode, all clocks in the 1.2V domain are stopped, the PLL, the HSI, |
| and the HSE RC oscillators are disabled. Internal SRAM and register contents |
| are preserved. |
| The voltage regulator can be configured either in normal or low-power mode. |
| To minimize the consumption In Stop mode, FLASH can be powered off before |
| entering the Stop mode using the HAL_PWREx_EnableFlashPowerDown() function. |
| It can be switched on again by software after exiting the Stop mode using |
| the HAL_PWREx_DisableFlashPowerDown() function. |
| |
| (+) Entry: |
| The Stop mode is entered using the HAL_PWR_EnterSTOPMode(PWR_MAINREGULATOR_ON) |
| function with: |
| (++) Main regulator ON. |
| (++) Low Power regulator ON. |
| (+) Exit: |
| Any EXTI Line (Internal or External) configured in Interrupt/Event mode. |
| |
| *** Standby mode *** |
| ==================== |
| [..] |
| (+) |
| The Standby mode allows to achieve the lowest power consumption. It is based |
| on the Cortex-M4 deep sleep mode, with the voltage regulator disabled. |
| The 1.2V domain is consequently powered off. The PLL, the HSI oscillator and |
| the HSE oscillator are also switched off. SRAM and register contents are lost |
| except for the RTC registers, RTC backup registers, backup SRAM and Standby |
| circuitry. |
| |
| The voltage regulator is OFF. |
| |
| (++) Entry: |
| (+++) The Standby mode is entered using the HAL_PWR_EnterSTANDBYMode() function. |
| (++) Exit: |
| (+++) WKUP pin rising edge, RTC alarm (Alarm A and Alarm B), RTC wake-up, |
| tamper event, time-stamp event, external reset in NRST pin, IWDG reset. |
| |
| *** Auto-wake-up (AWU) from low-power mode *** |
| ============================================= |
| [..] |
| |
| (+) The MCU can be woken up from low-power mode by an RTC Alarm event, an RTC |
| Wake-up event, a tamper event or a time-stamp event, without depending on |
| an external interrupt (Auto-wake-up mode). |
| |
| (+) RTC auto-wake-up (AWU) from the Stop and Standby modes |
| |
| (++) To wake up from the Stop mode with an RTC alarm event, it is necessary to |
| configure the RTC to generate the RTC alarm using the HAL_RTC_SetAlarm_IT() function. |
| |
| (++) To wake up from the Stop mode with an RTC Tamper or time stamp event, it |
| is necessary to configure the RTC to detect the tamper or time stamp event using the |
| HAL_RTCEx_SetTimeStamp_IT() or HAL_RTCEx_SetTamper_IT() functions. |
| |
| (++) To wake up from the Stop mode with an RTC Wake-up event, it is necessary to |
| configure the RTC to generate the RTC Wake-up event using the HAL_RTCEx_SetWakeUpTimer_IT() function. |
| |
| @endverbatim |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Configures the voltage threshold detected by the Power Voltage Detector(PVD). |
| * @param sConfigPVD pointer to an PWR_PVDTypeDef structure that contains the configuration |
| * information for the PVD. |
| * @note Refer to the electrical characteristics of your device datasheet for |
| * more details about the voltage threshold corresponding to each |
| * detection level. |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| void HAL_PWR_ConfigPVD(PWR_PVDTypeDef *sConfigPVD) |
| { |
| /* Check the parameters */ |
| assert_param(IS_PWR_PVD_LEVEL(sConfigPVD->PVDLevel)); |
| assert_param(IS_PWR_PVD_MODE(sConfigPVD->Mode)); |
| |
| /* Set PLS[7:5] bits according to PVDLevel value */ |
| |
| /* Clear any previous config. Keep it clear if no event or IT mode is selected */ |
| |
| /* Configure interrupt mode */ |
| if((sConfigPVD->Mode & PVD_MODE_IT) == PVD_MODE_IT) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| /* Configure event mode */ |
| if((sConfigPVD->Mode & PVD_MODE_EVT) == PVD_MODE_EVT) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| /* Configure the edge */ |
| if((sConfigPVD->Mode & PVD_RISING_EDGE) == PVD_RISING_EDGE) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| { |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Enables the Power Voltage Detector(PVD). |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| void HAL_PWR_EnablePVD(void) |
| { |
| *(__IO uint32_t *) CR_PVDE_BB = (uint32_t)ENABLE; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Disables the Power Voltage Detector(PVD). |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| void HAL_PWR_DisablePVD(void) |
| { |
| *(__IO uint32_t *) CR_PVDE_BB = (uint32_t)DISABLE; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Enables the Wake-up PINx functionality. |
| * @param WakeUpPinx Specifies the Power Wake-Up pin to enable. |
| * This parameter can be one of the following values: |
| * @arg PWR_WAKEUP_PIN1 |
| * @arg PWR_WAKEUP_PIN2 available only on STM32F410xx/STM32F446xx/STM32F412xx/STM32F413xx/STM32F423xx devices |
| * @arg PWR_WAKEUP_PIN3 available only on STM32F410xx/STM32F412xx/STM32F413xx/STM32F423xx devices |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| void HAL_PWR_EnableWakeUpPin(uint32_t WakeUpPinx) |
| { |
| /* Check the parameter */ |
| assert_param(IS_PWR_WAKEUP_PIN(WakeUpPinx)); |
| |
| /* Enable the wake up pin */ |
| SET_BIT(PWR->CSR, WakeUpPinx); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Disables the Wake-up PINx functionality. |
| * @param WakeUpPinx Specifies the Power Wake-Up pin to disable. |
| * This parameter can be one of the following values: |
| * @arg PWR_WAKEUP_PIN1 |
| * @arg PWR_WAKEUP_PIN2 available only on STM32F410xx/STM32F446xx/STM32F412xx/STM32F413xx/STM32F423xx devices |
| * @arg PWR_WAKEUP_PIN3 available only on STM32F410xx/STM32F412xx/STM32F413xx/STM32F423xx devices |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| void HAL_PWR_DisableWakeUpPin(uint32_t WakeUpPinx) |
| { |
| /* Check the parameter */ |
| assert_param(IS_PWR_WAKEUP_PIN(WakeUpPinx)); |
| |
| /* Disable the wake up pin */ |
| CLEAR_BIT(PWR->CSR, WakeUpPinx); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Enters Sleep mode. |
| * |
| * @note In Sleep mode, all I/O pins keep the same state as in Run mode. |
| * |
| * @note In Sleep mode, the systick is stopped to avoid exit from this mode with |
| * systick interrupt when used as time base for Timeout |
| * |
| * @param Regulator Specifies the regulator state in SLEEP mode. |
| * This parameter can be one of the following values: |
| * @arg PWR_MAINREGULATOR_ON: SLEEP mode with regulator ON |
| * @arg PWR_LOWPOWERREGULATOR_ON: SLEEP mode with low power regulator ON |
| * @note This parameter is not used for the STM32F4 family and is kept as parameter |
| * just to maintain compatibility with the lower power families. |
| * @param SLEEPEntry Specifies if SLEEP mode in entered with WFI or WFE instruction. |
| * This parameter can be one of the following values: |
| * @arg PWR_SLEEPENTRY_WFI: enter SLEEP mode with WFI instruction |
| * @arg PWR_SLEEPENTRY_WFE: enter SLEEP mode with WFE instruction |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| void HAL_PWR_EnterSLEEPMode(uint32_t Regulator, uint8_t SLEEPEntry) |
| { |
| /* Check the parameters */ |
| assert_param(IS_PWR_REGULATOR(Regulator)); |
| assert_param(IS_PWR_SLEEP_ENTRY(SLEEPEntry)); |
| |
| /* Clear SLEEPDEEP bit of Cortex System Control Register */ |
| |
| /* Select SLEEP mode entry -------------------------------------------------*/ |
| { |
| /* Request Wait For Interrupt */ |
| __WFI(); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| /* Request Wait For Event */ |
| __SEV(); |
| __WFE(); |
| __WFE(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Enters Stop mode. |
| * @note In Stop mode, all I/O pins keep the same state as in Run mode. |
| * @note When exiting Stop mode by issuing an interrupt or a wake-up event, |
| * the HSI RC oscillator is selected as system clock. |
| * @note When the voltage regulator operates in low power mode, an additional |
| * startup delay is incurred when waking up from Stop mode. |
| * By keeping the internal regulator ON during Stop mode, the consumption |
| * is higher although the startup time is reduced. |
| * @param Regulator Specifies the regulator state in Stop mode. |
| * This parameter can be one of the following values: |
| * @arg PWR_MAINREGULATOR_ON: Stop mode with regulator ON |
| * @arg PWR_LOWPOWERREGULATOR_ON: Stop mode with low power regulator ON |
| * @param STOPEntry Specifies if Stop mode in entered with WFI or WFE instruction. |
| * This parameter can be one of the following values: |
| * @arg PWR_STOPENTRY_WFI: Enter Stop mode with WFI instruction |
| * @arg PWR_STOPENTRY_WFE: Enter Stop mode with WFE instruction |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| void HAL_PWR_EnterSTOPMode(uint32_t Regulator, uint8_t STOPEntry) |
| { |
| /* Check the parameters */ |
| assert_param(IS_PWR_REGULATOR(Regulator)); |
| assert_param(IS_PWR_STOP_ENTRY(STOPEntry)); |
| |
| /* Select the regulator state in Stop mode: Set PDDS and LPDS bits according to PWR_Regulator value */ |
| |
| /* Set SLEEPDEEP bit of Cortex System Control Register */ |
| SET_BIT(SCB->SCR, ((uint32_t)SCB_SCR_SLEEPDEEP_Msk)); |
| |
| /* Select Stop mode entry --------------------------------------------------*/ |
| { |
| /* Request Wait For Interrupt */ |
| __WFI(); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| /* Request Wait For Event */ |
| __SEV(); |
| __WFE(); |
| __WFE(); |
| } |
| /* Reset SLEEPDEEP bit of Cortex System Control Register */ |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Enters Standby mode. |
| * @note In Standby mode, all I/O pins are high impedance except for: |
| * - Reset pad (still available) |
| * - RTC_AF1 pin (PC13) if configured for tamper, time-stamp, RTC |
| * Alarm out, or RTC clock calibration out. |
| * - RTC_AF2 pin (PI8) if configured for tamper or time-stamp. |
| * - WKUP pin 1 (PA0) if enabled. |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| void HAL_PWR_EnterSTANDBYMode(void) |
| { |
| /* Select Standby mode */ |
| |
| /* Set SLEEPDEEP bit of Cortex System Control Register */ |
| SET_BIT(SCB->SCR, ((uint32_t)SCB_SCR_SLEEPDEEP_Msk)); |
| |
| /* This option is used to ensure that store operations are completed */ |
| #if defined ( __CC_ARM) |
| __force_stores(); |
| #endif |
| /* Request Wait For Interrupt */ |
| __WFI(); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief This function handles the PWR PVD interrupt request. |
| * @note This API should be called under the PVD_IRQHandler(). |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| void HAL_PWR_PVD_IRQHandler(void) |
| { |
| /* Check PWR Exti flag */ |
| { |
| /* PWR PVD interrupt user callback */ |
| HAL_PWR_PVDCallback(); |
| |
| /* Clear PWR Exti pending bit */ |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief PWR PVD interrupt callback |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| __weak void HAL_PWR_PVDCallback(void) |
| { |
| /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed, |
| the HAL_PWR_PVDCallback could be implemented in the user file |
| */ |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Indicates Sleep-On-Exit when returning from Handler mode to Thread mode. |
| * @note Set SLEEPONEXIT bit of SCR register. When this bit is set, the processor |
| * re-enters SLEEP mode when an interruption handling is over. |
| * Setting this bit is useful when the processor is expected to run only on |
| * interruptions handling. |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| void HAL_PWR_EnableSleepOnExit(void) |
| { |
| /* Set SLEEPONEXIT bit of Cortex System Control Register */ |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Disables Sleep-On-Exit feature when returning from Handler mode to Thread mode. |
| * @note Clears SLEEPONEXIT bit of SCR register. When this bit is set, the processor |
| * re-enters SLEEP mode when an interruption handling is over. |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| void HAL_PWR_DisableSleepOnExit(void) |
| { |
| /* Clear SLEEPONEXIT bit of Cortex System Control Register */ |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Enables CORTEX M4 SEVONPEND bit. |
| * @note Sets SEVONPEND bit of SCR register. When this bit is set, this causes |
| * WFE to wake up when an interrupt moves from inactive to pended. |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| void HAL_PWR_EnableSEVOnPend(void) |
| { |
| /* Set SEVONPEND bit of Cortex System Control Register */ |
| SET_BIT(SCB->SCR, ((uint32_t)SCB_SCR_SEVONPEND_Msk)); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Disables CORTEX M4 SEVONPEND bit. |
| * @note Clears SEVONPEND bit of SCR register. When this bit is set, this causes |
| * WFE to wake up when an interrupt moves from inactive to pended. |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| void HAL_PWR_DisableSEVOnPend(void) |
| { |
| /* Clear SEVONPEND bit of Cortex System Control Register */ |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| #endif /* HAL_PWR_MODULE_ENABLED */ |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |