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<a name="#shell.array_literal"></a>
## shell.array_literal
shell.array_literal(<a href="#shell.array_literal-iterable">iterable</a>)
Creates a string from a sequence that can be used as a shell array.
For example, `shell.array_literal(["a", "b", "c"])` would return the string
`("a" "b" "c")`, which can be used in a shell script wherever an array
literal is needed.
Note that all elements in the array are quoted (using `shell.quote`) for
safety, even if they do not need to be.
| Name | Description | Default Value |
| :-------------: | :-------------: | :-------------: |
| iterable | A sequence of elements. Elements that are not strings will be converted to strings first, by calling <code>str()</code>. | none |
<a name="#shell.quote"></a>
## shell.quote
shell.quote(<a href="#shell.quote-s">s</a>)
Quotes the given string for use in a shell command.
This function quotes the given string (in case it contains spaces or other
shell metacharacters.)
| Name | Description | Default Value |
| :-------------: | :-------------: | :-------------: |
| s | The string to quote. | none |