blob: 1d3d8418fb925b46cfc9886119e4ea08cba57bde [file] [log] [blame]
* @file stm32g4xx_ll_ucpd.c
* @author MCD Application Team
* @brief UCPD LL module driver.
* @attention
* Copyright (c) 2019 STMicroelectronics.
* All rights reserved.
* This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file
* in the root directory of this software component.
* If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.
#if defined(USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER)
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stm32g4xx_ll_ucpd.h"
#include "stm32g4xx_ll_bus.h"
#include "stm32g4xx_ll_rcc.h"
#include "stm32_assert.h"
#define assert_param(expr) ((void)0U)
#endif /* USE_FULL_ASSERT */
/** @addtogroup STM32G4xx_LL_Driver
* @{
#if defined (UCPD1)
/** @addtogroup UCPD_LL
* @{
/* Private types -------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private constants ---------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup UCPD_LL_Private_Constants UCPD Private Constants
* @{
* @}
/* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup UCPD_LL_Private_Macros UCPD Private Macros
* @{
* @}
/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
/* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @addtogroup UCPD_LL_Exported_Functions
* @{
/** @addtogroup UCPD_LL_EF_Init
* @{
* @brief De-initialize the UCPD registers to their default reset values.
* @param UCPDx ucpd Instance
* @retval An ErrorStatus enumeration value:
* - SUCCESS: ucpd registers are de-initialized
* - ERROR: ucpd registers are not de-initialized
ErrorStatus LL_UCPD_DeInit(UCPD_TypeDef *UCPDx)
ErrorStatus status = ERROR;
/* Check the parameters */
if (UCPD1 == UCPDx)
/* Force reset of ucpd clock */
/* Release reset of ucpd clock */
/* Disable ucpd clock */
status = SUCCESS;
return status;
* @brief Initialize the ucpd registers according to the specified parameters in UCPD_InitStruct.
* @note As some bits in ucpd configuration registers can only be written when the ucpd is disabled
* (ucpd_CR1_SPE bit =0), UCPD peripheral should be in disabled state prior calling this function.
* Otherwise, ERROR result will be returned.
* @param UCPDx UCPD Instance
* @param UCPD_InitStruct pointer to a @ref LL_UCPD_InitTypeDef structure that contains
* the configuration information for the UCPD peripheral.
* @retval An ErrorStatus enumeration value. (Return always SUCCESS)
ErrorStatus LL_UCPD_Init(UCPD_TypeDef *UCPDx, const LL_UCPD_InitTypeDef *UCPD_InitStruct)
/* Check the ucpd Instance UCPDx*/
if (UCPD1 == UCPDx)
/*---------------------------- UCPDx CFG1 Configuration ------------------------*/
UCPD_InitStruct->psc_ucpdclk | (UCPD_InitStruct->transwin << UCPD_CFG1_TRANSWIN_Pos) |
(UCPD_InitStruct->IfrGap << UCPD_CFG1_IFRGAP_Pos) | UCPD_InitStruct->HbitClockDiv);
return SUCCESS;
* @brief Set each @ref LL_UCPD_InitTypeDef field to default value.
* @param UCPD_InitStruct pointer to a @ref LL_UCPD_InitTypeDef structure
* whose fields will be set to default values.
* @retval None
void LL_UCPD_StructInit(LL_UCPD_InitTypeDef *UCPD_InitStruct)
/* Set UCPD_InitStruct fields to default values */
UCPD_InitStruct->psc_ucpdclk = LL_UCPD_PSC_DIV2;
UCPD_InitStruct->transwin = 0x7; /* Divide by 8 */
UCPD_InitStruct->IfrGap = 0x10; /* Divide by 17 */
UCPD_InitStruct->HbitClockDiv = 0x0D; /* Divide by 14 to produce HBITCLK */
* @}
* @}
* @}
#endif /* defined (UCPD1) */
* @}
#endif /* USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER */