blob: 2202760741764e9b0a9ac9baa533657bfd83788e [file] [log] [blame]
* @file stm32wbxx_ll_utils.c
* @author MCD Application Team
* @brief UTILS LL module driver.
* @attention
* <h2><center>&copy; Copyright (c) 2019 STMicroelectronics.
* All rights reserved.</center></h2>
* This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
* the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stm32wbxx_ll_utils.h"
#include "stm32wbxx_ll_rcc.h"
#include "stm32wbxx_ll_system.h"
#include "stm32wbxx_ll_pwr.h"
#include "stm32_assert.h"
#define assert_param(expr) ((void)0U)
/** @addtogroup STM32WBxx_LL_Driver
* @{
/** @addtogroup UTILS_LL
* @{
/* Private types -------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private constants ---------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @addtogroup UTILS_LL_Private_Constants
* @{
#define UTILS_MAX_FREQUENCY_SCALE1 64000000U /*!< Maximum frequency for system clock at power scale1, in Hz */
#define UTILS_MAX_FREQUENCY_SCALE2 16000000U /*!< Maximum frequency for system clock at power scale2, in Hz */
/* Defines used for PLL range */
#define UTILS_PLLVCO_INPUT_MIN 4000000U /*!< Frequency min for PLLVCO input, in Hz */
#define UTILS_PLLVCO_INPUT_MAX 16000000U /*!< Frequency max for PLLVCO input, in Hz */
#define UTILS_PLLVCO_OUTPUT_MIN 64000000U /*!< Frequency min for PLLVCO output, in Hz */
#define UTILS_PLLVCO_OUTPUT_MAX 344000000U /*!< Frequency max for PLLVCO output, in Hz */
/* Defines used for HCLK2 frequency check */
#define UTILS_HCLK2_MAX 32000000U /*!< HCLK2 frequency maximum at 32MHz */
* @}
/* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @addtogroup UTILS_LL_Private_Macros
* @{
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_2) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_3) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_4) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_5) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_6) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_8) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_10) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_16) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_32) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_64) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_128) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_256) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_512))
#define IS_LL_UTILS_APB1_DIV(__VALUE__) (((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_APB1_DIV_1) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_APB1_DIV_2) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_APB1_DIV_4) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_APB1_DIV_8) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_APB1_DIV_16))
#define IS_LL_UTILS_APB2_DIV(__VALUE__) (((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_APB2_DIV_1) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_APB2_DIV_2) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_APB2_DIV_4) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_APB2_DIV_8) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_APB2_DIV_16))
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_2) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_3) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_4) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_5) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_6) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_7) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_8))
#define IS_LL_UTILS_PLLN_VALUE(__VALUE__) ((8U <= (__VALUE__)) && ((__VALUE__) <= 86U))
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_3) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_4) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_5) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_6) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_7) \
|| ((__VALUE__) == LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_8))
#define countof(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(*(a)))
* @}
/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup UTILS_LL_Private_Functions UTILS Private functions
* @{
static uint32_t UTILS_GetPLLOutputFrequency(uint32_t PLL_InputFrequency,LL_UTILS_PLLInitTypeDef *UTILS_PLLInitStruct);
static ErrorStatus UTILS_SetFlashLatency(uint32_t HCLK4_Frequency);
static ErrorStatus UTILS_EnablePLLAndSwitchSystem(uint32_t SYSCLK_Frequency, LL_UTILS_ClkInitTypeDef *UTILS_ClkInitStruct);
static ErrorStatus UTILS_PLL_IsBusy(void);
* @}
/* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @addtogroup UTILS_LL_Exported_Functions
* @{
/** @addtogroup UTILS_LL_EF_DELAY
* @{
* @brief This function configures the Cortex-M SysTick source to have 1ms time base.
* @note When a RTOS is used, it is recommended to avoid changing the Systick
* configuration by calling this function, for a delay use rather osDelay RTOS service.
* @param HCLKFrequency HCLK frequency in Hz
* @note HCLK frequency can be calculated thanks to RCC helper macro or function @ref LL_RCC_GetSystemClocksFreq (HCLK1_Frequency field)
* @retval None
void LL_Init1msTick(uint32_t HCLKFrequency)
/* Use frequency provided in argument */
LL_InitTick(HCLKFrequency, 1000);
* @brief This function provides accurate delay (in milliseconds) based
* on SysTick counter flag
* @note When a RTOS is used, it is recommended to avoid using blocking delay
* and use rather osDelay service.
* @note To respect 1ms timebase, user should call @ref LL_Init1msTick function which
* will configure Systick to 1ms
* @param Delay specifies the delay time length, in milliseconds.
* @retval None
void LL_mDelay(uint32_t Delay)
uint32_t mDelay = Delay;
__IO uint32_t tmp = SysTick->CTRL; /* Clear the COUNTFLAG first */
/* Add this code to indicate that local variable is not used */
/* Add a period to guaranty minimum wait */
if (mDelay < LL_MAX_DELAY)
while (mDelay != 0U)
if ((SysTick->CTRL & SysTick_CTRL_COUNTFLAG_Msk) != 0U)
* @}
/** @addtogroup UTILS_EF_SYSTEM
* @brief System Configuration functions
##### System Configuration functions #####
System, HCLK1, HCLK2, AHBS, AHBRF and APB buses clocks configuration
(+) The maximum frequency of the SYSCLK, HCLK1, HCLK4, PCLK1 and PCLK2
is 640000000 Hz.
....... (+) The maximum frequency of the HCLK2 is 320000000 Hz.
Depending on the device voltage range, the maximum frequency should be
adapted accordingly:
(++) HCLK4 clock frequency for STM32WB55xx device
(++) +--------------------------------------------------------+
(++) | Latency | HCLK4 clock frequency (MHz) |
(++) | |--------------------------------------|
(++) | | voltage range 1 | voltage range 2 |
(++) | | 1.2 V | 1.0 V |
(++) |-----------------|-------------------|------------------|
(++) |0WS(1 CPU cycles)| 0 < HCLK4 <= 18 | 0 < HCLK4 <= 6 |
(++) |-----------------|-------------------|------------------|
(++) |1WS(2 CPU cycles)| 18 < HCLK4 <= 36 | 6 < HCLK4 <= 12 |
(++) |-----------------|-------------------|------------------|
(++) |2WS(3 CPU cycles)| 36 < HCLK4 <= 54 | 12 < HCLK4 <= 16|
(++) |-----------------|-------------------|------------------|
(++) |3WS(4 CPU cycles)| 54 < HCLK4 <= 64 | N.A. |
(++) +--------------------------------------------------------+
* @{
* @brief This function sets directly SystemCoreClock CMSIS variable.
* @note Variable can be calculated also through SystemCoreClockUpdate function.
* @param HCLKFrequency HCLK frequency in Hz (can be calculated thanks to RCC helper macro or function @ref LL_RCC_GetSystemClocksFreq (HCLK1_Frequency field))
* @retval None
void LL_SetSystemCoreClock(uint32_t HCLKFrequency)
/* HCLK clock frequency */
SystemCoreClock = HCLKFrequency;
* @brief This function configures system clock with MSI as clock source of the PLL
* @note The application needs to ensure that PLL and PLLSAI1 are disabled.
* @note The application needs to ensure that PLL configuration is valid
* @note The application needs to ensure that MSI range is valid.
* @note The application needs to ensure that BUS prescalers are valid
* @note Function is based on the following formula:
* - PLL output frequency = (((MSI frequency / PLLM) * PLLN) / PLLR)
* - PLLM: ensure that the VCO input frequency ranges from 4 to 16 MHz (PLLVCO_input = MSI frequency / PLLM)
* - PLLN: ensure that the VCO output frequency is between 64 and 344 MHz (PLLVCO_output = PLLVCO_input * PLLN)
* - PLLR: ensure that max frequency at 64000000 Hz is reached (PLLVCO_output / PLLR)
* @param UTILS_PLLInitStruct pointer to a @ref LL_UTILS_PLLInitTypeDef structure that contains
* the configuration information for the PLL.
* @param UTILS_ClkInitStruct pointer to a @ref LL_UTILS_ClkInitTypeDef structure that contains
* the configuration information for the BUS prescalers.
* @retval An ErrorStatus enumeration value:
* - SUCCESS: Max frequency configuration done
* - ERROR: Max frequency configuration not done
ErrorStatus LL_PLL_ConfigSystemClock_MSI(LL_UTILS_PLLInitTypeDef *UTILS_PLLInitStruct,
LL_UTILS_ClkInitTypeDef *UTILS_ClkInitStruct)
ErrorStatus status;
uint32_t pllrfreq, hclk2freq, msi_range;
/* Check if one of the PLL is enabled */
/* Get the current MSI range & check coherency */
msi_range = LL_RCC_MSI_GetRange();
switch (msi_range)
case LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_0: /* MSI = 100 KHz */
case LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_1: /* MSI = 200 KHz */
case LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_2: /* MSI = 400 KHz */
case LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_3: /* MSI = 800 KHz */
case LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_4: /* MSI = 1 MHz */
case LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_5: /* MSI = 2 MHz */
/* PLLVCO input frequency can not in the range from 4 to 16 MHz*/
status = ERROR;
case LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_6: /* MSI = 4 MHz */
case LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_7: /* MSI = 8 MHz */
case LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_8: /* MSI = 16 MHz */
case LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_9: /* MSI = 24 MHz */
case LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_10: /* MSI = 32 MHz */
case LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_11: /* MSI = 48 MHz */
status = SUCCESS;
/* PLL is ready, MSI range is valid and HCLK2 frequency is coherent
Main PLL configuration and activation */
if(status != ERROR)
/* Calculate the new PLL output frequency & verify all PLL stages are correct (VCO input ranges,
VCO output ranges & SYSCLK max) when assert activated */
pllrfreq = UTILS_GetPLLOutputFrequency(__LL_RCC_CALC_MSI_FREQ(msi_range), UTILS_PLLInitStruct);
hclk2freq = __LL_RCC_CALC_HCLK2_FREQ(pllrfreq, UTILS_ClkInitStruct->CPU2CLKDivider);
/* Check HCLK2 frequency coherency */
if (hclk2freq > UTILS_HCLK2_MAX)
/* HCLK2 frequency can not be higher than 32Mhz */
status = ERROR;
/* Enable MSI if not enabled */
if(LL_RCC_MSI_IsReady() != 1U)
while ((LL_RCC_MSI_IsReady() != 1U))
/* Wait for MSI ready */
/* Configure PLL domain SYS */
/* Enable PLL and switch system clock to PLL - latency check done internally */
status = UTILS_EnablePLLAndSwitchSystem(pllrfreq, UTILS_ClkInitStruct);
/* Current PLL configuration cannot be modified */
status = ERROR;
return status;
* @brief This function configures system clock at maximum frequency with HSI as clock source of the PLL
* @note The application need to ensure that PLL and/or PLLSAI1 are disabled.
* @note The application needs to ensure that PLL configuration is valid
* @note The application needs to ensure that BUS prescalers are valid
* @note Function is based on the following formula:
* - PLL output frequency = (((HSI frequency / PLLM) * PLLN) / PLLR)
* - PLLM: ensure that the VCO input frequency ranges from 4 to 16 MHz (PLLVCO_input = HSI frequency / PLLM)
* - PLLN: ensure that the VCO output frequency is between 64 and 344 MHz (PLLVCO_output = PLLVCO_input * PLLN)
* - PLLR: ensure that max frequency at 64000000 Hz is reach (PLLVCO_output / PLLR)
* @param UTILS_PLLInitStruct pointer to a @ref LL_UTILS_PLLInitTypeDef structure that contains
* the configuration information for the PLL.
* @param UTILS_ClkInitStruct pointer to a @ref LL_UTILS_ClkInitTypeDef structure that contains
* the configuration information for the BUS prescalers.
* @retval An ErrorStatus enumeration value:
* - SUCCESS: Max frequency configuration done
* - ERROR: Max frequency configuration not done
ErrorStatus LL_PLL_ConfigSystemClock_HSI(LL_UTILS_PLLInitTypeDef *UTILS_PLLInitStruct,
LL_UTILS_ClkInitTypeDef *UTILS_ClkInitStruct)
ErrorStatus status;
uint32_t pllrfreq, hclk2freq;
/* Check if one of the PLL is enabled */
/* Calculate the new PLL output frequency */
pllrfreq = UTILS_GetPLLOutputFrequency(HSI_VALUE, UTILS_PLLInitStruct);
hclk2freq = __LL_RCC_CALC_HCLK2_FREQ(pllrfreq, UTILS_ClkInitStruct->CPU2CLKDivider);
/* Check HCLK2 frequency coherency */
if (hclk2freq > UTILS_HCLK2_MAX)
/* HCLK2 frequency can not be higher than 32Mhz */
status = ERROR;
/* Enable HSI if not enabled */
if(LL_RCC_HSI_IsReady() != 1U)
while (LL_RCC_HSI_IsReady() != 1U)
/* Wait for HSI ready */
/* Configure PLL */
/* Enable PLL and switch system clock to PLL */
status = UTILS_EnablePLLAndSwitchSystem(pllrfreq, UTILS_ClkInitStruct);
/* Current PLL configuration cannot be modified */
status = ERROR;
return status;
* @brief This function configures system clock with HSE as clock source of the PLL
* @note The application need to ensure that PLL and/or PLLSAI1 are disabled.
* @note The application needs to ensure that PLL configuration is valid
* @note The application needs to ensure that BUS prescalers are valid
* @note Function is based on the following formula:
* - PLL output frequency = (((HSE frequency / PLLM) * PLLN) / PLLR)
* - PLLM: ensure that the VCO input frequency ranges from 4 to 16 MHz (PLLVCO_input = HSE frequency / PLLM)
* - PLLN: ensure that the VCO output frequency is between 64 and 344 MHz (PLLVCO_output = PLLVCO_input * PLLN)
* - PLLR: ensure that max frequency at 64000000 Hz is reached (PLLVCO_output / PLLR)
* @param HSEBypass This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @param UTILS_PLLInitStruct pointer to a @ref LL_UTILS_PLLInitTypeDef structure that contains
* the configuration information for the PLL.
* @param UTILS_ClkInitStruct pointer to a @ref LL_UTILS_ClkInitTypeDef structure that contains
* the configuration information for the BUS prescalers.
* @retval An ErrorStatus enumeration value:
* - SUCCESS: Max frequency configuration done
* - ERROR: Max frequency configuration not done
ErrorStatus LL_PLL_ConfigSystemClock_HSE(uint32_t HSEBypass,LL_UTILS_PLLInitTypeDef *UTILS_PLLInitStruct, LL_UTILS_ClkInitTypeDef *UTILS_ClkInitStruct)
ErrorStatus status;
uint32_t pllrfreq, hclk2freq;
/* Check the parameters */
/* Check if one of the PLL is enabled */
/* Calculate the new PLL output frequency */
pllrfreq = UTILS_GetPLLOutputFrequency(HSE_VALUE, UTILS_PLLInitStruct);
hclk2freq = __LL_RCC_CALC_HCLK2_FREQ(pllrfreq, UTILS_ClkInitStruct->CPU2CLKDivider);
/* Check HCLK2 frequency coherency */
if (hclk2freq > UTILS_HCLK2_MAX)
/* HCLK2 frequency can not be higher than 32Mhz */
status = ERROR;
/* Enable HSE if not enabled */
if(LL_RCC_HSE_IsReady() != 1U)
/* Check if need to enable HSE bypass feature or not */
/* Enable HSE */
while (LL_RCC_HSE_IsReady() != 1U)
/* Wait for HSE ready */
/* Configure PLL */
/* Enable PLL and switch system clock to PLL */
status = UTILS_EnablePLLAndSwitchSystem(pllrfreq, UTILS_ClkInitStruct);
/* Current PLL configuration cannot be modified */
status = ERROR;
return status;
* @}
* @}
/** @addtogroup UTILS_LL_Private_Functions
* @{
* @brief Update number of Flash wait states in line with new frequency and current
voltage range.
* @param HCLK4_Frequency HCLK4 frequency
* @retval An ErrorStatus enumeration value:
* - SUCCESS: Latency has been modified
* - ERROR: Latency cannot be modified
static ErrorStatus UTILS_SetFlashLatency(uint32_t HCLK4_Frequency)
ErrorStatus status = SUCCESS;
uint32_t latency = LL_FLASH_LATENCY_0; /* default value 0WS */
uint16_t index;
/* Array used for FLASH latency according to HCLK4 Frequency */
/* Flash Clock source (HCLK4) range in MHz with a VCORE is range1 */
const uint32_t UTILS_CLK_SRC_RANGE_VOS1[] = {18000000U, 36000000U, 54000000U, UTILS_MAX_FREQUENCY_SCALE1};
/* Flash Clock source (HCLK4) range in MHz with a VCORE is range2 */
const uint32_t UTILS_CLK_SRC_RANGE_VOS2[] = {6000000U, 12000000U, UTILS_MAX_FREQUENCY_SCALE2};
/* Flash Latency range */
/* Frequency cannot be equal to 0 */
if(HCLK4_Frequency == 0U)
status = ERROR;
if(LL_PWR_GetRegulVoltageScaling() == LL_PWR_REGU_VOLTAGE_SCALE1)
for(index = 0; index < countof(UTILS_CLK_SRC_RANGE_VOS1); index++)
if(HCLK4_Frequency <= UTILS_CLK_SRC_RANGE_VOS1[index])
latency = UTILS_LATENCY_RANGE[index];
else /* SCALE2 */
for(index = 0; index < countof(UTILS_CLK_SRC_RANGE_VOS2); index++)
if(HCLK4_Frequency <= UTILS_CLK_SRC_RANGE_VOS2[index])
latency = UTILS_LATENCY_RANGE[index];
/* Check that the new number of wait states is taken into account to access the Flash
memory by reading the FLASH_ACR register */
while (LL_FLASH_GetLatency() != latency)
return status;
* @brief Function to check that PLL can be modified
* @param PLL_InputFrequency PLL input frequency (in Hz)
* @param UTILS_PLLInitStruct pointer to a @ref LL_UTILS_PLLInitTypeDef structure that contains
* the configuration information for the PLL.
* @retval PLL output frequency (in Hz)
static uint32_t UTILS_GetPLLOutputFrequency(uint32_t PLL_InputFrequency, LL_UTILS_PLLInitTypeDef *UTILS_PLLInitStruct)
uint32_t pllfreq;
/* Check the parameters */
/* Check different PLL parameters according to RM */
/* - PLLM: ensure that the VCO input frequency ranges from 4 to 16 MHz. */
pllfreq = PLL_InputFrequency / (((UTILS_PLLInitStruct->PLLM >> RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLM_Pos) + 1U));
/* - PLLN: ensure that the VCO output frequency is between 64 and 344 MHz.*/
pllfreq = pllfreq * (UTILS_PLLInitStruct->PLLN & (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLN >> RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLN_Pos));
/* - PLLR: ensure that max frequency at 64000000 Hz is reached */
pllfreq = pllfreq / ((UTILS_PLLInitStruct->PLLR >> RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLR_Pos) + 1U);
return pllfreq;
* @brief Function to check that PLL can be modified
* @retval An ErrorStatus enumeration value:
* - SUCCESS: PLL modification can be done
* - ERROR: PLL is busy
static ErrorStatus UTILS_PLL_IsBusy(void)
ErrorStatus status = SUCCESS;
/* Check if PLL is busy*/
if(LL_RCC_PLL_IsReady() != 0U)
/* PLL configuration cannot be modified */
status = ERROR;
/* Check if PLLSAI1 is busy*/
if(LL_RCC_PLLSAI1_IsReady() != 0U)
/* PLLSAI1 configuration cannot be modified */
status = ERROR;
return status;
* @brief Function to enable PLL and switch system clock to PLL
* @param SYSCLK_Frequency SYSCLK frequency
* @param UTILS_ClkInitStruct pointer to a @ref LL_UTILS_ClkInitTypeDef structure that contains
* the configuration information for the BUS prescalers.
* @retval An ErrorStatus enumeration value:
* - SUCCESS: No problem to switch system to PLL
* - ERROR: Problem to switch system to PLL
static ErrorStatus UTILS_EnablePLLAndSwitchSystem(uint32_t SYSCLK_Frequency, LL_UTILS_ClkInitTypeDef *UTILS_ClkInitStruct)
ErrorStatus status = SUCCESS;
uint32_t hclks_frequency_target, hclks_frequency_current, sysclk_current;
/* Calculate HCLK4 frequency based on SYSCLK_Frequency target */
hclks_frequency_target = __LL_RCC_CALC_HCLK4_FREQ(SYSCLK_Frequency, UTILS_ClkInitStruct->AHB4CLKDivider);
/* Calculate HCLK4 frequency current */
sysclk_current = (SystemCoreClock * AHBPrescTable[(LL_RCC_GetAHBPrescaler() & RCC_CFGR_HPRE) >> RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos]);
hclks_frequency_current = __LL_RCC_CALC_HCLK4_FREQ(sysclk_current, LL_RCC_GetAHB4Prescaler());
/* Increasing the number of wait states because of higher CPU frequency */
if(hclks_frequency_current < hclks_frequency_target)
/* Set FLASH latency to highest latency */
status = UTILS_SetFlashLatency(hclks_frequency_target);
/* Update system clock configuration */
if(status == SUCCESS)
/* Enable PLL */
while (LL_RCC_PLL_IsReady() != 1U)
/* Wait for PLL ready */
/* Sysclk activation on the main PLL */
/* Wait for system clock switch to PLL */
/* Set APB1 & APB2 prescaler*/
/* Decreasing the number of wait states because of lower CPU frequency */
if(hclks_frequency_current > hclks_frequency_target)
/* Set FLASH latency to lowest latency */
status = UTILS_SetFlashLatency(hclks_frequency_target);
/* Update SystemCoreClock variable */
if(status == SUCCESS)
LL_SetSystemCoreClock(__LL_RCC_CALC_HCLK1_FREQ(SYSCLK_Frequency, UTILS_ClkInitStruct->CPU1CLKDivider));
return status;
* @}
* @}
* @}
/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/