| /** |
| ****************************************************************************** |
| * @file stm32l5xx_hal_otfdec.c |
| * @author MCD Application Team |
| * @brief OTFDEC HAL module driver. |
| * This file provides firmware functions to manage the following |
| * functionalities of the On-The-Fly Decryption/Encryption (OTFDEC) |
| * peripheral: |
| * + Initialization and de-initialization functions |
| * + Region setting/enable functions |
| * + Peripheral State functions |
| * |
| @verbatim |
| ============================================================================== |
| ##### How to use this driver ##### |
| ============================================================================== |
| [..] |
| The OTFDEC HAL driver can be used as follows: |
| |
| (#) Declare an OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef handle structure (eg. OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef hotfdec). |
| |
| (#) Initialize the OTFDEC low level resources by implementing the HAL_OTFDEC_MspInit() API: |
| (++) Enable the OTFDEC interface clock. |
| (++) NVIC configuration if interrupts are used |
| (+++) Configure the OTFDEC interrupt priority. |
| (+++) Enable the NVIC OTFDEC IRQ handle. |
| |
| (#) Initialize the OTFDEC peripheral by calling the HAL_OTFDEC_Init() API. |
| |
| (#) In the case of encryption, enable ciphering mode for the peripheral |
| |
| (#) For each region, |
| |
| (++) Configure the region deciphering mode by calling the HAL_OTFDEC_RegionSetMode() API. |
| |
| (++) Write the region Key by calling the HAL_OTFDEC_RegionSetKey() API. If desired, |
| read the key CRC by calling HAL_OTFDEC_RegionGetKeyCRC() API and compare the |
| result with the theoretically expected CRC. |
| |
| (++) Initialize the OTFDEC region config structure with the Nonce, protected |
| region start and end addresses and firmware version, and wrap-up the region |
| configuration by calling HAL_OTFDEC_RegionConfig() API. |
| |
| (#) At this point, the OTFDEC region configuration is done and the deciphering |
| or enciphering enabled. The region can be deciphered on the fly after |
| having made sure the OctoSPI is configured in memory-mapped mode or data can |
| be enciphered by calling HAL_OTFDEC_Cipher() API. |
| |
| [..] |
| (@) Warning: the OTFDEC en/deciphering is based on a different endianness compared |
| to the AES-CTR as implemented in the AES peripheral. E.g., if the OTFEC |
| resorts to the Key (B0, B1, B2, B3) where Bi are 32-bit longwords and B0 |
| is the Least Significant Word, the AES has to be configured with the Key |
| (B3, B2, B1, B0) to report the same result (with the same swapping applied |
| to the Initialization Vector). |
| |
| [..] |
| |
| *** Callback registration *** |
| ============================================= |
| [..] |
| |
| The compilation flag USE_HAL_OTFDEC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS, when set to 1, |
| allows the user to configure dynamically the driver callbacks. |
| Use Functions @ref HAL_OTFDEC_RegisterCallback() |
| to register an interrupt callback. |
| [..] |
| |
| Function @ref HAL_OTFDEC_RegisterCallback() allows to register following callbacks: |
| (+) ErrorCallback : OTFDEC error callback |
| (+) MspInitCallback : OTFDEC Msp Init callback |
| (+) MspDeInitCallback : OTFDEC Msp DeInit callback |
| This function takes as parameters the HAL peripheral handle, the Callback ID |
| and a pointer to the user callback function. |
| [..] |
| |
| Use function @ref HAL_OTFDEC_UnRegisterCallback to reset a callback to the default |
| weak function. |
| [..] |
| |
| @ref HAL_OTFDEC_UnRegisterCallback takes as parameters the HAL peripheral handle, |
| and the Callback ID. |
| This function allows to reset following callbacks: |
| (+) ErrorCallback : OTFDEC error callback |
| (+) MspInitCallback : OTFDEC Msp Init callback |
| (+) MspDeInitCallback : OTFDEC Msp DeInit callback |
| [..] |
| |
| By default, after the @ref HAL_OTFDEC_Init() and when the state is @ref HAL_OTFDEC_STATE_RESET |
| all callbacks are set to the corresponding weak functions: |
| example @ref HAL_OTFDEC_ErrorCallback(). |
| Exception done for MspInit and MspDeInit functions that are |
| reset to the legacy weak functions in the @ref HAL_OTFDEC_Init()/ @ref HAL_OTFDEC_DeInit() only when |
| these callbacks are null (not registered beforehand). |
| [..] |
| |
| If MspInit or MspDeInit are not null, the @ref HAL_OTFDEC_Init()/ @ref HAL_OTFDEC_DeInit() |
| keep and use the user MspInit/MspDeInit callbacks (registered beforehand) whatever the state. |
| [..] |
| |
| Callbacks can be registered/unregistered in @ref HAL_OTFDEC_STATE_READY state only. |
| Exception done MspInit/MspDeInit functions that can be registered/unregistered |
| thus registered (user) MspInit/DeInit callbacks can be used during the Init/DeInit. |
| [..] |
| |
| Then, the user first registers the MspInit/MspDeInit user callbacks |
| using @ref HAL_OTFDEC_RegisterCallback() before calling @ref HAL_OTFDEC_DeInit() |
| or @ref HAL_OTFDEC_Init() function. |
| [..] |
| |
| When the compilation flag USE_HAL_OTFDEC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS is set to 0 or |
| not defined, the callback registration feature is not available and all callbacks |
| are set to the corresponding weak functions. |
| |
| @endverbatim |
| ****************************************************************************** |
| * @attention |
| * |
| * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2019 STMicroelectronics. |
| * All rights reserved.</center></h2> |
| * |
| * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license, |
| * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the |
| * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: |
| * opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause |
| * |
| ****************************************************************************** |
| */ |
| |
| /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| #include "stm32l5xx_hal.h" |
| |
| /** @addtogroup STM32L5xx_HAL_Driver |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| /** @defgroup OTFDEC OTFDEC |
| * @brief OTFDEC HAL module driver. |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| |
| |
| #if defined(OTFDEC1) |
| |
| /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ |
| /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| |
| |
| /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| /** @addtogroup OTFDEC_Exported_Functions |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| /** @defgroup OTFDEC_Exported_Functions_Group1 Initialization and de-initialization functions |
| * @brief Initialization and Configuration functions. |
| * |
| @verbatim |
| ============================================================================== |
| ##### Initialization and de-initialization functions ##### |
| ============================================================================== |
| |
| @endverbatim |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Initialize the OTFDEC peripheral and create the associated handle. |
| * @param hotfdec pointer to an OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains |
| * the configuration information for OTFDEC module |
| * @retval HAL status |
| */ |
| HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_OTFDEC_Init(OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef *hotfdec) |
| { |
| /* Check the OTFDEC handle allocation */ |
| if(hotfdec == NULL) |
| { |
| return HAL_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| /* Check the parameters */ |
| assert_param(IS_OTFDEC_ALL_INSTANCE(hotfdec->Instance)); |
| |
| if(hotfdec->State == HAL_OTFDEC_STATE_RESET) |
| { |
| /* Allocate lock resource and initialize it */ |
| __HAL_UNLOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| /* Init the OTFDEC Callback settings */ |
| hotfdec->ErrorCallback = HAL_OTFDEC_ErrorCallback; /* Legacy weak callback */ |
| |
| if (hotfdec->MspInitCallback == NULL) |
| { |
| hotfdec->MspInitCallback = HAL_OTFDEC_MspInit; /* Legacy weak MspInit */ |
| } |
| |
| /* Init the low level hardware */ |
| hotfdec->MspInitCallback(hotfdec); |
| #else |
| /* Init the low level hardware */ |
| HAL_OTFDEC_MspInit(hotfdec); |
| } |
| |
| /* Change the OTFDEC state */ |
| hotfdec->State = HAL_OTFDEC_STATE_READY; |
| |
| /* Return function status */ |
| return HAL_OK; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief DeInitialize the OTFDEC peripheral. |
| * @param hotfdec pointer to an OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains |
| * the configuration information for OTFDEC module |
| * @retval HAL status |
| */ |
| HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_OTFDEC_DeInit(OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef *hotfdec) |
| { |
| /* Check the OTFDEC handle allocation */ |
| if(hotfdec == NULL) |
| { |
| return HAL_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| /* Check the parameters */ |
| assert_param(IS_OTFDEC_ALL_INSTANCE(hotfdec->Instance)); |
| |
| /* Change the OTFDEC state */ |
| hotfdec->State = HAL_OTFDEC_STATE_BUSY; |
| |
| if (hotfdec->MspDeInitCallback == NULL) |
| { |
| hotfdec->MspDeInitCallback = HAL_OTFDEC_MspDeInit; /* Legacy weak MspDeInit */ |
| } |
| |
| /* DeInit the low level hardware: CLOCK, NVIC */ |
| hotfdec->MspDeInitCallback(hotfdec); |
| #else |
| /* DeInit the low level hardware: CLOCK, NVIC */ |
| HAL_OTFDEC_MspDeInit(hotfdec); |
| |
| /* Change the OTFDEC state */ |
| hotfdec->State = HAL_OTFDEC_STATE_RESET; |
| |
| /* Reset OTFDEC error status */ |
| hotfdec->ErrorCode = HAL_OTFDEC_ERROR_NONE; |
| |
| /* Release Lock */ |
| __HAL_UNLOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| /* Return function status */ |
| return HAL_OK; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Initialize the OTFDEC MSP. |
| * @param hotfdec pointer to an OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains |
| * the configuration information for OTFDEC module |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| __weak void HAL_OTFDEC_MspInit(OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef *hotfdec) |
| { |
| /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ |
| UNUSED(hotfdec); |
| |
| /* NOTE : This function should not be modified; when the callback is needed, |
| the HAL_OTFDEC_MspInit can be implemented in the user file. |
| */ |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief DeInitialize OTFDEC MSP. |
| * @param hotfdec pointer to an OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains |
| * the configuration information for OTFDEC module |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| __weak void HAL_OTFDEC_MspDeInit(OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef *hotfdec) |
| { |
| /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ |
| UNUSED(hotfdec); |
| |
| /* NOTE : This function should not be modified; when the callback is needed, |
| the HAL_OTFDEC_MspDeInit can be implemented in the user file. |
| */ |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Register a User OTFDEC Callback |
| * To be used instead of the weak predefined callback |
| * @param hotfdec pointer to an OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains |
| * the configuration information for OTFDEC module |
| * @param CallbackID ID of the callback to be registered |
| * This parameter can be one of the following values: |
| * @arg @ref HAL_OTFDEC_ERROR_CB_ID OTFDEC error callback ID |
| * @arg @ref HAL_OTFDEC_MSPINIT_CB_ID MspInit callback ID |
| * @arg @ref HAL_OTFDEC_MSPDEINIT_CB_ID MspDeInit callback ID |
| * @param pCallback pointer to the Callback function |
| * @retval HAL status |
| */ |
| HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_OTFDEC_RegisterCallback(OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef *hotfdec, HAL_OTFDEC_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID, pOTFDEC_CallbackTypeDef pCallback) |
| { |
| HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK; |
| |
| if (pCallback == NULL) |
| { |
| /* Update the error code */ |
| |
| return HAL_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| if (hotfdec->State == HAL_OTFDEC_STATE_READY) |
| { |
| switch (CallbackID) |
| { |
| hotfdec->ErrorCallback = pCallback; |
| break; |
| |
| hotfdec->MspInitCallback = pCallback; |
| break; |
| |
| hotfdec->MspDeInitCallback = pCallback; |
| break; |
| |
| default : |
| /* Update the error code */ |
| |
| /* Return error status */ |
| status = HAL_ERROR; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| else if (HAL_OTFDEC_STATE_RESET == hotfdec->State) |
| { |
| switch (CallbackID) |
| { |
| hotfdec->MspInitCallback = pCallback; |
| break; |
| |
| hotfdec->MspDeInitCallback = pCallback; |
| break; |
| |
| default : |
| /* Update the error code */ |
| |
| /* Return error status */ |
| status = HAL_ERROR; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| /* Update the error code */ |
| |
| /* Return error status */ |
| status = HAL_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Unregister a OTFDEC Callback |
| * OTFDEC callback is redirected to the weak predefined callback |
| * @param hotfdec pointer to an OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains |
| * the configuration information for OTFDEC module |
| * @param CallbackID ID of the callback to be registered |
| * This parameter can be one of the following values: |
| * @arg @ref HAL_OTFDEC_ERROR_CB_ID OTFDEC error callback ID |
| * @arg @ref HAL_OTFDEC_MSPINIT_CB_ID MspInit callback ID |
| * @arg @ref HAL_OTFDEC_MSPDEINIT_CB_ID MspDeInit callback ID |
| * @retval HAL status |
| */ |
| HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_OTFDEC_UnRegisterCallback(OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef *hotfdec, HAL_OTFDEC_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID) |
| { |
| HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK; |
| |
| if (hotfdec->State == HAL_OTFDEC_STATE_READY) |
| { |
| switch (CallbackID) |
| { |
| hotfdec->ErrorCallback = HAL_OTFDEC_ErrorCallback; |
| break; |
| |
| hotfdec->MspInitCallback = HAL_OTFDEC_MspInit; /* Legacy weak MspInit */ |
| break; |
| |
| hotfdec->MspDeInitCallback = HAL_OTFDEC_MspDeInit; /* Legacy weak MspDeInit */ |
| break; |
| |
| default : |
| /* Update the error code */ |
| |
| /* Return error status */ |
| status = HAL_ERROR; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| else if (HAL_OTFDEC_STATE_RESET == hotfdec->State) |
| { |
| switch (CallbackID) |
| { |
| hotfdec->MspInitCallback = HAL_OTFDEC_MspInit; /* Legacy weak MspInit */ |
| break; |
| |
| hotfdec->MspDeInitCallback = HAL_OTFDEC_MspDeInit; /* Legacy weak MspDeInit */ |
| break; |
| |
| default : |
| /* Update the error code */ |
| |
| /* Return error status */ |
| status = HAL_ERROR; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| /* Update the error code */ |
| |
| /* Return error status */ |
| status = HAL_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /** @defgroup OTFDEC_Exported_Functions_Group2 OTFDEC IRQ handler management |
| * @brief OTFDEC IRQ handler. |
| * |
| @verbatim |
| ============================================================================== |
| ##### OTFDEC IRQ handler management ##### |
| ============================================================================== |
| [..] This section provides OTFDEC IRQ handler function. |
| |
| @endverbatim |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Handle OTFDEC interrupt request. |
| * @param hotfdec pointer to an OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains |
| * the configuration information for OTFDEC module |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| void HAL_OTFDEC_IRQHandler(OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef *hotfdec) |
| { |
| uint32_t isr_reg; |
| |
| isr_reg = READ_REG(hotfdec->Instance->ISR); |
| if ((isr_reg & OTFDEC_ISR_SEIF) == OTFDEC_ISR_SEIF) |
| { |
| SET_BIT( hotfdec->Instance->ICR, OTFDEC_ICR_SEIF ); |
| hotfdec->ErrorCode |= HAL_OTFDEC_SECURITY_ERROR; |
| } |
| { |
| SET_BIT( hotfdec->Instance->ICR, OTFDEC_ICR_XONEIF ); |
| hotfdec->ErrorCode |= HAL_OTFDEC_EXECUTE_ERROR; |
| } |
| if ((isr_reg & OTFDEC_ISR_KEIF) == OTFDEC_ISR_KEIF) |
| { |
| SET_BIT( hotfdec->Instance->ICR, OTFDEC_ICR_KEIF ); |
| hotfdec->ErrorCode |= HAL_OTFDEC_KEY_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| hotfdec->ErrorCallback(hotfdec); |
| #else |
| HAL_OTFDEC_ErrorCallback(hotfdec); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief OTFDEC error callback. |
| * @param hotfdec pointer to an OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains |
| * the configuration information for OTFDEC module |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| __weak void HAL_OTFDEC_ErrorCallback(OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef *hotfdec) |
| { |
| /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ |
| UNUSED(hotfdec); |
| |
| /* NOTE : This function should not be modified; when the callback is needed, |
| the HAL_OTFDEC_ErrorCallback can be implemented in the user file. |
| */ |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| /** @defgroup OTFDEC_Exported_Functions_Group3 Peripheral Control functions |
| * @brief Peripheral control functions. |
| * |
| @verbatim |
| ============================================================================== |
| ##### Peripheral Control functions ##### |
| ============================================================================== |
| [..] |
| This subsection permits to configure the OTFDEC peripheral |
| |
| @endverbatim |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Lock region keys. |
| * @note Writes to this region KEYRx registers are ignored until next OTFDEC reset. |
| * @param hotfdec pointer to an OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains |
| * the configuration information for OTFDEC module |
| * @param RegionIndex index of region the keys of which are locked |
| * @retval HAL state |
| */ |
| HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_OTFDEC_RegionKeyLock(OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef *hotfdec, uint32_t RegionIndex) |
| { |
| OTFDEC_Region_TypeDef * region; |
| uint32_t address; |
| |
| /* Check the parameters */ |
| assert_param(IS_OTFDEC_ALL_INSTANCE(hotfdec->Instance)); |
| assert_param(IS_OTFDEC_REGIONINDEX(RegionIndex)); |
| |
| /* Take Lock */ |
| __HAL_LOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| address = (uint32_t)(hotfdec->Instance) + 0x20U + (0x30U * RegionIndex); |
| region = (OTFDEC_Region_TypeDef *)address; |
| |
| |
| /* Release Lock */ |
| __HAL_UNLOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| /* Status is okay */ |
| return HAL_OK; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Set region keys. |
| * @param hotfdec pointer to an OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains |
| * the configuration information for OTFDEC module |
| * @param RegionIndex index of region the keys of which are set |
| * @param pKey pointer at set of keys |
| * @note The API reads the key CRC computed by the peripheral and compares it with thzt |
| * theoretically expected. An error is reported if they are different. |
| * @retval HAL state |
| */ |
| HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_OTFDEC_RegionSetKey(OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef *hotfdec, uint32_t RegionIndex, uint32_t *pKey) |
| { |
| OTFDEC_Region_TypeDef * region; |
| uint32_t address; |
| |
| /* Check the parameters */ |
| assert_param(IS_OTFDEC_ALL_INSTANCE(hotfdec->Instance)); |
| assert_param(IS_OTFDEC_REGIONINDEX(RegionIndex)); |
| |
| if (pKey == NULL) |
| { |
| return HAL_ERROR; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| /* Take Lock */ |
| __HAL_LOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| address = (uint32_t)(hotfdec->Instance) + 0x20U + (0x30U * RegionIndex); |
| region = (OTFDEC_Region_TypeDef *)address; |
| |
| /* Set Key */ |
| WRITE_REG( region->REG_KEYR0, pKey[0]); |
| |
| __DSB(); |
| __ISB(); |
| |
| WRITE_REG( region->REG_KEYR1, pKey[1]); |
| |
| __DSB(); |
| __ISB(); |
| |
| WRITE_REG( region->REG_KEYR2, pKey[2]); |
| |
| __DSB(); |
| __ISB(); |
| |
| WRITE_REG( region->REG_KEYR3, pKey[3]); |
| |
| /* Compute theoretically expected CRC and compare it with that reported by the peripheral */ |
| if (HAL_OTFDEC_KeyCRCComputation(pKey) != HAL_OTFDEC_RegionGetKeyCRC(hotfdec, RegionIndex)) |
| { |
| /* Release Lock */ |
| __HAL_UNLOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| /* Status is okay */ |
| return HAL_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| /* Release Lock */ |
| __HAL_UNLOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| /* Status is okay */ |
| return HAL_OK; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Set region mode. |
| * @param hotfdec pointer to an OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains |
| * the configuration information for OTFDEC module |
| * @param RegionIndex index of region the mode of which is set |
| * @param mode This parameter can be only: |
| * @arg @ref OTFDEC_REG_MODE_INSTRUCTION_OR_DATA_ACCESSES All read accesses are decrypted (instruction or data) |
| * @arg @ref OTFDEC_REG_MODE_INSTRUCTION_ACCESSES_ONLY_WITH_CIPHER Only instruction accesses are decrypted with proprietary cipher activated |
| * @retval HAL state |
| */ |
| HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_OTFDEC_RegionSetMode(OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef *hotfdec, uint32_t RegionIndex, uint32_t mode) |
| { |
| OTFDEC_Region_TypeDef * region; |
| uint32_t address; |
| |
| /* Check the parameters */ |
| assert_param(IS_OTFDEC_ALL_INSTANCE(hotfdec->Instance)); |
| assert_param(IS_OTFDEC_REGIONINDEX(RegionIndex)); |
| assert_param(IS_OTFDEC_REGION_OPERATING_MODE(mode)); |
| |
| /* Take Lock */ |
| __HAL_LOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| address = (uint32_t)(hotfdec->Instance) + 0x20U + (0x30U * RegionIndex); |
| region = (OTFDEC_Region_TypeDef *)address; |
| |
| /* Set mode */ |
| |
| /* Release Lock */ |
| __HAL_UNLOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| /* Status is okay */ |
| return HAL_OK; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Set region configuration. |
| * @note Region enciphering/deciphering is enabled at the end of this function |
| * @param hotfdec pointer to an OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains |
| * the configuration information for OTFDEC module |
| * @param RegionIndex index of region that is configured |
| * @param Config pointer on structure containing the region configuration parameters |
| * @param lock configuration lock enable or disable parameter |
| * This parameter can be one of the following values: |
| * @arg @ref OTFDEC_REG_CONFIGR_LOCK_DISABLE OTFDEC region configuration is not locked |
| * @arg @ref OTFDEC_REG_CONFIGR_LOCK_ENABLE OTFDEC region configuration is locked |
| * @retval HAL state |
| */ |
| HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_OTFDEC_RegionConfig(OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef *hotfdec, uint32_t RegionIndex, OTFDEC_RegionConfigTypeDef *Config, uint32_t lock) |
| { |
| OTFDEC_Region_TypeDef * region; |
| uint32_t address; |
| |
| /* Check the parameters */ |
| assert_param(IS_OTFDEC_ALL_INSTANCE(hotfdec->Instance)); |
| assert_param(IS_OTFDEC_REGIONINDEX(RegionIndex)); |
| assert_param(IS_OTFDEC_REGION_CONFIG_LOCK(lock)); |
| |
| if (Config == NULL) |
| { |
| return HAL_ERROR; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| |
| /* Take Lock */ |
| __HAL_LOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| address = (uint32_t)(hotfdec->Instance) + 0x20U + (0x30U * RegionIndex); |
| region = (OTFDEC_Region_TypeDef *)address; |
| |
| /* Set Nonce */ |
| WRITE_REG( region->REG_NONCER0, Config->Nonce[0]); |
| |
| WRITE_REG( region->REG_NONCER1, Config->Nonce[1]); |
| |
| /* Write region protected area start and end addresses */ |
| WRITE_REG( region->REG_START_ADDR, Config->StartAddress); |
| |
| WRITE_REG( region->REG_END_ADDR, Config->EndAddress); |
| |
| /* Write Version */ |
| |
| /* Enable region deciphering or enciphering (depending of OTFDEC_CR ENC bit setting) */ |
| |
| /* Lock the region configuration according to lock parameter value */ |
| { |
| } |
| |
| /* Release Lock */ |
| __HAL_UNLOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| /* Status is okay */ |
| return HAL_OK; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Configure OTFDEC attributes. |
| * @note This function sets or resets regions privileged access protection. |
| * @param hotfdec pointer to an OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains |
| * the configuration information for OTFDEC module |
| * @param Attributes This parameter can be only: |
| * @arg @ref OTFDEC_ATTRIBUTE_PRIV Set privileged access protection |
| * @arg @ref OTFDEC_ATTRIBUTE_NPRIV Reset privileged access protection |
| * @retval HAL state |
| */ |
| HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_OTFDEC_ConfigAttributes(OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef *hotfdec, uint32_t Attributes) |
| { |
| /* Check the parameters */ |
| assert_param(IS_OTFDEC_ALL_INSTANCE(hotfdec->Instance)); |
| assert_param(IS_OTFDEC_ATTRIBUTE(Attributes)); |
| |
| /* Take Lock */ |
| __HAL_LOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| MODIFY_REG( hotfdec->Instance->PRIVCFGR, OTFDEC_PRIVCFGR_PRIV, Attributes); |
| |
| /* Release Lock */ |
| __HAL_UNLOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| /* Status is okay */ |
| return HAL_OK; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Compute Key CRC |
| * @param pKey pointer at set of keys |
| * @retval CRC value |
| */ |
| uint32_t HAL_OTFDEC_KeyCRCComputation(uint32_t *pKey) |
| { |
| uint8_t crc7_poly = 0x7; |
| uint32_t key_strobe[4] = {0xAA55AA55U, 0x3U, 0x18U, 0xC0U}; |
| uint8_t i; |
| uint8_t crc = 0; |
| uint32_t j, keyval, k; |
| uint32_t * temp = pKey; |
| |
| for (j = 0U; j < 4U; j++) |
| { |
| keyval = *temp; |
| temp++; |
| if (j == 0U) |
| { |
| keyval ^= key_strobe[0]; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| keyval ^= (key_strobe[j] << 24) | ((uint32_t)crc << 16) | (key_strobe[j] << 8) | crc; |
| } |
| |
| crc = 0; |
| for (i = 0; i < (uint8_t)32; i++) |
| { |
| k = ((((uint32_t)crc >> 7) ^ ((keyval >> ((uint8_t)31-i))&((uint8_t)0xF)))) & 1U; |
| crc <<= 1; |
| if (k != 0U) |
| { |
| crc ^= crc7_poly; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| crc^=(uint8_t)0x55; |
| } |
| |
| return (uint32_t) crc; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Enable peripheral enciphering. |
| * @param hotfdec pointer to an OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains |
| * the configuration information for OTFDEC module |
| * @note By default, deciphering mode is enabled at reset |
| * @retval HAL state |
| */ |
| HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_OTFDEC_EnableEnciphering(OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef *hotfdec) |
| { |
| /* Take Lock */ |
| __HAL_LOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| SET_BIT( hotfdec->Instance->CR, OTFDEC_CR_ENC ); |
| |
| /* Release Lock */ |
| __HAL_UNLOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| /* Status is okay */ |
| return HAL_OK; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Disable peripheral enciphering. |
| * @param hotfdec pointer to an OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains |
| * the configuration information for OTFDEC module |
| * @retval HAL state |
| */ |
| HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_OTFDEC_DisableEnciphering(OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef *hotfdec) |
| { |
| /* Take Lock */ |
| __HAL_LOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| CLEAR_BIT( hotfdec->Instance->CR, OTFDEC_CR_ENC ); |
| |
| /* Release Lock */ |
| __HAL_UNLOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| /* Status is okay */ |
| return HAL_OK; |
| } |
| |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Cipher data. |
| * @param hotfdec pointer to an OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains |
| * the configuration information for OTFDEC module |
| * @param RegionIndex index of region the configuration of which is used to encipher |
| * @param input plain data |
| * @param output ciphered data |
| * @param size plain data size in words |
| * @param start_address starting address in the external memory area where the enciphered data will be eventually stored |
| * @note Region configuration parameters and OTFDEC_CR ENC bit must be set. |
| * @note output pointer points at a temporary area in RAM to store the ciphered data. It is up to the user code |
| * to copy the ciphered data in external RAM once the enciphering process is over. |
| * @retval HAL state |
| */ |
| HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_OTFDEC_Cipher(OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef *hotfdec, uint32_t RegionIndex, uint32_t * input, uint32_t * output, uint32_t size, uint32_t start_address) |
| { |
| uint32_t j; |
| volatile uint32_t * extMem_ptr = (uint32_t *)start_address; |
| uint32_t * in_ptr = input; |
| uint32_t * out_ptr = output; |
| |
| /* Check the parameters */ |
| assert_param(IS_OTFDEC_ALL_INSTANCE(hotfdec->Instance)); |
| assert_param(IS_OTFDEC_REGIONINDEX(RegionIndex)); |
| |
| if ((input == NULL) || (output == NULL) || (size == 0U)) |
| { |
| return HAL_ERROR; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| /* Take Lock */ |
| __HAL_LOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| for (j = 0; j < size; j++) |
| { |
| *extMem_ptr = *in_ptr; |
| in_ptr++; |
| *out_ptr = *extMem_ptr; |
| out_ptr++; |
| extMem_ptr++; |
| } |
| |
| /* Release Lock */ |
| __HAL_UNLOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| /* Status is okay */ |
| return HAL_OK; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Enable region processing (enciphering or deciphering). |
| * @param hotfdec pointer to an OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains |
| * the configuration information for OTFDEC module |
| * @param RegionIndex index of region the enciphering or deciphering is enabled |
| * @note An error is reported when the configuration is locked. |
| * @retval HAL state |
| */ |
| HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_OTFDEC_RegionEnable(OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef *hotfdec, uint32_t RegionIndex) |
| { |
| OTFDEC_Region_TypeDef * region; |
| uint32_t address; |
| |
| /* Check the parameters */ |
| assert_param(IS_OTFDEC_ALL_INSTANCE(hotfdec->Instance)); |
| assert_param(IS_OTFDEC_REGIONINDEX(RegionIndex)); |
| |
| /* Take Lock */ |
| __HAL_LOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| address = (uint32_t)(hotfdec->Instance) + 0x20U + (0x30U * RegionIndex); |
| region = (OTFDEC_Region_TypeDef *)address; |
| |
| { |
| /* Configuration is locked, REG_EN bit can't be modified */ |
| __HAL_UNLOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| return HAL_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| /* Enable region processing */ |
| |
| /* Release Lock */ |
| __HAL_UNLOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| /* Status is okay */ |
| return HAL_OK; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Disable region processing (enciphering or deciphering). |
| * @param hotfdec pointer to an OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains |
| * the configuration information for OTFDEC module |
| * @param RegionIndex index of region the enciphering or deciphering is disabled |
| * @note An error is reported when the configuration is locked. |
| * @retval HAL state |
| */ |
| HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_OTFDEC_RegionDisable(OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef *hotfdec, uint32_t RegionIndex) |
| { |
| OTFDEC_Region_TypeDef * region; |
| uint32_t address; |
| |
| /* Check the parameters */ |
| assert_param(IS_OTFDEC_ALL_INSTANCE(hotfdec->Instance)); |
| assert_param(IS_OTFDEC_REGIONINDEX(RegionIndex)); |
| |
| /* Take Lock */ |
| __HAL_LOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| address = (uint32_t)(hotfdec->Instance) + 0x20U + (0x30U * RegionIndex); |
| region = (OTFDEC_Region_TypeDef *)address; |
| |
| { |
| /* Configuration is locked, REG_EN bit can't be modified */ |
| __HAL_UNLOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| return HAL_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| /* Disable region processing */ |
| |
| /* Release Lock */ |
| __HAL_UNLOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| /* Status is okay */ |
| return HAL_OK; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /** @defgroup OTFDEC_Exported_Functions_Group4 Peripheral State and Status functions |
| * @brief Peripheral State functions. |
| * |
| @verbatim |
| ============================================================================== |
| ##### Peripheral State functions ##### |
| ============================================================================== |
| [..] |
| This subsection permits to get in run-time the status of the peripheral. |
| |
| @endverbatim |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Return the OTFDEC state. |
| * @param hotfdec pointer to an OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains |
| * the configuration information for OTFDEC module |
| * @retval HAL state |
| */ |
| HAL_OTFDEC_StateTypeDef HAL_OTFDEC_GetState(OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef *hotfdec) |
| { |
| return hotfdec->State; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Get OTFDEC configuration attributes. |
| * @note This function returns whether or not the regions access protection is in privileged mode. |
| * @param hotfdec pointer to an OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains |
| * the configuration information for OTFDEC module |
| * @param Attributes pointer to attributes variable. This parameter can be only: |
| * @arg @ref OTFDEC_ATTRIBUTE_PRIV Set privileged access protection |
| * @arg @ref OTFDEC_ATTRIBUTE_NPRIV Reset privileged access protection |
| * @retval HAL state |
| */ |
| HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_OTFDEC_GetConfigAttributes(OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef *hotfdec, uint32_t * Attributes) |
| { |
| /* Check the parameters */ |
| assert_param(IS_OTFDEC_ALL_INSTANCE(hotfdec->Instance)); |
| |
| /* Take Lock */ |
| __HAL_LOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| *Attributes = READ_BIT( hotfdec->Instance->PRIVCFGR, OTFDEC_PRIVCFGR_PRIV); |
| |
| /* Release Lock */ |
| __HAL_UNLOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| /* Status is okay */ |
| return HAL_OK; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Return region keys CRC. |
| * @param hotfdec pointer to an OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains |
| * the configuration information for OTFDEC module |
| * @param RegionIndex index of region the keys CRC of which is read |
| * @retval Key CRC |
| */ |
| uint32_t HAL_OTFDEC_RegionGetKeyCRC(OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef *hotfdec, uint32_t RegionIndex) |
| { |
| OTFDEC_Region_TypeDef * region; |
| uint32_t address; |
| uint32_t keycrc; |
| |
| /* Check the parameters */ |
| assert_param(IS_OTFDEC_ALL_INSTANCE(hotfdec->Instance)); |
| assert_param(IS_OTFDEC_REGIONINDEX(RegionIndex)); |
| |
| address = (uint32_t)(hotfdec->Instance) + 0x20U + (0x30U * RegionIndex); |
| region = (OTFDEC_Region_TypeDef *)address; |
| |
| |
| |
| return keycrc; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Return region configuration parameters. |
| * @param hotfdec pointer to an OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains |
| * the configuration information for OTFDEC module |
| * @param RegionIndex index of region the configuration of which is read |
| * @param Config pointer on structure that will be filled up with the region configuration parameters |
| * @retval HAL state |
| */ |
| HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_OTFDEC_RegionGetConfig(OTFDEC_HandleTypeDef *hotfdec, uint32_t RegionIndex, OTFDEC_RegionConfigTypeDef *Config) |
| { |
| OTFDEC_Region_TypeDef * region; |
| uint32_t address; |
| |
| /* Check the parameters */ |
| assert_param(IS_OTFDEC_ALL_INSTANCE(hotfdec->Instance)); |
| assert_param(IS_OTFDEC_REGIONINDEX(RegionIndex)); |
| |
| if (Config == NULL) |
| { |
| return HAL_ERROR; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| /* Take Lock */ |
| __HAL_LOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| address = (uint32_t)(hotfdec->Instance) + 0x20U + (0x30U * RegionIndex); |
| region = (OTFDEC_Region_TypeDef *)address; |
| |
| /* Read Nonce */ |
| Config->Nonce[0] = READ_REG(region->REG_NONCER0); |
| Config->Nonce[1] = READ_REG(region->REG_NONCER1); |
| |
| /* Read Addresses */ |
| Config->StartAddress = READ_REG(region->REG_START_ADDR); |
| Config->EndAddress = READ_REG(region->REG_END_ADDR); |
| |
| /* Read Version */ |
| |
| /* Release Lock */ |
| __HAL_UNLOCK(hotfdec); |
| |
| /* Status is okay */ |
| return HAL_OK; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| #endif /* OTFDEC1 */ |
| |
| |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |