initial checkin of skydoc skylark rule
diff --git a/BUILD b/BUILD
index a8f9c00..70f0b5b 100644
--- a/BUILD
+++ b/BUILD
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
load("//:skylark_library.bzl", "skylark_library")
+load("//:skydoc.bzl", "skydoc")
@@ -41,3 +42,12 @@
name = "skylark_library",
srcs = ["skylark_library.bzl"],
+ name = "skydoc_doc",
+ target_file = ":skydoc.bzl",
+ deps = [":skylark_library"],
+ rule_names = ["skydoc"],
+ out = "skydoc_doc.txt",
index 5458cd5..9a3d36d 100644
@@ -1 +1,13 @@
workspace(name = "bazel_skylib")
+ name = "io_bazel",
+ remote = "",
+ commit = "6964a0b68444333ed13a355a7f6799adb931b4aa",
+ name = "com_google_protobuf",
+ strip_prefix = "protobuf-3.5.1",
+ urls = [""],
diff --git a/skydoc.bzl b/skydoc.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f53e209
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skydoc.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+"""Rules for generating skylark documentation"""
+load(":skylark_library.bzl", "SkylarkLibraryInfo")
+def _skydoc_impl(ctx):
+ """Implementation of the skydoc rule."""
+ out_file = ctx.outputs.out
+ input_files = depset(order = "postorder", direct = [ctx.files.target_file[0]], transitive = [
+ dep[SkylarkLibraryInfo].transitive_srcs
+ for dep in ctx.attr.deps
+ ])
+ args = [
+ str(ctx.files.target_file[0].owner),
+ ctx.outputs.out.path,
+ ] + ctx.attr.rule_names
+ skydoc = ctx.executable.skydoc
+ outputs = [out_file],
+ inputs = input_files,
+ executable = skydoc,
+ arguments = args,
+ mnemonic = "Skydoc",
+ progress_message = ("Generating Skylark doc for %s" %
+ (,
+ )
+skydoc = rule(
+ _skydoc_impl,
+ doc = """
+Generates documentation for exported skylark rule definitions in a target skylark file.
+ attrs = {
+ "target_file": attr.label(
+ doc = "The skylark file to generate documentation for.",
+ allow_files = [".bzl"],
+ ),
+ "deps": attr.label_list(
+ doc = "A list of skylark_library dependencies which target_file depends on.",
+ providers = [SkylarkLibraryInfo],
+ allow_files = False,
+ ),
+ "out": attr.output(
+ doc = "The file to which documentation will be output.",
+ mandatory = True,
+ ),
+ "rule_names": attr.string_list(
+ doc = """
+A list of rule names to generate documentation for. These should correspond to
+the names of exported symbols for rule definitions in the target file. If this list
+is empty, then documentation for all exported rule definitions will be generated.
+ default = [],
+ ),
+ "skydoc": attr.label(
+ doc = "The location of the skydoc tool.",
+ allow_files = True,
+ default = Label("@io_bazel//src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/skydoc"),
+ cfg = "host",
+ executable = True,
+ ),
+ },